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<br /> � .
<br /> 01-02-1998 DEED OF TRU �j Pege£ . �
<br /> Loan No 00462A (Continued) �tJ° ����'�}25 j � .
<br /> 1pp81hOr wllh IntorBSt On SuCh pm0unis as nrovided In thlg Oeed of TruSt.
<br /> I.ender. The word'tender"means U.S.Bank Natlonal pssoclelion dlbla Fast Dank N.A.,Ils successors and assigns. �
<br /> Note. Th�word"Nots"meu1�ihe Hots d�ted J�nuary 2,199e,ln the p�tncipel emount of S5S2,000.00 from Trustor to Lender,
<br /> lopelher with all renewels,extenslons,modifications,refinnnclnps,end subsUlutlons for the Note. "
<br /> Perton�l Property. The wards "P9rsonel Properly' mean ell equipmenl,fixtures, end other erticles of personel property now or heresfter
<br /> oN�ned by Trustor, and now or hereatter attached or effixed to lhe Real Property;together wilh ell accesslons, parts, and addlNOns to,all -
<br /> replecemonts of, and all subsufutions lor, any of such property: end together with ell proceeds (Including without Ilmitatlon all insurenco -
<br /> proceeds�nd refunds of premiums)Irom eny saie or otner tlisposition of the Property. ' y,�;
<br /> Property. The word"Proporty'means collectively the Real Property and the Personal Property. ,�...-�-_
<br /> Re�l Property. The words"Real Praperty'mean the property,Interesls and rights descdbed above in the"Conveynnca and OranP section. , __-- -
<br /> Retated DoCUments. The words"Relnted Documents" mean and Inctude wilhout Iimltatlon all promissory notes, credit agreements, loen � _
<br /> epreements,environmentel egreements,guarantles,st�curity ayroements, mortgeges,deeds of trusf,nnd nll other Instruments,agreements and -_-
<br /> doCUmenis,whether now or hereaRer exlsting,executed In ConnBCtlon wlth Ihe Indebtedness. ; --
<br /> _._
<br /> ., _-_,z_.._ _
<br /> Renta. The wortl"Rents"means all present end tuture rents,revenuos, Income,Issuos,royaltles,prolits,and other benefi:s denved Irom the
<br /> Properry. � �::�
<br /> � Trustee. The word'Trustee"means U.S.Bank National Asscelation d/b/a Pirst Bank N.A.and eny substitute or sucasssor trustees. � -
<br /> i Truato►. The word"irustor"means any flnd all persons and entit(es execuling this Deed of Trust,Including without Ilmitatlon all Trustors named 4 "�"
<br /> � above. . ; �,�.__--
<br /> ON Th1E FOLLOWINl3 TERMS: I :r!-�
<br /> PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE. Except as othenvise provlded In fhis Deed of Trust,Trusfor shall pay to Lender all amounts secured by this Deed ���,y
<br /> of Trust as they become due,and shall stdctly and in a timety manner pertorm al of Trustqr's obligatlons under the Note,thfs Deed of Trust,end the r:�.
<br /> HelQted Documents. ��'
<br /> POSSESSION AND MAINTF.NANCE OF THE PROPERTY. Trustor agrees thatTruslor's possesslon and use of Ihe Property shall be governed by �
<br /> Ihe followinfl provislons;
<br /> , Pos�ession end Uss. Until the occurrence of an Event ot Deteult,Trustor may (a)remaln in possesslon and control of the Property, (b)use, _
<br /> operete or manapo the Property,and (c)collect any Rents from the Property. �"�•4 �t�.
<br /> :�l.;, J
<br /> Duty to Mdntaln. Trustor shell maintein the Property In tenanteble conditlon and promptly perform all repairs,replscements,and malntenance +i�4+
<br /> necessary to preserve Its value. ��� '`
<br /> �L
<br /> Haiardous Suhst�ncea. The terms"haTardous waste;'"hazardous substence;'dlsposal,""release;'and"threatened release;as used in this �"
<br /> Ocr�c!?:u:l,sha!!h».�!h�:amc rr,c:rl^^s as s::toah!r,t���c^�^r••'^°^�!•�Er.•:rcnmar•w:Rcr arss�Com or.:.�"on.ar.�L,�b�:l� "^!^• ..- _
<br /> ��--
<br /> u r...,.��., F F i � �`�q�,�,--
<br /> 1980,es amended, 42 U.S.C.Sectlon 9607,et soq. ("CERCLA"), the Supedund Amendments and Reauthorizatlon ACt of 1988, Pub.L. No. ,Y,�
<br /> 99-499("SARA"),the Hezardous Materlals Transporlation Act,49 U.S.C. Section 1801,et seq.,the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, ��.
