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<br /> � The �rantor, BOSSEIdiAI�I O�L, INC. , a corporation orqanized ��•.����
<br /> t �,.��._,_,.��=--
<br /> .;. and existing under and by virtu� o! the lawe n! the State oP ,,.,_.
<br /> Nabras�ka, in consideration of ONB DOLI,aTt ($1.00) PiND OTFIF.R GOOD � ��� i?�=-
<br /> � AND Vl►LVPiTiON CON9IDERATION rea�ived from Grantem, does grant, �._
<br /> bar ain, sell, conve and c:a�P3�;a ��o F�ABa:? RA�TCH CO. , a n ��v`� - -
<br /> 9 Y �� �,,;;-:..
<br /> Colorado corpora�i�n, herefn called the Grantee, the following
<br /> � described real propar�y in HalY County, Nebraslsa: ,,'rrr:-
<br /> �::-���--
<br /> � "� TR�iCT oNE: 1► tract of land located in Sections Ten (10) and �-��
<br /> �.��.
<br /> Eleven (11) , T��ship Eleven (il) North, �tanqe ���`�
<br /> >�� Nine (9), West m� the 6th P.M., Hall County, ---
<br /> � � Nebras?�ta, t�ore �axk�aularly deaaribed as follows: _
<br /> '. Beginn�ing at a point 33.0 feet Norttn and 132.1 ��''�=-��"
<br /> ��' feet W�st of the Southeast �ornor of the Southe�st
<br /> :,; �
<br /> �.:,;, Quarter (SE�t) o� section Ten (10) , runninq thence
<br /> ,�_i::,.:�. ra.....♦ �o c3 `°.:� zz:�n;nn �her�n rinrf�h ru�ral�Al
<br />_: �,,��•-- vvv.. ...... � � c------- �
<br /> .��. with t�e East ].ine of said Seation Ten (10) 849.8
<br /> �� feet tc, a point cn the South right-oP-�a�iy liae of �: `
<br /> • �` the Un3on Pacific Railroad Company, raararcning thence
<br /> •��'�!. Northeaaterly along and upon said 3outh right-of- -
<br /> ;�:�,:. way line 261.8 ��et to a poin� 55.0 feet due E�st -
<br /> � ' o� the East l�.ra� oP said Sect3on Ten (10) , rur��ainq =
<br /> ttience South parallel with the East li�ne of said �'
<br /> S�action Ten (10) , 873.9 feet, rr�nninq thenae '��
<br /> . 3outh�esterly a distance of 207.5 feet to the '-
<br /> -. point of beginning. � -
<br /> � " TRACT TW�O: Blocke� Twenty-three (a3) and Twenty-four (24) in � =
<br />-�'��` �"�"'" Wasmer's �ddition to tfi�e City of �rand I�land,
<br /> __'.-t�Y�.��w:._.
<br /> Nebraskao inaludinq ttae vaaated alleys in eaah
<br />-t�''i•-,:�ti.r. block and vacated Jefferson Street between Blocks
<br />`-T''°'�-".i. Twenty-three (23) and Twenty-fo�r (24) ; and
<br />�-r ri ��'� �� i,ot Fi fteen (15) , Caunty Subdivision of the
<br /> ' ��.'����`�'� Sautheast Quartsr of the Southwest Q�aarter
<br />.:,�.•.. .._ ....
<br />��; t• L,4:. �� (SE�BW�) og Section Sixteen (16� , Township E1RV�n !,,`__,
<br />__�,.;:�•. ,a� - • (11j t�orth, Ranqe Nine (9) , West of the 6th P.M. , � •-
<br />-- ,�,.�'��: ��:;�-::--
<br /> ��`tt_i'::.; � Hall Cnunty, Nebraskat v;°�W__
<br />_��.:..:,,, .... �-.�.�.__
<br /> � a31 of which, taken together, is deac�c3l�ed as - -- ------
<br /> follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of -_--------- �
<br /> ` � the Southerly line ot West Koenig S�reet witda the ��'%_��-
<br /> '� p Easterly line og South Madison 5treet; running l���=�'�
<br /> �f,«m-
<br /> � `•'� thence with the 3outho�ly line of said West Koenig �� +�� __ '.
<br />;�;:��, Stree� Northeasterly to its point of b�n�oraECt�.on �r=,_,_�-_=_._:=—==-�t
<br /> •:����
<br />- : � . , with the Westesly line of South Adams Streett ,,�,.::E��;:,��;.�.
<br /> . � � thence with tDne Westerly line o� South Adams �': {� -�:�.��-��-•:=��•
<br /> - � Streot, Southea�terly to the Noa-�herly line of West �`5,�;:;:��•`�t�'�;-:'�;`'�": .
<br />-- Charloa Streotf �hence with the Northmsly lino of ' :���a°`�``-` - �.
<br />- _ __--__-._�'__ w�,at �harl�s Streat southr�esterlv to �e Easterlv •-� � �
<br /> - _------ __ - - - _ ,-- —--
<br /> - " 13ne of South Madison 3treet and thence with said T '�
<br /> 1 ine Northwea�erly to the place of beginninq,
<br /> �3ICEPT that part thereof described in Mgater Aeed
<br /> � recorded as Do�wnent No. 82-003621 in the office
<br /> _ of the R�gister oP De�ds of Hall County, Nebraska, �
<br /> - cxeating Francis Villas Condominium Property .
<br /> Regime.
<br /> 1 . .
<br /> ' I _
<br />