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<br /> of �evpnty F.��� �7;.4, Fe?t +.,; th F�[r•iT CJF BEG[tiri[�ir,; +.h�ncp
<br /> ' ` cor�t�n�_rr��a '� $':'' 20' 4'3' E �a���n�a +:I•�� I`I�:r tl-� i�r�� .�F ;�,t�:l hIOY`th?4?+.
<br /> ws ��,�r}r+.?t- �rlEl:��i n r�;�#��n�_a ��f� F =.�,n• H�,ir��lrc�l Thir- �:� Fir�f•�+. ��nCl F��rty
<br /> F�v� H�.irn_li•��:1+.{'�� �a3c�.d5� FP�t� *.1'��n��� � U�J" Ui1� `a� E �x���ng t��°
<br /> West l�n� of thn Cihy r�H Gr�r��:l I��pnr,l {��rn�:,�ri� �yntl �,�rallel 1:�, +.h?
<br /> E��s�t line W?s+. H•alf (Wl/2i of 5����:1 M��i• k�����,;►: i)�.��yr+,ar !hlEl/4i
<br /> p �.IiSt�nC? uF FOY'�y Fiv? (•}5,Q'� f?r?t t�� ±F'in now $��.�th R.O.W. I�n�
<br /> uf Copi+.�al Av�nuel +.hence cont�rn.i�ng � U�J', Qi)' ��1' C along •th? ,
<br /> Wes+. l�ne �f th? C�ty of Gr-an�l P�lun�l N�°r.,per ty 4ncl pOrpll2l tr� the `
<br /> EASt lln9 nf Lhr? WeSt Half CW1/c) oF soitl t•lor'Cf�e��st C�uorter Chf�l/4)
<br /> a cl�stance ol' Three Hunclre�l Sevpnty i37U.iii F??t i:o +.he southwest _
<br /> corner uf +,he C;�ty oF Grantl Isl�lncl ��rop�ar•ty; thence S 89' 20' 09'
<br /> E along the south line oF the C�fy �f G�,and Islarn:l prop?rty and y
<br /> parutlei �O L�'1� nor�ch tine t�r 5uii.r ivvr��iiCUS� �'uu'i�i,8i ��'v�ti�� 1J� Nia 4tZT=c�
<br /> oF 1'Eire'e I-I�anclred Seventy (370.0> feet to the southeast corner oF �
<br /> the C�ty af Grancl Island property� tFiPnce N 00' 00' 24' W alvng
<br /> the east linp of �the City oF Grand Islanc� proper�y and paralle! to the
<br /> east line of •Ehe West Half (WI/2i of sa�cl Nortlie�ast Auarter CNE1/4)
<br /> a clistance oF Three Hundrecl Seventy C37Q.0) feet to •the new South�
<br /> i�.O.W. ltne of Capttal Avenuet thence contmumg N 00' 00' 24"
<br /> W ��l��ng a ltine that ts parallel to the east ltne of the West Hr.�IF
<br /> CWL/2) of saicl �lortheast Auarter CNE1/4) a cl�stance �F Fau^'�y Flve
<br /> C45.0) fee'� t�� a polnt on the north ltne oF said Mortheast Quarter
<br /> (NE1/4); then�e S 89° 20' 09' E along the north l�ne oF sa�cl
<br /> PJortheast Quarter CNEI/4) a dFStance of Two Flundred Thirty
<br /> � C230.0) Fee•t� thence S 39' 29' 09" E a distance of F"�Fty E�ght and
<br /> � E�gh•�y Seven Hundredths (58.67) feet to a p�tnt oF mtersect►on of
<br /> the new 5���.r�h R,O.W. line of Capt�tal Avenue and the West
<br /> R.�.W. l�ne �f U,S. Nllghway 281� thence conttnu�ng S 39' 29' 09'
<br /> E along sa�d 4�?st R.O.W. l�ne of U.S Wtghway 281i a ct�stance c��
<br /> Seventy Fo��r anci Seventy N�ne Hunclredths C74,79) �eetJ thence S
<br /> 00' 00' 24' E �.lonc� said West R.[].W. line of U.S. Htghway 261
<br /> and parallel +.,� �;he eas�t ltne of the West Half Cb/1/�) ofi sald
<br /> Northeast Quc�r�Ler CNE1/4) a cl�stance of One Thousane� Eight
<br /> M�inclred Sevei�Ly One ancl 1'h�rteen Nundrecltl-�s C1$71.13) feet to
<br /> the northeas�i. corn�r oF Lot Two C2), hienard Subdtvtstonl '�hence P�
<br /> 89' 29' 35' W alang the north ltne oF Mennrd Subd�v►sion a
<br />_ clistance oF Clne 'i'housand One 1-lundred �Itnety S�x and Sixty
<br />_ Nunclredths c1196,60) Fpe�t �to a polnt on �:he. west lin2 of satd
<br />— t�lortheast Quar�er CNEV4) also be�ng the northwest corr�er oP Lat
<br /> [lne (l), Menni�d Subcltvt�tont thence N C�0° 03' 30' W along the
<br /> wesi: l�ne of satc� Northeast Quarter (NE1/45 a c��stance of �ne
<br /> Thousancl f•�i.�r Hunclrecl Six ancl Si:cty I•lun�:lre�l•ths C1406.60> Feetj
<br /> thence 5 89' ZO' 09' E along a l�ne that is paraltel to the north l�ne
<br />— of said Nnrtheast Quarter CNE1/4) a �Itstance of Thr�e Hundred
<br />= Twenty Three C323.0) feett thence PI 0�' Q3' 30' W along a l�ne
<br /> TYIa'C i5 paraiiei i.v i.}ir wr�g�:ii�c 'v� �v�� n��,�.±ti`:.�� (�.,Y.�+nr [NF"1/d) n
<br />= d�stance oF Three Hundred C300.00� F�??�hl tF��nce �I 89°~20' 09' W _
<br />� alony a l�ne that is parQUel to the rn�rth Une oi' sa�d Northeas�t -
<br /> - Qu�lrter C�JEI/4) n distance oF Tw� H�.irn;lr2cl For�.y Eight C24B.0>
<br />-_ � PPet; thence N 00' 03' 30' W al�ng a Une that ��� parallel to the w2st °
<br />'� t�ne of s�x�d Nortl�e��st Quar�ter <t�tEV�I) n d;�tanr.e uP Two Hunclr��l' _
<br /> _= Tw.�nty F�ve C225.0) fee t to tFie nn,w So�.�+h (?.U.���• ��ne o.f Capjtal _
<br /> -'-'- Avern.ipt +.hence con Cinumg f�l 00' 03' 30° W u �1�5t�tn�e of F'orty
<br /> F�ve <45,0) Feet to 'I:he POINT UF I3EGlMMIPIG. Sa��� tract
<br />�� cnnta�ns 47.98 acr�s r�ore or Ip;s nf wl���-1� 0.71 uc�°� iy Cap�tal -
<br /> � Avpnue R,G.W.� �'owwa�i/f� /I N�rTrf� ,�aw� l o �,,�esT K Y�.. 6�F[ �I�'I�
<br /> �' �-N4cc-.Gs�wK►T{►_�.�l.�.• . _. . . ...... „ _ . . . . ... .. ......... . ........ . .. _ .
<br /> � EXHIBIT "A"
<br />