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ti <br />�,Oi10651.� <br />I� f �i�IP � <br />A tract uf ��nd cansi� of a part o�f Lot Ten ('E a�, Home Subdivi�i�t�, Gity c� Grarad island, Ha31 Courrty, <br />N�raska, said fra�t be�ng in tE�e Sgctfheas# Quar�er af �he Nor�hv�� Qiaartee {SE1l4 k�31t4f�14} af SecEian <br />��r�e 4s�, - ro�ns�i� �a�e�en {� �1 ��r� Range �!'�ne (�} West uf �s siacth P .r�., Hall County N��raska, <br />dsscribec�l as f�1��ws: Begittnin� at a�ainfi on the l�te,st�rly Rir�frt af �lay Iine of Vlitze�eler Avenue, said <br />�nirrt h�ing One Nu�dr�d Ten and �ev� Tenfhs {�t 1 n.7) fie€fi �cc�heasterly ir�n the Notfiheast Camer of <br />said Lot Ten ('! 0), H�rn� Subdivisi�n a�r� a poir�f on tt�� S�u��rty 4i�e of Eightes�t� Str�et as sutv�yed <br />thraugh said Lot Ten {9 fl}; the�c� �r�fin�n� �outhea�e�y alar�� �e �tlasferl�+ Rsght vfi UVay I�ne of <br />V�1heeUar A�rern3�, a di�2ce of �3ns Hu��ed Tf�irt� fi�o {932.�?} fe� fihenc� Sa�u�sterfy and parailal tfl <br />Et�h�nth Sfireet as s��vey�i ir� said Lot T�rt {�I (�}, a ctis'�arice of Fif�f� {52.{l) feet; f�ence <br />Nortfi�nresterty and garalte� fa fihe V�es€erIp Is�e a# V�h�e}er Avenue, a c�istance of One Hundred Thirty-two <br />{9 32.0} f�et to a point an #he Satrtherpy I�n� o� Ei�hteenf� Si�eet; fihestr.e Nort��ast�rly atong the So��tt�rly <br />1€ne o� Eig�teerft�h Sir�e�, a dis#artce a�€ F'r�.y ivuo {�2 feet ta fhs po,inf �f beginning <br />File l�To. GIQ8686 <br />