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aruw. � <br /> . .��' {',, � <br /> _ �Y��(y —'�'__ . . . ., ' .`::ti-."". _ ""_. <br /> , ' +I1Yf��77l�I��.�SK.- . _.. __ _ . .. _ .._—__._ _' �— ...._ ._. _....___ - _,` _ _ - <br /> . , i. — <br /> • •� y .��fr�'�1�'R� �.d�11M�'YlYYiun . � ....,......��...- .. __.- <br /> . �p� .{�- . �. . �i' . ... .._. a.n <br /> M. �� <br /> �AI����-... <br /> . .. �..-_ .:�-. <br /> � . . . _. . .. .. <br /> . ..'KM`'.�r._.._..-. . . . ... .. .. <br /> ^`� . � RICHARD W C0IIRAD DBNA CONR1rD �" �1��'1� 9O970A 12/13/1996 _._- <br /> � IB. E3orro�ser's Rlght ta Relr��t,ete. Notwithstt+nAing Lender's ncceleeation af the sun�secured by tP�is Deed uf <br /> � ' ' �'r�t,due to Dnreo�v:,r's�, Ssrrxaerbi ssi:�.11 have tlie d�ht to have nny proceedings tx�un I�y l.e�ic�er to enfurce Q�Is <br /> - -- --� Deed uf 7'eust discontinuesi ai �uy u.��pr�� to th��t to cxur uf ti?t!:=f���'�y 1��'ntc tLc c�le of tlle Prop.riy <br /> ' pursuant to tUe powcr of sale conWned tn thts veed of T�ust or(il)evtry of a judgRneuc enfon;ing tlils DePd uf Trust if:(a) <br /> ` � �' � ' �ottuw�-r pays Lender�Il sun�s ahich would be then d�ee undtr tliis 1)eed ot Tcust aixl tLe IVure l�ad no ucceleration <br /> ,� ` � occurred; (b) Boaower cures all bre�►ches of ar�y ather covewu►ts or a�ceemeuss of l�onuwer conteine� in d�is Deed of <br /> � Trusr, (c) Bonower pays xA reasonxble cxpenses In�urred by Le�xler and Trustce iii eatorciug tde �ovcuauts aud <br /> � agrc�n;euts ui I3n�ruw�r cont�i�l in thls Dzzd of Trust a�r!in enforci��Lender's und'Cruscce's ren�tdles as provided in <br /> ��� paragr�ph 17 hereaf. including, but �wt to. reasonxble attameys' fees; aud (d) Bocrower tafces such acdon+�s <br /> l.eader may reasonably require to assure that the lteu of this Deed of Tcust, Lender's interest in t�e Propeny u�d <br /> Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by this Deed of Tcust shall continue uninipAired. Upon such payn�ent And <br />. � �� cure by Ilonower, this Deed of Trust and the ob!igadons secu[ed hereby shall rem�:n in fuU force and effect as If ao '+' <br />.•;.it��••� � accelcradon t�ad oocuzrod. .' <br /> � 19. Assl�nent cf Itecstsi Appolietaaer�4 of Iteee4vt� i.a�du tn Pnssesston. As addidan�l sc�curity henuacier. �_ <br /> � ;�� , Borrower hereby a.�.si� to Lender the nnss of the Propetry. pruvided that Borrower shall,prioc co asseieratiF�n under _ <br /> � paragraph 17 heteof or�bandonm'.r,a oi the Proporty.l�ve the right to collect and retnin such ttae,�rl�y becam�drie and _ <br /> '. ' �� '� ' payable. - <br /> Upon acccleratian under paragraph 17 6¢reof or atraodo�uuent of the Property. I.ender,in �Sers4n. b�agent or by � <br /> � ., jud'nci�lly appoinud receiver shall be endtled to euter upon,take possessioa of wd n�ana8e tbe ProPea�Y aud to callect the <br /> + . t rec�[s ot the pcoperty including tuose past due. All nnts collxted by Lender or the receiver shall be applled 6rst to <br /> - • paymewt of the costs of mu�gement of tht Prope�ty nnci colleeUon of r�nts, inciuding.but �ot limited to,receivei s fees. � <br /> nc <br /> - " , premiwms on receiver's bo�s and reasonable attoraeys' fas, and then to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. Lender _ <br /> y,�, � and the receiver sh�ll be liable to account only for thosc ren�s ac;tually receive�l• <br /> =�:... :. .."': 2Q. Reconvey�nce. Upon paymeat of aU sums secuml by this Deed of Ttust. Lender shall reyuest Tnutee to _ <br /> _„•�.. . <br /> '� reconvey the Property and sha11 surcender tbis Deetl of T=ust and nll aotes evide�ing indebtedaess securod bY this Deed a <br />=.