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<br /> �.Flre,�luod wd Otrer li��rd lanukY.Honower shail i�ue all impe�ovements oa the Pr�perty.whetAe�aow ia
<br /> exisce�xe or subcoque�ly erected.�ai�u1 any dasards,c�ties.aod coNtioyencies,incluciic� i'ir�.for which l.endev reyuirec
<br /> ir►cu��c. This lnwrancr sF�all be mainwined in the amounts a�d fix tl�e periucis ths�t Lendrr reyuirrY. Bwruwer aha11 Wso
<br /> - = ir�urc all impn�vements on tl�e Propecty,whc�her now in ezistence or subsequently erected, ugaiagt Ic�s by fluixl.Y tu[he extaot
<br /> roquirod by the Sect�etary.All ia�urance sl�all be cairlod with aunponies approvai by 4c►der. Ttr�i���policies�nd oay
<br /> -�T—--–�� renewsis rh�ll br Ae{d by Le�der and sFyil include Mes p�yable clausc:►in f�vcx oi,ani In o fixm acYx+pt�We w.lxader.
<br /> - - -- - - - — In the ave�t of i��sx.&xruwrr sti:all give lx�rkc fnw�iwte�r,tice by urriL Lendee may m�l:.c proof uf tasx if twt made
<br /> __ __ pranptly by Borrower. F�cA i�uurance compony rnncermd is hereby authorizod and dinrted to malce payment fur such loss
<br /> – – direclly to l�ender,instead of to Borrower iud to Lender jointly. Al{or any part of the insurarre proceeds may be appliod by
<br /> Le�der,at its option,either(a)to the nduction of the indebtedress wuler tM Note and this Secttrity lnstrument, first to any
<br /> delinquent�nwnts upplied in the onicr in p�ragraph 3, and theo to prepaymmt of priacipat,or(b1 to the reslarrtion or rep�ir
<br /> of the clarriaged Pivpecty. My appliration of the proceeds to the principaF sh�ll not exterxi ur postpane the due date oF the
<br /> monWy p�yments which�re referred to in paragraph 2,or change the anaunt of such payments.My exress ingurance proc�eeds
<br /> over an sirt�ount required to pay all outslaidia�udebtedness uuder We Note aud tNs Security lastmmeut slrrlk be pc�i� to the
<br /> emity le�aily etuiUed theceto.
<br /> � In the eveot of foreclasum uf this Security [a5trumetu or other t�ansfer of title to the Property that extiaYuistses t6e
<br /> — —____----__-�--=� indebtedness.all�i�ht.dt�e and interest of Bortowcr in and to it►c�sr�u�c potici�.s in furrc ahatl Qass to thc purci�r.
<br /> ..
<br /> .�:�;.
<br /> S. Ooca�x►ocy, Preservation, Nl�iateurnce aad Protertiao of tYe Property; Borrowes's La�n Applicatba;
<br /> � ` - l.es�lds. 9orro�rer shs!!oi�cugy. establ'+ch. enci ucP rhe�Pirnperty ac&nrower's principal residen�r within sixn•days after
<br /> - - -• ,. the execution of tAis Security Ynurument and shali continue to accuPY����Y ai Borrnwer's principal residence for at least
<br /> , •�:,,�.
<br /> � one year after the date of occupan�:y, urless the Secretary detemtines this requirement will cause undue hudshlp fur Borrower,
<br /> ,�;ti � or unless extenuating circumstances eai�t which are beyor�d Borrower's controt. Borcower shall notify l.enders vf any
<br /> t extenuuing circumstances.Florrower sh�ll nat comntit w�te or destroy,d:unage or substantially et�ange the Property oc allow
<br /> �••. the Property to deteriorate, re�awnable wear and tear excepted. Leader may inspe�K the Prape�ty if the Property i, va�cmu or
<br /> ubandoned or the l�ar► is in default. Lenler may take reasonable uctiun to protect and preserve such vacant or abarndoned
<br /> :,,:_� .. •' �' � Property. Borrower shall also be in defuult if Boreower,during the loan upplication process,gave muerially f�lse or in•rccumte
<br /> a�- 1ttfOlSl'LYlWft @! 3!�lCtSiCii�!tT LCS1t�Cf {OS f9llEa!Q �lOYtf�1.CtlaCi i�itls�ny s�steria! infurmstiun! ia���seci�m •�ith st:e laus
<br /> T-- ������te''•�.
