� . � , �
<br /> ��A;_ , _ . � . . =_
<br /> ' '�::,���.. . , � ,,,,,�„ , .., ._
<br /> r .'�:• � 4. nw<.,.,.w�.n ....v�, . , . ... .. ._., . ,,µj�y��.,.
<br /> -, ,,....,,iw++wlybMM��:' _. :.... ...'. ,; - - ._.. _ . .. . L- �-� _
<br /> g6- �.10(D40 `�'----_
<br /> � Borrower may curo such a dQfsult nnd relnstalo, as prorlded In pnrac�raph 18, by cnusin� iho actlon or proceedinfl to bo (
<br /> � dismissed with n niling Ihnt.In Lendcr's good Inlih dolorminnlion,pro�ludos lortelturo ot thu Borrower's intmost in lho Prop�rly or
<br /> . other matednl Impalrmem ol tho Ilen crented by thls Securily Instrument or Lender's socudty Inlero�t porrower�hnll nlso ba In
<br /> dofault if Borrower, durina tho loun applicatlon procoas, flnve matedally Iclso or innccurato inlormntlon or stutemenls to Lender(or
<br /> � taded to provido Lender with eny meteMal mformntlon) In connection with tho lonn ovidcncaci by tho Noto. Includinp. bu1 not
<br /> Iimltod to, representallons concernlnp Borrowor'a occupancy o1 iho Proporty ns n principal rasldcnco. II thls 9ecwity
<br /> Insirumont Is on n leasehold, Borrowor sh�ll cumply with nll tho provlalons o1 tho feaso. If Dorro++nr ncqulras feo tlllo to Ihe
<br /> Property, the loasahold end the leo tltlo ehnll not merpo unloss lendar agroos ta tho morpor In wrlilnp.
<br /> ° 7. Pvoteetlon o} Le11eler'S Rlgl�te In the Prop�►ty. II eorrowor luils to parform Ihn covenante nnd nc�reements
<br /> � � I contalned m this Socunry Inetrumvm, or thoro ie a lo�ul pwceeduifl ihat may signlGcanity aticcl Lendcr's riphts m thc Property �
<br /> � (such es o proceeding In bnnkruptcy, probete. lor condemnelion or forlelturo or to entorca laws or re{�ulatlons). Ihen Lender may
<br /> { do snd pey tor whatove�is nnr.essery to protect tho veluQ ol tho Property nnd Lendor's rlqhts In tho Proporly. Londer's actions
<br /> � � may includo paying any sums securod by n Ilen whlch hus priority ovar lhis Socurity Instrument, appenrin� in court. peying
<br /> �' ' reasonuble attorneys' fees and entertng on the Property to mako repalrs. Although Lendor may Inke actlun under this peragraph
<br /> • "°� 7, Lender doos not have to do s�.
<br /> Any emounts disbursQd by Londer under pareflraph 7 shell become edditlonai debt of Bonower secured by thls Socurity
<br /> Inslrument. Unless Bortower end Lendor agree to other terms ot payment, theae amounls shell bear Interest lrom tho dato af
<br /> -; dishursement et the Note r�to pnd shall be payeble,with interast,i:pon notice trom Lender to Borrower requesting pnyment. ,.
<br /> � 8. Mortgage Inecrr�snce. R Lender roquired modgago Insurance as a condition of making the losn secured by this . t,•s,� � �;�,
<br /> Secudty Instrument, Bortower shall pay the premlums required to mainteln the mortguge Insurance In eHnc4. It (or any reason,lho � �_-
<br /> mortgage insurence coverage requlred by Lender lapses or ceases to be in ettoct. Borrower shall pay the premlums requirod to "S-:�`
<br /> � � obtein coverage substantially equlvalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effoct, at a cost substantlally equlvnlent to the M.,;.`'�
<br /> cost to Bortower oi the mortgage Insurence prevlously in eflect, from an altemate mortgage Insurer epproved by Lender. If '�'^�����
<br /> } substantlally equivalsnt mortgage Insurance coveruge Is not available. Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to ��,-._�
<br /> one-twelfth ot the yearty mortgape insurance premlum betng pald by Borrower when the Insurence coverage lapsed or ceased to '�.�„�*�
<br /> ° , #��', be In effect. Lender will accept, use and retaln these payments as a loss reserve in Ileu of moRguga Insurence. Loss reserve ;'::"
<br /> payments may no longer bo required, at the option of Lender, ii mortgage Insurance coverege (in the amount and for the pedod �^��`,',
<br />- �� • {�: • thet I.ender requlres) provided by an insurer approved by lender agafn becomes available and Is obtained. Borrower shail pny ._„��
<br /> ' � the premiums requlred to malntain mortgage Insurance (n e(fect, or to provide a loss reserve, until the requirement tor mortgago -��„
<br /> ��`7` insurance ends In accordance with any written agreement behveen Bortower and Lender or appl!cable law. 3y,��;_
<br /> ' 9. Inspectio�o.lender or Its agont may make reasoneble entrtes upon and Inspectlons ol the Property. Lender shatl give � ,,�y
<br /> Bortower notice at the time of or prfor to an Inspectlon specllyfng reasonahie cause tor the inspecttan.
