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/ <br /> . t <br /> � / ' I <br /> l . . � <br /> �l`i��.O9��i� <br /> � �6.Borrower's Copy. Bonowu shall be glvcn onc conformcd copy oP thc Notc and of this Security l�swmcn� <br /> f7,Transfer of f6e Propert or a Beeefkl�l Inter�t in Borrower. If all or eny part of tha Proncrty or eny int�ccest in it is <br /> . ' sold or tr�nnsfcrrcd (or U a bcnc�cial interest ln 8orcower is sold or uansfeaed end Bornnwcr is not a nutural person) without •� <br /> L.cndcr's pnor wdtten wr�sent,L.cndet mey,at its option.rcquiro immcdiate payment in fuU af all sums sccurcd by this Sccurity _ <br /> lnswmcn�Howavcr,thls aption shsll nat be oxcrclsed by l.ender if exercise is prohibited by federel law as o�'the date of this ;"'r`: <br /> , .,_. <br /> �_ Security Insuumcn� ' <br /> �-7 ' If Lender exercises this opdon,Lendcr shall give Borrower nodce of�cceleration.'Itia noqce shall provide aperfod of not Iess �` <br /> "` than 30 days Cmm the dfltc the nodce is dclivercd or mailed within which Borrower anust pay all sums securad by lhis Securfty .�•"'; •: <br /> InswmcnG If Homowcr fails to pay these sums prior w t�c cxpiradan of this pedod,Lcndcr may invoke nny remedles permitted '��:�.��,". <br /> by this Secudty Inswment wIthoat further notica or demand on Borrower. 'k�;`_ <br /> 18.BorrowePs Rlght to Re t�tt.. If Bocmwer macts certain caiditions, Borrower shall have Uie right to have ___- <br /> enforcement of this Securlty Ins��ment discontinuod at any Nme prior to the carlier of: (a) S days (or such rnher perIod ag �'`�_ <br /> . , nppllcable law may spocify for reInstatemeait)befora sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale cantained in this Secun'ry ��tiT- - <br /> • Instrument;or(b)entry of a JudRtneut enforcing this Security Inswmen4'ITiose conditions aue that Borrower:(a)pays Lender all __-- <br /> � sums which then would ba due under tiiLs Security Insorument and the Note as if no ecceteradon had occuRed;(b)cures any - <br /> � default of any aher wvenants or agroements; (e)pays all eapenses incurnd In enforcing thLs Securiry Instrument,including, but .�`� <br /> � not l�mited to,reasonabla atwmeys'faes;and(d)takes such eclion as Lencier ma�reasonebly require to assure that the lirn of Rhis '�-- <br /> Socurlty Instrument, Lc,nder's rights in the Property and Borrower's obligauoa to pay the sums secured by thlv Security ,•�.;-_ <br /> Inswmt.rit shall candnue unchanged. rJpon reinstatement by Horrower. this Security Instrumr,�t and ihe obligations secured _ <br />__ �' hereby shall remain fully effecdve a.g if no eccederadon had occurred.1However,this rig ht to reinstato shaU not opp ly in the case of - <br /> occekrabion undu p�regraph 1?. ,' ;, <br /> , 19.Sak of Note,C6�nge ot Loan Servker. 'Ihe Note or a �artial intcrest in the Note (wgether witb thia Security �� � <br /> ,� Instcument)may be sold one or more tirnes without prior�at�ce to Bamwu.A sak may result in a change in the endty(lmown •''-'- — <br /> �; � as the"I.oan Servi:er")d►at collects monthlypayments duo under ihe Note and Qds Soctvity InsuumenG There olso may be orte or h�`�'"*��' <br /> more changes of the Loan Serviccr onrelatcd to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Sormwer wW be " <br /> �� � given written nodce of the ct�ange in accordana with paiauranh 14 above and applicable law.'i1�e no8ce wyll atate the name aud `�°�. <br /> �. ade!ress of ths naw Loan Scxvfcrr snd the�.ddress to�h�th��yments shonk!Ne made.'Ihe nodce will also contain eny othe� .�..*`�-- <br /> �°'•" Wom�ation required bY aPPllcable law. .,"-..;-�` <br /> 20.HazArdous Substances. Borrower shall nnt c�use or pe�mit the presence. use. d�sposal, storege,or mJrase of any a�.r�� <br /> ldaaardQSns Substances on or in the Propesry.Borrower shall not do,nor nlbw anyone else to do,enything affecting the Propeaty r��_��, <br /> � that is i-���lation of any finvironmeaw33 F.nw.The prec$ding two se,�tences shall not ep ly to the presence.use�or storage on the �_.