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� � .. - . .::11:%.:�ti��i��.-i�].17�'�i' '�if�7�t�N�),G.V <br /> . . '. <br /> ; ...,.:,: �.. <br /> �� ,., <br /> :,e�..e �. •. . :f l,lf��:���'f'tf+�iii� .. <br /> ' �'.�5�.,`.:-{ ;���; <br /> .,. . � ... . . �h�dt}7�� .. <br /> i ' <br /> . . ,...' ��. . . .. <br /> n . , . <br /> . <br /> . . _�-�� ' .. ... ..._ _ _._ �- . ..�y�.M�t_ _ ...�. . - ;-_�. .• ;�.,..--�SJt.�"� � _ <br /> .w�a. . . --- -_�_�. <br /> .. ,. � . w.. .. . :u , . .:r.7s�+►p.. .. . . . .. � -a.°_ctiL,, -.....���� <br />. , 1� .. .r.l.L$'u.t�� _..,—__—-'.:1L'15.��. - .. <br />, . . .- g�� ���a5o � <br /> � Tlic Fundti +huli hc hclJ in un institution whosc deposits arc insured by a fedcral ugcncy, instrumcntality, or entiry � <br /> linrluilinit I.cnJcr, il'Lendcr iti huch un institution)or in any f cdcral Ilomc Loan Bank. Lender shall upply the Funds to pay the �`; <br /> fixr��w liciu,. Lrndrr nury nut rhur�;c Hurrowcr for holding and applying thc Funds, annually analyzing thc csrraw accc�unt, or �- <br /> vcril'ying Ihc li,cruw I�rms, uulc,s l.c:ndcr pays Borrower intcrest un thc Funds and applicublc Inw permits Lcndcr co makc such `� <br /> n chm�gc. U��wcv4r, inuy rcc uirc Rorrowcr to pay a one-timc churgc for un independent rcal estate tax reporting servicc - <br /> • . uud hy l.�i�dei• in runnerNun �vit�i thi, loan. uniess upplicablc luw providcs �uherwise. Unless an agreement is made or _ <br /> . _ ,;. upplir�d�lc I;iw irip�iir� Intct•e+t ���hc paid, I..ender shall not be rcquirul to puy Borrower any interest or carnin�s on tlac Funds. <br /> Hnrrnwrr nn�l Lcndcr mny iq;rce in writinb, however,chat intcrest shull be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower, <br /> s wilhuul �h�u�:e. an ,u�nu,d a.�uunUnH uf thc Fundti, shuwing crcclit+and dcbits w [lic Funds and thc purposc for which cach � <br /> ,.�r, . ,�? dehit la thr 1'undti�vn,nmde. 'I'hr I�unds ure pledged as additional security for all sums sc;cured by this Securiry Instrument. <br />---- ----� !f thr !'uudr licl�l by (.cndcr exreed the umounts permitted rn he held hy applicable I�w. Lender shall account tc�&�rrower <br /> ``�•'� tirr thc rxcr�+I�und, in nrcurJ�inrc with tl�e rcyuirements of upplicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by i.ender ut uny <br /> timc i+nul+uflicicnl 1��p;ry Uic fi�cr�nv Ilcm�when due, L.ender may co notify Borrower in writing, and,in such casc Borrowcr <br /> :�"� shnll pny tu I..cnder IIi4 unu�ttnt nece+snry to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no mam than _ <br /> �: nvclvc munthly pnymcntti, ut Lcndcr's sulc Jiscrction. <br /> µ Upon p�ryntcnt {n li�ll ut'nll SIIIIIS sccurcd by this Security Instrumcnt, Lcndcr shaU promptly rcfund to Horro�ver uny - <br /> " � fundti hcld Ny l.