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2o�ios47� <br />DEE� OF TRUSI' <br />Loan No; 9009 {Continued} Page 2 <br />Trustar. together with all interest thereon. <br />Trusior presently essigns to Lander (also known as Beneficiary in this Qeed of Trust} ai! of Trustor's righi, tiEle, and <br />intarest in and to all present and future leases of the Rroperty and all Rents iram the PropeRy. In addition, 7rustor <br />grants to Lender a Uniform Commercial Code security interesi i� ihe Personat Property and Rents. <br />THIS pE�D OF TRUS7, 11VCLUDI(VG THE ASSIC3NMENT OF REtJTS AN� THE SECURETY (NT'EREST IN THE iiENTS AIYD <br />PERSONAL PROPERTY, 1S GIVEN TO SECURE �A) PAYMEt�fT OF THE INDEBTEDNESS ANR (8) PERFORMANCE OF <br />ANY AND ALL OBLIGATIONS UIVbER 7HE NOTE, THE RELATEp pOCUMENTS, AND 7HIS DEHD OF TRUST. THIS <br />pEED QF 7'RUST, IRECLUDING THE ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AIUD THE $ECURlTY INTERES7 IN THE R�RIT5 AR1D <br />PER30NAL PROPERTY, IS ALSO G1VEN TO SECURE ANY AND ALL OF TRUS70R'S OBLIdATIONS UNDER THAT <br />CERTAIN CONSTRUCTEON L�IAN AGREEMENT B�TWEEIV TRiJS70R AND LENDER QF EVEM RA7'E HER6WITH. ANY <br />EVENT OF DEFAUI.T 11NDER 7ktE CQNSTRUCTIOfV LOAN A(3REEMEN7, OR ANY 0� THE RELATED DOCUMENTS <br />REFERRED TO THEREIIV, SHAL4 ALSO BE AN EVENT OF DEFAULT UNDER THIS DEED QF 7RUST. THIS DEED OP <br />TRU5T IS QIVEN AlVD RCCEPTED OIV FH& FOIf.dWlNti TERMS: <br />PAYMEN7 AND PERFpRMAA10E. Except as othe�wise provided sn this Dead ot Trust, Trustor shall pay to Lender ail <br />amaunts aecured by this Deed of 7rust as they become due, and shall strictly and in a timely manner perfarm a(( o{ <br />7rusior's obligations untter tha Nota, this Dead of Trust, and ihe Related Documents. <br />GONSTRUCTidN MORTGAGE. This Deed of Trust is a"construction mortgage" for the purposes of Sections 9-334 <br />and 2A-309 of the Unifotm Commercial Code, as those sections have been adopted by the State of Nebraska, <br />POSSESSION AN� MAlNTENANCE dF THE PROPERTY. Trusta� agrees that Trustor's possession and use af the <br />Propaity shaU be governed by the following provisions: <br />Possession and Use. Untii ttie occurrenae af an Event of Default, Trustor may !� } remain in possession and <br />control of tha f'roperty; (2) use, operate or manage th� Property; and {3� coffect the Rents from the Property. <br />buty to Mstntain. Tr�stor shali maintain the Property in tenantabte condition and promptly perform ap repairs, <br />replacements, and maintenanCe necessary Lo preserve iis value. <br />Compliance With Enviro�mental [.aws. Trustor represents and warrants Yo Lender that: (1J Durinc� the period of <br />Trust4r's ownership of the Property. there has been no use, generation, manufactvre, starage, treatment, disposal, <br />releasa or threatened release of any Hazardous Substance by any person an, under, abaut or iram the Property: <br />i2) Trustor has no knowledge oi, or reason to believe that there has been, except as previousfy disclosed ta and <br />ack»owtedged by Lender in writing. {a) any breach or violation of any Environmentai Laws, (b) any use, <br />generation, manufaoture, sta�age. treatment, disposal, rel�ase or threatened release of any Wazardous Substence <br />on, under, about or from the Property by any prior owners or occUpants of the ProperCy, or (c} eny actual or <br />threatened litiqation or claims of any kind by any person reiating to such rnatters; and (3} Except as previous3y <br />disciosed to and acknowiadged by Lender in writing. (a} rteither Trustor nor any tenant, contrector, �c�erzt or other <br />author+zed user of the Property shall use, generate, manufacture, store, treat, dispose of or release any Hazardaus <br />Substanca on, under, about or from the Ptoper;y; and (b) any Such activity shall be conducted in compliance with <br />at! applicabte faderai, siate. and bcat latvs, regulations and ordinanaes, including without limitation all <br />Environmentai Laws. Trustor authorizes Lender anB its agents to enter upon i}�e Property to make such <br />inspections and tests, at Trustor's exgense, as lender maY deem appropriata to de2ormin8 complianCe of the <br />Property with this section oi the deed oi Trust. Any inspeciions or tests made by Lender sha11 be for Lender's <br />purposes only and shail not bo construsd to create any responsibifity or tiability on tfie part of Lender to Trastor ar <br />to any other person. The representations and warranties contalned herein are based on Trustor's due dilic�ence in <br />investigating the Property for Hazardous Substances. Trustor hereby {1) releases an8 waives any future cleims <br />against Lender for indemnity or cantribution in ihe avent Trusior becomes liable for cleanup or othar costs under <br />any such laws; and (2} agress to indemnify, detend, and hold harmisss Lender ageinst any end ali claims, lossas, <br />Iiabilitiss, dantages, penatties, and expsnses which Lender tnay directty or indirecily sustain or suffer resulYing from <br />a breach of this section of the Deed of Trust or as a consequence of any use, generatian, manufactura, storage. <br />disposal, release or threatened release occurring prior to Trustor's ownership or interest in the Property, whether or <br />not the same was or should have been known to Trustor. 7he provisions of this section of #he Deed oi 7rust, <br />including the obiigation to indemnify and de#end, shall survive the paymenl of the Indebtedness and the saiisfaction <br />and recanveyance of Fhe lien of this Deed oi Trust and shall not be affected by Lander's acquisition of any interest <br />in the PropeRy, whethar by foreclosure or otherwise. <br />IVuisance, Waste. Trustor shall not cause, conduct or permit eny nuisance nor commit, perm"st, or sutier any <br />stripping of or waste on or to the Property or any portion of the Property. 1Nithoul Iimiting ihe generaiity of the <br />foregoing, Trustor wiH not remove. or grant to any other party the right to remove, any timber, minerals (inciuding <br />oil and gas�, coal, clay, scoria. saif, grave( or roCk producis witftout Lender's prior written consent, <br />Removal of improvemeats. 7rustor shall not demolish or remove any impravemenfs from the Reak Property without <br />Lender's prior written conset�t. As a condition ta thv removal 04 any Improvements. Lender may requira 7rustor to <br />meke arrangements satisiactory ta Lender to reptace such In�provements with Improvements o! at least aquel <br />value. <br />Lender's Right to Enter. Lo�der and Lender's aqents and rgpresentatives may enter upon the Real Property at aIl <br />reasonable times to attepd to Lender's interests and to ins�ect ihe Reat Property for purposes.of Trustor's <br />