__-_ <br /> -°--- --• - -''--•'-'----- ic�-- . <br /> —°-_ -_ = fivNaiy �nn yun11 Kuiuiuuc�ui Iu�umus Suosianc�t ii�ni acc gcnu�ully ncugdir.cri iu oc+y►fmi{►Fiiiic iu iwinwa icsiucuuru uara <br /> and to mai�unance of the Propeny. =v__ <br /> Bamwer sbaU pcompdy glve LeAder written nodce of any invesd�gatian,claim. denwnd. lawsuit or other action b any <br /> s e y <br /> '� govemn�e�atal ar reEulatory ageacy or private puty involving the Pro�erty and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law -- <br /> � of which Barower has acwal knowledge.if Barower fearns,or i�no�fied by any govemmental or regulatory audwriry,that any — <br /> reuwvul or ott►er remediation of any H�.z,�udous Substence affecting the Property is nec�ssary,Bamwer shall pmmptty take aU <br /> _ ncxessnry remadial ecdons in accorda.��rith 8nvironmaxtal Law. ----- <br /> As usod in this paregraph ?A, "�I.��udoas Substances"are t�os�n substences definal as ta�ic or ha7ardous subsmnc�es by — _.. <br /> Environmental Law and the followin� substance.c: gasoline. kuosene, other flammable or toxic peuoleum products, toxic _ <br /> pesdcides and habic.ides,volatile solvents,materials containing asbeste�s or fo:maldehyde,and radioactive mste3lels As usod in _ <br />- , ' '• this 20,"Eavironmental Iaw" aneans federa!laws and l�ws of the jurladiction where tl�e Pmpeity #s lvcated that relate :.- <br /> : w t�talth�ety or envirc►nmental prcrteerian. � <br />_ � „ NON-UMFORM COVENAN7'S.Barrower and Lender fuNKr covenant and egree as follows: ' <br />- _ � � � '" 21.Acpelerntbn;R�meBies,Lender sdall give not�e to Borrowtr prioa to aocekration tolMwing Borrower's Dreach of ��::---- <br /> - .,�;. any oovcaant or a�rren�ent in Wi9 SceurBy Ioetrument (b¢t not prior to acakration under paragraph 17 unkss �— <br /> appUGabk law provides otherwise).T6e aoticc eball epecUy:(a)t6e def�ult;@)the octbn requfr�d to cure tbe defoult;(C) �' <br />— a dnte,not Icss th�n 30 dAya h�om tbe r�uk the notioe b givee b�rawer��y w6k6 tlie detault must De curedi And (d) �`-� <br /> ' tha!htlun W cure the detauk os or beJore the dxte specflied in t6e aotke nAy resWt in�oeekratbn d tite sums secured k <br />__ - by tl�Secarky In�tniment and sak ot tbe Property. TYe nottoe cdall(i�rtber intorm Borrower ot tbe ri�i6t to reinsQate �>" <br /> a(�er aa.ekratioa and the rtght tn brin�a court actlon to assert tke nontx�stena ot a defaak or an�other defeoae of ��- <br /> - � Borrower to ocakratbu and ea6e.If RNe defnult i�not cured on or before the date speclfiod io t6e nodce,Lender,at its =-� <br /> �- ' �•- option,may require immcdlate payment In tui!at aU sums secured by this Securitr Instr�ument without tiurther dra�and � _ <br /> - � . And may inva3c�e the power ot sAfe an�:nny other remedies permftted 6y Rppficabk aw.Leader s6al1 be eatitkd to colkct f>` <br /> • �, all e�c nsea Incurred in urcuie tfie remedks rdvided in this Ara � �° <br /> pe p g p p �rap6 21,i,acludtng,but eot Ilmited to, rwsona6le ,_,___ <br /> � . � attoraeys'tu�and coste mt�itk evidence. :��-��; <br /> It fhe er ot sAle iv invoked,'IYustee shall record a notjce o!det�a7t ia e�c8 coun in which an `'��� �-- <br /> � W►w' t7 9 PArt of tLe �_,��.'-_;. <br /> ���;W �_ <br /> :: �.� Property i�socated and sl�U mail capirs ot sach not[oe io the mar;�at prracrllasd Ly�pfkabk law to Bw�rower and to the ; <br /> ;,_.,,•�,. other pen�ne preasribed by�pplks►ble l�w.Af�er We ttne requined by applicAbie law.Tr�stee shail gire pnblic aatieP mf ,r,, .,s�'' <br /> 'i sAk to t6e persorts and in thc mnnner prescribed by appika6k law.Trustce,�aut dernand on Borroweq s6all srll 2he � . <br /> � r; Property ot pu611c auctioex�o the 6iBhest bidder�t the time and plaa and�mder the terme desiaeated in t5e notke oP sak ' '� - <br /> � _ .. .�' S ���;�;: <br /> ' Form 9028 0/80 '� �±'` <br /> �•Eq(NE)roz���.o� aao.e oi e inmau: . � <br /> . - -- - =� . , ._- <br /> 3 <br /> �._'_'.__"_"_.._�..____.._".' ' '_... ...... ....... '__,..._...... -__ . ....'._._"___'�__..-_."-__-•--.'.'_"'_""_.__,...� .... ._..'___."_.'.."."_"._� <br /> . ' � �.1. . . ._ ._ . __ . <br />