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<br /> _-�__ __._._.____ �. �� � ��y ��a. Borrower sfwll keep the improvemer�ls novr exiuing ar hereafler eroctad on 1he
<br /> Prnperty incutod�ainat 1�.� by tiro, hoxarda includod within thc term "extended caverage" atKl orty dher haTard�. includin�
<br /> fladc or floodin�, for which Lende�rcyuirea insurance. Thia inxurancc rhull hr rrwintaned in Ihe wix►unts and for the period�
<br /> Ihut L.cnticr rcquire►. Thc iiucurwxc rurricr pruviJing thc in+uruucc+hull t►e chuscn by&�rruwcr�ubj�tit to L.e�xicr'b approvul
<br /> --- which rlwll nut be unrcasAxwbly withheld. It'!�►rrower fuilh a� nu�intain cover+�ge deurilx�l ui+ove, Ix�xier nwy,ut Lender'r
<br /> aptian.abtain rnverage to p�txt Lender'c eights in thc Pmpeny in ac�Y�rdanco with paragrwph 7.
<br /> _- ���--____ _ ___- ,� Ali insurnixe �licie9 and renewals shall he acceptahle to IAnder anci xhall include a starxlord mnrtgage clause. L.enda
<br /> shall have the�i�ht to hold Ihe policies and rcnewals.If l.ender rcquires,Bortawer shull promptly give ta I.eiwler�II recelpta of
<br /> --- paid prcmiums and reix:wal nodces.In the event af loss, Borrawer shell�ive prompt natico to the insuronce uurie�w�d L.erider.
<br /> L.cnder muy m�ke praaP of lass iF nw mada promptly by Aorrawer.
<br /> Unless Lender and&►rrowcr othenvi.e Agroe in writing. insuranre pnx.roexds shull be opplied to rc�taration or repAir of the
<br /> --� Praperty damaged,lf thc resturation or repair ia economically fensible and l.ender's securfty is�wt lesset�l. If the restoratjon or
<br /> -- ----
<br /> � g��� -�g _v repair is nat economicully feasible ar l.ender's security would be lessened, the insurance proceals e�hull be nppifed to the xum.a
<br />---—- - - -
<br /> '��`�"�� secured by this Sxurity Instrumcnt, whcther or not Ihen due, with uny excess paid to Borrowcr. If Borrowcr abandons the
<br /> Property,or daes not answer wfthin 30 days a notice from Lender thut the insurance currier hus offered to setUe a clsum. then
<br /> _--�-_=�� Lender may rnllect the insurat�ce proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair ot restore lhe Praperty or ta pay siuns
<br /> ,_„:n,�_„�,�, secured by thia Security Insuument.whether or not then due.The 30-day period will begin when the notice is given.
<br /> ---_°_—°°-- Unless Lender and Horrower othcrwise agree in writing, Any appliculion of procceds to principul sholl not extend or
<br /> _ postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change Ihe umcwnt oi Ihe paymants. If
<br /> ° undcr parngraph 21 the Property is ucquired by I.ender, BoROwcr's right to any in.yurance policies und proceeds resuiting from
<br /> —,�•'`�"�`�� damuge to the Property prior ta Ihe acquisition sfwll pass ta LenJe�Io the cxtent of the sums secured by thi�Security ins�niment
<br /> ----=�r;.� immodiately prior to the acquisiiion.
<br /> — —,-„-:=t''�'�,'t„ �
<br /> _�s�s_-nr,"f;;• . . � y: f
<br />_ � ;w,. • 6.Occupancy�PIYS¢I'YAtIOp� Ms�intens�nce and Protection ot tde Pro rl Barrower s I.oan Applicatbn;Leaseholds.
