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<br /> � �pplic�bk taw m�y spocify for rciiutatement)befcx+a aale of the Fr�perty purawnt ro any power of aWe cont�i�wd in tbi�
<br /> � Socurity Lu�wrn�ent:or(b)entry of 4 Jud�meuc enforctn�thfa Secwity Insmment 'll�oce comlitfons are tfu�t Bor�ower. (a)
<br /> p�ys Lender Wl sums whtcit then would be due under this Security Inswrnent and the Note as if no acceler�tion had
<br /> � accwt+ed;(b)cures any default of any other covenants or agceements;(cl paysall expenses incurred in enforcing this Security
<br /> • � l�tryuwnt, inctudin�,but not limited to.rcysw►abtc ectomeye'feea; and (Oi �akes such action swv Lendcr may rcasonabl,y
<br /> rcquirt to assure Uw the iien of lhis Security Inswmeat.Lcnderk rights i�t4e P�openy and Borrowcr's obligation to p�y the
<br />- "=- -- --- =°-" aums sxu�l by �his 5ecur+ty Instrwnenc sh:�Jl cwi�we unchanged, Upon rcinstutement by Horrower, Ihiq Security
<br /> h�sw�r�ent and the oblf�ations secured Mereby shall rcmain fully effxtive m if ao acceferodon had accurred. Howevu,this
<br /> ri�ht to reinatete shall not appty in the case of ucceleration under pangraph Ii.
<br />- - 19. S�le vt Note;C�e ot Lv�o Servker. 'fhe Note a' a partial'nuerest in the Notc(together with thia Secudty
<br /> lnsaurnent) rnr�y be sold one or more timea without prior notice to BoROwer. A sele muy result in A change in the endty
<br /> (lux�wn te�the"Loan ServiceP')that collects manthlY paYmen4v due under tk Note and thls Securiry Inswment. There also
<br /> may be ope a more changes of the l.oan Servlcer unrelated to a ss�le of Ihe Note, If there is u change of the Loan Servicer,
<br /> '-`- - - _ -�' Borrower will be glven wriaen notice of the chaage in uccorclarne with pangraph 14 abovc und upplicabie law. The notice
<br /> w111 state the�and eddress of the new Loan Servicer a;xl tbe oddress to which payments should be made. 1be notice will
<br /> � also co�win any other information required by applicable law.
<br /> - - 2p� 1lazardous 3ub�aoces. Bor.ower shall not cause or permit the prcsence.use,disposal,storage.or relea4e of any
<br /> Nazardous 3ubctances on or in the Propeny. Rorrower shall no[do. nor allow anyone else to do,anything affecting the
<br /> P�operty tl�at is in violation of any L4'nvironmental Law. The preceding twosentences shall not apply to the presence.use.or
<br /> swcage on the Rn}rrty of smal!quantides of Hazardous Subsztances ihat�-e�ener�lly recoQnized w be appropriate to nw'rnal
<br />, � _ _ _ __ _ -_ mside�dal uses and to nmiutenance of the Property.
<br /> , Barower sdalt promptly give Lender written notice af any investigat im,claim,demand.luwsuit or wher ucaon by any
<br /> � govemmental oc regulatory agency or private party involving the Property uid any Hazardous Substance or Bnvironmental
<br /> -- _ Law of whjch Barower has actual knowiedge. If Borrower leams,or a notified by any govemmentul or regulacory
<br /> �°_°•-� - authority,�hat any removal or olher remediadon of any Hazaudous Subst�nce affecting the Propeny is necessary.Borrower
<br /> - ---_-- shall pmmptly talce all necessary remediat acaons in accordance with Enviromental Law.
<br /> ,,,���� As used in this paragrpph 20."Hazardous Substanccs'w'e those subatances detined as toxic or hezardous substances by
<br /> Enviraunentat Law and the foUowing substunces: gasoline.kerosene,othr flammable or toaic peuolcum products,toxic
<br /> - pesticides ant!hcrbicidcs. volatile solvents,matcriuls conteining asbestos a formaldehydc, and radioactive materials. As
<br /> — -- used in this para8raph 20."Environmentnl Law"menns federal IawsecW la�vsof the�urisdicuon where the Property is locatc�
<br /> that relate to health,safery a environmental protection.
