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<br /> .. , . 92.— io�loi � ..
<br /> s� • � �� '� �r�suranoe premlums,pround rerda,and all othsr charpes whetsoever/evled upon or aesa�ased,placed or made agdnat dN Trust �,,.__
<br /> "' Propwy.Trusta/uAlwr s�►e�s,upon w�lfNn requset by 9en�Nclery,to p►ompHy dNlvo�to 9eneeolary ell recelpb br th�paym�nf W
<br /> . ._,.
<br /> _.. _ . .
<br /> -...
<br /> -�• -� ' ,a.nh ch,ngsa.Trurta Ukawla��praee to pay+U!laxea,aa8eaament�and ot/wr chwDee feWed upon a esseaaed,placod a m�d�
<br /> �-° — �.., ;� _
<br /> .. ,
<br /> _- .� , ° , ° � -'; apalnit,a meesured by,Nds Dsed ol Tivat a!he rocordedon heraW. -"-` -- " `" --
<br /> j ' 8. Appllcadon of Payments.All payments recelved by BeneBclary as to any debt,IleblHry or obUpedon owed to Benellclary by Tiustar _
<br /> � , �"a: :• �`_.,;�, may be app!!ed by Beneflc�to the payment of tho Indebtednesa or to eny auch other debt,IIaWlity or ob!lpeUon,!n any ader a
<br /> Y t. mannar of appYcatlon whlaA eneNclary,!n!t�absdute dlscretton,daems appropdate.Unless otherwlse elected by BonoNclary,ury
<br /> ----- � auch payment sha!!be deemed epplled flrst ro dre payment ol any debt Bablllfy or obllgallon other than the Note. e__- -_-_„ _-
<br /> ' �a �^ . 8. Cherpes;Uona.Trusta wlll keep fhe Tiust Property/ree hom all 0ens end encumbrances whlch In any wey mey,!n the�udgmont ol
<br /> , � o-'"•:��><�- BeneBclery,have prialry over,or Impai►the securlty o%thls Oaed o/Tiust but Tivator need not dlsaherpe any such 1len so/onp es
<br /> � �° °d•_,; Truata ahaU ea►ee,!n wddng,to pey the obllpadon secured by such!!en!n e menner acceplable to Benepclery and ahall!n�ood/afth e__�_
<br /> - ° contest such Ilen by epproprlata fapal prxoadJnpa elleodve ro prevont dw onfacament ol the llon and Mo/oss al�ny intorost!�i a
<br /> �F*��� ; pertoltheTiustProperry.
<br /> �..:-:. + � � � ' ! 7. Hezerd Msuiance. Tiusror ahaN keep d►e bulldinga end otheNmprovements now exladna or herealter erected on the Trust Property ��---
<br /> ��::� . • •- lrtsured bvinaurence cenle►s sadslectory M BeaeNcJary epalnst Joss by Bre,haza►ds lncluded in fhe te►m"extended coveraye"and m� .-.�._._.-- -
<br /> -"- ' � • such other hazards,casualdes and contlnpencles ea may be requlred by BeneNclery,!n auch amounts and b�such perlods es awy bo �`_.-"•-w'°� _
<br /> ="�° ' required by�eneNclary.The pollcy ollnsurence shell be!n fam accep[eble to Benellc/ery,provlde fhat the same may not 6e -
<br />__.��� � ;�4°����. �' canaelled or modilled wlthout/llleen(16)deys pNa wrltten nodce to BeneNclery,end ahell have loss peyebW provlaJonaln levor o/and �'��°
<br />�`t :: � � !n lam acceptaWe to BeneNclery.All premluma on Insurance pollcfes ahall be pald!n the menner pravJded undei parapraph�hereol
<br /> "� �. ,. - �-�. o�,!/not pald!n such manner,by Tivator mak/ns payment at least BReen(15J deys pdor to the due date,dlrecdy to the lnsurance ---° �
<br />-�� � canler.Beneflclary shall have the d8ht to hold the polclos and renewa/s thereol end Tiustor shall prompdy lum/sh ro BeneNclery all �-':����-----
<br /> . renewel nodces and ell pald p►em/um recelpts recelved by IG In no event ahall Benellclery or Trostee be held responslble for Ia1/u►e to
<br /> ` pay lnsurence premlums a Mr a►+y loss or damage adslnp out cf a datect ln any pollcy or arlsing out o1 any lalluie of eny Insurence _ __
