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<br /> ' RE•RECORDED
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<br /> - 1'OUL'THER WITH all lhc improvetnents now a bcrcafter erccted on thc propeny.ond ull cw��emcntx,wppuhenancea,
<br /> ° - ana tixwrc�now or I�ere�fter u�wrt of the propeAy. All replacements and ndditions Rhall�Ico be coverea ey tnic�xurny °` `
<br /> Inctrumen�. All of the Poregofng is refermd to in thia Secudty Inatrument aw thc"Pimperly."
<br /> f� BORItOWER COVENANTS tlu►t Borrawer ix lawfully scised oi the estutc hcrcby canvcycd und hox th�:righl to grunt
<br /> and canvey the Property and Ihot the Roperiy ix unencurn6ered,except fbr encumbronees nt r9ecord. Borrower warranw ond
<br /> '�-' wfll dcfcnJ gcncrally thc titic ta thc Properry ugAinst all c laims and dcmand�c,sudjc:t ta uny cncumbrnncc.r af rccord. �•
<br /> � THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combinos aaifam covenants Por nallanul use und nun•uoiform covenwnt� wllh
<br /> limited varlptions by Ju�lsdiction to conatitute u un{form security inatrument covering r+eAl propeny.
<br /> UN IFORM COV�NANTS. Borrower and Lender covenunt und agree us fallow�:
<br /> - �a'c,.-���_�� 1. Firyrr�ni uf PrG�cl�wi�n8 iairresi;Prepa)menl s�nd LAte Chs��ea. Aorrawer ahall pn►mptly puy wheu due!he —
<br /> principal of and interest un thc debt evidenced by ihe Note and any prepuyment and latc chArges due under�he Note.
<br /> ._ �-�::����,�0.:�,.�,r„�.+. Z. i�nds tor'Ibxes And InaurAace. Subject toapplicable iaw or to u wri�ten wniver by Lcndcr.Barrowcr ahull pay to ___
<br />-- :-�.sa=tR=:°_'.�, Lender un thc doy monthly payments are due under Ihe Nate,until the Nate is puid In full,a sum("Funds")for:�a)yearly
<br /> �r.,..P::•-..;,y r�-
<br /> =_-.,,_, tanes suid nsseasmenls which may attuin prior�ty over�his Secudty Instrument ax u lien on Ihe�roperly: (b)yearly leosehold
<br /> �':,�?;�.t�` paymeMs or ground rents on the Property. y p pe y p (d) yearly flood
<br /> if uny;(c) yearl h�d or ro n insurance remiums;
<br />��'� "' " ' insurence premiums, if any; (e) yearly mortgoge insurance premiums. if uny; und (�s�ny Rum� pays�ble by Borrower to
<br /> --„� - Lender,in accordance with the proviaiona of�aragraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mongage insumnce premiums. These
<br /> � v°;..��,�„•-:�••;•} items are called"Escrow Items." Lender muy.at any�ime,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the maximum
<br /> w��'• .
<br /> ��r
<br /> `�u�1G� amount a lender for a federally related mongage loun rnay require for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Real .�
<br /> '— � � ' �``_�'���: . 1Estate Setticment I'rocedures Act of 1974 as amcndcdfrom time to timc, 12 U.S.C.§2b01 cr seq. ("R�SPA").unless sinother ���
<br /> 'x {;* ,.' *
<br /> ,. ..��.r�+;�C law that applles to the Flmds sets a lesser amount. if so,Lender may,at any timc,callect and hold FLnds in un amount not lo __=-
<br /> -- '���•:a},.:.��.2. exceed the lesser amount. Lender may estimate the umount of Funds duc an thc basis of curnmt data and reosonable
<br /> . '`,''.,'.•-'.` �.`""> esdrnetes of expenditures of future Bscrow Items or otherwise in accordunce with nppllcuble law. �-
<br /> � ..o.�...k.. . • ...,.