<br /> • ta 10. Candemnatlon. The proceeds of any eward or clalm tor damages, direct or consequentlal, in connection with Any ��,��„�
<br /> � ;;;\{�'+; condemnation or other taking of any pnrl of the Property,or for conveyance in Ileu of condemnation, are hereby assigned and —F-�
<br />_ , � , shall be pald to Lendec ��
<br /> '�•� In the event of a total taking ot the Property, the proceeds shall be epplled to the sums secured by t h ls Secu r iy
<br />- - - -�- �ibtiuTiciii,wtio��iai 'vi iiut iiiuii .a.Jv,L':::� :T� DXCSE.°. r3I�I^. Rnnnv�ar, In }��p pyp�} n�q nardal tekina of the PropetN In whlch _ .
<br /> � �+ the tair market value of the Property Immedlutely before the taking Is equal to or greater than ihe nmount of the sums seared _
<br /> ,.�,, by thls Security Instrument immediately before the taking,unless Borrower and Lender otF�envlse egree in writing, the sums
<br />'; • � ;y`; secured by thls Securiry Inatrument shell be reduced by the amount of the proceeds muldplled by the tollowing Iraction: (e)the
<br /> . •.:';�y total amount oi the sums secured immedlately before the teking, divided by (b) the falr market value of the Property Immedletely
<br /> "" , betore the teking.Any bulance ehall 6e pald to Borrower. In the event of a partlai taking of the Property in which the fair market
<br />'�,'�� ' vaiue of the Property immediatety betore the taking Is less than the amount ot the s�ms secured immedietely before the taking,
<br />� ` unless Borrower and lander otherwise agree In wrfting or unloss applicablo law atherwlse provides, the proceeds sha� be
<br /> , ,.•. ,..
<br />__ a�plied to the sums seoured by this Secudty Instrument whelher or not the sumu are then due. ______ __
<br /> _ � I1 the Property Iss abandoned by Borcower, or If, after notica by Lender to Bortower thet the tondemnor oHers to make an
<br /> - � �.� �, eward or settle a claim for dameges, Borrower talis to respond to Lender within 30 days efter the date the notice is given,
<br /> ' t Lender Is authodzed to coilect and apply the proceeds, at Its option. either tu restoratlon or repair of the Propsrty or to the
<br /> = _ r sums secured by this Secudiy Instrument,whother or not then due.
<br /> x��"�"Y'i'�� Unless Lender and Borrower othervvise agree in wdWg, eny epplicatlon of proceeds to pdnclpal shan not extend or
<br /> .:�rG+tr;,••....�..
<br />- -- -�_----.:.,-- postpane the duo date of tho monthly payments referced to In paragrephs 1 end 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> -- � � '"" � 11. Bo�rowar Not Released; Forbearance 8y Lender Not a Waiver. Extenslon of tha tfine for payment or
<br /> `°'-`�$•-''�, :.:,� modi(Icatlon of amorti2ntlun ot the sums secured by this Security Instrument grented by Lender to any successor In Interest of
<br /> °*�i�:?��}4� . Borrower shall not operate to reiesse the Ilabliity o}the odginal Bonower or BorrowePs successors In IMerest. Lender shall not
<br /> Y���'�•^!,z be requlred to commence proceedings egalnst any successor In interest or refuse to extend dme tor payment or othenvlse
<br /> ..,:'�cr:��' modify amortizatlon of the aums secured by this Security Instrument by reaeon oi any demand made by the origlnal 8arrower or
<br /> � 'y {��ti�'� BOROW@fS SUCC@SSOf9II1 Interest. Any torhearance by Lendar In exerclsing eny dpht or remedy ahall noi be a waiver of or —
<br /> �...��' preclude the exercise oi any rlght or remedy. ° -
<br /> ___ • 12. Successors and Assigne Bow�d; Joint and Several Liability; Ca-signers. The covenants end
<br /> _�a'4�� agreements of lhls Secudty Instrument shail bind and benefd the euccessors and assfgns oi Lender and Borrower, subJect to the
<br /> �m�w�«. provislons of paregeaph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shell be Jolnt and several. Any Borrower who co•slgns lhls
<br /> '�;%�`"=°��� Secudty Instrument but does not executo the Note: (a) is w-s)gning this Secudiy Inatrument only to mortgage,grant and convoy
<br /> ,erf„(�e':.�.,.
