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Box 100� <br /> � �rar�d leland, Nebraaka 6��02-7A09 � ���� <br /> ; � 3A8-382•4000 <br /> �� ACKNOWLEDGNIENT TO DEED OF TRUST -``` <br /> Q;.. <br /> -� The undersigned "Truator"es Identiiled in the fallowing Deed of Trust,whether one or more, understend that the ' <br /> ��� � document they ere ebout to execute Is a Deed of�ruat end no4 e mortgepe. end thet the power of sale provided for '`�'� <br /> . � In the Deed of Trust provides substentially different rlghte and obNgetlona to the Barrowers then e mo�tgege in the <br /> � � event of e default or breach of obligatlan urtder the Deed of Truat,inaluding,but not Ilmited to,the Ba�effalery'a right ,�';� <br /> �• to heve the Property Identified in the foltowing Deed of Truat sotd by the Yrustee wlthout eny Judlclal proceeding. ��� <br /> "� Truator represente and warrants thet thia Acknowledgm�nt was executed by them bofo►e the oxecution of tha L'eed —_ <br /> � of Yrust hereaftor set forth. —`"' <br /> . � � ilf. <br /> ��� / .J �o,." <br /> d:�- <br /> �� THOMAB EPP ' � <br /> ' � �.. � .°' <br /> .. 7 M EPPS ' — <br /> .� . . � HOME EaU1TY LINE D�ED OF 4RUSY � � <br /> THIS TRUST DEED made this 12T� day of DSCEMHBR , 1996 between — <br /> 14iCJlIAB J BPPS 11ND JS11t7 M BPPB, H089ALJD RlJD iiIPS . . <br /> , heroinafter call "Trustor", whose meiling eddress is �525 aRAHAA7 Avli, GRAND ISI.AND, N� 69eo3 __ <br /> ;as"frustee°;end Home Federal Sevings and lonn Association of Grend Island,whose <br /> - �� mailing addross is 221 South Locust, P.O. Box 7 009,G�and Island, Nebraske 68802,as"Beneficlary". <br />- ' For valuable consideration,Trustor irrevocably grents,transfers, conveys end asaigns c�Truatee, in trust, with <br /> .�i:,_ . power of sele,for the beneflt end security of Beneficiary, under and subJect to t��a terms and conditEons of this Deed <br />— ' • of Trust,the follawing described proporty located in a�►ND I8Lnt1n, E�,�,r. <br /> , <br /> �'-� ' Nebteake,to wit: <br />� � '' IAT TFIRT" (3), SLOCK TWO (2), FIRFs9IDB ESTATSS SECAND 3iJBDIVI8I0N, <br />_":;'.>. .` , FiALL COUNI'Y. NEBItASKA. <br />.a;.,':'.iri;i"�1::. <br /> ris�,_„�,li:���,���: <br />_""_' "���_i§r <br />=_i�tih��^�A7Sf�lA <br /> ,3:w'„.� <br />_�=• �t. � <br />:��-��•r:h1......a�� <br /> _ ...i��.\°..�:�.�.•� <br /> �ar!tY'1 iJ� — <br /> ,,.. ,;r���r.'�� <br /> __��d•�i,�.�� . <br /> �`_'^`,'.T:;'R@�1� <br /> -�---�=� .u]AI�� <br /> - -- ,�vc���iE'� <br /> -- _-—r�`� � . . . <br /> ..�o..�- .. . ,.. . . , . .i. . .. , � . . . . . . .. - <br /> ,'4i;:rJA:� . <br /> _���� together with alf b�dldings,fixQures,improvements end eppurtenences thereunto bslonging, it being egreed that ell 03 — <br /> _-_�,;,,T,�� the foregoing s��91 me hereinrafiter referred to as the "Property". <br /> , e=��_ �:� FOR THE Pl7F��SE OF S�CURING poriormence of each egreement and covenant of tru;�t�or herein conteined end <br /> 1 '�°'—'—"' the payment of the princip�i.sum of SSVSN THOIISIVND PIVB IiUNDRHD DOLIAR3 L NO/C�iT3 <br /> ,,.�;=��;;�;� Dollars (6 7�500.oo ), as evldencod �ny a Home Federel Ho�ne Equ(ty L�an Agreement betviesn <br /> W=:a•��.:.'r� Trustor and Beneficlary(the"Loen AgreemenY�, pursuaro4 4o which Beneficiery will edvance funds ta Trustor from time <br /> _:�.-�rc.�� <br /> ;,::,�.��=r, to time et the ir�Sarest retos and upon the terms provided therein, together with any sum or sums of money with <br /> -- �::�••,�:�-•. Interest thereon which mey hereafter be paid or edvbnced under tha terms of this Dood of Trust. both princ(pal sum <br /> r''�•,�•: �� end Interest thereon being peyable according to tho terms set forth in the Loen Agreement, reference to which is <br /> . _ hereby made, at tha offlce of the Benaficiery in Grand Islend, Nabraska, or�t such other place as Beneflciary may <br /> _ designate(n wr(ting. <br /> i' <br />_.. � TRUSTER AND BEN�FICIARY COVENANT A!T�D AGREE AS FOLLOWW��: <br /> � � 1. Warranty aP Yfti�. Trastor is lewfuily seized of the Property; has godd right end lewiul euthorttv to soll end �� <br /> � convey the Property; the Pree�aerty is free snd clear af oll liens and encumbrences except liens now a1'c��ord; end �`� <br /> Trustor wiil werrant end defend the title to the Property unto the Trusted and its succsasors end as�i�ns forever ,';�'�':, <br /> �.�,. , ageinst the �laims of all persons. <br /> � ••+��' _ �_ 2. PoYmenZ of Principd and Interest. Trustor shell punctually pey the principal of, and•interest on.alt advences �?�•-� <br /> ' under the Loen Agraement end wfll punctually perform all egreements, conditions end provisions of any other security <br /> Instrument given(n connection with this transaction. � <br /> 3. Prsser+radon end Meintenanr.a of Property. Trustor wfll not commit any waste upon the Property at will,at <br /> ell times, maintain the same in good order and cortdition end will meke. from time to time, all repalrs, renewals, <br /> _ replacements,additions and improvaments which aro reasonably rpqulred to prevent waste,(mpairment or deterioration <br /> of sald pruperty. fVo buitding or improvement now or hereafter erected upon the Property shall bo eltered removed <br /> .; or domolished without the priar written consenY af Beneficiory. <br /> 4. Iniurance. Trustnr,at itm eupense,wiil maintain with insurers approvad by Beneficiery,Insurence with respect <br /> to the improvements nnd porsanal property constituting the�Propdrty apeinst loss by fire, lightning,tornedo end other <br /> �' , perils covered by standard extended coverege endorsemsnt in en omount equal to et Ioest one hun�red° er of tho <br /> ' fuli replacernent velue thereof,end insurance egafnst auCh otNer hazarda and in auch amaunt as is`duato�rtger �arried <br /> . ' � <br /> , <br /> ' 9�ea , <br /> aoa-i <br />