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<br /> � periads that Lender rcquires, Tho iosu�w�ce ca�rler provldinQ the insurance chatl bo chusen by Borrowcr subject to Lenderk
<br /> �pprovAl which ahail not bo unreason�bly withhcld. If Bamower fails to o�aintain covenge descrlbed abovo,l,ender may.�t
<br /> _ � Lenderk op�ion.obtain coverage to pnxect Lenderk righta in thc Property in accardance with para�raph 7.
<br /> � All insurance polic[es ancl nenewpls Rhall be ecceptable to Lender und shull include a s�andard mcxtgage clauxe. Lender
<br /> � shall have the�i�ht to hald the policies and renewAls. !f l�e�uler requires,Barower shall pramptly Qive ta Lender all�ecelpts
<br /> _— of paid prcmlums end rcnowal noticex. In�he event of loss,Borrower hhall Qive prompt notice to tho iaFUrance c�rtier md
<br /> � ----- - -' Lender. l.ender may matce proof of Ioss if nat made promptly by Borrower. `
<br /> Uoless Lender ard Harower ott►envise agree in wdting,inaurwice pra�eeds shull be opplied to reatorwtion ur repair of
<br /> �:x - the Property damaged,if the restoration or r+epair is economicully feasible und Lender'�secu�ity is not lessened. If�
<br /> restomtion or repelr ia not economicully feasible or Lenderh secu�ty would be lessened,the insurance proce¢ds shall be
<br /> � applied to tho sums isaured by this Secud►y Insirument,whether or not then due, wfth uny excess paid to Borrower. If
<br /> Burrowec abandona the PropeRy,or dces not unawer wilhin 30 duys a notice from Lender that the insurance cartler has
<br /> - — offered ta settle�clsim,then Lender may collect the insurance praceeds. Lender ms�y use�he pnx:c^ed,�tu r�palr or restare -
<br /> �------ �he Property or to pay aums zecwod by this Secudty lnswment,whethe�or not tl�en due. 7'he 30-day pe�Iad will be�in when
<br /> the nodce is given.
<br /> �nless Lender ond Borrower otlierwise agree in writing,any upplica�ion of praceeds to principal shull not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of tho monthly payments►eferred to in paragmphs 1 and 2 or change the amount af the payments. If
<br /> under pars►graph 2! tlu Property is acquired by Lender,Bomawerk right to eny insurance poNcies und praceeds resulting
<br /> from damege to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the eztent of 1he suma secured by Ihis Security
<br /> _____.__ Inctrument lmmediately pdor to the acquisido�.
<br /> - --- ------=r�n 6. Oceupsncy. PraervaUon, Meinteaaace ond Protectbn of the PropeNy; Barrawer'e Lain Applicatioo;
<br /> - - Leaseholds. Boirower ehall occupy.estabUsh,stnd use the PropeRy as 8orrowerb principal residence within sixry duys after �
<br /> - -_ -= the execution of this Secudry Instrument and ahall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower�s pdnclpal res�dence for at
<br /> ., �;,,,,.,,,,�,��, least one yeu after 1he date of occupancy, unless Lender othenvise ugrees in writing, which consent shall not be
<br />.,.:.:�a�;;�j�`.`�, unreasonubly withhald,or unless extenuatfng circumstances exist which are beyond Bortower's cantrol. 8arower shall not
<br /> destmy.dumage or impai�the Property,allow the Property to deteriorate,or cornmit w�cte on�he Property. Borrower shall
<br /> =����� be in default if t+ny fadeiture action or pmceeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun lhat in Lenderk good faith judgment -
<br />�:���-�" ; could result in fodeituro of the Property or othervvlse mArerially impair the lien crcated by this Securily Instrument or
<br /> '+ � Lenderb security lntercst. Borrower may cure such a default and reinstute,as provided in paragrnph I8,by causing the action
<br /> or praceeding to be dismissed with a nding that,in Lender's good fuith detem�inatlon.precludes forfelture of�he Bortower's
<br /> - - interest in the Properry or other material Impairtnent of the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender�securlry
<br /> _� interest. Borrower siu►11 alw be in default if Horrower. dudng the loan upplication process, gave materially false or
<br /> --- � inaccurate informatton or s�atementa ta Lender(or foiled to provide Lender with siny matenal information)in connection wlth
<br /> ��• ,. �,;-� iirc Ioan ovi�femai by ti�c Nutn, i�t�:iuSi��g, i►ut iwt fi�ii{ic�i ta. representations conc�ming Sorrowcr� occapssscy af ihe
<br /> °= ���=•°'�' Property as a principal re�idence. lf this Security Instniment is on a leasehold.Borrower shull comply with ull the provisions
<br /> � "'���"'�`� ` �-`�;;' of the lease. If Bortower ucyuires fec tide to the Property,the leusehald and�he fee title shall not merge unless Let�der agrees �`
<br /> - �''��`�'" ���•,�,; .e•. w the merger in wri�ing.
