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<br /> �-- � -n-� � -- -----._. _ _ - . . - --. . .. _._.°__. .
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<br /> , � •'A4 .7! r:.�`,,.:��' ' �, .,...� ..
<br /> �L�AVirrta ��,
<br /> _ ..�.. � . y+�k�4til�t _.
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<br /> �����!!�!�� . ' • g �t���.3i
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<br /> _ - :i�i .�. • :� tM�w�'Y ot.sl.ot tM urtssy R�qla�p�anoaat co Notiaa ti or J►stiol�x, os apo��4o�saa ot�co1� '
<br /> . r.`s.'J�,'•'.'.s.`��' . a pl�o cpoa t�itLaaliaa�! tb�C�adalaiw�rop�rt�ItM1M pur�a�ae to Nolioa 1 oi artlel��S�or otMsrl���tlw Ct;.y;;'"'
<br /> a�welatlow �Iu1L Maw al1 OM P�� NC !oelb !a �ttlal� 1t !s d�slla9 altA • pusab��w or p�solurwr� �
<br /> ,F �:r. .taeav.s-�..e.oe.
<br /> .:; •5-. .�:.
<br /> ,�_'�`,'��": {q =. - _
<br /> ���'��;,,..
<br /> ,:r�...�,�
<br /> �soo�d� s�wind u ��L iorth!a t!�pr�a�diq i��� � u appliubl�to Moh wLt� �Ma11 b�o�wd
<br /> �' ' ��l�Yvrs�d bl �M�awoi�tia�u �teorMy-ia�l�.ia tM� lolladaq eed�rt
<br /> M
<br /> __ -_ '�+'�- .,:_ �-
<br /> — , . �•.- (�1 �or pa7Mat ot eax�� ud rp�olal u�wnt�� li�u !� it�or oi aer unutnq �sCiRr�ad ttw --
<br /> �:'i,,:,�;'�tt7.��ci7,�►.�f�.'J aWLo�aq ��w� ot �alq
<br /> � � � �. � (b) �os p�ya�nE o!tM baLnw o!t!w liw► o! aay lir�t �artqaq�� �_ °
<br /> �...•�°.°i;.,-.,b (o� 1os pa��o!aapdd ur�nsa�nt�urd all ao�t�� �a�w�ad!N�Saoua�d bt tl►���wiation� �-i.._
<br />��.��.�:' � _ -. �a.--
<br /> . •^••-v �d) 10I ptyM6t O� i0I1�OT ��11� aild �A01{�6iYtO�� !O t�M Ofd�! O� �Ild t0 C�1� �%tiWL' �. �r
<br /> � . ,.�-;�,:,; .. :,:-z.: plloilLy/ �Oa � -
<br /> � �.,�.-..,;:t...ama��;�, eo eb� aoma�iaiw �oit�wa�s.
<br /> ,_.n�., . �_ (�) TW balaao�ryainin9. i!�r►y� �b�ll b�p�id _--
<br /> . � ''� .. . .- a •�••••m f ro 1�•�at o!7►��wMat.. _.-__
<br /> f —�
<br /> {�'�-�``� J►�u�wnl� ior aa�wa�n��� �Aal.l aot b� �t�d dasiaq tlu p�riod o! ia�urwa��diasta�a! �ad �ir
<br /> - - - ' _. � �ad swoa�tcuotioa. zwod�lia9 er s�aowtruoCiaa� aes prioc to �al� oE wr �uit. far doliayctoat w�psld �„���-;
<br /> �...k.-
<br /> • u�w�st�.
