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.�r.- . „ r,j� a~ r: �� � _ - .... ' - . •`��_aa..... <br /> �� a�± <br /> , �... . .. �. -- _. <br /> - R�O'7�°4 <br /> _��„� . . 92 <br /> _ . . 92_ so4�zo <br /> ,applic�blc law rtu�y�pecify fa reinsWernent) before sale of tho Proporty punuant ta w►y power ofi wk conu{nod in Ihi4 <br /> _�'=� ici�w��'j iii'.+►+"i:.."'.f..:::.^.:/�ir.��n�n�nf s��,o.,.w..�.ni'i�mino ihi�Security Inatrum�nl. Tlw�e co�rJlUa►ati+uc thot Borrowcr: �Y) <br /> _ , ppys I.ender all sums which t�ien would 6e due un�ier tF�ie Secudty Instn�rta+nt and �he Note os if nu accelerallon had <br /> occutred;(b)cures ony default of any dher covenan�a or agrcemenlx;(c)paye oll expenxes incumed in enf�rcing thia Secur�ty <br /> Iqauument,inciuding,but not limited to.rwaonablo attomeys'fas: and(d) tekes �uch cic�fon us Lender may reawmat+ly <br /> � .,.._.� . reyuire lo�ssure that ti►c lien of ttda Saurity Inehument.Lendcr�dghtA bi�he Pmperty ancl Borrowerti obifpation to pAy�ho <br /> - -- ---- -- <br /> aums secured by this 3ecurity Instrumem sholl continuc unchunged. Upon rcinstutement by H�xrnwer, �hig Secur ty _ <br /> Gisuument and the obligationa eecurcd hercby shall remein fully effcetive as if no acceleration had occurred. Huwovor.lhir <br /> `�;:` rf�ht to reinstate sh�ll nat apply in Uie case of accelention under paregrnph 17. <br /> �________ __ 19. Sde ot Note;Chae�e of Lan&rvk�er. The Note or a pertial interest in thc Note (tagciher with Ihis Sccurity <br /> -----� Inauumeny may be sotd one or more dme�wilhuut p�ioe nodcc ta Borroacr. A ssie �nay rcsult in n ohnnge fn the cruity _ <br /> v_ __ _,_��,�i (knovm as�he"Loan Servicer")thut callecls monthly pnymentai due under the Note and this Security Inatrument. There als:o <br /> may be one or more changes of the Loan Serv icer unrelated to a sule of the Nota. If therc is a chunge af the Loan Servicer. <br /> _--- <br />