�ndrr. II', under pnrngriiph 21, l.ender shall acquire or sell the Property. Lendcr, prior to the acquisition or sale <br /> uf thc Pruperty, +hull upply nny Fu�ids hcld by l.endcr ut the time of acquisition or sale as u credit against the sums securcd by <br /> . this Sccuriiy Intitrument. <br /> �� � 3.Appllcutlon oP 1'nyn�e��ts. Unlc�s upplicable I,�w provides otherwise, all payments received by i.ender under paragraphs _ <br /> ' I und 2 rhall he upplie�l: fir+t, tu nny prcpuymcnt rhi�rgcs due under•the Note; second, to amounts payuble under puragraph 2; _ <br />-=,"_`,�:��".; third, to intrrest due; li�urth,tu prinripul dur;und Inst,tu any late charges due undrr che Note. _ <br />- ;'�"��' 4.Q.hnr�;cy; I.Icnx. Ilurruwrr �hnll pny ull tuxeti, u+scs~mcnts, charges, fines und impositions attributable to the Property <br /> a�'' which muy u[[uin priuricy uvrr ii►i. Srrin•iry i�ntrumcnt, and lcasehald paymcnts or ground rents. if uny. Bun•uwcr +hall pay � <br />!�;.,. ....,. � thcsc obligutions in thc munncr pru�•idcd in��arii�;ruph 2. ��r if rnn paid in that munner. eurrower shull pay them on time directly <br />�'��•• ?'�;'���� te�the pcnon cnved payment. Rurr�+wcr tihid promptiy furnish to Lender all notices nf amounts to be paid under this paragraph. <br /> . If Barniwer mnkc�thc�c puymcut��lircctly. Horrowcr shull promptly furnish to Lendcr rercipts evidenring the payments. <br />�=,�:.;,�}��.±� Burrawer shull prumptly di+churgc nny licn«•hich hu+priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrowcr: (u)ngrecs in <br /> ;;' • writing tu thc payment i�f thr ubli}�tuiun,ecurcd hy lhe licn in u munner xcceptuble to Lender; (b)contests in gnc,d fiiith the tien <br /> "� � by, or dcfcnds uguinst cnfurccmcnt uf dic li�n in, legal prucecdings which in thc Lc;nder's ��pinion operate a� prevent the <br /> :�, : <br /> �..�.;:.. :. � cnforccmcnt of thc licn:ur(c)�ccurc.r I'rum ihc holdrr nl'thc licn an ngreement satisfuctory to [.ender subordinating the licn to <br /> _,-,�pe:4�-�, thi,Sccuriry histrument. !f lAndcr dctcrmine� tl�ut uny p�►rl of�h� Property zs subjcct to a lien which may attain priority over <br /> -_-�':_ '' this Security Instrumcm, L,cndcr muy �i�•c linrruwcr u ni�tice idcntifying the lien. eorrowcr shall sutisfy the lien or takc one or <br /> -�>;�'�y''_r• morc t�f thc uctiuns sct forth uhuv��wit�iin 10 tl�c giving of naticc. <br />=':&+�� 5. Hui.urd or Pro�xrty Insurtmce. Borruwcr +hull kccp the improvements now existing on c�reaRcr erecte,ci on the <br /> Property insurccl uguinst luss by firc, liuturd+ includcd within the term "extendeti coveragc" and any other hazards, induding <br /> --=- uonUs or ttonuing, ►or�vnicii Isniier requircti insuriincc. i ni•� insurance snuii oe muincaincii in che amounis ai�d iur iite periuda <br /> _F�....,.�- <br /> __=_`,���� thiu Lcndcr rcquires. Thc insurnnrc un�ricr prnviding thr insurancc shall bc chosen by Borrowcr subjcct to Lendcr's upproval <br />«Tw�;;��� which shull nut he unrcasunubly withhcld. If purruwer f�nils to muintain caverage Jescribed above, L.ender may, at l.ender's <br /> #�f•,��,� optiun,obtuin ruvcrngc tu protcrt i.�ndcr'.rights in thc Nruperty in uccurJance with paragcaph 7. <br /> =.;k� All insurunee polieirti und 1'Clll'Wlllti tillcdl hc +�ece�nablr �u l.cnder and shall inelude u standurd mortgage clause. l.ender <br /> _.�_� shull huve thc right to hold the pcilicics und reucwul.r. II I.