<br /> . ' YTIQIi Xf. �11�'1'i0Y OA�
<br /> _�
<br /> , . �
<br /> . �.�. ��o!!on 1. T�cfin�tloo. -
<br /> � b d „ �[ap! �u eeh�svi��psovld�d� aru�s� o! �11 ot CA��ule�� lo say o! e6�Cand�iais�p�ll hw�th�dabt �c�,.:y_
<br /> !ol�L101b tA1��'""'�°��wiy��=pp�ttr R�q1M�Ilubi�o!to th�oondltloA�oi NoClop 7f-�19 oL tM Cado�lai�oAotr
<br /> by nn�alaao� wlioa. taw��r� b�lor� �o weiaq t6�11 w�4 qlv��laty l�ol aaY� pr/os�rsitt�a oawnt Lo �11 0! � ,.:-
<br /> - _ — - �' _ � slaso saaa a�sDaza ot che ree�±el.e�.w. _ - -,-
<br /> � � _.. _ ' �«f!!on 9. llwedree by IWb�n.
<br /> � _ : Tlws��Iwll 6�no wndMnt!o tMw ry-LU��olm �w�aty-lir� p�ra�nt�78i) or ww�o! tpa waD�r� o! =___
<br /> �� t6� tlwa ��oolatios �hall 6av� vot�d tlwr�for ia th� dtinativ� at w �p�aial or anauai M�tisqi psald�d� _,._
<br /> 6awr�r, tMs! p�sa�ataq� votiaq rpuirwrat� oaaE�ln�d ln th��� sy-L�w �Yall not b� u�ed�d Ir�/ a l���u �.-
<br /> .•�'���°' , qrwstaq�tot� thw tlu�t �wqbt to M u�nd�d� �nd pcwid�d lurth�r that �uah u�a�nt�lull haw t!u�yprov+l �
<br /> ' ' ' o!ror�than !iler p�m�at (50�)r !n nu�b�s� o! tM tSs�t�osLq�9���o!r�oosd in�11 0!Clw CaWa�la�a upos e!M l
<br /> .� dat� o! adaptiaa oi ��ld �wnd��ai.
<br /> ., � V . --••••••• • JL-�ndant bv Dw�lau�r.
<br /> Y.. !»::,, .
<br /> , .,,�•,,.,._,ri,.R�
<br /> �p*hiaq aoae.ta.d in eA•u By-Ltw� or la t1u 1M�t�r D��d os Urt1a1N o! Iaaorpor�tlaw to tlu aa�tra� �.,,-_
<br /> .���, � . notritE�t�nOlnq, uniil O�e�r 71� 1lf3,or unCil n�wlop�r r�l�a���u.,ntaol o!tho Jlaeoaintion. whiahn�r tiz�t �k.., �
<br /> � ' oaanr�, ON�lop�s r���rv�� th� siqht to �uppi«rnt os aa�nd th��� ey-Law� !or alarilioatlop, ooss�atim oe �
<br /> �� • otl�svi�� sn en. b..e tnt.r..e. ot �11 �uit�owo�r�• inalndiaq D�v�lop�r) pravidd tluL aaq�uoA�upplwnE oc �
<br /> . u�nd�rnt �6�11 bs appsav�d bp�os� ehu►fifty p�m�nE l5ot)� in nud»r oY �11 �xl�Llnq !lr�t �oetq� 6old�n -
<br /> o! t�eoid• in Msl!lnq.
<br /> �. � -� -_._�.
<br /> . • ' �RTIQi iiI. NSODACi -.
