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, �.�„ . , <br /> �.E; <br /> � "^'w�r , . _ . , " . � � � �i�. <br /> � .. ... � . � ' . , ..'� • - '-' .C.:�,►.. - . <br /> ' ' � . � . . '•1�...n��:�.�.- . <br /> �� .. � . . ' I " <br /> - ' • .. .. .. . ., `� �4. <br /> ., ' 1 <br /> � L - <br /> APPLH 001-61122025 ' <br /> , ML# OOOOOOOOUO �„ <br /> � g�" �(1�9�� ,q�:_� <br /> 1-4 FAM�LY RIAER ����v�� <br /> .?�� <br /> ° ' � Asai�nment of Itente _= <br /> THIS 1-0 FAMII.Y RIDER is mridc this 19mH day of DBCEMHFsR , 1996 ��d is �,';�. <br /> incotporated into and shNi bc dcemrA to umcnd a�d supplement the M.ort�ege,Dced of 7Yust oe Security D�ed(the ,s.T- <br /> "Socudty Instrument")of the same date g'rven by the undersigned(tho"Bomower")to securo Borrower's Note to .�;�_. <br /> HOME FBDBRAL SAVINGI3 & LOAN A.98QCIATxON OF f�RAND ISLJIND '.'-�'- <br /> . . (the"Lender") <br /> of the samo dete and covering the Property described 1n the Socudty Inswment and lacated aG - <br /> �, d916 5J'3s'.�I HLAINfi ST = <br /> ' �P.F.E<.� ��-y,��TD, NfiBRASI(A 68803 ;..--- <br /> (Property Addm��J _�c:�a�` <br /> � • �.v�,wic:.,�. <br /> 1�4 FAMI��d C��IVANTS. In addition to the covenancs and e�greemcnts made!n the Sec�ulry Instrumeru, f :x_:�=. <br /> Borrower end Lende,.•further covcnant amd a,gree as folbws: � - <br /> A.�DDI'!'�ONAL E�RO��R�v S��'CT'd'O TilE S�CUF.�'!'Y IlVSTE3�JkdEME'.In :.dcli@�.� to the .�;.� <br /> • � Praprrty described in the Security Instrument,tt►a fallowing iteans ere added to the Prnperty descripdon�And ahall —_ _ <br /> , elso consHtute th��c+pe�ty covued by the Sectuity InshumenC buildIng matrrlals,epplianas and gaods of every �-_- <br /> aature whi�isoev�a�aw or hereafter locased in.on,or used.or inten3ed to be used in connetdon with the Property. <br /> _ �_ iuciuciin ,oui trsl sr�itcd w�t�ose ior tAe <br />_ .�` water�alr ead hb f� rveittion end extta ui�of su�lying or�I.stn'buHng hwting,cooling,siccaicity.Bav. �:, <br /> � �Y 8 8�PA��.security and access eontrol epparnws.Plutnbing, � <br />_ 6ath wbs.water f�estas.v�;�ncr cbseta�sinks�renges.stoves,m.friguatore�dishwathers�disposals�washas.drYers� <br /> . awninga.swrcce 9eir�r.�ows�s�.-rn doors,scroens,blinds�shsde,�,curtuins and curtain rods.eqeehod mirrors�cabinets. — <br />: � peneliing ac�i aC;t�9r�c! fbor covaings now or haeaftu attached w the Pmperty. sll of Nhich, Including <br /> ' r�lacements aR�aGc�ions therero,shall bc elc�nr�eA w be aad remain a pa�t of the Prape�ty cove,red by the Security - <br /> , .. ' T�u�en�A!i esf�e faxegoi�g together w6'll�¢hc Property described in the Security Insbrument(or the leasetwld - <br />�., estaGc if the Soctraity tnsm�¢ is on a leaseiwld) are refi'rred to in this 1-4 Family Rider and tttc Stcur[ty - <br />_ -- „ . Las6�wneat as the"Pe�¢y," - <br /> B.USE C3�'ER4TERTY;COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. Borrnwcr shalt not see3c, agroc to or maice a <br /> ' chango t��tf�c:���eha Property or its zoning clessitication�ualess Lendcr has agrecd in writinng to the ct�an�e. r--- <br /> >:• .,o ....... . <br />�;r v.:ti�Y... .. B�wcx shatl c,ompIy with a!1 laws, orclinanors. reguladons and requircmcnts of any goveiameotal body _ <br />�:+ma:.,.:,.:...�, <br /> _ ;, �[i�;abb to the Paoprtty. a.� <br />' .' �.SUBORDINA7'E LIENS. Bx a4 �. <br />`r�;..,�,�.....,•• cept pamitted by fedeial law.Bo�mwet shall not nllow eny lien inferbr _ <br /> :..4 to the Seciuity Fnshwnent to be pafected egainst the A�aty without Len�er's prior wrritt�n pamisslion. - <br />_ � ..;�� D.REMG t�.mSS INSURANCE, Borrower shall maintein lnsurance ag2inst rent{oss in addidun to the ottxr ° <br /> hamrda for which aasuranc�e ls requirod by Unifomi Coveaant S. = <br />,_- E."BORItO�FER'3 RIGHT 7'�REINS7PA`�E"DEI�ETEU. Uniform Covenant 18 is deleted. -- <br />_��-"� •' F.BORRO�VER'S OCCtipANCY. Unless I.e,ndcr and Barowet agree in �vridag, the first ° <br /> ::r��}-^� sentence in Unifarm Covenant 6 conc�ming Barower's oocupancy of the Property is dc�ted. AU m,�n�ining � <br /> �•, covenants and ager,emeats sei farth in Uniforr�a��vc,�ant 6 shal!eesnain in effcxt. �:�� <br /> ``!r`4^l• ` �.-'�. <br />-:`}'}`i'.ti , `�r�i'. <br />_ ,, , , i[ff•L�iBTAtE 1•A FAYILY R{DE F!•F�nnl�M�NFnddl�Mso UMtorm Instrummt Form 9170 81Y9 <br /> � '- . . Pwp�1 012 -__�—. <br />— �-57(930a).0� VNP NOAT�A�E i0RN9•(lDO�s21•7201 Inttla4:--- ,�,::R�-:..: <br /> _ � � �}l�' <br /> _ �.�..:..�-:�.���-�. : IIII��II�11111NII�NIIlllllill .. ;{��_�G <br /> .,, . <br /> � �� _ , <br /> .. . <br /> : . . . <br /> :_. .__ _; �. : <br /> _ _ �.._ <br /> __ _ --_ <br /> .__.,...__ _ _ . <br /> � <br /> ., <br /> . .__..... . . ____ ___._..__ __� T.____�____..�_______�_ <br /> � � , <br /> � <br /> . � _ <br />