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<br />— -::,••.•;,•: ,. "'�• . TOOETHER VYRH �M th�knprovwn�nls now a h�tMftK �nat�d on th� propNty,�nd d M�Mn�nb, �PP�rt�nws.md
<br /> ' ,.Y���i► .. Abuns now a h�11�r�part of th�propwy.A1 npMo�ts�nd�dditlon��haY dw b�oorrnd by thls BraWity In�frumm4
<br /> •� . ..: /110l th�lonpolnp u nfwnd W In tbb S�audly Impum�nt u tb�•PropKty•
<br /> _ _ — :�;}' ,cJ°^'. �RC:1Cl1 .^.CI{tCSL'ATST.^, ftsst 8osTO:+Ct!3�:is!!y sd:t�3 C!!he e!tste he►!by�'�mv�y�l �nA h�w Ihw ri�f tn e�eNnt�nd ,.
<br /> convy th� Prop�rly�nd th�t th�Prop�Ay b un�naumb�nd, ucaPt la �ncumbranaN ol noord. BoROwr w�rtanto�nd
<br /> ��. ' w,dN�nd a�th�fNN to th�Propwty ap�Y�st aN d�Mnt�nd d�nd�,�ubJ�ct to�ny�naunbruia�a ot noord.
<br /> �`' ..:��,;.;4 A THIB SECURITY INSiHUMENT oombM�s unlfam oov�n�nts lor nrtlonal uu �nd namunlfam aov�nU wilh
<br /> -- �.•: NtnN�d vedaUone by Jurladkllon to aonedtute�unitortn araudN In�trum�nt corsrinp nN prop�Ay,
<br /> � - .�':��i�s,:`., ' ,.,�s UNIFORM COVENANTB. BarowK and Undu oovmanl�nd�pn��s lopows:
<br /> ,_:�.� . � -, 1. PNm�nt ot P�Inclpal u�d Int�r�at; Pnp�ytn�M +u�d Lat� Char���.Bor►ow�r shdl ptanpW paY wh�n
<br /> ,� dw th� pdndpH of�nd Int�t on 1h� cMbt wlddicad by th�Not��nd�ny pr�ymmt md W� ahrpei du�und�r lh�
<br /> , ' ° � 1VOIf.
<br /> • 2. Fonds tor Tax�� �nd Inaur�nc�.9ubJ�ct to�ppNable 4w or to a wtittm wdver by Lwidu, Barowr shaN p�y
<br /> - " to L�nd�r on th�d�y monthy p�ymonu�n du�und�r th�Note, until ihe Nots I�pald In W9,��um('Fundi')for: (�)yeariy
<br />�:��.f'`� :' �. LxM�nd u��esm�nb whbh m�y �tvk� prlority ovK thb 3eeurity Inatrummt u�Wn on ihs Pmpwty: (b)Ys�ty Ie�sNwld
<br /> ._�.-- . � ::,' P�Y�b or qround nats on th� Prop�ty� 8�nyt (a)Y�Y hwrd w ProPMY In�urana pnmlumr, (d)YwIY rtood In�urance
<br /> - " pnnYums,N any; (�)YMrly mortp�ps Insuranw pr«nlume, H my;�nd (Q�ny sums payabN by Borroww to Landr in�ocord�nw
<br /> � • '. �!' wNh ihv provblons o}p�r�yrapb 8,In Yeu oi ths payment of mortyaps Neur�nc�pranfums. Thes� ftems ar� callsd 'Htcrow
<br /> --_�Iz'Xr; � It�n�' Lendw m�y, �t any ttne, coll�et�nd hoid Funde in �n�mount not to ex�wed the maxWnum unounl• Nnd�r 1or a
<br />�'f�- ^ .. fadanq�r nlatad mortp�p�lan may rpuin for Borrawar'a eic►ow account und�r ths t�de�l Red Eshte BetU�nt Proa�dixas
<br /> �,� r .•••,�,� . . . Act of 1874�u�mmd�d hom Ume to tNn�,12 U.S.C.�2601 st eaq. ('RE3PA'), unlws �nothK law that�ppNa to ih� Funda
<br />-,�,.7ti , sMs• los��r�mount It ro, Undsr m�y,�t any Nme,coq�ct �nd hold Funds In�n �mount not to exc«d ih�leun unount.
<br /> Und�r m�y a1Mn�t�the r►wunt of Fund�du�on the b�sls of oun�nt dav�nd rMSOn�W�«Wn�ta of apendWra of fiidi►�
<br /> - . ' E�wawr Itw�s or cthwwls�In�ccorduice w11h�pplic�bk IRw.
