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<br /> i.:
<br /> .� � � �s� 1�9�9s Inst. 96 �- 815 � .
<br /> :' � interest hereof such fixtures and equipment as may irom time to time bocom� wom out or
<br /> � obsofete, provlded th�t Tnistor shali, simultaneously with or prfor to such remaval, replace
<br /> ��� ' such removed fixtures or equipment with replacem�nt fixtures or equipment having a value, ,
<br /> _.,y,,....�nw�
<br /> quallty and utility at least equal to the removed fixtures or equfpment. Trustor sh�ll, at
<br /> ; Truator's expense, execute and deliver to Beneficiary such flnancin� and continuation .
<br /> r statemants covering said collateral as Benaficiery may from time to tfine raquost. All .
<br /> � agreements of Trustor hereln, and ell rights of Beneficiary herein, relating to said real estate ��r�`n
<br /> - � shall apply to said collateral whether or not exprossly referenced hetein. ;;,5::
<br /> ":r
<br /> � TAGETHER with and inctuding all and singular the tenements, heredltements, _ _
<br /> � appurtenances and�civileges thereunto belon ging or in anywise eppertaining, whethvr ncw or �._':�N'==
<br /> ..y�_-
<br /> •,��;:;; hereafter acquired, vufiich shall include, without Ilrniting the genor�lity of the fore�oing, the ��_^
<br /> 4����
<br /> follov►�ng: �==-
<br /> Ali of the rents, issuos and proflts, including ell rents, royaltles, bonuses, and beneflts �:=:�
<br /> � n und�r any exEsting or future oil, gas or minaral or other leases; all easements and rights __ _
<br /> ° ,� of way; all rights of homestoad and homestead exemption and any survlving spouse's ---
<br /> maritai or dfst�ibutive share, and all other aontinc�ent rights in and to said premise�; all
<br /> �.�. water, water rights, whether riparian, appropriate or othervuise and wr�ether or not __
<br /> appurtenant, all ditch rights, and any sheres af stock evidencing any such water or
<br /> ditch rlght;and
<br /> ;���.: _, : �
<br /> � � All of the foregofng estate, praperty and interest hereby conveyed to the safd Trustee is _
<br /> T� 1�°:�';;�;: .. hereinafter collectively referred to as the"Property".
<br /> ���1;�, ,
<br />�����"�Y�;iiw:r
<br /> �-r��;�,«.;. TO HAVE AND TO HOLd the same unto the said Trustee, his successors and ess gns,
<br />-_:��:;;;"fs�;,;l forever, IN TRUST HOWEVER, and WITH POWER OF SALE hereby oxpressly granted unto
<br /> ,��;4_�����"— the said Tnastee,his succeasors,and assfgns forthe purpose of securing:
<br />-�`�`'�'+� � . (a) 7he pAyment of Trustors Just indebtedness to Beneftciary in tha princlpal
<br /> ���,
<br /> ����;F��.;;`'� sum of SEVEN HUNDRED P�ND SEVEN 'fHOUSAND DOLLARS AND N0/100
<br /> _---;;-- = Dollars ($707,000.00) far money bonowed, with interest therean, all as
<br /> _.�_�_� evldpnced by and in strict accordance with the terms of that certain promissory
<br /> �=°-Y�''�� note. hereinafter called the"Note",bearinc�even date herewith mada payable to
<br /> - -=�==��a� the order of Qeneficfery, exocuted by DONALb F. HALLER, A/K/A DONALD
<br /> -_�:M..�.�� AND WIFE end providtng for the payment of s�aid indebtedness in installments,
<br /> "�.��;�,��t� tho last of which is due and payable MARCH 1�2006, s�bJect to acceleratlon ot
<br />�=--`-�'?''"� maturity on default in the payment of eny instelimeni of principal or interest or in
<br /> �_ -r;:,,�,�.,
<br /> _ - the performance of any covenant,agreement or warranty contained in the Dee -
<br /> �_:�*�:^� of Trust; --�-...
<br /> -.._�:_«
<br /> � �������� �` b The performence of each agreement, covenan4 ar.d warranry of Trustor
<br /> �_�:�-�,�.-�- . ( )
<br /> �:'�"`'�'h" : herein contatned or set forth in the Nate nr any agreement nr instrument
<br />__.._ -N.if- ,
<br /> • � � 'r� executed by Trustor in connection with the indebtedness hereby secured; and -_
<br /> :=s-r�;:�i: ::��
<br /> `�� J. ,' (c) 7he payment of any sum or sums of money with interest thereon whiah _–
<br /> ..... _. . may be hereafter paid or advanced under the terms of this DQed of Trust. m.-_
<br /> - ., ��~ ��,_.
<br />- . ' . Initfals: �?'4�`
<br /> � � � 5 �"� �i�='=.
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