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�0110647� <br />ASS[GNMENT �F RENTS <br />Loan Na: 9009 (Continuedj Page 3 <br />shall be in addition to all other rights and remedies to whioh Lender may be entitled upon Defauit. <br />QEFAULT, Each of the lollowing, at Lender's opYson, shall constitute en EvBnt of Default under this Assignment: <br />payment Defiault. Gra�tor fails to make any payment when due under;he lndebtedness. <br />Qther Dmfaults. Granior fails to comply with or to pe�form any other term, obligation, covsnant or condition <br />conteined in this Assignment or in any of ihe Releted Oocuments or to comply with or to perform any te�m, <br />obligation, covenant or condition contained in any other agreement between Lender and Grantor, <br />Default on Other Payments. Failure of Grantor within the time required by this Assignment to make any payment <br />for taxes or insuranoe, or any oiher p8yment necessary to prevent filing oi or io 8ffect disCharge of any lien. <br />Defauit fn Favar of 7hird Aarties. Any guarantor or Gtantor defaults under any loan, extension of credit, security <br />agreament, purchase or sales agreement, or any other agreement, ln tavor of any other creditor or person that may <br />materiaily aifect any of 8ny guarantor's or Grantor's property or ability to perform their respective obligations under <br />this Assignment or any of the Related Rocuments. <br />False $tatements. Any warraniy, representation or steisment made or furnished io Lender by Csrantor or on <br />Grantor's behalf undet this Assignment or the Relaied Qocuments is false or misleading in any material respsct, <br />either now or at the time made or furnished or becomes false o� misleading ai any time thereafter. <br />Defective Collateralizatian. This Assignment or eny of the Related Documents aeases to ba in full force and effect <br />(including faiiure of any collateral dacument to create a valid and perfected seaurity interest or lien) at any time and <br />for any reason. <br />Insolvency. The d'sssolution or termtnation of Grantor's existence as a going business, tha insolvency of Grantor, <br />the appointment of a reoeiver for any part of Grantor's property, any assignment for the bene{it of creditors, any <br />type of creditar workout, or the commencement o# any proceeding under any bankrupicy or inso�vency laws by or <br />against Grantor. <br />Cre�tor or Farfeiture Proceedings. Commencement of torecEosure ar forfeiture proceedings, whether by judicial <br />proceeding, salf-help, repossession or any other method, by any creditor oi �rentor or by any governmenial egency <br />against the Rents or any property securing the Indebtedness, This includes a garnishment of any oi Gtantor's <br />eccounts, inoluding deposit eccounts, with Lender. Howevar, this Event af Default shall npt apply it there is a <br />good faith dispuLe by Grentor as ta the validity or reasonableness of the olaim which is the basis of the Creditor or <br />forfeitura proceeding and if Grantor gives Lender written notice of the creditor or forfeiture proceeding and deposit9 <br />with Lender monies or a surety bond for the creditor or torfeiture ptoceeding, in an amount determined by Lender, <br />in its sols discretion, as being an adequate reserve or bond for the dispute. <br />Property Damaga or Loss. 7he Property is lost, stolen, substantially damaged, spid, or borrowed against. <br />Events Affecting C3uarantor. Any of the preceding events occurs with respact to any Guarantor o( any oi the <br />indebtedness or any Guarantor dies or becomes incompetent, or revokes or disputes the va►idity ot, or iiability <br />under, any GuaraMy of the fndebtedness. <br />Adverse Change. A material sdverse change occurs in Grantor's financial condition, or E.ender belfeves ihe <br />prospect of payment or pertormance of the Indebtedness is impaired. <br />Insecurity. Lender in goad faith believes itself insecure. <br />RICiFITS AND AEMBDIES ON DEFAULT. Upon the occurrenCe oi any Event of Defauli and at any time thereafter, Lender <br />may exercise any one or more of the fotlowing rights and remedias. in sddition to any other rights or remedies provided <br />by law: <br />Acaelerate Indabtedness. Lender shall have the right at its option to declara the entire Indebtedness immediately <br />due and payable, including any prepayment penalty that Grantor would be required to pay. <br />Collect Rents. Lender shall have the right, without notice to Grantar, to take possession of the Property and <br />collect the Rents, including amounts past due and unpaid, end apply the net proceeds, over and above Lender's <br />costs, agsinst the Indebtedness. In furtherance of this right, LBnder shalt have a!I the rights provided for in the <br />C.ender's Aight to Recaiva and Cotlect Rents Section, above. If the Rents are collected by l.ender, #hen Grantor <br />irrevocably designates l.endsr as Grantor's attorneyin•fact to endo�se instruments received in payment thereoi in <br />the name of Grantor anci to negotiate the s�me and collect tha prooeeds. Payments by tenants or other users to <br />Lender in response to Lender's demand shall satisfy the obtigations for which the payments are made, whether or <br />not any proper grounds for the demend existed. Lender may exeroise its rights under this subparagreph either in <br />person, By aget�i, or tt�rough a receiver. <br />Other Remedies. Lender shall have all other rights and remedies provided in this Assignment or the Note or by <br />law. <br />Eleciion of Remedies, Elecfion by lender io pursue any remedy shal! not exclude pursuit of any othe� remedy, and <br />an elaction to make expenditures or to take action to perform an obligation of Grantor under_this Assignment, aftor <br />Grantor's laiiure to perform, shall not affect Lender's ric�ht to declare a default and exercise its remedies. <br />Attorneys' Fees; Expenses. Ii Lender institutes any suit or action to enforce any of the terms of this Assignment. <br />