<br /> � • company to pay fo�any loss or demaqe lnsured a�sinst a/a/ellure 6y Tiusta to e!lect d�e lnsurance�equlred hereunder.M the event �..p.-__
<br /> o//oss,Trusta shell plve prompt nodce by mall to the lnaurencn canler and BeneBclary.Benellclary may make prool o/lass fl not
<br /> � made prompGy or!n proper lorm by Trusror.Afl pollcles of inaurance and eny and a!!relunds ol uneamed prem/ums ere hereby =-
<br /> ° • asslgned to BeneNclery as addldonel securlry la dte payment o/the Indebtedness.In the event o/BeneNclary's exerclse o/the powei �'��_
<br /> � ' o/saVe contalned hereln,a In the event o/%reclosure,all dght tltle end lnterest of Tivator!n and to eny Insurance poilcy fhen!n face
<br /> " � shall pass to the purchaser et the hustee's sale or loreclosure sa/e,In case ol any loss,the lnsurence prxeeds may,et the opBon o/ ;�-� ;,
<br /> � � ":' Beneflclery,be epplled by 9eneBclery upon the/ndebtedness,o►any peR thereol,and!n auch order and amount as Bene/lciery may •��
<br /> ° � � deteimine;or aefd lnaurance proceeds.et the opdon o/BeneHc%ry,may elther be used!n ieplacing or reato►ing the Tnrst Properry � ""�...�41_
<br /> ��_��_��.
<br /> peAlelly or totelly desboyed to a conditlon aetla/earory ro Beneficlary;or sard lnsu►ance proceeds,a eny pordon thereof,may 6e �_-:--
<br /> . „ . relessed ro Tiustor.Unless BeneHclary and Tiusror otherw/se agree M wddng,any such eppllcedon ol lnsurence proceeda shel/not ""�:w"�`- �.
<br /> extend or postpone Ihe due dete o/the Note,or any lnsfallments celfed la thereln,or chenge the amount ol such Ustellmenta,I!the • -
<br /> ti Tiust P�operry ls acqulred by 8enellclery pursuent to the exerclae of fhe power of�ale a olher fo►ecbsure,aN dghf,Ude and lnterest o� —
<br /> „ __- — _ -_-- Tn�.sMrin and to eny Insurance proceeds payable as a resuRo/demage to the Tiust Prope�ly pdor to the sala or acqulaltlon shall pass _
<br /> ^ to BeneNclary and shell be applled Brst b the coata and expensea,lnc/uding aftomey feas,lncuned ln cdlectlnp such proceads,then ��.. _ -�
<br /> . . In the manner and Jn the ader provlded hereln. �'W 4
<br /> .� 8. Preservadon end Melntenance of Tiust Pioperty. Tiustor w/ll keep fhe bulldings and other Improvements now or hereaRer erected on �,c,..
<br /> ' fhe Trust Propery in good repalr end conditlon and wIQ not commlt or pe►m►t waste,w!N nof aftei the deslpn oi shuctuial cha�acter -�`=��_
<br /> consNtudng any bulldlns now orherea/ter erected on and consUtudng the Tiust Properry wphout fhe prior wrlKen cons�nt o/ �-,�•»R �--_-
<br /> ' ' Beneflclary,wlll not do eny act or thing whlch would unduly Impal�or depreclate fhe ve/ue o/the Tiusf Properry and wQl not abandon '
<br /> , ' - the Tiust PmpeRy. Tiustor wlll not remove eny Hxtures constltudng the Tiust Property unless the seme ere lmmedletely�placed wllh �,
<br /> Ilke property su6/RCt ro the Ilen and securlty lnterest o/lhls Oeed of Trust and oI at least equal value and udllry. Tivator wlll comply wlth ___------
<br /> � ell present end luture ordlnances,regufadons and requlrements ol eny govemmentel body whlch are appllcable fo fhe Tiust Properfy ,�,•° �?•z-
<br /> • •�. . aitd to the occupancy and use thereol.!I thls Oeed ol Trust Is on e unit Jn e condomfilum or a planned unit development Tiustoi sha/I �� :_�.