<br /> �,'r ... evidencerl by tM Nae. inctuding, but not limited to, representations�bnrer�►ing Bc�rrower's ottupancy of the Property as a
<br />; ^ `;':n�,„�""M�.s � principal nsidence. If this Security [nstmment is on a leasehold. Burrower �h•rll comply with the provisions uf the Irase. If
<br /> . ,. .. Borrower acquires fee tide eo the Pcoperty,the teasehold and fee title slwll rou be mr�ged unless l.ender r�rees to the caer�er in
<br /> . - x writing.
<br /> � <, .;.
<br /> : � �� 6.Ch�rges to Borrower w�d Protectioo uf Leader's Wgdts in the Pmperty. Burcuwer sh:ill psy all govern�nenwl ur
<br />"�" '�'"."' ;,,_' : - municipul charges. fines wui impositions th:it ure not inrluded in paragraph 2. &�rrower slwl l puy thex obligatiuns on time
<br /> �t ,�; .M1°.,, �. direcdy to the entity whirh is oweJ the paymKnt. If failure w pay woutJ;ulversely affect l.ender's interest in tlie Property.upon
<br /> �j' � ., " . . lender's requcst Bonower si�il prompdy furnish to l.e�uier receipts evidertcing these paymentc.
<br /> ./�•. �'��r�'.!�, .._:.;�.�� . . . . .
<br /> S"' .,,. .-� If Borrower fuils w nule these payments or thc payment�reyuired by paragraph 2,ur Y;tils to perform any other covenhnts
<br /> �. . S"�-""""'� " wd agreemenv��nta��ted�n this Se�:urity Irutnrment.or ther�u u leg;il proceeding th:tt mry siLtmtic�antly affect I.erxler's nghts
<br /> ���. �'`�' `'�,� • in the Property (such u�a pnx�ec�iing in bankruptcy, for cu►xiemnatiun ur to rnfurre Isws ur regul;uions),then Lc�xier may do
<br /> � •� and pay whatever i�neceu:uy to pn�t��t�he value of the Pcvperty und Lender's rights in Ne 8roperry. iacludiag paymeat of
<br /> A '
<br /> �,° ��� . ., ���, tn�ees.hursrcd insurum�e arnl other itertu menti�ned in p•rr.�cuph 2.
<br /> t,td�io:yw.... .:�1
<br /> �: ; :o�_.. � Any um�wnts disbur.ed by Lender un�ler this p;in�traph sh:tll b��rom�: :ui ;tJJitiut�l debt uf Butrower:uxi be secured by
<br /> � this 5e�vrity Instrument.Thcwr wrrwnts shil!bear interest from thr ciate of disbursement,ut th�Nute rvte.su�J su the option uf
<br /> �'� �°! .."""'" Ixnder.stull be imme�ii:uely due�uri p�yable.
<br /> r .� "--" �p..
<br /> 'a�'.' � ��" 7. Coadetnaatioa. Tt�e �,raec�+ uf uny aw;trJ or cl;tim for danug�h, direct ur �vnu:yuenti•rl, in ruruiertiun with any
<br />. � �u � ' cwrie►nn�tion or other trlting of rny p:ut of the Pn�pert�•,o�fur c�mveyan�e in pl:�ce ut'�ondemnation,are hereby assigned und
<br /> „'~ .�� stull be paid w Cxmier tu the extent of the Full:unount uY thc i�xiebtecin�ws that mmain, unp:tid unJer the Nute uxi this Security
<br /> T �''""' Instrument. l.ecxicr slwll apply surh pr�x�ctis to thr rcdu�n�m of thc indcbt��in�y.urxtcr the Note and thi,Security la�trument,
<br /> - " fint W any delinyuent amounts applic�i in th� onlcr provided in p:ir�gr�ph 3. :utJ then ro prepayrrknt of principal. Any
<br /> :� °. upplicatiim uf the prureeJ. tu the principal sh:tll not extcnd ur pu;tpune thc duc J:tte af thr munthly payments. whirh are
<br /> �� �-4AINE1 P+w a.,�a
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