<br /> � a2 U.S.C.Section 8901,et seq.,or other appllcabie state or Federai laws,rules,or regulatlons adopted pursuant to any of the foregoing. The ,
<br /> terms"ha�erdous waste"and'hazardous substance'shell also Inctude,without Ilmltatlon,petroleum and petroieum by-products or any fraction `
<br /> thereof and asbestos. Trustor represents and warrants to Lender thah (e�Dunng the penod of Trusior's ownership of the Properfy,there has ,.
<br /> been no use,generatlon,manulacture,storage,treatment,disposal,release or threatened release of any hazardous wasto or substance by eny •
<br /> person on,under,flbout qr from tho Property; (b)Trustor has no knowledpe of,or re95on to bolleve that there h8s been,exCept es prevlously �
<br /> dlsclosed to and acknowledged by Lender In writing, (I)any use,generatlon,menufacture,stdrage,treatment,dlsposal,reiease,or thraatened
<br /> release of any hazardous waste or substance on,under,about or irom the Properry by flny prior owners or occupants of the Property or (II)flny
<br /> actual or threatened Iltigation or cialms of any kind by any person relatlrq to such matters;and (c)Except as previousiy disclosed to and �
<br /> • acknowledged by Lsnder In wdtinp, (p neither Trustor nor any tenant, contractor, aqent or other authorized user of the Properiy shall use, � �.�_
<br /> generate,manutacture,store,treat,dispose of,or release any hazardous weste or substance on,under,about or from the Properly and (II)any —
<br /> such aativity shali be conducted In compliance wilh nIi eppllcable federal,state,an�Iocai laws,repuiatlons and ordlnances,Includlny without ���
<br /> Ilmitfltlon tho3e laws,regulatlons, end ordinances described above. Truslor aulhorizes Lender and Its agents to enter upon the Property to ` —
<br /> • make such InspeCtions and tesfs,at Trustor's expense,es lender may deem appropriate to determine compllance of the Property wlth this �� �
<br /> sectlon of the Deed of Trust. Any Inspectlons or tests made by Lender shall be for Lender's purposes only and shall not be construed to create
<br /> any responslbllity or Iiabllity on the part o}Lender to Trustor or to any other person. The representatlons and warrdntles contalned hereln are ��`
<br /> � based on Trustor's due dillqenCe In Investlpatlny the Proporty for hazerdous waste and hazardous substances. Trustor hereby (a)releases and '
<br /> ; waives any tuture clalms agalnst Lender for Indemnity or contribution In the event Trustor becomes Ileble for clennup or other costs under any ?�����=
<br /> 1 such laws,and (b)sgrees to Indemnity and hold harmiess Lender againgt any and all clalms, losses, Ileblllties,damafles, penalties, and `
<br /> � expenses whlch Lender may direClly or IndireCtly sustaln or sutter resuitlng from a breaCh of thls SeCtlon of the Deed of Trust or es a �
<br /> � consequence of any use,peneration, manutacture,storage,disposal,release or threatened reloase occurring prlor to Trustor's ownershlp or I ���rr-_
<br /> �j Interest In the Property,whether or not the same wes or should have bean known to Trustor. The provislons of this section of the Deed of Trust, I ��
<br /> � InCludlny the obllqatlon b Indemnlfy,shali survive the payment of Ihe Indebtedness and the satisfactlon and reconveyance of the Ilen of thls . ' .'�----
<br /> i Deed of Trust and shall not be affectod by Lender's acqulsltlon of any Interesl In the Property,whether by foreclosure or otherwlse. I ����
<br /> 1 Nuleenca,Waate. Trustor shaA not cause,conducl or permlt eny nuisance nor commlt,permlt,or suffer eny stripping of or waste on or to the
<br /> � Property or any porflon of the Prope�ty. Without Iimiting the generality of the foregoing,Trustor will not remova,or grant to any ather party the i
<br /> right to remove,any timber,minerals(Including oil end ges),sou,gravel or rxk products without the prior written consent of Lender.
