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. . -r �:_ :a . .E t i �`^ �c. � t.<.� -e�< - <br /> . . . - . ,, .. --- . . . ._ � - -" .-.- -° -` .- -� -- - <br /> . , , <br /> - . . . , . � . . _ <br /> . <br /> .sc o- -- - f s = . ' r` � _� - e� -�f � � � 'c � : c � �� <br /> . . �.,� �� � '•_ ' ,. . E::..,:� <br /> < ,- <br /> C" '• .i" r � _.. _ _ " . ' . : , ... ._ . � '_' - � - . _. . - .. - - .1` . <br /> �i 'c <br /> � -•-' �. .��• "_ . . � .. ,� �. "' _ � ' '''ti'- <br /> ` • 4, <br /> .- �S� `/A `�` . c . ' ` � ., . c � � . � ' ' ' ' `C� `C` r . ' • . � � �` `''` <br /> � . �. . '� . i- . . � . ' . . " _ . - • ` . ' � . . . , _ '4. . � }; . <br />. Cf F .. . ,• .t . y�`_ ' . .. ' . Ce. ` " � .. . -. . . ' . . .' . � - ' , ., � . . . ' 1 ' � , z .4 1. V .. <br /> � ` �� t f . . �� . � . . . . ` . . . . . . �_. <br /> _ � .� ' _ _ �fJ' __ _ �--_`..t.a._S �.�.S...`._.- ___ ._.,....__' _ _� — _ . .-- � � `I�. <br /> _ _ _. ,. . � ��-� ��oa�� �; _:- _- � <br /> � � ' 17.TransPer of the Property or a Bcnef'icial Interes!in Borroner.If all ar any part of the Property or any interest in it 4` � • � �.. <br /> � .. is sold or transferred(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is nut$natural person)without � ��� <br /> � •� Lender s prior written consent, Lender may. at its option, require immediate psyment in full of all sums secured by this ° `� F�` <br /> •• ' Security lnsqumeat.However,ihis option shali rtnt be exercised by Lendet if exercise is prahibited by federal law a�of the date � F� , � <br /> . . .`. .. � � of this Security Instrument. � , c-r <br />_ if Lender exercises this opdon, Lender shatl give Borrower notice c►f acceleration.The notice shail provide a period af not _ <br /> - ----'�' less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivemJ or mailed within which Borrower must pay aU sums secured by this __ • .. . <br /> � •. <br /> ,=� Securiry InshvmenL If�orrower fails to pay these sum.c pri�r tn the expiration of this period.Lender may invoke any remedies _ <br /> s.°?.; � permitted by this Security Instrument withaut further notice ar demand on Bortuwer. .� ' • - <br /> • 18. Borro�er's Id[g6t to Reiastate. If Borrower meets certain conditions. Borrawer shall have the right ta have �'`�?"` .���•: '. <br /> , ,:.. . <br /> , • enforcement of this Security Insuument discantinued at any time prior to the earlier of: la)S days(or such other period as } `� " � <br /> � applicable law may specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Property puesuant to any power of sale contaiaed in this � -�':;,; <br /> • ' •�� Security In.strument:or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Tnsttument.Those conditions are that Barrower.(a)pays � '� •` - <br /> � � _. � Lender all sums wluch then would be due under this Security Instsument and the Note as if no acceleration had accurred:(b) , ' ` �___ <br /> ; `? c u r e s an y d e f a u l t o f a n y a t h e r c o v e n a n t s o r a g r e e m e n t s: (c)p a y s a A e x p e n s e s i n c u r r e d i n e n f o r c i n g t h i s S e c u ri ty I n s u u m e n t, ' .�- ���' •``<a <br /> = j including, but not limited to, rrasonabte attomeys' fees; and(d)tal:es such action as Lender may reasonably require to assure - � � �� �.r��- <br /> � � ' • that the lien of this Security Insuument. Lender s rights in the Properry and Bnrrower's obligation to pay the sums s�cured by - �`'�'`'� � � <br /> • °� this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upan reinstatement by Borrower, this Securiry Insuument and the � � <br /> � � , ' obligaaons secured hereby shall remain fully effecti�ce as if no acceleration had occurred.Honrever, this right to reinstate shall '� <br /> ` �,• not appty in the case of acceleradan under paragraph 17. r :. — <br />� "<�. �'e 19. Saie of Note; Change of Lot�n Serv(cer. 7'he Note or a p�rtial interest in the Note (together with this Security , ... ._ _ <br /> ' . . •f;= Insuvment)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower.A sale m�y result in a change in the enrity(known � - <br /> � as the"Loan Servicer")that callects monthly payments du�e under the Note and this Security instniment.There also may be one �"- <br />. � �' •� or mare changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer.Bomower wiU be �' "- � `— <br /> , , . ��:. � : ' ��-=_-. <br /> : � -:�� given written notiee of the change irt aceordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The notice will state the name arid '�� ��;�-'�.,: -�_ <br /> � address of che new I.oan Servicer and the address to which payments should be rrmde.The notice wili also contain any other • ;;,,, �_ <br /> _ � informauon required by applicable law. �` �:;�:��,' �;�-° <br /> .`� ,. '�,-;.�.; - :-� <br /> Z0. Hazardous Substattces. Borrower shall not cause or permi[the presence. use, disposal, storage.or release of any ,.