�nd�:r mquires, Borrower shall promptly give to Lender ull receipts of <br /> __ = paid prcmiums unJ rcncwid nuticc�. In thc c��rm ut'I����, liurruwcr�hall givc prompt notice to the insurance carrier und Lcnder. <br /> -__=_— [.a:nder in.iy mukc proaf oF loss ii'nat mn�lc prumptly I�y 13nrruw�r. <br />-_-• -- Unless Lender luid Burruwer��ther��•itir+�tiree in �ti•rf�inF, in+urance proceeds shall he applied to restoration or repair of the <br /> �`d�� Praperty damagcd, �r'�n�r�.a��•��u�,�,�,�•�•�r:�ir iti cci,nuiuically tc;i+ihlc xnd Lcndcr's,ccurity is not Icssenul. If the restoration or <br /> -�-"'� repuir is niu ecomunically feusihlc or lAnder'ti +ecimiiy w��ulJ lu Icssencd, the insurunee proceeds shull be applied ta the sums <br /> secured by this Security ln+h•umcnt, wheU�er nr nut Uurn dur, with any exccss pnid to Borrower. If Borrower nbandons the <br /> �""� Property, or daes not nmwcr wilhin 30 di�y�n nuticc fr�aa I.cnder thut thc insurancc carricr has offercd to settle u claim, tlien <br /> I..ender may collect thc insurance pnnecdn. (snder miry utic tlie proceeeis to repair or restore thc Property or to pay sums <br /> �= securul by this Security Instrument. �vhetlier�n•nut Ih�n�lur. "1'he iU•duy period will be�in when the notice is given. <br /> Unless L�:ndcr :md Burr�iwcr uthcrwi,c i�grcc iu �vnting, uny uppliration of praccecis ro principal shall not extcnd or <br /> postponc dic duc datc ��f thc monthly pnymrm+ rcfrrrcd iu in pi�rcigraphs I nnd 2 ur chunge the amount of the puyments. If <br /> - under paragruph 21 the Property i+i�rquired hy I.endcr, Rnrr��wer', right to any insurance policies and proceecis resulting from <br /> damage to the Praperty prior tc�thc t�rqui�itii�n tihnll p�i�.�u I.cndcr t��the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instrument <br /> __� immediatcly prior ta thc urquisitiun. - <br /> - ° "-� 6.(kcupn�2cy,Prescrvutlon, htnh�tc�ttmcc nnd Ih•olcYdon oP the Praperty;Borrower's Loun Applicution;I.euseholds. `- <br /> 6orrower shull octiupy,estublisli,und utir thc Pro{�:rry u�. Nurrawer'�principal residence aithin sixty dnys after the execution of =_ <br /> this Security lnstrumcnt iu�d shall continue tu uccupy Uic Nruperty ri�B�irruwer's principal residence for at Ieust one yeur after = <br /> - - - the date of occupunry, unlesti l.t:nder o►hcrwi+c ngrce� in writin�t, which cunsent shull not be unreasonably withheld, or unless - <br /> -- extcnuating circumstanccs uxist which ;irc hcyund Nnrruwc►•', r�mtnrl, pnrrowcr shull not destroy, damage or impair the � <br /> _ Property. allow r.hc Property tu detcriurutc, ur rammit wu+tc �m tltc F'riipcny. Bc�rrowcr shall be in dcfault if nny forfciturc a.: <br /> � action or proceeding, whetlier civil or rriminul, is heEun Nuu in I.�ndcr',guud huth judgment could result in forfeiture of the - <br /> �_---__��; Property or otlicrwise nriterially inipiiir�hc licn crratcd hy�hiti tircurity Intiu•ununt or Lender's security interest. Borrower may F+.. <br /> -- - -�, cure such u defuult und reinstute. as pruvidc�in ptu•n�:�upli IH. h���•,►utim�;thc action ur proceeding to be Jismissed with a ruling = <br /> -�` thut, in l.cnder', good fnith Jrtrrminntiun. ��rcrludrti IuiTciwrc uf ihc li��rr��wcr'� interest in thc Property or othcr mute�•ial =.. <br /> _�-�."