<br /> � � perlorm all o/Tiustor's obllgadons under Ihe decle►aUons or covenents creadnq or goveminy the condominlum or the plenned unR ,�,�, �..�
<br /> development,the byfaws and regulatlons o/the condominlum or plenned unit development and the consNtuent dxuments. ;,;�„-�y?�J�°-
<br /> �. ' ., " �. Inspecdon.Beneflclary or Its agents mey,at all reasonable dmes,enter upon the Tiust Property fa the purpose ollnspecdf m s r ���
<br /> � �, o „ � BeneNc/ery shell have no duty to make such InapecUon and shaN not be qeblo to Tiustor or to any pe►son!n possos81on l eke o :=�'Y � - ��
<br /> lells ro make any such lnspecdon.
<br /> ,i� 10. Protecdon ol Securlry.1/Tiustor/alls to perlorm eny ol the covenanfs and agreements contelned!n tMs Dsed o/Tiust a Jl any ecdon ;
<br /> � ' or proceeding!s commenced whlch does or may edversely e//ect the Trust Property or the lnte►est ol Tiusto►or 8ene/lclary thereln o� - = •
<br /> ! . � me aae or r�sro.a,e►ero,then Benelfclary,at Ifs optlon,may perlam such convenants end agreements,mdce such appesrences, � ,�;:`"'_
<br /> - de/end aga/nst end lnvestlpate such acNon or proceeding and take such other actlon as Beneliclery deems necessary to pratect Ifs F --
<br /> � . lnterest lncludlnpr, but not qmlted to,disbursement ol reasoneble altorney/ees and entry upon the Trust Property to make�epelrs.My �
<br />' �' emounts dlsbursed by BeneNclary pwsuent b this paragraph 10,wlth lnterest thereon,shall constitute fndebtedness o!Trusta �,n ,���"_
<br /> .� „ secured by thls Deed of Trust. Unless Tiusror and BeneNc/ary agree[o other terms ol payment such amounts shell be payable upon ��°--
<br /> --' xr-."T'
<br /> notice Irom BeneNclary fo Tiustor requestlng peyment thereM,and shall bear Uterest Irom fhe date of dlsbwsement at the delautt rate, -s=��Y�-
<br /> �"._.'-_--
<br /> ' I/any,sef lorth!n the Note,or otherwlse at the hlghest rete permlfted by law.Nothing coMelned!n thls paragreph shall►equlre " _--
<br /> ' ' . BeneNclary to lncur any expense or teke any ecdon hereunder. 7rustor Irrevocabty aufhorizes and empowers Benellc/ary to ente►upan ,�-
<br /> � the Tiust Pioperty as Tiustor's agent and,!n Tiustor's name or othe►wlse to peAorm any and all covenants end agreements to be �
<br /> perlormed by Trusb►as hereln proWded.Bene!(clery shell, at its opNon,be subroqated to any encumbrance,Ilen,clalm or demend �
<br /> . and M aU rlghts end secuddes for the payment thereol pald or dlscharged by Benepcfary under the provlslons hereol and eny such � °
<br /> - � � subrogetlon dghts shelf be addlNonal and aumulative securiry lor thls Deed of Tiust. f
<br /> � 1 f. Condemnadon.The proceeds ol dny award or clalm lor darneges,direct or consequendal,!n connecdon wlth any condemnatlon a
<br /> � odter taking of the Trust Prope�fy,or eny peR thereof,or for conveyance(n lleu ol or In anticlpatlon of condemnatlon,are hereby
<br /> � � asslgned fo and shall be pald to BeneNclary. Trusto►wl11 lile and prosecute,!n good faifh end wifh due dlllgence.!ts clelm lor any such
<br /> ' , eward or payment,and wlll cause the same to be collected end pald to Beneliclary,and,should!t lall!o do so, Trustorlrrevocably '
