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<br /> `��7�� ' '� DEED OF TRUS _ _
<br /> 4 �i + --
<br /> This Deed of Truat made this 20th daX of Decombee, 1996, by: L
<br /> 1:' �-• TRUBTOAe: Ja3on Morledge, a single pereon
<br /> ` i�DDRE89: 929 East 7th 8treet, 6rand Island, NE �
<br /> _::+.r;�-
<br /> ��` BENfisICi11RY: Orand ialand l�rea Housing Corporation � �
<br />.:':_tii•'" ' C
<br /> `��":�'"�� ADDRE88: 113 N. Locuet, Suite "8", cirand Island, NE � c
<br /> ��z s:s�x
<br /> J;'���`.°`� TRUS'fEF.s Earl D. ]►hlschvede, J►tto=ney at Lav
<br /> ,...,«--
<br />�5%>�:�"�''.`��' Foc valuable consideration, Tru�toY irrovocably grants, conveys, and assigna
<br />,,;;,�,,;��� to Truatee, IN TRUBT, �i1ITH POi1SR OF shLE, for the benefit and security of
<br /> _,'��.-�-� bene£lciary, under and eubiect to the righte teres and conditions of this Deed
<br />_ ` �s of Trust, the folloving daeccibed real property located in H1►LL GOUNTY, _
<br /> NEBR]ISKA t
<br /> ''-`'�''"� Lot Tvo (21, Lincoln'a eubdlvieion to the City of �rand Ieland,
<br />-:�^-� Hali Cnunty `-
<br />-��a
<br /> �`-'�'"�'�� (Herelnafter called the PxeMieeel togethe= vitA all b��lldinga and
<br />--=��'�� '' � lmprovcmenta nov or hesnaftoz erected upon the ptemisesj all renta, profita,
<br /> "��°����� Yovaltie�, lncox�c and athet benefits derived from the premiseaj all easementej
<br /> _ _ 1lcenaes, righte o£ vay nov or Nereafter accruing �o the pcen�I�eu; a��3 ar�'r .:r�
<br /> �� all avaxda n�ade for the taking by eminent dornain, including p=oceeds of any
<br /> :;�,Q� agreement made in lleu thereo£; and,
<br /> -"�� 1111 are col].ectively called the 9ecurity.
<br /> (a) The paye�ent of tiha debt to the eeneficia=y evidenced by the T=uatot'a note
<br /> of thia sa�e date in the pclnclple suM of Tv�ntv-Four Thoy�znd. Five H�nd ed and
<br /> No/100 Qg�lara. tS2/.5001. vith no intere�t, and upon the term� provided in the
<br /> Note� an8 r�ny and all renovals, modifications and extensione oE the Notes;
<br /> tb1 The pezf.ormance of: each agreement bel:ween the Trustor and eeneficlazy;
<br /> the covenants oE the Txustor Ln this Deed of Trunt;
<br /> (c) The payment of ��y sum oc aun�e vith intereat thereon which may later atiae
<br /> under tl►e terme of thie �eed of Tzust or may be t+dvance8 to bo secuced by �his
<br /> Deed of Truat. Future advancemente may not exceed a aun► equal to thcee tintea
<br /> the originfll principal anount of the above-cecited notee.
<br /> I►(3RSEfl 713 POLLOY3 i
<br /> _____. _ _____ i. nbligatlon. Truotor eh�►11 pxo�ptly pay vhen due the principal oE t
<br /> indebtadneee evldenced by the Notea, and all other c�iarqea and fena prov Aed in
<br /> the Notee or aecurnA by L•hia Deed of Truat, and the rincipal of anQ interaet on
<br /> - any futuce advancee aecu�ed by this Deod o£ Trunt na� to exceeA thxae timez� the
<br /> �- orlginal pxinclpal a�nount of the above-racited notea.
<br /> 2. Maxxanty of Titl.e.
<br /> -- - 2.1 Tcue�oz Se lavfully eelzea and posseased of good and indefeasibla titic:
<br /> - �- and eetate to the pxoperty hereby conveyed ane hAa the righC to grant and convey
<br /> _= thce property.
<br /> _ __�:� 2.2 Ther propexty le fxee end clear of all liens and encu�xbrancea except
<br /> __ —��, f0Y NOHE -- •
<br /> =�.n•� 3. Maintenance of the 3ecuzity.
<br /> _--�:,•" 3.1 Trueto: ehall keep �he aecu=ity in goo� aondition and repair; shall not
<br /> �"""'-�--�� conmlt or auEfec Y86tEj ehall not c4o or allov any'thing to be done which vili
<br /> ==-'�"'""�='��'� increa�e the risk o£ £!re or other casualty Co the pren�laen or diminieh the
<br /> _ '��`�� value of the aecuritX except reaeonable rrear and tears and, shall not Alter t he
<br /> -='�`'��• des1qn or ntructuzal charter oE any building or add any building within the _.
<br />---LL''i'r'�-'�'' aecuxi�y vithout the vritten coneent o£ the Boneficiacy.
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