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�o�ios4�� <br />DEE� OF TRUST <br />[.oan No saa9 (Continuedy Page 11 <br />CORPORATE AC[(NOWLEDGMENT <br />STATE OF Y-�NS�S <br />} SS <br />CQUNTY OF �IA l�l�tS } <br />On ihis "Z(o� day oi ,0� ,nS� . 20 '� before me, the undersigned <br />Notary Public, person811y appeared Jemes a�� Wittenburg, President oi Batis Development Company, and known to <br />me to be an authorixed agent oi the corporation that executed the Deed of Trust ar�d acknowfedgad the Deed of Trust <br />to be the free and voluntary act and desd of the corporation, by authority of its Bylaws or by resolution of its board of <br />direCtors, for the uSes and purppses therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he or she is authorized to exeCUte this <br />Deed of Trust and in faot executect the Deed af Trust on behalf of the corpor fo . <br />ay ,, ./wt � ���"/ <br />Notary Public q in ,, �a�nd fo� the State of (�s <br />PdOTARV PUBLIC - State of Kanses Residing 8t Ls7W/��Gw�L'� �f <br />MARK A REEDY � L My commission expires , S����� Z <br />My Appt. Expires S/�O_ � <br />REQUEST �OR FULL RECONVEYANCE <br />tTo be used only when obligations have been paid in full} <br />To: , Trustes <br />The undersigned is the legal owner and holder of all Indebtedness secured by this Deed oi Trust. AIt sums secured by <br />this peed of Trust have 6ean fully paid and satisfied. You are hereby directed, upon payment to you of any sums owing <br />to you under the tarms of this Deed of Trust or pursuani to any applicable statute, to cancel the Nate secured by thls <br />Deed of Trust (which is delivered to you together with this Deed af Trust), and to reconvoy, without warranty, to the <br />parties designated by the terms af this Deed af Trust, the estate now held by you under this Deed of Trust. Please mail <br />the reconveyance and Relatod Documents ta: <br />Date: Beneficfary: <br />By: <br />its: <br />LASBR PiiO Landing, Ver. 6.57.10.Q01 Copr. Hartand Finencial Solutians. Inc. 1997. 2011. All Ric�hts Raserved. • <br />Nf/0K L:1CFI\LPLIGQI.FC 7R�193807 PR-32 <br />