_��.�l.f..� ��t _i.�__�_ _ _ - --- - _ —� =—_- - -
<br /> , - •��.-�--� _ m."'�� -" _
<br /> -.:y .�,_o.
<br /> � w I y � A-A . �• . ,y� _
<br /> � r i. .•at.. ��• ,y... ... � w . -
<br /> �'�• _— �-___.
<br />-� . � � 92-�0�31
<br /> -- - o�.w•��y.. 00/ttY1�C��YbOORCiYlOi O!Yt�SalYM M�OOY�t OL .wn .reietoo, aa.s.c.sa..s a.pse.rna. .r a..r N�
<br /> , � ' � IMt� Y� A1�4=�i���at�t0�l�OA O!dW�t0 P;�rty�!1/��W LIMi�=ii�. '��Ptd�L�SqM �_ ��MY«r
<br /> � �11 I�t yYl� te �dtN w�Md b! OM Orl�lop�t WtLl �W witM �►all Ytw b�M !sltislly w1�Y�tM
<br /> pw�ler�wr �rl pfd l�s.
<br /> �_ _-,--• �c�r�tie.■ d ss±� ee o!c�.en�lrrat■ t,r L.eelaelao� � -
<br /> : ,.••..�.s ,
<br /> . •. 'rbrs��Lll b�ta�r3ar0���ot tlw oaron+l�t��or adAltloa tMnta S!�aoY s�lu9�ws os�itla�
<br /> ��..4 A �Y�11 aat �ws�thu 1Lw TWa��d Dell�n (15�000.00)dosiaq aay �la91� li�aal rarr w1M� ad wlil�noh • c
<br /> -� :�;..• � _:- -.,:': psqasd i� �oPsa��d iw�sitilui by wa�s� lal�lin9 �t lwst ��v�otY�ltt� pso�ae 17s�f �! tM Mi�s�o! W
<br /> ''��•��'� •:t;; L�oeistlo�.
<br /> � � 'y. .�,._
<br /> ���.:::��_
<br /> -,:•�-•m-�.�.ti;,, �tars vs::. �mrrucssoa.,wo�vnrio�a G—
<br /> .t��,�,:13 �y�..
<br /> --- `--'i° ��1� n��R��telatLon�. -
<br /> -._��.�.�.
<br /> ��'�V'
<br /> ,•L^•',°. :•>;�,� Ln asd�s to psavLd�tor aaa9�al�l aowparwy oi t6� Condadala aad tor Lh�psotw�lon o! tb��slw ot tb�
<br /> � '��� � �aiL��tbs o��o! tlr prap�et! �ball b�r��triat�d to ud r6�i1 b� !a�000s�dana�ritb tIM tollarLo9 ps�kio��
<br /> �..y.....:�:;:1.".+f�
<br /> � f104'iAJ'w.4.K',`."'«..::-.
<br /> %�•;•i��:,: `!:'� sh� �nit�� �luli b�u��d tor z��id�nan caly b� tb� wws os arn�r� tMr�ot• 4Mls lrtllM�
<br /> -•i •�� .....�.. ��� -°
<br />_ —_�':a.., .-_ .- quNt�, in�ttM�� 7.N�M�, �ud lio�p�w- _�
<br /> �,-•—��,,,�f (b) T6� aa�on u�s� aud laoilili��� iaolndinq th� lSalt�d eo�on �s�u aad l�oilitln� �Ysll b� °
<br /> , urwl oniy !oc CLo tasniah�a4 0!t!w aasvioe�aad laatlili�� ier wbiah elw��r�uoa�blf���
<br /> �==
<br /> �aA rLtab �n iooid�at to tlu u�� u�d oowp�noY oi tb��uit��. _
<br /> .-'L
<br /> aA
<br /> ; . • �a) Ilo nai�uw� �ha11 b� ailw�d oa �ny M91a�aor �lull �np n�� or Praailo� b� �llawd rAiah i� erlr_::.
