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l_: ir-- rc �uUS ��• e (;Y14S' ' �?s-A♦ C^! t+�5 x' 47_�,tt � � <br /> ,..r<r �c-.'= '.c. x��i'k:' �:4.,x'�r:�_ .�ira,a :f 4F �.. .:.�a� . '�"� �-• __rt�_._ . _.��..F. <br /> . _ . _ ti- ._.t a�i:���.a�,.�a,�-. . � - _ � _ -�S �v_ '` ,.,� a ` - — �-� -.:� _ . <br /> I� r � _ . <br /> .... .��' . �. .. . �.. a f` � r_tr����� .� i � � � L �. �� Yir � `. <br /> . � � c � .�c ;� . <br /> � c� � � s - < < - <br /> " (_`.'• t ,(_' �2. '. . }''tv ' 'i� a�, . _ ..� 'm ,y .. � -.�:. _ .' x'�:.- ,t,-- <br /> ,�. . _ .t. � , �4 `r , .. -<. . .r s �C� -. <br /> r . �}. . �; „ c. .. t , � ; _ .�, . G: <br /> / � , . ' .`y `" � u . ' t� �� ';� .� - }� " - ' _e. � } . - x ° '�. .. <br /> _c. .., . �' , � `5�'� �` Q F �p,. ,..� '�<" . .;tC t c ` ` .S 0 C ` f ..a.t. <br /> .. —. .— f- -: • S ' ' '`� _ 'f`':-- _ _— �t--••-r :-- '_' - - -.� - — - -� - -. <br /> �-' �� . ! . <br /> �l <br />. . � , .r . `�" ..:�'. ' <br />_ �. ��. S. Narard or Property Insue�anoe. Borrower shall keep tfie improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the a, � . <br /> ' ' <F'. Property insured against loss by fue,hardrds included within the term "exteaded coverage"and any other haratds. including �,F �` . <br /> '� , floods or flooding.for which Lender requires insurance.This insuranee shall be maintained in the dmounts and for the periads . <br /> < , thai Lender requires.'I'he+++���nce carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject ro Lender s approval • � <br /> , � � � whtch shaU not be unneasonably withheld. If Borrower fails to maintain ooverage descrc�ed afiove. I.ender arey. at�Lender's � , r� �j 4 <br /> , ='`�'• �ptian,obtain coverage to protect Lender's righu in the Property in accordance with paragraph 7. � • <br /> �..,Ti.-` . .�... .. <br /> � AII insuranoe policies and renewals shall be acceptable to Ixnder and shall include a standard mortgage clause. I.ender � , <br /> �` ' L shall h�ve the right to hotd the policies and renewals.If Lender requires.Borrower shall pmmp8y give to Lender aIt receipts o� - • <br /> < . ` � p�a premiurr�s and renewal teotices.In the event of loss,Horrower shatl give prompi notice to the insurance cazrier and Lendet�' � ,_• <br /> ' � Lender may make praof of loss if no�made promptly by Eoaawer. , . f.� '� <br /> � J' " Untess Lender and Eorrower otiteiwise agrce in writing,insurance praceeds steall be applied to restoration or reFair oF � •°' � _ <br /> �. . . . ,��. <br /> • � r �� Propeny damaged,if the restoration or repair is eoonomicxlly feas�le and Lender's security is not icssenecl.If the restoradon . •_., <br /> : ` ' repair is not ecanomically feasible or Lender's sewrity woutd be Iessened,the insurance proceeds shall 6e applied to the snn� `'�<�-;.<��-- <br /> • ` ".", " sccured by this Se�►riiy Insuument, wh�her or not then due, with any excess paid to Bomowet-. If Borrower abandons the `� -"`y <br /> � . ± ,• Property,or does not answer�vithin 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance carriec has offered to settle a claim.then � t�='+`�_ <br /> � Lender may wltect tha inyurance praceeds. Lender may use the pmcceds to repair or restore the Properly or to pay sums =�'�� <br /> 'c ' secared by this Security inttrument,wheiher or not then due.The 30-day period will begin when the notice is given. ,���- <br /> . , . �� �'� Unless Lender and Barrower athenvise agree in writing, arry application of pmceeds to principal shall not extend or -- <br /> ' : � '•�v�� postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs i and 2 or change tLe amount of the payments. If ., - -- <br /> ' � .. . •; ;;� under paragraph 2i the Propeny is acquired by Lender.Boaower's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting from • ° °�_--- <br /> ''� '. damage to the Property prior to tHe acquisition shall pass to Lender to the exteat of We sums secureci by this Securiry Instrument � ' '- <br /> �-- - -- - immediatcfy prior to the acquisition. •-���••.=-,i„-�_ <br /> ' � 6,Occupancy.Pres4rvatton.Malnteaanse and Protectton nf the I'roperty;Borrower's Loan AppUcation;Leaseholds. `, .,���. <br /> - � � Borrower shaN occupy.estaMish,and use the Property as Borrower s principal residence within sixty days after the execution of '-;�-:�_ <br /> ,�,,�. thic Securiry Instrunent and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for ut least one yeat afier L:;:r,,: `:.:"�� <br /> ' ` ' the date of occupancy. unless[.ender otherwise agrees in writing,which consent shall not be unreasonably withhetd,or untess � ; ,:;�: <br /> : _ ` - _ � . -• eatenuatin� circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's conuol. BoROwer shall not desuoy, damage or impair the - <br /> ' ' . , � � Property, allaw the Propeny to deteriorate. or commit waste on the Properry. Borrower shall be in default if any farfeiture -- ___- <br /> , . � �; action or proceeding,whether civit or criminal,is begun that in I.eader's good faith judgment ooutd result in forfeiture of the :�.