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<br />--'`:�� � � CHARLES RICHAI2D DOOLITTLE and SEKIKO DOOLITTLE, huaband an
<br />---- for and in coneideration of
<br /> ��°� wi�e, herein called the Grantnre,
<br />;�;;�;. ,c'� LO�E AND AFFBC`I'YON do g-rant, bargain, sel�, convey anhuaband and =
<br />--�:,.�.�
<br />-_=�'°_+::� wife, ae �oint tenante with right of eur.vivorehlp and not ae
<br /> �°`" — tenanta in common, herein called the Granteee, Nebra�ka��ing-
<br /> `"."� " deecribed real eatate situat�d in Hall County,
<br />�_�r1, :�,. .
<br />.-=-.��.��{�
<br /> =.,.ac'
<br /> ::�.,;:;;;�r Lot Thirteen (13) in "Pal.0 Subdivieion" eaid
<br />--�=z;:�;;�� Subdivieion being a part �f the Narthe�at �uarter _
<br /> ��� of the Northeast Quartar (NEI,(NE�) of Sectian
<br /> =-ti-a•�;� Thirty-Three (33� , Townehip Eleven (11) , North,
<br /> _i�;�� Range Nine (9) Weat of �he 6th P.M. , Hall County,
<br /> --- Nebra�ica, u�oie gur�i�'�?��'�Y �escribed ae follows:
<br /> -�-""�"�'',� Seginning at the Nortihweat corner of the Northeast
<br /> ---=''=`��' Quarter of the Nor�heaet Quarter ��'�and u on
<br /> -__- Section 33, running thence eouth al.ong P
<br /> :+�,,�- the west line of said Northeaet Quarter o� the
<br /> - ::�� Nvrtheaet Quarter a dia�ance of 455 .8 feet,
<br /> - - running thence easterly 745.5 feet to a point
<br /> v�hich ie 958.5 fset south of the north line af
<br /> — said Northeaet L2uarter of the Northeast Quart�r,
<br /> runna.ng thence North a dietance of 223 .5 feet,
<br /> running thence eaet 17.h feet, running thence
<br /> north a dietance of 235.0 fe�t to a point on the
<br /> north line of the eaid Northeast Qu�rter of the
<br /> Northeast Quar.ter, .r.uzining thence west along and
<br /> upon the north line of. �aid Northeast Quarter o£
<br /> the Northeaet Quarter a d�stanco of 772.3 feet to
<br /> the point of beginning; and
<br /> All of Lote Fourteen (14) and Fiftc:en (15? and
<br /> part of LAt Four (4) , Palu Subdivision of a part
<br /> �� the Northeast Quarter of the Northeaet Quarter
<br /> �NE;�TE',�) of Section Thirty-Three (33) , Township
<br /> � Eleven (1�) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th
<br /> �� P.M. , Hall County, Nebraeka, more par�icularly
<br /> - - deearibed ae follows: Beginr�ing at a point on the
<br /> -�-v.6;�„�� Weat line of eaid NE;Q�iE',�; eaid 1?oint being 33.0
<br /> �;,. _ . feet South �f the Northevesti corner of eaid NE'�(NE�:
<br /> �=i=-,�..Q._y� thence running eoutherly along and upon the West
<br /> -._-���=:1��� line of aaid NE'�]E� a dietance of 402 .8 fEet to
<br /> ="�` the Southwest corner of Lot ].5; tihence running
<br /> -Y=�;Q:�,��
<br /> ;�:�:'��:_.:� easterly along the Soutih line of Lots 15 and 14 a
<br /> ����E��:'��
<br /> -;,:;'�:;; ---; distance of 192.9 feet to the Sautheast corner o
<br /> -..W:,,;.,,....„,.
<br /> _^r��,,�,�.;�,. � Lot 14; thence running n�rtherly along t e as
<br /> line of Lot 19 a distance of 69.0 feet to a c:orner
<br /> �"-'�'��` a distance
<br /> - �L_.....,. .�....,,,;�,rr nnrthwestez'lY
<br /> .,..:.dOrcr_"��.�, OL 1J�t. 1Y I 1.11V'ii�r�. a�n�«�...��.7 ___ .
<br /> '°`"� of 41.0 feet to a corner of Lot 14 ; thence running
<br /> =•;;'�"+�'`�"�' noxtheaeterly a distance o£ 208.G feet to the
<br /> ,:�._:�.. �..5
<br /> .�•t; •�� Southwest corner of Lot 3; thence running nort -
<br /> � . ''� � er.ly along the West line of �,ot 3 a dietance of
<br /> , " „ � .`� 107.0 feet to the Northweet corner of Lot 3;
<br /> thence rur�ning westerly al.ong the North line of
<br /> � Lot 4 a diatance of 174.3 feet tio t he No r t h w e�t
<br /> corner of Lot 4, the point of begi.nning, and can-
<br /> � � taining 1.605 acres, more or lees; and
<br /> : . ��:, .
<br /> . .. ' .,�
<br /> 1
<br />