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�o��os5�� <br />E�IT "A" <br />A tract of land consisting af a part ofi Lot Ten (10), Home Subdivision, City af Grand lsland, Hall County, <br />Ne4�raska, said tract 6eing in the SotrEheast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter {SE1J4 NW9/4} of Secfion <br />Nir�e (9), Township �leven (1 �l) North, Range Nine (8) West of the Sixth P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, <br />described as fallows: Beginning at a poinf on the Westerly Right of Way line af Wheeler Avenue, said <br />}7oint being One Hundred Ten and Seven Tenths {�[ 10.7J fieet Soufheasterly from the Northeast Corner af <br />said Lot Ten (90}, Home Subdivisian ancf a poinf on the 5outheriy line of Eighteenth Street as surveysd <br />thraugh said Lot Teh (10); thsnce c:flntinu9ng 5outheasterly along fi�he Wester[y RigY�t Qf Way line of <br />W�eeler Aver�ue, a distance af One Hu�dred Thic�[y-two (132.0} fe�� �thence SoutE�westerly and parallel to <br />Eighteenth Street as surveyed in said Lot Ten (�[ 0), a disfiance of Fifty-fwv (52.Q) feet; thence <br />Narfhwester[y and paral[e1 to the Westerly )ine of Wheeler Avenue, a distance of CJne Hundred ThirEy-fwo <br />{'132.0} fest to a point on the Southerly Iine of Eighteenth S�reet; thence Northeasterly alvng the Southerly <br />line af �ighteenth Strest, a distance af �"ifty tvm {52.Q} feet to the point of beginning <br />Fil.e Na. GIQ8686 <br />