__�, <br /> , . ... .�.... <br /> Properry ar atherwise materially impair the lien created by this Secauity Insuument or Lender's security intetest.Borrower may �� <br /> , , ..,. : <br /> �--� ' • cure such a defautt s�nd rrin.tate.a�pmvided in paragraph caosing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a mling '� f <br /> � � that; in Lendec's good faith determinatian. prerludes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest in ihe Property or other material . -_= <br /> .' • `� impairment oP the lien crcatcd by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest. Borrower shall also be in default if • ` <br /> ., ' ' Barrower.during the loan appli��atiun process,gave materiaUy false or inaccurete informarion or statements to Lender(or failed � `� �'.'"��.�- <br /> <. � `` ��'Y to�rovide Lender with any materiat information)in connection witb the loan evidenced by the Note,including,but not limited ___ <br /> to.repre.r•entutions conccming R��rrnwer's nccupancy of the Property as a principal residence.If this Secvriry tnstn�ment is on a '� T`�� <br />'� trasehold. Harrower shall camply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee utle to the Property, the ':'' -��_ <br /> � leasehnld and the fee title shall nat merge unless i.ender agrees to the merger in writing. � ���`2 <br /> . .... <br /> 7.Protectton of I.ender'�RI�ht9 In Ihe Propesty.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreemenu contained in • ' �.�`��- <br /> this Security fnstrume�t,or there iti a legal proceeding that may significantly affect Lcmder's rights in the Property(such as a .�� <br />- ,� � proceedin�in hankruptcy,prubate. for candemnation or farfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations),then Lender may do and ' `�a� <br />- � . pay for whatcvcr iti nccessary to pmtect the valae of the Property and LertdePs rights in the Property. Lender's actions may �.� <br /> � .�_ <br />_ ' . . `' �r: include paying nny sums sccurcd by a licn which has priority over this Securiry Insuument, appearing in coun. paying -_ <br /> � - reasonable attamcys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although Lender may take action under this paragraph •• . -- ' <br /> . � ' . �'� ` 7.L.endcr docw n��t havc w Ju.o. . <br /> ' ' • • � Any amaunts ditibur+cd by i.ender undcr this para�raph 7 shall become addirional debt of Borrower secured by this . ���' <br /> .�.. _,. <br /> � Security Instrumcnt. Unktis Borrowcr r�nd Lcndcr asree to other terms of payment.these a�ounts shal!bear interest from the - ' <br /> !C4 datc af disbunement at �he Notc ratc a�id shall bc payable,with interest, upan notice from I.ender to Borrower requesting � • . " <br /> . . payment. ' ' . <br /> � • 8.Mortga�e Insurartcr. If�.cndcr rc�uired mangagc insurance as a wndition of making the loan secured by this Security ' . ,. . <br /> � Instrument. Burruwcr shall p;ry ihe premiums rcquired to maintain the moagage insurance in effect. if, for any reason, the .' . <br /> ; r� i mortgage insurance coveragc rcyuirui hy I.endcr lapscs i�r ccases to be in effect,Borrower shall pay the premiums required to • ' <br /> : ubtain awerage+ubstan�ially �yuiv,den�w the mortgage insurance previously in effect,at a cost substantially equivalent to the <br /> , � j ca�t tn Bormwer of'the mongage in�ur�nce previnusly in effect, from an alternate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If .. <br /> � . •. •+ substantially eyuivalent mortgagc imurancc cuvcragc is nnt available. Borrowcr shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to <br />- . • � ane-twelfth of thc ycarly mortgagc ia�urancc prcmiwn bcins paid by Borrower when the insuranoe coverage lapsed or ceased to ' � <br /> � •_ •,•� bc in cffccK. l.cndcr a�ill accrpt, u+c,mJ r�haii��hcrc p:,yments as a lass reserve in licu of rrtongagc insurance. Loss reserve • <br /> ` � �. �1 Farm 3028 9/90 <br /> � . ' P.x�o 3 of B ' � � . <br /> - • ,{ ' <br /> . . r <br /> - - . . . _ ... _ - - — <br /> i. ' • . ' • , � . . � ' . ».� - !_ ..�...r..�......... '�.-_--- <br /> "��! _L�S•''t` �'��.'+l'�ES�'��[�d��_'�1T3� :'nvi'B;S.itr+isal+_:i.'�.�`��L..�ssyl���I4�',�1+-�+�,i-;�==:.��4 w�"1-�. ..Yf,.i..,...i-�:r.i .J� �-. .i,l��.s,...;� i f .d ,..a::-is.w1. .-. <br />