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<br /> # TIUCT 2s Pa�t �i Lotr �ight (8� and B�von (7) o! Bsation Tw�n�y-
<br /> � ,zi ao�Y (a4), Tca�a?�ip Tes� (�±p� 1�A�'th, R�ing� TAn (10) ,
<br /> t� li��st ot th� 6th �.H. � I3�11 Connty, Nebra�ka, �ora
<br /> . � . �{ partiaularly rlesaribad es lollow�:
<br /> �'�� R�l�rrinq to the Northaast aorr�r oP 8satinn Twen�y- -
<br /> � l"'t'��� ' fosir (14), Township Ton (10) North, LRanqa Tar� (10) ,
<br /> ' � �' Woet ot the 6th P.Irl. , a d�.stance o! One Thouaand Four ��-;,�`
<br /> 3�� Hundred Fo�ety end i�inwt�an Hua�dradths (i,440.19) faet =
<br /> � � on esou�d bearing o! South 90°�0' West t thenae 3outh �.•
<br /> 03°05' Was t a d i o t a n a s o! Ona mhousand Two H�ndrad Two
<br /> and Sixty �tur�dredtlse (1,ZO2.60) taet to en iran pipe to ��_�
<br /> ba known a� the point o! baqinning: ths�ae on a baaring =_
<br /> o! 8outh 03°05' W��t a dietanae o! Five� Hundrad sixty-� _-
<br /> on� and Sf�ctiy H�d�erl�a (561.60) �eet tm r�r� i�ron pip�et ._
<br /> . th�nce on a b�earing of North 50°14'30" East a didtanc�
<br /> of Fiva Hundred 31xty-tour and FArty Hundredths
<br /> (Sb�_40) teat to An iron pipet thenae on a beari.nq og _
<br /> �' Nortti 5e°i�'a o" East A dis�anas of Four �iundrad Ta�renty-
<br /> � < nine end Ninety-six Hundredths (429.96) feet to an ir-on
<br /> � �� � p3.pe; t�erace North 41°40'30" �ast a distanca of Thre@
<br /> . .x��� is�ad7s3 �iqhty=�;.a anr� T�:anty-t�a� ���red�tha (381.22) `
<br /> �;,°. .,':.�_ faet to nn i�rore pipe i thence on a bsarinq o! North
<br /> :;;r `;,• ig°15�3 0" Eas� a distance ot Eighty-lour and Twonty-
<br /> • °�� lour Hundre�ths (84.�4) f�at to en iror� pips= thanas on
<br /> ,_�..,�,� �, `- a ;,:a;.i:.� at sc•�** aa°�t� w�at n �ietanae o! �hrae
<br /> ��„'ty�(r ;.,.
<br /> :�,,�,rry, �, Hundrad N3nety-two end Party°six Hundradths (392.46)
<br /> ;:��.�. . is�t to ar� iron �ip�; thenca on a bearinq o! south
<br /> ��'�'r�°`'�'`t• 70°16'30" Weat a distancs of Two Hundred ldinety-eigh�
<br /> "�'Y"�"'+'`' asKi 31xty�-sight Hundrgdttae (298.68) fe�t to an ir4n
<br /> ,.�;;.,sY�_ <
<br /> - '"---�`; pipe:; tiheaaae North 76°42' West a distarice of Two
<br /> �'�f''''`i� � Hund�aa sevanty�seven anc3i siscty-live Hunc3redtYas
<br /> .�°":�,�.
<br />=_v;c��� (Z77 .65) teet to an iron pipe: thenae South 71°19'30�`
<br /> � �Itlet n distnnce of Twa Hundred T��.aty-two and Sixty-
<br /> -��" e iqht Hundredths (7!3 2.68) leet to the �ao int of
<br /> --f._;..��..a�
<br />�_�TM��� b�aginninq end aon�aining 5.58, more or l�i�s, acreB,
<br /> --�-,- �� wlzich �ract is accxetion ground �ppurtenant to Tract i
<br /> _—:.—� deacribed abnve; and _
<br /> -;��� TRriCT 3 s A traat o! land �.ocated in Lot Eight (8) in the -
<br /> �-�- = Northeas� Quarter (NE'�) of S�sction Twenty-four (24) , _
<br /> -;.�,�� Tcwnohip Ten (l0) North, Ra�nge Ten (10), West o! the
<br /> - ���� 6� p.p�.o Hall County e N�braska, more particular��
<br /> ��=-�� d�scribed as fol�awa:
<br /> .,��
<br /> - B�ginnir.r� at a point an the west lihe o8 �the right-ol-
<br /> �� way ot Hiqhway �i281, which point is 950 feet South of
<br /> ��--=_�'� thb cantar line of th� Ccurity Raad rur�ning west along
<br /> -�-"� the NorY,h side of gaid Section �'�amnty-icur (2�) t -
<br />" �����"� x�ur►aning thence Ncarthwasterly a�zp�axim�tel.y 27° far
<br /> ��=������
<br /> -`r ::.a�:.:: • approxa�ncataly 337 feet to a point on the South bank of
<br />�^^=�:�����``• . tha North ahannel of the Platte River, being the _
<br /> �, .,..
<br /> . Z i;,
<br /> =:;rW, . . �.
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