���: impairmcnt oF thc lien crcatcd by thiy Scrtn•uy In,uumciu nr I.cndcr', srcurity intcrest. Borrower shall also be in dcfault if = <br /> ;.=�"�+�` Borrowcr,during the luun applicutiun prucrti+, gavc mntcri�dly fid.r ur inuccw�ute informution or statements to Lender(or fuiled = <br /> ..•x.... _ <br /> �� '. to provide l.ender with iuiy materiul inlin•mutiun) in cuunrrtinn wiNi�hr laan cvidenced by th;Note, including,but not limited - <br /> ''"'�; to, rcpresentntions ronccrnini;li�a•r��wer'���rruP�����Y"�������'��'P�'���Y��`+�Princip�d residcncc. If this Security Instrument is on a -- <br /> �``'`;`�,�iu�• le:tsehald. Bc�rrower shall rumply �vilh aU the pruviyiuuy ul ihe Is�i+e. li liorru�ver ucyuires fec tide to the Property, the =: <br />•-=�'°`•;�-.��`.. Ieusehuld und the 1'ec tide�hall nul mrr�c unlr�ti I.cnihr�i�:rcc�iu�lic mrr�cr in writin�. <br /> ""'�%��� 7. Pmtection of I.endcr'r Ftl�;ltt�In the I'ruptrl}. If N��rru�a�i�Inil�lu perf+�rm thc covenantti und•rgreements cuntained in <br /> °_���`+� �• ''`� this Security Instrumrnt, ur there i. a Icgi�l prorccdin�c thnt nu�� �.i�,nifiruntly ��ffert l.endcr's rights in the Prc�perty (such as u � <br /> � proceeding in bunkruptry. prc�bate, f'ur rundemnini�m ur lin�trinuc ur t„r�ili,rrc I;iw,�,r regulatinn�), then I.ender may do und � <br /> aav for whatevcr iti nec«uu•Y tu prutect Ihe vulue nf Ihe I'rutieitv �md Lru�lrr's ri�;ht� in thc Prc��eny. I.endcr's uctions may - <br /> _.-`i��°"'� �-i includc paying imy ,unn .crurcd hy ❑ lirn wl�ich lia, p�iuru� nvcr ihi, ticcm•ity In,trument. appcaring in cuurt, paying ° <br /> � �� • �.: �.; re:��unablc unorney.' fec+und cntering un thr Nrup,iq• lu nuil�c irp�iu, AIlh�iut:h Lrn�lrr may t:�ke:�ction under this paragraph �: <br /> ��4��"- f'i 7. L�:nder dacti not h.rvc tu du,u. . <br /> :�`�. • � Any umount� ditibur.rcd by Lrndcr undcr thi. p�irupr�ph 7 �Irdl hrc�mic �utilni�m:d �lcbt af Borruwcr scrurcd by this : <br /> , ,: I Security instrumcnl. Unletiti Hurruwrr:md Lrndcr u�:rrc w uiher Irnm ��I pm mrnl. lhrx iunuunts tihull bcar interest frum the � <br /> '• date of disburacment at the N�itc rme �in�l +hidl hc p;q•�ihlc. ��iili iutrre,l. up�m nwi�•c Ir�,m Lendrr�u Rurrowcr rcyuesting � <br /> payment. _ <br /> 8. Mort�a�;e Intiur►uicc.�If l.ciidrr rcyuirrd m��ultay,e in,m�w.r;i, �i c�mdiuun nl iiwkui�t lhc luan sccurc�t hy thi�Scrurity = <br /> _. Instrument. Borrowrr sh:dl pay thc prcmium. rr�.�uur�l tn nuum�u�i Ih� mun��aFtr inuuanrr in rlfrrt. If. fnr any tttasun. thc <br /> . mortga�c imurunrc a�vcragc ra�uircd by I.rnilcr lap,r� ur ir�ix, t��h�� ui��Ile.i. H�nru��ci rhull p:iy thc premium� rcyuirc�tu <br /> obtain covc�•agc tiub,tur,tiully cyuivulcnt tu thr murttia�!r in,uiaurr pie�wu,ly in cllrrl. ;u ,� ru�t .ubxtantially cyuivalcnt to thc <br /> - ' ., �� rost to Barro�vcr uf thc murtgago in.urimrc prrviuu,ly w rllrct, liuni ;ui +diciu.iir n�u�t�;aNe in�urrr:ipprovcd by Lcndcr. If' <br /> ,�• <br /> , . <br /> r.�,��!•�� i Form 3028 9190 . <br />