<br /> �,���±�� Borrower stwll occupy,establish,and use the Property ns Borrower's principal residence within siary dAys After the execution af
<br /> •y.,.°•�, I this Security 1nstNment and shall continue to accupy the Property us Borrower's principal �esidence for�t least one yeor ufter
<br /> �'fi�4�' � � the date of occupancy,unless l.ender otherwise agrces in writing. which rnnsent shall nat be unreasonably wlthheld, or unless
<br /> ��- �=� extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's cantrol. &irrowe� 4ha11 not deslroy. durnage or impair the
<br /> = Property, allow the Propeny ta detcriorate, or rnmmit wu�te on thc Properry. Borrower 4ha11 6e in default if any fort'eiture
<br /> —; � ,��f' � action or proceediag, whether civil or criminal, is begun thal in I.ender's goad failh judgment could result in forfeiture of!he
<br /> � Property or otherwise matedal ly impair the lien created by this Secur�ry Instrument or l.ender'�security interest. Borrower may
<br /> �- --� �_--- --- �s�such a defssslt sssd refnstste,s:pso�ided'tn psrsgc$p4t !8,by�using she actian or prarccding ta bc dismissrti with a ruling
<br /> — v'� ����• � • that. in l..ender's ood faith detertnination. recludes forf�iture of the &irrower's inter�t in the Pr rt or other mater�al
<br /> _� �`.''�. • impairnient of the lien created by this Secunty Instrument or I.ender's secu�iry interest. Borrower sh�ull also be in defuult if
<br /> _� �r..+ts:'R::.�:.�:�a Borrower,during�he I�un appliration process,gave rnateriully false or inaccurute i�fornwtion or stutementc �o I.ender(or failed
<br /> ,.� ��, ' to provide Lender with any materiul infornwtion)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Nute, including,but not limited
<br /> to, representutions conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Property as A principal residence.If this Security Instrument is u�a
<br />,�,���� � leasehuld, Borrower shull cornply with ull the provisions of the leuse. If &►rrower ucquires fer title to the Property, the
<br /> �-,� -"".:",." " � leasehold and thc fee title shall not mcrge unless Lencier agn,�es to the merger in writing.
<br /> .,..�...
<br /> 7.Protectio�of I.ender's RightR in the Property.If Borrower fuils to perform the covenants und agreements contaitxxl in
<br /> -�' this Security Lut�wurnt, or th�re is a legul proceeJing�hat muy signifcuntly uffi.�ct I.ender's rights in the Property(such us u
<br /> } , proceeding in bankruptcy, probate. for condemnution nr forfeimre or to enForce laws or regulatiuns), then Lender nwy do und
<br />����'Yp`:.^. .� -.'"'��' for whatcver is neccssu to rotect the vuluc uf�hc Pro rt und l,ender's ri hts in the P y
<br /> �a�.�:� , PaY 4' P P� Y B roperty. Lender's actions ma
<br /> •��"� � - include paying uny sums �ecured by a lien which has prioriry over this Security Instrument, uppe�ing in court, paying
<br /> �'`�•��- reasonnble attorneys' fees and entering on the Property�o make repairs. Although lander msiy mke action under this paragraph
<br /> �'�+w....:� �'"'� 7.I,cnder does not have to do�. •
<br />_ ��„ �:= Any umaunts disbursed by Lender under thi� paragruph 7 shall become udditional debt o( Bornower secured by this
<br />___ . ' :. Security Instrument. Unless Born�wer und L.enJer agree t�i other terms of payment,these •rmounta shull bcar intcrest From the
<br /> • dnte of disbursernen[ at the Nae rutr and shull be p;�yuble, with interest, upun noti�r frum Lender to Borrower requesting
<br /> � . payment.
<br /> I �}•Vd'. e.'' " '
<br /> ' � '�-�� �-" ��-" 8. MoMgage Inw�nnee. If Lender reyuireci mortguge in,urance v�a conditiun of m•rking the Inan secured by this Securiry
<br /> — :I+�^.':' .,i��5..�_:4
<br /> .5 ;��°�: . ,_ Instrument, Borrower shall puy the premiums reyuircd to maintain thc nwnguge insur•rnce in cfT��t. IG for any rca.wn, the
<br /> � "" mort a e insurance covcra e wred b l.ender la uti��r ceases t��bc in et'f«t, &irr�►wcr.hall p req
<br /> ;,�,,� , 8 S 8 �9 � Y p:'� pry the remiums uircYi to
<br /> obtain coveruge substuntiully equivulent tu the mungage inrurunce prrviously in effirt,at u c��st �ubstuntiully equivalent to the
<br /> '��'� cost ro �orrower of' the mon a e imurance rc.viousl m effect, fri�m an altemate murt•��r insurcr a raved b Lender. If
<br /> �... .. FB P ' Y � t� b PP Y
<br /> ,, .. . °; . .
<br /> subswntiully equivulent mungvge intiurunre ciwerage is not avuiluhle. &�rrower.hall p•ry to Lrnder rach monlh u sum equal w
<br /> one-twelflh of the yearly mart�age insuranrc premium being paid hy&xrower when thr insur.�nrr c�n•rr�ge lapsed nr ceased tu
<br /> � �• be in effect. Lender will uccept,use und retnin these p•rymen�s•r.ti a lo., resrrve in liru ��f munga�r insur�nre. Lu., reserve
<br /> „�
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