<br /> Th�Fund�shW b�held In�n Inatltutbn whou d�poalu ar�Insured by p fedonl aysncy,InstrumentaWty, or antlly(Inolud�n0
<br /> " Lend�r,B Land�r i�auah�n InetltuUon)or b �ny Fede�l Home Lwn Bank. Landw shd+ipply th�Fund� to p�y th� Eaaow
<br /> ' It�, LendK may not ah�rps Borrowa for holdlnq�nd�pplyhy th� Funds,onnuaYy�mlyiiny the eecrow�ccount, ar rarfyinp
<br /> tiu Esorow fl�ms, unt�ss L�nd�► pay� BoROw�r Interat on the Funds �nd appYoabls law panr�ts Lenda to m�ka such �
<br /> ' � chuy�. However, Undv m�y requfn Borroww to pty� one-Ums alwys for�n indspmd�nt red�sfate tox npatln0 servir.e
<br /> ' uwd by Undar tn connecdon wqh thls loan, unUes �ppqable law provldes othsrwlsa. Unlese an apreement le mede a
<br /> ' " .; appNc�W�law requ(ra Int�nst to b�p�id,L�ndsr shall not b� wqulrsd te p�y Borrowar�ny inbreel or Mrninpa on ths Funds.
<br /> •,� Borcow�r�nd Lend�r m�y�p►N in wdtlnp, howev�r, th�t Intxaat ahU be pdd on th� Fundi. Lmd�r eheM qMe to Borrower,
<br /> � o wNhout ohog�,an�nnual�ccounlW�p of th�Funds, showinp aredite �nd deulta to th�Funds uid tha pupose for whkh Mah
<br /> d�blt to ths Funds w�s m�ds. Th�Funds�n ptedp�d u addidond s�writY fa ell eum�securM by th�3�curiry Inawm�nt.
<br /> �w
<br /> � II th�Funds hMd by Und�r sxw�d th��mounts p�rnYllsd to bs hMd by�pplloabk I�w, L�nd�►sh�N acoount to Borrower
<br /> ,�. . � , for th� uee�ss Fund�In �caordmc�wNh ihe requlnments ol appYe�bta I�w.11 th�unount of th� Funds hsld by Lander�t�ny
<br /> - tims is not su(Fci�ni lo Wry ih�Eeaow it.ma wheM�3uc.LsnQer rnsy sa r�ariy Sarrosycr In midnQ. ertd. In auch�?eee 9�nnw�r
<br /> � � nhaN pay to Undw the�nount n�eaary to mnks up tho d�flclrncy. Borrow�r ih�U mako up ih� daflcNncy N�o mor�than
<br /> twNv�monthly paymmts,�t Und�'a�ol�dlsuetion.
<br /> Upon paym�nt b tuN of �Y suma s�curM by thh 3�aKily In�trumant, Lender �hdl promptly refund to BortowK�ny
<br /> � Fundt hrid by Lend�r. I1, undw para9raph 21, Lander eh�l acquke a sell ths Properry,Lend�►, prlor to th��cquisNbn a tala
<br /> „ •� ot tM Propwty, sh�N apply�ny Funds hNd by Lend«'�t th� tlnw of �aquldtlan a����undk ay�Nst th� sums s�cund
<br /> �" by thla 3�cu�ity Inewment. -
<br /> ' , 3. Appllaatlon of Paym�Mt. Unle�a applcable uw p►ovldes olhe�wlae, aM p�ymente r�e�Ned by Lander under _
<br /> puaQ�ph� 1 �nd 2 ahap be�ppli�d: flrot,to�ny prep�yment chuye�du�unda the Note; s�cond,to�rnounN pay�bM und�r
<br /> ' . . pu�qraph 2: thkd,to Interest due;fourth,to p�lncipal due; and laat,to my lata charqes due und�r ihe NoN.
<br /> • �• " 4. Chars�s; U�11t. 8ortower sh�N pay all toxaa, anaasments, chuyes, fln�s�nd 4npodtions atMbuhblo to th�
<br /> ' � �• PropMy whleh may�tWn p�forfly over thla Security Inehument, �nd Iws�hold paymenls or yround renls. M any. Borrowu
<br /> ah�d pay thosa oblly�Uona In the mannar provlded in pu�yr+ph 2, or H not pvd In thd mmnar. Bonawer ehdl p�y thrn on _
<br /> �, ' Ume dkeetly ta ihe pueon owed payment. Bortowx aholl prompUy(umleh to Lender�p noticea of�mounts to be pdd und�r
<br /> thls p�ragr�ph.If Bortow�r mrk�a thw� paymmts dk�ctly. Bortowa shW promptly lumlth to L�ndR rw�lpt� wld�na(ny
<br /> 1, ° tiw prymenta.