<br /> Watioa 1. u�aord� �nd 1wAit. `-'°`=r
<br /> '��, o ` Tp� �oasd o!�ini�tr�tor�or th�wa�a9�p9 �9�at�h�ll k��p d�lail�d noacd�o!th�aatiwu o!L!u b�sd
<br /> .'`—
<br /> � o!�lai�tr�tor��ad th��aaqlaq�9�pt�ainut��o�th�N�ting�oi iA� iwud o!1W�inl�trasor��and ilouwid _
<br /> � • � J swosd� u�d book� o! �oaount o!th�Ju�oai�tion, ineludioq a a6roaoloqiaal 1t�tiaa o! r�a�ipt�uW ucp�nditwn�. __._
<br /> Thw� r�oord� �lull �L�o iaolud� a ��peat� �aeouat !or ��ob �ult� whieh �hall aoat�ia eh� r�ount o! �aah �_�:__
<br /> ' .• u���wat o! aoron ahar9�� aqala�t �uob �ult�, tla�dat� Md�n du�, tA� ueunl� p�id ih�r�on� �nd th� b�laao� �
<br /> .�. �
<br /> sratnluq uap�id. �vritL�a r�port �umri:ing�1L r�a�ipt� u�d�ndLlur�� ot tp� Ju�oolation, wrtilt�d br
<br /> . w iod�p�ad�at a000untmL, �6a11 b� r�nd�r�d by ttu ewrd ot Jld�ini�iraaor� to �11 �uiL� wn�s� �nd tn �11 • '
<br /> • , �ortqaqNr o!suit��rko hav� rpu��t�d tho ��me,praptly att�r td��nd of��ah li�cal y�u. Th�ucp�n��o! th�
<br /> � e�rtili�d�udlt�Gsll b� paid by tho�e rpu��ting it unl��� a�a�oelty ot th���r� o!tlu��ooiaCioa vot� in
<br /> ' lavor o! �o�rt1li�d wdit at a s�qul�rl� a�ll�d w�tinq. ",
<br /> � „ ..,, � .f a: +
<br /> . • ARTICIi XxII. MIC�era.�wvny4 •
<br /> t,
<br /> ' ._ NoLlon 1. Motio��. •
<br /> r 7111 notlo�� A�r�uad�r�h�ll b� ��nt by r�qi�t�r�d or a�rtifi�d�ail to th�Boasd o!Adaiai�traton a/o �
<br /> Cp� N�naqiaq 1►q�ne� or !L tb�s� i� no lunaging l�g�nt, to th� oftia� o! eh� loard ot JWaini�trator� or to �uah ,
<br /> � atlur�dds��� a� tb� Yoard o!1W�Snl�traCCr�uy h�s�alt�r d��iqnat� lra�tia� to tia�� by notLa�ia vrittnq to
<br /> � � �11 �niL�am�r� �nd to all aor�qaq���o! �ult��. w11 natia��ta�ny �uit� wn�r shall b� ��nt by rpi�t�nd oe :
<br /> r, a�rt1ll�d�ti1 to�uah addr����� �ay hrv� bNn d��iqnatW by Aiw lra�Lia� to tia�, in wrlLiaq !o th� iatd o! �
<br />.. ._----- ------ - . . . -'••-- -•`-- --.._.a _..__�r ....w�..�. .d ..w.n..�..! .de1r�.■ -
<br /> __". �M __'_-_ �
<br /> � . Ad�1Al�ti�tOt�. All IIOEIC�� �Illil M G�M�G to M��u�.i�y.•... ....�«���-- �.__�' ___.'__ _' '�_�_ __ ____.. � .
<br /> _ _ .- �---- vhiob �hall b� d....S t.. i�avo Laaa qivaa vhan zeceive3. ,�
<br /> /wtioa �. Iavalidilv.
<br /> Th� invalldlty o! �ay p�rt o! tA��� ey-I.sw �A�11 not lupair or aif�et fn �nr ann�r the valldity�
<br /> - - . =T ..- _ .
<br /> �atoro��bility or�fl�aC o! !E� b�lana�o! th���ey-La�n•
<br /> ,. � EwEioa 3. CaoEion�.
<br /> � TM oapiion�h�r�ia u� in��rt�d only a��cc�Cb�r o!conv�oa�na�and!or r�i�r�aa�� aod in no r�y d�fia��
<br /> : liai! or d��ar�l»th� �oop� oi th��� By-Lav�, or tsn iat�n� oi �ny provi�loa td�c�oi. �
<br /> @�ation �. 0�nd�s.
<br /> � EXHIBIT A 9 of 10
<br /> +� � ' I
<br /> "� � � _ _ __ _
<br /> • _�
<br />