<br /> REmovat of Improvements. Trustor shall not demolish or remove any Improvements irom the Re&I Prpperty without the prlor wrlHen Cansent
<br /> of L.endor. As a condltlon to Ihe removal of any Improvemenls. Lender muy roqUlre Trustor t0 make errangements satlsfactory to Lender to
<br /> replace such Improvements with Improvements ot at least equel vaiue.
<br /> Lender'a Ripht to Enter. Lender and its agents and representatives may enter upon the Real Property at all reasonable Ilmes to attend to
<br /> Lender's Interests and to inspecl the Property for purposes ot Trustor'S Compliance wfth the terms and condltfons of thls Doed of Trust. I �
<br /> CompltanCe wlth Governmentel Requlrementa. Trusbr shall promptly compiy with flll Iaws,ordlnences,snd regulations,now or hereafter in i
<br /> effect, of all governmental authorities epplicable to the use ar occupancy of the Property, including withouf Ilmitatlon, the Americans With �
<br /> Dfsabilities Act. Trustor may contest in good faith any such law, ordlnanCe, or regulatlon and withhold compllpnCO during uny prOCOeding,
<br /> InCluding eppropriate appeuls,so�ong as Trustor has notified Lender in writing prior to doing so and so long as,In Lender's sole opinion,
<br /> Lender's interests in the Property flre not Jeopardized. Lender may reqtnre Trustor to post adequate security or a surery bond, reasonably �
<br /> satislactory to Lender,to protect Lender's Interest.
<br /> Outy to ProteCt. Trustor agroes neliher to abandon nor leavs unattended ihe Property. Trustor shall do all other acts,in addition to those acts
<br /> set lorth above In Ihls section,which irom the character and use of the Properly are reasonobly necessary to protect and preserve the Property.
<br /> OUE AN�ALF_CQNAFNT RV 1 FNDFFi. 1 anrlar mav a}f1c n�1lnn rinrloro immn�ilnfcl�rf�_n nn.f.. .e�i�en e ...��..�ti���M�..i r.���
<br /> upon the sale or irgnsfer,without the Lender's prior written Consent,of all or flny part of the Real Property,or any Interest in the Reel Property. A
<br /> "salo or trpnsfer"means the conveyance of Real Property or sny righl,title ar interest therefn;whethor legal,beneficlel or equltable;whether voluntary
<br /> or involunfgry;whether by outright sale,deed,Inst811ment sale coniract,land conlract,conlract(or deed,leasehold Interest with a term greatpr thtl:�
<br /> Ihreo(3)years,�ease-optlon contracf, or by sale,aSSignment, or iransfer of any boneficial ir,terest in or to(iny land �rust holding li�le lo the Real
<br /> Property,or by nny other methOd oi conveyflnce of Reel Properly interest. If any Trustor Is a corporation,partnership o�Ilmlted liabllity compeny,
<br /> Iransfer also InC�udes any change In ownership of more ihan twenty-five percenl(2G�) oi ihe voting slock,pprtnership Interests or Ilmited liability
<br /> company interesls,as ihe case may be,of Trustor. However,this option shall nol be exercised by Lendor If such exerclse Is prohiblted by(ederal
<br /> lew o�by NebraSkg law.
<br /> TAXES AND LIENS. The fouowing provis�ons relating to Ihe taxes and Ilens on the Property aro fl part of this Deed of Trusl.
<br /> Peyment. Trustor shall pay when duo(end in all evenfs pnor to detinquency) sll ta�ces.spoclal taxes,assessments,cht�rges(�nc�uding water
<br /> and sewer), Ones and Imposdlons levled aqainst or on aCCOUnt of the Praperty,and shell pfly when due all clalms for wOrk donp on or for
<br /> serviCes rentl�red or matenal lurni5hed to the Property. TruStOr Shell m[iinl9�n tho Property Ireo of all Iiens heving prlority ove�or 8quel to ihe
<br /> interest of Lender undor this Deed of Trust,pxCept for thp lien ol taxos and assessments not due end exCept aS otherwise provided in this Deed
<br />