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�Oi1063�� <br />EX�IIBIT A <br />ATTACHIVV��NT TO DEED OF TRUST <br />DATED AUGUST 17, 2011 IN THE NAME OF <br />PA'TRICK RENTALS, LLC <br />I'art of Lot Nine (9) of the County Subd'avisaon of the West Y�alf of tPae Souti�west Quarter (FF�'g/ZSW1/4) <br />of �ection Ten (10), Township Eleven (11) Ielorth, Fdange Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall Counfy, <br />I�teb�ask�, more particularIy described as follows to-wit: Commencing at a point 8 chains ared 4Q links <br />North of the Southeast corner of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter (VV2/25i�V1/4) oP Section Ten <br />(�0), Township Eleven (11) I+lorth, Range Nine (9) West of the 6tln P.M., thence running North 1301/2 <br />feet, thence South 81° 55' West 95� feet, thence South 30° East 6� feet, thence East 4Z1.4 feet to theplace <br />of beginnang. <br />]Excepting that porEion thereof' conveyed to The Urban �Zenewal �uthority of �he City of Grand Ysland, <br />Nebraska, by deed dated the 1$th day of June, 1974 and described as follov�s: <br />Part of Lat Pdine (9) of County 5ubd5vision of the West �alf of the 5outhwest Quarter (W1/2 SWI/4) <br />of �ection 'I'en (�Q,l, To�ams�nip Lleve� (11) Pd�rth, kta�ge l�ti�e (9) i'��st of ffie �pxt�t P.IVI., �a11 County, <br />l�tebraska, now in the City �of Grand �sland, Nebraska, more partica�larly described as follows: Beginning <br />at the southeast corner of said Lot Nine (9), thence running west on tiie sonth line of said LoC l�ine (9} <br />a d'a�tance of twenty-three and eighty-five hundredths (.'.3.85) feet; thence running northwesterly a <br />distance of one hvndred thirty-four and ten hundredths {134.10) feet alang a line' running fro� the last <br />described point to the southwest corner of Lot 'Iwvo (2) of said County Subdivision; thence running <br />northeasterly a distance of ninety-nine and eighty hundredths (99.�0) feet to the northeast corner of said <br />Lot 1Vine (9); thence running south an the east line of said Lat RTine (9) a d°nstance of one hundred thirty <br />and five tenths (13Q.5) feet to the point af beginning. <br />'�� <br />PATRIC A. JOHNSON, MANAGIAiG MEMBEQ <br />PATQICK BENTALS LLC <br />