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<br /> � (d� e wrlt a( executlon or ettachment ol eny simllar proaee� sheti be anterad epainat Truator which shall -
<br /> - become a 1(An ai ttic Trust EstntQ or ony portion theieof or intarnst therttin ond such execution, ottachment or almilur
<br /> - procdss ol�udqment la not releasod,bonded, �otlslied,vnc�ted or stayed within sixty(801 days alter Its entry or levy;or
<br />, ..F�.��.
<br /> - (o) there has occurred a breach ol or delautt under ony term, covenent, opreement, condltion,pravislon,
<br /> . �:�"� rep►esentetion or werranty conteinod In any prior deed al trust or mo►tpaqe effectirt�B the Trust Estate.
<br /> �=�-,--r:
<br /> '�� `� 10. Acce/eralton upon De%ult;Addttlonal Remedies. II an evant ot detault vccu►s, Beneliciary may declaro the
<br /> � Indebtednos� secured hereUy to be due and payable end the samo Shall thereupon become due end payabla �vithout any -
<br /> presontmero2, demand, protest or nottce of eny kind. Therealter, Beneliciary may:
<br /> ��`
<br /> • (il elthe►in porson or by age�t,with or without brinping any aotion ar proceedln�,or by a recFliver�q�polnted
<br /> by o court and without regard to the adequaoy o(its security, entar u�on and take possesslon v0 the Trust Estat�,or any �"-
<br /> _.4�., ..--` pa�t thereof,in its own namo or In the n�me of Trustoo,and do�iW aCOB whlch lt deems neCOSSa�y or desfrablE tm proflerve �.-
<br /> = ihQ value,marketoblUty or rentability ol the Trust Estatv,ar part thereof ar tnterest thereln,Inc�ease the incame tD�ernlrom
<br />:�"�;;::�,1�' ' or protoct tha aecurity he�eol end, wtth o�wlthout tekinp p�ssessfon ol the Trost Estate,sue lor or othen+vise coitect the
<br /> .�:�„
<br /> .,,:,t�.�.. rents,issues end prolits thereof. insludinp thoae past due and unpaid, and epply the same, less coats and expensea ut
<br />-_ �•�ti�•� operatlon and collecUon ineludinp ettorneys'(eee,upon eny indebted�ess secured heroby,all in such order aa Beneliciary
<br /> ' ' may detennirso. The enterinp upon end taking possesston ol the Trust Estate, lhe coitectlon ol such r�snte,Issues and
<br /> prollte end the eppilcetion thereof es eforesald ahall not cure or watve eny delauit or notice ol deleutt heraun�fer or �
<br />}°Y�•i;�+�';r. _.
<br /> `4% Invalidote eny er,t done In reaponae to such deleutt or pursuent to such notice o1 deteult snd, notwfth�t�ndirp the _
<br />- contlnuanee In�oaseeslon ol the Trust Eetete or the cotle�tlon, reCe�pt�nd eppticetlon of ronte, i�suee ur pro0ts.Tivatee �.::
<br />��� •�-j . or Beneftalafy ehell been entitled to exerGlee evary ripht provided lor In �ny ol thp Loan (netrumtlnle or by law upoiy
<br /> -_::::3'f'.�
<br />__„^, ...., ocaurrence ol eny evont ol deleult,Inctudinp the ripht to e�erclse the��ower o �e �; r
<br /> .Illr'�
<br /> --_�=-:..�:+�'� (lq commence eri aatlon to lorocloae lhl� Oeed ol Trust es a mortpsge, appolnt e recelver or Ipeclllcslly
<br /> ^_-f�,F�� ' enlorce eny ol the covenante herooh
<br /> -�,�_�� (111) dellver to Tru�tee e written deciereiion oi doC6i=i s�u L�'.iioR���i::!��:�L::'!1!!Cn nQ��r!^�!�!'��!�������
<br /> -�--- etectlon to cnuso Trustor's intereat�n the T�uat Estete to be eold, which notlae Tru�tee eheit ceuae to be duly Iited lor
<br /> ' °�� record M the epproprlete oHicee ol the County in wh(ch tho Tru�t Estete la located;or
<br /> ��-�f1� (tv) exe►cise such other riphts or remedtes et law or In equity.