<br /> — — NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further cove�ant and agrec as foll�ws:
<br /> 21. Acceleratioo; Remedies. 4eoder s1�11 Q[ve ootice to Bw�rower prlor tv acceleration tollowing Borrower's
<br /> �s!sa,Y e8reasat Qs�i 4a t61s SecsrE�y lasl�t�E lA�•t nt prior to�ecereratbn u0der P�'�ge'apb l7
<br /> �.�;ti�,;,� unless rpplicaple law provWes ot6erwise). Tde notice sMall speclf�: (a)Ibr defaulh,(b1 the action required to cure tbe
<br /> -��.,.��� detaWt;(c)a d�+te,nat lesr tlwu 30 days i�an t6e date the notice iv g�vn to Borrowe�,by whk6lhr�Paull�nust be
<br /> -�--=�-=�L �� cured;aad(d)that tailure to cure the default un ur beCare the da►e speclGed i�tbe notice may result fa acceleradon of
<br /> ;�' ` tLe sums secured by this Security lostrument and sole oP t6e Prupert,c T6e notice shall iurther inPorm Borrower of
<br /> Ka'
<br /> ;,�;,�,� the rigAt W reinslate ofter acceleratioo nnd thr rigAt to bring�court a�it�o to a�seM t6e oon-existeoce oP s default or
<br /> — ,,,,,;,�,; any ot6er defease vf Borrower to acceler�tbn s�ad�le. If the default 6 nd cured on or before the date speci0ed in
<br /> n
<br /> �� • .:...}...�' t6e oottce,Lender at its opibn muy require immedi�te paymeot In fnll oto�l sums secured by tbLs Security Instrumeat
<br /> _� {��4�- e without turther demand aml may invoke the power of s91e aud any�tt�er remedies permitted by applkrble law
<br /> Leodee shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuiog tle remedies provided io tWs par�raph 2l.
<br /> iocludiug,but nat I�mited ta reasons�bk attorneys'fees and casta of titteevideoce.
<br />__ ; , It the power ot sale Ls invoked.'lfustce shall rerord a uoticc ot default in each couaty in whkh any put oP tbe
<br /> �•��� � x�- property ls Iocated aud shall owil copies of such uotice in tbe m�uner pnsc ribed by appltcable law tu Borrower and to
<br /> -� �• the otLee persoos prescribed by applicAble law. After Ihe tiwe required by applicable law.Trustee shaU�ive public
<br /> ,� '. aMice of ss�le tv the persous and in the maaner presrribed Dy applicable law. '[l�ustee,witAout demtind on Borrower,
<br /> - � '�'�'° �� "' shall seU t6e Property s►t public auction to the 6ighest bldder at the lirne ond pince and under t6e terms destgnated In
<br /> � � ��•`�� ��� � t6e ootice ots�le in one or more parcels s�nd ia any order 'ttustee dMcralnes. 71�u.stee m�y postpooe sale oP�l�or any
<br />_ �: �
<br /> i-,..,.a� .. parcel ot We Property by publk anaouoceu�eot�t the Ifu�e r+ud plsce d ooy previwsly scbeduled sale. lxoder or its
<br /> =s�*s. ..: desi�oee awy purchase tl�e Property at auy sale.
<br /> ;�_;,,.,�,_�. °„_,,. Upoo nreipt ot paymeot of the price bW,7Yuvtee s6all deliver tv the purchaser'll�ustee's deed rnnveyiag the
<br /> �^�� • � Property. The recitals io the'll�ustee's deed sh�U be nrtma facieevidentt uPlhr Iruth uf the stytenrents m�de tl�erein.
<br /> -.-��°'.�:_' .. . 'llrurter s�all app�y the pru��eeds ot We sWe iu the fuUowh�ader: la) tudi custY+u�d expea�ex ot exerci4in�tl�power
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