<br /> s �ansa� ot �nnoyana� to it� s��id�nb or Mhlos iat�sl�sw vteA tW P�aatai Pa�Mdon es
<br /> '•i . � psop�s u��oi a�1uqla�.
<br />_:r __
<br />_ � ` � �.``4� (d) 110 Srysop�rr o!l�n�in os nnlavinl uu�hall b�Md�oL u��RWta�os w�'�� th�swl�uid dl
<br /> valid l�v�� �oniay law �nd r�qul�tion�oi all qov�s�wat�l bodi�� haviaq �rri�dlatloo tlt�no!
<br /> - :��" � �ball W ob��svd. Vlolatiau o! 1�� onl�s�, rulo. s�WLttorw os sqntsw�nt� o! any --
<br /> -- qonsaMatd a�noy h�vtaq iusi�diotien tAu�ol� r�laliaq to any portloa o!th�IWqlM�11 M [�'
<br /> Qorrwtd� !ry and at Ltu �ol� ��ru� o! !h� �uit� am�r� or th� �wrd oi Addai�Lr�ior�� F•
<br /> _ _ ''�. - ^���- srliichsrser e!u!1 hew tM. ebil�aeios to a�lnealn os sp�1s �uoh poe�lon oi tla con0o�talu� ! '•'::"
<br />.:..' ` -
<br /> " R�q4M. u�e.
<br /> � �{_....
<br /> . _ �. e:---•--• - (�) Th��M ot Ad�fni�trator� �h�ll Aaw wthoritr to Drworlb�tp��LOraq� ot lwl� �splo�iw�� `__
<br /> -� oh.wlaal. .na .�r oth.r..e•ssnl se a.w. I...raon. sn.ute« os q.say«.
<br /> • �"+ „ . Matlq 4. Ruln o! ConduaL. �
<br /> o � ' �. �' �-J
<br /> •,.�,'�;+;,,� Iwln ud r�Wl�tion uono�raiaq tM u��o!th��uitN� tA� qar�q�� aad tA�earon ar�a� yd!�°Slietw�
<br /> ' ' ~�. �: 1ao1ndL�q th� 1lait�d aa�oa ar���aM Lwillel��. �Y b pzwulqst�d ud wadd bp tb�loasd o!lliiai�lraton.
<br /> o �.
<br /> • Capl��o! �naA rul��and rpul�tion� rhall b� turni�h�d by th� Uoasd ui 11G�Sul�tralos�to�aoA �n1t�wa�� O�i� _
<br /> � � to tM tla�rb��th� �aM �twll b�aaM �tiwtiw. -
<br /> Ivoeioa f. 1liaht o! 11oa���.
<br /> �, ^ ,
<br /> � • • J►�ait�am�s �ball qran!�riq6t ot �aa�u ta hi� w�t�or qaraq� to tlw w�na9�r aa0/os Yna9uq �9�� -
<br /> '�., ' �a0/os�ny oth�r p�r�on authori��d by tM Oosrd ot JW�ni�trator�� th��naq�r or tW �ana91A9�9��t, tos th�
<br /> � , �:,.
<br /> pucpw�o!�akloq iwp�oCloqs or!or tp�purpo�� o! aornatlaq any ooadition oriqiaaelnq ia bi� �ult� or gacW�
<br /> . , . �d tpnaL�nleq anoih�s �u�l� oc a�ra9� os a o�an az�a or i�ailtty, or tar t6� puipo�� o! prtos�iaq _.^
<br /> �: ; ��-'r.':. t.r�-�•" irLa31��loa�� �Llu�Eloa� or r�yair�!o tA�Mobuda�l or�l�atdaal ��rvio�� or oLh�r laoSliLiu ln 61� ruit� -,��
<br /> �• o�4astq� or el�wh�r� Sa t1�buildiaq�, providd that rqu��t� Lor�ntry ar�yd� ia �ana� �nd thae wy�eeE +-
<br /> �n
<br /> �,. ,�L �pttiy L at � L!M r�a�on�bly aom�ni�at to th� �uit�oe guaq�wru�r. In o���a! an �r9�aay� �uob riq4b ot
<br /> �=:
<br /> - �Kty�11 b� lardiat�, vlNth�r tb� �uit� or qsraq�am�r!� pr���at ai tlu tSM os eet. e-
<br /> •• �:�_.