<br /> ,__�;+-,�••,�- that Borrower'c interest in the Property under tha terms of thls Secudty Instrument; (b) Is not personally obllgated to psy the �_- _"_
<br /> .- sums seoured by this Sacudty Instrument; nnd (c) agreos that l.ender and eny other Bonower may egree to extend, modHy,
<br /> %" forbear or mako any ecaommodations with regard to the tertns ot thls 3ecu�ity Instrument or the Note without thet Borro�ver's
<br /> . � .
<br /> � consent.
<br /> -"' ' 13. Loan Chargas. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument 13 subJect to e law which sets maximum loan ____ _
<br /> charges, and that law Is finally Interpreted so that the interest or other loen charges collected or to be collected In connecpon -- ---
<br />= " �� ��� with tho ioan exceed ihe pertnitted Bmlts, then: (a)eny such Ioan charge shall be reduced by ihe amount necessery to reduce a�;�,;=-�_
<br /> ' .;rr.,
<br /> :�`� the charge to the pemiitted Iimit: and (b) any sums already aollected Gom Borrower which exceeded permitted Ilmits win be �="`-��
<br /> retunded to 8ortower.Lender may choose to meke this reNnd by reducing the principel owed under the Note or by making a �%;�;. --
<br /> ^ direct payment to Bortower. If e refund reduces pHnc(pel the reduction will be Meated as e partlal prepayment without any �-'.-'.`�:—�.';__
<br /> � prepayment charpe under the Nota. �'"`T r'-=
<br /> 14. MOtiCBS. Any notice to Bortower provided for In Ihis Security Instrument shall he given by delivedng It or by muiling it �"'�°`-;
<br /> by first class mall uniess applirable law requires use of another method. The notice shall be dlrected to the Property Address ' .."a''
<br /> __ _._ __.___,._._�-_ .. •• n •._�..._.__ �.. __u__ •_ �__�__ w_.. __N__ �_ I�.l��M..�I L.w wL.w.. 1... G.�� .J..�� ....{I ♦.. � _
<br /> _ 1'.'.;1,:'.
<br /> --'--�-'-'---�-�--'---'- Of 9fiy VIIICI UUUiC�A' OVftVWCf VCbllJlttl{CD VY 1�V1wo av �t+t4Gi• r ���u�.a �-
<br /> . .. �� � .,�..... y.. .. ..� .... .,.o.,,. ..�.� .. -_ ...
<br /> " � Lender's address stated hereln or any other address Lender deslgnates by notice to�8orrower.V Any notice providad for in this
<br /> , Security Instrument she0 be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided In thf�paragreph. �"
<br /> 1b. Governing Law; SevBrAblilty. This Security Instrument shall be yovemed by tederai lew and the law ol the
<br />— , ,' � Jurlsdiction in whlch the Property is located. In the event that any provlslon or clause o1 this Securfty Instrument or the Note ,
<br /> ,onflicts with applicable law, such conilict shall noi aitect olher provislons ot this Security Instrument or the Note whlch can be
<br /> — given eftect without the conlllcting provlslon. To thls end the provisfons ot this Securiry Instrument and the Note are declared to
<br /> " be severabie.
<br /> 16. BoI�OWe��B Copy.Borcower shsll be given one eonformed copy of the Note and ot this Ser,urity Instrument.
<br /> _ �. F1316.LM6(3i9G) P�q�•3 qf j � _
<br /> - � �G�9d ,..
<br /> , " !__ ,
<br /> -_ - —� � —
<br />