<br /> — 1 1. Foreclosur�byPowero/Se/i. If Beneficiary elscts to foreclose by exereise ol the Power of Sele he�eln contolned,
<br /> _- Beneiiciary shall notify Trustee end shall deposit with Trustee thia Second Oead o1 Trust end any note evidencing the IndEhtod�ese
<br /> .__„r�.� and such�eceipts end evldence oi expenditures mede end securod hevaby es Trustoe may ►oquire.
<br /> ���� (a) Upon receipt oI such not�ce from BeneliClBry,Trustee shall cause to bt recorded,publlshed and dultverad
<br /> � to 7rustor such Notice ot Defeuft end Notice ol Sale as then raquired by tew end by thls SCCOnd Deed of Trust. Trustee
<br /> shall,without demand on 7'rusto►,elter such tlme es may then be requlred by law 8nd alter rpcordetlon oi aucF�Notice oi
<br /> Deleult and a(ter Notico 01 Sale hav►ng been ptven a�required by lew,se11 the Trust Estete st the time end ploce of aele
<br /> ';,� (ixod by it In such Notice of Sel�.either aa e whQ1e,or in separate lota or parcefs or items ae Trustee shall deem dxpedient.
<br /> ---- -- and In such order as 1t may�tetermtne,at publlo euctian to the highest bidder(or oeash In lawtul money of the Untted Ststes
<br /> payabte et the ttme o1 sale. Trustee shall dotiver to such purchoser or purchesere thereol Its good end sulflcient deed or
<br /> deeda aonveying the property so sotd,but without any covenant or warrenty,expreae or Implted. The recital�In such deed
<br /> --- ot eny matters or lacts shail be conctu�ive•prooi o� the truthtulneaa thereot. Any Dersan, Includinp without Iimitetlon
<br /> � —=. 7vustor,Trustee or 9enetiCiary. mey D�rchese et such safe.
<br /> - --= (b) As may be pa►mittad by law,ette►dedueting ell costs, fees end expenaes oi Trustee end ot this T�ust,
<br /> -- ' i�cludinp costs ot evidence ol titlo in connectlon wtth sele,Trustee ahell epply the proceeda ot salo to paymont of(i)the
<br /> -.�..---,--- Indebtedneas 1ti1011 other eums then aeCUred hereby,and(1111 the romeinder,H eny,to the pe�san or persone lepally ontitled
<br /> --���— thoreta.
<br /> _��::�� Ic) Trustee may in the menner providod by tow postpono snlo ot otl ur ony portion ol the Trust Eetete. _
<br /> :�-���:�.
<br /> ,,���� t Z. Re,nedle�Nvt Exclusivs. Trustee and Benellciery, and each ot th2m,shall be entltted to entorce payment and
<br /> �: ��+*�•• pariormanco ol any fndebt�d�oss or oblipations secured heroby nnd to exorcise aii dgfita und powers under this SeCO��d Deed oi
<br /> - �. .!�tr�.; _
<br /> • .. ��,,, 7rust or under eny Loan Irestrumant or other ogreement or eny laws now or liereselter in torct;�ttwithstanding, some or elt oi the _
<br /> '`�q'�+�'`�`�'-'• � such�ndebtednnsB ond o'�ligations securad hereby may now or haroatter be otherwiso securmd,whether by mortgz�ga,d�d ot trust,
<br /> _.�.��};;"�•:'-• `
<br /> ; �,-�t.;t� � ptedpe,lien,essipnmont or othorwise. Nelther tho occeptance ot this Second Deed of Trost no�Its enlure+m�nt, whetF�ar by court -
<br /> �=T���°-:`.„ � actton or pursuant to tho power of s01e o►othor pawers hnreln conteined, shall prejudice or tn erry manner eltect TruBtee'e or _.
<br /> - Benollctary's ripht to realtxa upon or enforce eny ather seCUrity now or harealter held by Trustae or Beneliciary,It belnp agreed that _
<br /> ''`�±..-.'_.�I.� Trusteo and Benellc�ery, end each ol thom,sh�ll bo entitled to enforce th�s Second Deed ol Trust and eny other security now or _
<br /> _ ,��`;' '' _
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