<br />�0�.10640�
<br />�
<br />Attachment A
<br />Part qf the 5oufheast Quarter (SEl/4) and the South Half of the Nor�heast Quarter
<br />(S1/2NE1/4) in �aection:Thirty (30), Township Ten (10) North, Range (10) '�Vest di the 6�'
<br />P.1bI:, Hall County more particularly described in �Joint Tenancy �a�rranty Deed
<br />Recorded in Book I43, Page 622 and Deed. of Distribution by Fersonal I�epresenta.tive
<br />recordeci as Document No. 200006253 excluding a tract of land particularly described as
<br />The Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SWl/4NE1/4) and Lots fihree (3) and
<br />Four (4) Mainland, Section Twenty Three (23}, Township Ten (10) North,'Range eleven
<br />(11) West of the 6�' P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, containing 115 acres, mo�e or less and:
<br />That part of the Southeas� Quarter (SE1/4) of Section Thirty (30), TQwnship Ten (10)
<br />North, �ange Ten (10) West of the 6�' P.M., lying South of Interstate 80, Hall CQUnty,
<br />Nebraska. ' ,
<br />_ ,
<br />. ;.., _ ;.: ,.. ,
<br />, .,:: .-: .:,. :.
<br />:;. � . . a :: . . ; .:
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<br />TY�e West. ��Ialf vf ;the :Northeast. Quarter. _(W1/2NE1/4)` of Section- �'liirteen (13),�
<br />-Township Ten (1 Q) No�Yh, � Iga�ge Eleven �(11) `Vest of �the ' 6�` P.1VI:; �Iall County,
<br />NebraSka excepting there from a tract of land more particularly described in Deed
<br />recorded in the Register of Deeds Office in Book 116, Page 293 I
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