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<br /> � DBED OF T�tUS_T �.• '�0�.��a3 ,
<br /> �, �. .,
<br /> � THIS DEFA Off' TRU�T (s made ss of the lSth day af D�amt+er, 1996, by and among C}lll, ��
<br /> �;�� L.L.C..u Nebtaska limiv:d ka�bt.�ity compsuty(thc"frustor"),whose mailinR nddress is 1101 Comhusker Highway, . �
<br /> �..-��.� Sutte 303,Lincoln,Nebraslca 68521;Five Points Bank,a banking assceiatton("Trusta"),whose mailing addreas ie
<br /> P.O.Box 1�07,�ra�id leland,Nebraska b8802;nnd the Gnmmunlry Redevclopmeac Authority of thc City of Grand �
<br /> Ialand, Nebrauka ("Beneflciary"), who�e malling nddneae is P.O.Box 1968,drand Ielend,Nebra�Sca 68802-1968.
<br /> FOR VALUApLL� CONS1p�iRAT10N, Tn�a�or irrcvocbbly tra��efcr�, convoys and asstgn� to -_.r_
<br /> '�ruateo,IN TRU57',WITH PAW�R OF SALL�,far tho 6cneflt anA necurity of Aeneflciary,under And aubJec:t co tho
<br /> r term� and condltion�of thle Deed of Tru�t, tho rcal property locatecl In[lrand Island,Hnll Counry,Nebraake, and �t"'
<br /> � r' �_r
<br /> � lcgally describ�d aa followe(�ho "Property"): �--
<br /> � E.at One(1?,dlii S��bdivieion,Ciry of Orand lsland,Htill County. Nebra+ka _`--"___
<br /> � �=-�.-:
<br /> TOOETHER WI�'H, all nnts, easements, appuctcaances, heredltaments, interesta in adJoining roads. streets and —"
<br /> alleys. improvements and buildings of nny klnd sltuated thereon,end all per�oaal properry that may be or hereafter �:_�
<br />� became aa integral pert of auch buildings and improvemeats, and all water and mineral dghts. _
<br /> . �...
<br /> � � The Property and the entire estate and interest conveyed to the Tn�stee aze refernd to collectively
<br />_-,� '-� as the "Trust Estate." _ �
<br />�., ° • �.
<br /> '<'
<br />�` !al Pavment of indebtedness in the total principal amount of Five Fiundred Porty Eight Thousand
<br /> :,.._.+._,..,�--
<br />�.",';.'.,:.•• .. Tluee Hundred Thirry 'I'hree Dollars (�548,333), with interest chereon. as evtdenced by that artaia
<br />�;��•:��:•� "� prornissory aote of cven date herewlth(the'Note")with a maturiry date of December 1S,2011,eaceutcd
<br />�;,, y.,;,;;',;;;. ; . by Trustor,which has beea dclivered and is payable to t�e order of Beneficiary. and which by this reference
<br /> ap- �� '•`�;�;+ is hereby made a part hereof, and Any and all wodtficadons,cxtensions and renewals thareof; aad
<br />,.•..,;r,•..
<br />�:brf:��l.��'`1h�" �i
<br />�r-';��"��??� '•t` (b)Payment of all sums advanced by Beneficiary to protect the Trust Estate,with lnterest thereon
<br />=_;1,,'^�;^,.',�;�; at the tate of tea percent(10%)per nnnum.
<br />��_;se..�u
<br /> —z`_�='';i..if
<br /> -==�;.`:�•����y , � This Deed af Tmst, the Note, and any other instrumeat given to evidence or further secure the
<br /> -- _...,;.,., .
<br />_�i,�n�,���L payment and performance of any obligation secured hereby are refened to collectively as the'Loan Instrumeats.
<br /> -�_�
<br />--�- -- ..:��
<br />=�:=:tsl�r.`�
<br />—�:��,. 1. `ay+rnent of Indebtedness: Covenant_of T'itle.
<br /> ...,z,�
<br />�_;-��,� (a) Trustor shall pay when due the principal of,and the inurest on,the indebtedness�videnced by _
<br /> -- the Note,charges, fees and all other sums as provided In the Loan Instrnmeuts.
<br /> .�,.h;��:aa
<br /> '�°r�,.�-� (b) Trastor hereby covenants with Beneticiary t�ac Trostor Is lawfully selzed of the Property hereby
<br />�"°'��� conveyed, that Trustor warrants and wili defend the tide to the Property against the lawful claims of all
<br />�a�-1.�:��_� persons whomsoever, and that Trustor has the right to grent and convey th�Property. Tcusror further
<br /> ��'�"":— covenants to comply with all the terms and provisions of any prior mortgage,m�st deed or conuact to
<br /> "�''�*'"''"'• purchase,upon the Proporty and to mnke ull payments thereon befare they become delinquent.
<br />�jJ�:�-��...:
<br /> .j��,Y :,f �o..
<br /> _ 2. Tax�e,. Trustor shall pay each installment of a11 taxes a�id special esseasmeats of every kind. now or __
<br /> � hereafter levied against thc T�vst Estate or any part thereof,beforo delinquenoy,witIIout notice or demand,and shall :
<br />-_ . pnovide BeneHciary with evidence of ihe payment of same. TNStor shall pay all taxes and assessments which may `�'�
<br /> ° • be IQVted upou Seneficlary's interest t�erein or upon this Dced of Trust or the debt secured hereby without regard to Y'"
<br /> ��
<br /> � � auy 13w that may be enacted offering payment of the whole or any part¢hereof upou the Beneficiary. Trustor shall ��
<br /> " gtvt writtea aotice to Bencficiary pdor to the delinquency date that all such ta�ces hAVe been paid in full. In t4ie event
<br /> ,. „ �,�"�u;:
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