� �"3.� Trust to Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey t6e Property withaut waccanry and wit�aut ctn�rge to t6e person or persons leg�Uy <br /> • .:��•�:�:?:� endded thereto. Such person or petsons sha11 pay all costs of recordadon.if any. <br /> y�` .� "'�+ 21. Substitute Treuta. I.ender's opdon,may from ticqe to time remove Txustee and sppoinc a s��cc�ssor <br />��`. � mted hereunder by an iuscrument recarded in the conn in wlnch thi� Deed of rrust !s <br /> • uustee to an y Tmstee appo' �' <br /> .. ".�' . ._ <br /> x`4:-;.:. �... . recorcled. Withaut conveyanee of the Property, the successor trustee shAU succeecl to all the dde. power a v d duties <br />��� ' ; ' � confexred upoa the Tcustee herein and by applicAble law. <br />—�Eq�`;.��:.:.. �wu, w m,II� - <br />,.....�,. .,,,,., 2.2. Reqt� [or Notias. Boncower requests tLat copies af Uje norice ui deia�Ii an�i uvu� �f "''_ `" "" • _� <br /> ;���;: -:'�� Borrower's add3rss which is tbe Paopecty Add�. <br />�F,�'-:��{�iT�: � 23.Hanirclo�Subettno�.Hormw�r s3�aU not cause or permit the presence.use.dlsposal,storage,or release of nny <br /> °'�''k:�..` G Hazudous Substnnces on or in the PropenY• Borrower shall aot do,nor allow a�nyo�ne elsa to do,unything affeccinS the <br />—::�'�5, <br />��:.�:,:;;� Propexty that[s im vyoladon of acy finvlronmenql Law. Tl�e preceding nro sentemes shall mt apply to the presence.use. <br /> �`�n7'� or scorage an tDie Ptoxrty of small quand6es of Flarardous Substances tlut are generally secogn�ztd to be approprIot�w <br />�.��J���_, . . <br />-_s.,..,.�.�:�;�� _� �ormal residenti�l uses aud to malntenance of the Property. <br /> ti,�;�:,-�t:��"j gorrower sball pmmpdy gtve Leuder wrItten vodce of xny imescigadon,c7�3m, chmand, lavisuit or oth�r scdan by <br /> -°"-�=�R�'�:� any governmenml or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property ansl any Hazaidous SuLstance or <br /> ,,,,,,,,�;,:�-�� Eflvironmetw�l Law of whlch Borrower has actual knowltdge. If Botrower lealns,�r is aodfred by auy govemmenttl or <br /> `— -- �6u�wIY authoriry� tl�at nny removal or other remediation of any Haiardous S�bstanoe affecdng the PmpertY is <br /> __�.� necessary. Bormwer slull promptly talcG nU necessarY r�medial�ctions in accordance with Snvtronnsemal Iaw. <br />_—�.:.-:y�,�;�"7 as used in this P�S�Ph 23. "Hf�zudous Substtu�es' ue those substances defined as toaic ar harardous substances <br /> ,_,,� by Bnvtconmental and the following svbstances: Sasoline. kemsene. other flw�mable or toxic petroleum products� <br /> _;;�;� to�c pesticides wd herbicides.volatile solvents.m�terials contdning asl�escos or formalslehyde. and radlo�ct�ve maurlals. <br />_-- -- � As used in tLIs par�gruph 23. 'Buvironmental Law"means 6Sderal laws and laws oF�t3ae jurIsdiction whsre tlu Pmperty is <br /> _��^Y��`� located tLat celate to or envtronmental protecdon. <br /> ----z��'� <br /> �.J_°.6!'l"'�ZS➢S,f <br /> -���=�:��� <br /> _ �-_� <br /> ----_-=.:�� <br /> q<�m.: <br /> �_,�;;c•.`.ir,��r, <br /> ��.�,. �:}�-°. <br /> - �, .•. • �� <br /> ;���:1: .�•.`,;; : - •. ' QOntentionally Left Blanky <br /> ;;:� . <br />_. �x�'� <br /> - -�.-_ _ -� <br /> . .�. w � <br /> �, <br /> � <br /> � , <br /> :� ,. <br /> � <br /> Nebcaske 25816-3 I I/96 Osiginal(ROCOrdnd) Copy(eraneh) CopytCuetomer) Pege a of5 <br />