<br /> . .
<br />;�,r ,���{ti,�. ' ' ° 7. Protecdon oT l.ender's Rights in the Propeny. If Borrowcr fails to perform the covenants and agreements
<br />__ *• �••�� �•• •••� contnined in tbis Security Insuvment, or�here is u IegAI praceeding thAt may significantly affect Lender's rights in the
<br /> _ , �'""'"`: Property(such as u praceeding in bankniptcy,prabate,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforee laws or regulations).Ihen
<br /> ���,,;,,..,�,�� Lender may do and p�y for whatever is necessury to protect the vulue of the Property and Lender�rights i�the Propeny.
<br />- - _ -- L.ender�actions may include paying any sums secun�i by a lien which hus priority over this SecuritJ�Inswment, appearing -
<br /> _ ' �__, � �, in court,puying rensonuble attumeys'fees and entering on the Propeny to make repuirs. Although Lender may talce action -
<br /> under this pivagmph 7,Lender dces not huve to do so.
<br /> � r'���� ���:� ,, Any umounts disbursed by Lender under this parugruph 7 shall become udditional debt af Burrower secured by Ihis -
<br />.. '�1Y"..:b
<br />- ��•��� �-- � - Security Instrumen�. Unless Borrower und Lender ugree to other tem�s of pu yment,thesc c�mounls shall bear interest from the
<br /> �' ;��r�.,�'"';�; � dute of disbursement ot the Note rute ond yhull be payuble,with interest, upon notice from Lender to Bomowe�reques�ing
<br />-s• .,,�+ia�'�.::4'...::.:.: ',.. payment. `
<br />•- ,,,�„ ," >:,. .. S. Martgage losurance. If Lender r+equired mangAge insurance ati u cundition of muking Ihe loan secured by Ihis
<br /> - � '"'_� ° d Securiry Instrument, Borrower shall p;ry the premiums reyuired to muintuin the mongage insurance in effect. If,for any
<br /> _ ��!��� � reasan, the mongage insurunce coveroge reyuired by Ixnder lupses ar ceases to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the
<br /> - i �� . .,. � ,. �,�t. �.. premiums required to obtain coverc�ge substuntiully eyuivalent to the monguge insurunce previously in effect, at u cost
<br /> • , substantially equivWent to the cost to Borrower of the mortguge insurnnce previously in effert,from an altemate mortgage _
<br /> _�'� tl���,;�;:t,. �. insurer upproved by Lender. If substantisdly eyuivalent mortgage imurunce coveruge is not availuble,Borrower shall pay to
<br /> -.�._. Lender each month u surn eyuul to one-twelfth of the yeorly mortgaFe insurnnce premium being puid by Borrower when the
<br /> "��` � � • insurunce covernge I�psed or ceused to be in eifecl. Lender will uccept,use and Ktain these paynnenls us a los�resrrve in lieu
<br /> ~ " of mort o e insurance. Loss reserve a men�x mu no lun �r tx re uircd,ut the a tion of Lendrr,if mort u e insurunce
<br />-'4 �,�: ��, _ � . 8 B P Y Y 8' 9 � P� 8 8
<br /> � , ,�f=�, covernge(in the umount suid for the period thut Lendrr rcyuires) provided by Ln in.rumr upproved by Lender again becomes
<br /> i�. , ., uvailable und is obwined. Borrowcr shull puy thr premiums reyuirrd to muintuin mortgu�!e msurunre m effect.or to provide u
<br /> °,, � loss reserve,until the reyuirement for monguge ingurunce rnds in uccordurne wilh uny written u�rcemrnt between Borrower =
<br /> n� � �„ � and Lender or upplicuble luw. -
<br /> ' , 9. Inspection. Lender or its ngent muy mukr rcasonublc rnlrics upon and impectionx of the Rvpeny. Lender shull
<br /> ~ ., give Borrower notice nl the time of or prior to un inspertiun ti�x�it'ying masonablr rau.e i'ur thr intipec�ion. _
<br /> ,,
<br /> . 10. Condemaatlon. The proceedti of uny uwurd or cluim ti�r dama�cs,dinc�or conseyuentiul,in runneclion with any
<br /> �... �. .' Single F,unily..F�nole N�elFYeddk S1ur UNIh'ORM 11tiTRU�1E\1'-•Unit�,nn('�wenant, 9/9D Ipu.¢e.�n/o/�uRrsl —
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