�;:':;-'-_ <br />- • Hazardoas Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the ` . , x ` x--=f`-- <br /> . ' . ,...,;4. _-�-: <br /> ' . .�. _ Propeny that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence. use, or ,�::,fi�_. ;,•,�,�,���,- <br /> �. � ~ storage on the Propeny of smaU quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to nortnal <br /> !' residential uses and to maintenance of the Property. "`'''�' '��t.-.----�-�-�--.- <br /> : � Borrower shall promptly give l.ender written nntice of any investigaqon, ctaim.demand, lawsuit or ather action by any �' �:�,u:;:,�� ''�`�;. <br /> ' •, . � governmental or regulatory agency or private pany involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental :�;� ���� <br /> � of which Horrower has actual knowtedge. If Sorrower learns, or is notified by any governmental or regulatory suthoriiy,that . . -- <br /> '�= ' , _. � - any removal or otiier remetiiation of any HFUardaus Substancc affecting the Property is n�ary.Borrawer shaii promptly talce r"'�' `����:._ <br /> " � ' ' all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. ��-'•= <br /> •• , As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances" are those aubstances defined as toxic or ha�ardous substances by ' �'�<.;,-;��� �`��;=_a:' <br /> `�'.� . .. Emironmental Law azM the following substances: gasoline, kero,ene. other flammable or taxic petroleum prodUCU. toxic �` �� :;`.�`,�' <br /> • pesticides and herhicides,volatile solvents. materials rnntaining at6estas or formaldehyde,and radioactive materials.As used in �,.';;�� <br /> ��. ``� �. � �� this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law" rneans feders�l Iaws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Properry is located that __== <br /> relate ta health,safery or environmental protection. ' , � ;';�,�;_- <br /> ' • • NON-UNIFORM COV ENANTS.Barrower and Lender funhcr covenant and agree as follaws: .. � .,;�•_�__ <br /> � 21. Accete�atlon;Remedies. Lender shall give aotice to Borrotiver prfor to acceleration foltowing Borrower's breach ��� :;�,=_: <br /> . ' ' of anS•covenant or agreement in this Seturity Irtstrument (but not prior to accelerat�on undec para�raph 17 unless • ,.`.��- <br /> `� � appiicable taw provtdes othenvlse).The notice shall speclsy: (a)the default; (b)the action required to cure tde defauit; _ - <br />`'": �'.. , � (c)a date,not tess than 30 days f�om the date the noticr is given to Borrower,by which the default must be cured;and ' =- _ <br /> '� (d)that failure to cure the detault on or before the date speci�ed in the notice mpy cesult ln acceleratfon o4 the sums � . `� <br /> • • secured by this Security lnstrument and sa[e of the Property. The noilce si�all further inPorm Borrower of the right to . � �� <br />_ relnstate after acceleratlon and the r�ght to bring a couR action to assert the non-existence of a defau(t os any other � <br /> .. � • • . defense of Borrower to acceleratton and sale. If the defautt is not cured on or beYore the date speciSied i� te�e notice, • • :`.�"�` <br />_ . i.end�r, at i�s option, may reguire immediate payment in fuU of all sums secured by this Security Instsument wtthout • � ' <br /> " Pu�ther demand and may invoke the power of s�le and any other remedies permitted by applicable Iaw.Lender s6all be � �-�� <br /> , entitted to coltect all expensex incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this para�raph 21,including,but not limited ' � . �• � � <br /> , �. , . . to.reasonable att�rrteys'fe�and costs ot title evidence. � ' ' ; - <br /> If the po�ver af sale is invoked.Trunee sh�ll record a notice of dePault in each oounty ln which any part of the : � . <br /> �. Property is located and shall mail copi�s nf sach notice fn the manrtev prescrlbed by�pplIcable iaw to Borrower and to , � � .. <br /> . .' � the other penons prescribed by appllca9�te law.a.f'ter the time reyuired by applicable law,Truste�shall�ive publie notice . <br /> : ` . . of sale to the persons and in the manner prescrlbed by s�pplicabte law.Trustee, without demund on Borrower.shall sefl ,,.� � . <br /> the Properiy ai public auctian to the hi�+,h�st bidder at the time and place and uader the terms designated in the notice of � . <br /> sale ln one or morn parcels and ln any order 7'rustee determines.Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the ' � <br /> == Property by public announcement at the time and place ot any previously scheduled sale. Lender or(ts d�signee may � ��- . <br /> :�. purchase the PropPrty at any sale. <br /> form 3U28 9l90 � ' " . <br /> , oaao 5 ur c <br /> • . . , •, • � • <br /> , . <br /> __,,,, . . . <br /> _ . . . <br /> .. . . <br /> • • . , � . : • • '. ,•� .. �..:..... .'. ,... . .,... .., . i�' <br /> _:C� . .. . . ..._... .. �........�_ �._L.��.,...�:1' �. . _' ."'."..�_._..__�.._.�_".x�._.._v...y..t•_2y•5��._��,._.._.,..� �A"'_t�..s..�...•.�..�.i.i:i::�'Jz4e ...::S::.i.sat:,.��.._.__:t�.u....._...::_:ysu.���.i . _.._ <br />