<br /> ' ° � Borrowar ehul prompdy dlachsrye�ny Ilen whk:h h�s prforNy over this 3ecurly Instrument unlvsa Bortower. (�) ayreea
<br /> In wdUny to the payment o1 th�oblip�tlon aecured by the Aen in a mannar�ceaptable to Lender, (b) conttata In yood hith the
<br /> �I � � Ilen by, or d�fends ayak�st anforcement o1 the Ilen In, lepal procoedlnqs which in tha Lender'a opinlon opnte to provant _
<br /> , the enforcemont of tha Uen: or(e) aewres hom the hotde� nf th� Nen �n spreement seGai�ctory to lender aubadinatlnq the
<br /> INn to thb Suwrity Inatnunant.11 Lender dat�es th�l soy part o1 th�Property la eubJect to o Nen which m�y Nhin prloriry F
<br /> over thls 3eowity Inatrument, Lendar may give Borrawar�noUce Idantilyiny th�Ilen.BoROw� ehaq atlsty the Wn a iak�
<br /> on�a mors oi th��cdona eet lorth ebove wflhfn 10 daye of the giviny of noUce,
<br /> • 5. H�tud or Proporty Insuranco. Borrower ahall keep tha Improvements now eMlatiny or here�fler ereci�d on the
<br /> ° Property Inaurad ayaNiat laea by flre, h�zarda Included wtthin the term 'extended coverage' �nd�ny other h�rd�, Indudlnp
<br /> floods or lboding,fa whkh Lende►requkes Inaurence. This inaurance ahell be malnhkied In tho�mounls and Tor iha perloda -
<br /> thot Londer require�. The Insurance cartie� provWing iho Nsurance ahell be choaen by Borrower eub�ect to Unda'a approval =
<br /> which ehstl nol be unreaaonabty wHhheld. 11 Bonower lails to meint�in coverage deacribed abova, Lendar m�y, at L�nda►'� =
<br /> optlon, obWn covxage to protect Lende►'s rlghis In ihe Property In accordene�wilh panyraph 7. -
<br /> All insuwnce policles and renewals ehaU be accaptabte to Lende� and aholl Inctude a etandud mat9aye clauae. Lendor f
<br /> � ahdl have ths ripht to hold the poWdes end renewals. II Landcr requkes, Be� .Ner shall prompUy pive to Lender aA receipta oi
<br /> pNd pr�mluma and renewm nohces. In the event ol lose. Bonower ah�ll glve prompt notice to tho I�sunnea c�rtkr and l
<br /> � lander. Lende�moy make proof of loas if not made promptly by Bor►ower.
<br /> Unleaa Under and Bonower othervvise agree In writing,insurance proceeds shaU be applled to rettoratlon ar repak ol
<br /> '' ths P►apery damagod. H the restoralbn or tepalr Is ecanomlcally teasible and Lender'a sucurity la not lesaened. fl the ;
<br /> r..stomtion or repair la not economically feaslble or Lenders securily woutd be lessened, the Insurance prxeeds ahaN be
<br /> � apptled to the auma aecured by this Security MaWment, whether or not then duo, w8h any exceaa pald to Borrowar. II
<br /> • 8ortoww �bandons ihe Property, or does not anawa within 30 daye a notice trom Lender that the Insu�ee urtler hoa
<br /> •• eflered to aetUe a ctalm, ihen Leider may collect the Insurence proceeds. Lender may use ihe proceeds to repak or
<br /> .
<br /> rostore the PropeHy or to p�y sums sacurad by thle 3ocurity Inswment, whethe► a not then due. The 3Mday period wip
<br /> -• beyle whan the noUce Is gNen.
<br /> - , _ �_. ---�-
<br />- -"- . ' _--- � --� urneaa LYIIdC► B11d HOROW6r Oi11CIWISB s9fee IO w�iu�y. �iiy 4iFri�wu�B vi Ni'w-wvJS �:. j»,:..q.:� �.�G :.0: w.":M.. 07
<br /> postpone the due date ol the monthly paymenls referted to In paregrephs 1 and 2 or chanqe the unount of lhe
<br /> p�ymenta. If under paragreph 21 ihe Property Is acqulred by Lander, Bortower's rlght to any Insurence pollcles and proceeds
<br /> � raulting hom damage to the Property prior to the acqulslUon shall pasa to Lender to tha axtont of tha sumc by thla Securiry
<br /> tnatrumont Immedfetely prlor to the acqulsltlon.
<br /> � 6. Occupancy� Presarvatlon, Maintonanca and Protoctlon of th� Proporty;Borrowor'� loan
<br /> , ' Applicatlon; Loa�ohold�. Borrower shell ocaupy, estebllah, and uae the P►opery ea Borrower's princlpel resldence
<br /> � wHhln sluly d�ye ofler the executbn ol thla Security InaWmenl and ahall cantlnue to occupy the Property ea Barower's princlpal
<br /> � � rtaWence 1or el least one year efter the date o1 occupancy,unleaa Lender othervvlse egrees In wrltkig, which consent shaA not
<br /> 6a unre�sonably wqhheld,or unlesa exlenuating clrcurnstances exlsl whlch ere beyond Bonower's contral. 8arower ahap not
<br /> : 1 dosQoy, danwge or Impak the Propeity, sllow the PropeNy to deteriorete, or commit waste on the Prope�ty. 6onower shNl be
<br /> • j In dehult If �ny forleNure scUon or proaeeding, whethx chll ur crlmlml. Is begun th�t In Lender's good fellh judgment could
<br /> I raauk In lortelture ol the PropMy or otherwfse metenalty Imptlr tye Ilen created by thfs Securiy InaUvmenl or ender'a aecurity
<br /> � interoat. _-��'�T� r", • �'
<br /> . , F1318.LM0(�DI91� Pap�•7 0l 5
<br /> � '
<br /> Z t
<br /> '`; � . - 97V2.LM
<br />