<br /> ��• autho►lzes and empowers Benellclery,!n the name ot Trusta or ofherwlse,to Hle,prosecute,setNe or compromise any such clalm snd �
<br /> to collect►ecelpt lo�and refein the proceeds.ll the Trusf Property is abandoned by Tiustor,or,alter noUce by Bene/fclary to Trustor •
<br /> thet fhe condemnor oHers to meke an award or seme a c►aim lor damages, Trusror lails to respond to BeneNclary withln fhlrty(30)days
<br /> a/ter the date such nodce fs melled,Beneliclary is authorized to collect and app/y the proceeds in the manner!ndlcated herein. The
<br /> proceeds ol eny award or claJm may,aher deduct(ng all reasonable costs and expenses,Including ettorney lees,whlch may have
<br /> t been incuned by Benelic(ary In the collectlon thereol, at the sole discretion ol Beneliciary,be released to Tiustor,epplled to
<br /> � ___,.___� restoradon of Trust Property,oi epplled to the payment o�the/ndebtedness.Unless Benelic(ary and Trustor otherw(se agree!n wn6ng,
<br /> - "� -�- � — � -� any sucn appncaaon or proceeos to maeoreoness snau not exrena or postpone me oue oare or me ivore or rne paymenr oi any .
<br /> � lnstallments callod lor thereunder.
<br /> 12. Tiusto►Not Released.Extenslon of the time for peyment or modification of any amoAizetlon o/the Indebtedness granted by Benelic�ery
<br /> � ro any successor in Interest o/Tiustor shall not operate to release,in any manner,the Ilability o!Trusfor and Trustor's successors in
<br /> lnterest.Benellclary shell not be requlred to commence proceedings agalnst such successor or reluse to extend time for peyment or
<br /> otherwJse modlly amoRization of the Indebtedness by reason o/any demand made by Trusto►and Trustor's successors
<br /> � �n interest.
<br /> 13. F/nenclal ln/amadon.Upon request o/Benefic�ary, Trustor wiN provide ro Bene6clery,with�n ninery(90)days of the clase of each fiscal
<br /> year of Tiustor,the consolideted balartce sheet and statement ol earnings of Trustor and any and all guarantors o/the Indebfedness
<br /> secured hereby,il any,and wilf provlde and deliver to Beneficiary such other 6nancial Inlormation and�n such manner as Beneliciery
<br /> mey raesonebly request Irom tfine to tfine.
<br /> 14. Financlel Covenents.In addldon to any other Nnanclal covenants�f Trustor made in any other agreemenf,inshument or dncument,
<br /> . Trustor shsll comply wlth and shall ceuse any and all guarantors of the Indebtedness secured hereby to comply w�fh,or be in
<br /> • , compllance wiM, the lollowing linanclal covenants:(Thls paregraph shell not epply if covenants and reqwrements ere not set
<br /> IoRh herein.)
<br /> � 15. SChedule o/Leases.Withm ten(10)days aNer demand,T►ustor shall furnish to Benef�c�ary a Schedule.Certif�ed to by Trustor,sottmg
<br /> _ lorth all leases o/the Trusf Property,or any portion the�eo% �ncludmg m each case.the name of fhe fenants or occupanfs,a descnphon �
<br /> ��r , O!the SpeCe oCCUp�ed 4y Such tenent or ocCUpanf,the renfel payable lor such space.and such other�nlormaUon and documenfs wilh
<br /> !? resnect to such/eases and tenanc�es as Benelraarv mav reasonablv reauest.
<br />