<br /> ' ��a a 71b�tq�n� �nd Enioinina o! violation�.
<br /> �,
<br /> ' , Th�violatioa o!anp rul�or r�gulation adopt�d by tM 8oard lld�inl.�trator�or tA�bs�aeh o!uay oi tMs� � 1'
<br /> ..� A . .
<br /> • �, ry-L��n awtaiwd A�r�la, ar tA� br�ach oi �n; pro�i�ion� o L !h� M a�e�r D��d, �M l i q iw th� loaid ot ^_v
<br /> �ddealrtsalor� EM siqhl, in �ddition to any ot6�s rSqAes at lorth in tb����y-��� •
<br /> . � �.....
<br /> , „t,. - • ��) To�at�r into th� �uits or Q�raq� in rhiah, or�� to wAioh� �uoh viol�tion or br�aoh �otl�t� u�d
<br /> • !o �u�rily abaL� and rrov�. at th� ��cp�n�� oi th� d�taultioq �uit� or q�ra9� wo�r� ao1 ��
<br /> , �y,� • �leuetur�, lhipq or ooaditian that say�aci�i t6�r�in aontzuy to th� lat�nL aad Mwiny ot !M
<br /> �� '� � prwi�ion� b�r�ol� and th� Ywrd o! lldaini�ts�tor� �h�ll aot tMr�by b� d��Md quilsy ia u�
<br /> . , ' '" �uuw:oi tr•.pa.s. �I
<br /> „ � . (6� To �njoin, �bat� or r�c�dy by approprlat� 1�a�1 proa��diaq�, �itA�r �t l�r or la puliyr th� L�
<br /> !
<br /> aoollauaaa� o! �ny �uaA br��ah. K
<br /> .. �
<br /> ' (a) To d�ny p�rtiRlly or whally acc���to,b�mlit lra� or u��ot �11 or�ny Laeiliti��, Lunation��
<br /> or ��rvia��, or�u�p�nd, partly or v6olly oi �11 or any riqAt• or privil�q�� ot�+l��r�htp or
<br /> ' r . �ny oCh�s di�oiplinary �atioa dir�at�E by th� eoard of Ad�ini�tr�tor�. �
<br /> �
<br /> . . � MTICL6 II. MORT0�6�o j
<br /> _ •�I. �_. �.. _ _�
<br /> `_-- _'��-'— �—. .� Nation 1. NoLia�!o BoarE o! Adeini�er�tor�,.
<br /> �� � 1 1►�uit�ovn�r who sortqaq��hi■ �uit��hall notlEy th� �oard of Adnlni�lratoe�. Th�bazd�Aall�aint�ta
<br /> • �aoh 1olonation in w book�ntitl�d •Mottq�q�� of 4u1N��. '
<br /> i�otia S. Notic� ot D�lault.
<br /> t TE� eo�n! o! lld�ini�trator�, Mh�II giving notie� ta a �uit�am�e oi a d�fault in p�yinq ��/��/Mt1C• oe
<br /> • • oth�s 4�l�uli� �h�ll ��nd •anpq o! �uch notia� to�acA hold�r o! •�ortqag�aw�rinq �uah�uit�rho��n��td
<br /> �ddeN� !u� Lh�r�iolor�b��n furni�Md !o th� Yo�sd o!!►d�lnirteator�.
<br /> /wCion 7. sx�win�tion oi Baok�.
<br /> � lac6 �uil�am�r �nd�aoA wortqay��of a �uii��h�ll b�p�cmitt�d to�:�sin� Lh�boaks ot �aoounC oE tM
<br /> 't � EXHIBIT A 7 of 10 �
<br /> '� � � =-� --- '
<br />