<br /> The Punds shall be held In an ins�itution whosc dcposits nrc insu�+ed by a fedeml agency. instrumentallty.or entity
<br /> ;� � .��..� � ��r (including I.ender, if I.ender is such an institution)or In any Federal Hame Loan Bonk. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay --
<br /> ° ; ' the Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding nnd npplying the Funds, unnus�lly analyzfng the escrow -�=
<br /> . "', � :; accaunt, ar vedfying thc Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interesl on the Funds und applkablc law permits
<br /> , �, ^ " � � Lender to make such a charge. However.I.ender rnay require Borrower to pay u one-time churge for an independent reul --
<br /> , ' � eslate tax reporting service used by L.ender in connecdon with this loan,unless applicuble law provides otherwise. Unless an �
<br /> . �. � agreement is made or applicable law requires interest io be paid,Lendar shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or
<br /> � � °`, .. earnings on the FUnds. Borrower and Lender may agne in writing.however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender -'
<br /> � � ' ahall give to Borrower,without charge,an annual accountfng oY the Funds,showing credits and debils to the Funds and the ---
<br /> - ;:.•�,'�t..a�.�-.l.,; .. .
<br /> °--- --- - � -- purpose for which each debit to the Funds was macie. The Funds are piedged as addi[ional securicy for ali sums secured by --
<br /> �s this Security Inswment.
<br /> "� .. If the Punds held by [.ender eaceed �he amounts permiued to be held by applicable law. Lender shall accaunt to °°"
<br /> - ' Borrower for the exceKS Funds in acwrdance with the rc.quirements of applicuble iaw. lf the amount of the hunds held by `__
<br /> �, � • Lender at any time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow ltems when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,and, in �-
<br /> . • - � such casr:Borcower shnll pay to Lender the s�mount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the �--°-"
<br /> � : de�ciency in no more than twelve monthly payments,�t Lender's sole discretion. -
<br /> � " '•� Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Securiry Inswment,Lender shull promptly refund to Borrower any `-'�-'�
<br /> ' ` •• t��� Fumis held by Lender. lf,under parngmph 21,Lendershall acquire or sell the Property, Lender. prior to�he acquisition or [�
<br /> , � � , sale of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by I.ender at the time of ucquisition or sale as a credit against the sums ` "-�°
<br /> �M�� secuied by this Security lnstrument.
<br /> .�' ' �..• 3. Application of Payme�ts. Unless upplicuMe law provides otherwise, all pnymentg received by Lender under �y==�=
<br /> j.� � - - - - ' �� :� parngraphs 1 and 2 shall he applied:first,to uny prep�ymcnt charges due under the Note; second. to amounts payable under !=="
<br /> "�^• �• � parngraph 2;third,to interest due;founh,to principal d��e;and luxt,to Any late charaes due under the Note. --�
<br /> �-° • � `' 4. Char�es; Liens. Borcower shall puy all taxcs,ussessments, churges, fines and imposiuons uttributable to 1he "-�°
<br /> z'- � �•�;.�.- Properry which may attain priority over�his Security Instrument,und leasehold puyments or ground rcnts,if any. Borrower
<br />,� ". � shall pay these obligations in the manncr provided in paragraph 2,or if not puid in that munner,Bortower shall pay them on -
<br />� , . time directly ro the person owed paymcnt. Borrower shal l promptly furni�h to Lender ull notices af umounts to be paid under ��'
<br />�� . � '�a this purngrnph. If Borrower mukes these puyments dfcectly, Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing ___
<br /> ' ., 'g.. the payments. ".""
<br /> a Borrower shall prompNy dischargc uny lien which has priority ovcr this Security Instrument unless Borrower.(u)agrees �`�`-
<br /> � • in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by Ihe lien in a manner ucceptable to Lender;lb)cantests in goc�d fuith the
<br /> ' ' lien by,or defends Aguinst enforcement of the lien in,kgUl proccedings which in the Lendcr�opinion opemte to prevent the -*=-:
<br /> x �' enforcement of the lien;or(c)securcs from the holderof Ihc lien un agreement sutisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien �`__ �
<br /> � , to this Security Instrumenl. If l.ender detertnines that any part of the Property i,subject to a lien which may Attuin priority
<br /> `�v�,�� � over this Securlty Instrument,Lender muy give Barrower a notice identifyinu the lien. Borrower shull sutisfy the lien or tuke - -
<br /> , one or more of ttic uctions set fonh abovc within 10 duys of Ihc giving of noticc. . -
<br /> ° ' � 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrowcr shall keep the improvements now existing or herenfter erected on the �
<br /> - Property insured ugninu losz by fire,huzurds included wi thin the term"extended coveruge"anJ any dher huxards,including
<br /> ' ' tlaods or tloading. for which Lender reyuires insurance. 7'his insurunce shall be main[ained in �he umounts und for the �;rti.
<br /> :ti':`=
<br /> � • •�:�:
<br /> Form 3018 9/9� Irw�Rr 2��jA/wkesl '
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