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'Chc ni�ticeP y�ll prmide u period of ne�t <br /> Icss thun 30 days from the dute the nutice is dclivered or mailed within �vhich Ilnrrawer must a all sums �ecured by this <br />_- ;� • Security lnstrument. If Borrowcr fsils to pay these sums prior to the expirution of�his period, Lendcr mu�� inv��ke any remcJies _ <br /> _ . , , � permitted by this Security lnstNment without funher notice or demand on S:snoH:er. <br /> �a, 13orrow'rSeRC�ht�noICRR(fem�dsconiinuixl at nn��t•,:�ccpdor to thet���er�f:r(u)CS day�I lf��V U�heother�period as <br />,w �=`t' = enforcement of th y 'u e- <br /> ' � ` upplicuble lu�v muy specify for�ti:instatement) before sale oi t'� Property pur�uMt tn any po�ver of sule contuined in tius <br />__e'C.tia;:Mr; <br />-°�� s�,' Security Instrurreenr or(b)entry oF ajudgmen[cnforcing t.'.is Se:�riry Insrrumcnt.Thc9��c cnnditions are thut Borrower:(a)pnys <br /> '' �'�'�'� L,ender all sums which then �vould be due undcr eltis Security Qnstrumcnt and thc Noze as if no accelcrntion hud occurred:(b) <br /> ,��,...:. „ ti all ex enses inarred in cnforcing thih Securiry Instrument, <br /> •�-'r� t cures any default of any other covenunts ur �tbre_:�ents; (c) pay.' ' P <br />�,"'�4 Y:`i��.. <br /> ;�-, incluling, but not liniiccd to. rcasonable attor��ey�s' fees; und (d) tukes such actionas Lcnder may reusrniubly require to assur <br /> '-�.`•.d� <br /> -.{,,i�: that the lien of this Security [mtrunient, Lender's rights in the Property und Borrower's obligation to puy thc sums sccured 6y <br /> .?r������ � b�li ationstsecured hereby shall n:nrai�n fully effecdve aspf no u celer muni had occur:ed rHohvever. thicyright`torre nstat dshall <br /> - ,• .: s <br />-�`'-�'� not apply in the cace of accelere[iun under paragraph 17. <br /> ';'°�f':I'�r: ' 19. Sale of Note; ChanGe of Loun Servicer. The Note or a partial intemst in the Note (together with this Security <br />� ""�'h?'= InstrurnenU may be sold one or more times wilhau[prior notice to Borrower.A sak may result in a chunge in the entiry (known <br />��-��''R'li4"°-°- as the 'L.oan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and thisSecurity lnstrument.There ulso may be ane <br /> �`.';:�,, or n��re changes of the L.oan Servicer unrelate�ro a salc of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer, Borro�ver will be <br /> --=u.y.�=�. given written notice of the change in accordance with parngrnph 14 above und applkable luw•Tlie notice will state the name and <br /> -- address of the new Losn 5ervicer and the address to which payments should be n�de.The notice will also contain any other <br /> ",=�r.:r;�;.� i►ifor�ation rcquired by applicable law. <br /> ___,." �� 20. liaxurdous Substunces. Borrower shall not cnuse or Ex:rnfit the preseece. use, d�cpotia�• storu�e, or release of any <br /> �>>�;� Hazardous Substances on ur in the Property. Borrower shull not do, nor ullaw anyone else to do, xn thing affecting the <br /> --- - -- _ Property that is in violation of any Environniental The Prncea�that u e5 enera�ly recogniud poybe appmpr ute o normal <br /> -"_�=� ,;�,;,g;,at; c": Pro�rt;of cmall auantitics of Huutrdous Substa S <br /> ----=•= residcntial uses and to mnintenancc of the Propercy. <br /> �� �-� vernn en al orhm�ulatory tagency o pricate party nvolving the P ope yaand anY Haza dous Sub.ance or Envi omm�tal Law <br /> -_.._..��.a go <br /> -"� of which �arrower has actuul kno�vledge. Yf Borrower learns,or is notitied by any governmental or regulatory authority, t at <br /> ^_.,� any removal or other remediation of any Haznrdous Substancc affecting the Propeity is necessary, Borrower shall promptly take <br /> a11�iecessury remalial actions in accordnnce with Environn�ental Law. <br /> —m As used in this para�raph 20, "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous aubstances by <br /> :� Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other �ammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic <br /> �`�! pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents, materials containing subcstos or fornuldehyde,and radioactive materials.As used in <br /> - - this paragraph 20, "Environmental Luw" cneans federal la�vs a.nd laws of th�jurisdiction where the Property is located that <br /> relate to health,safety or environmentstl protection. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender furthcr covenant anda�ree as follows: <br /> - 21. Accelerat[on;Reme�l�ics.Lender shall glve notfce to Barrower priorto accelerntion foltowing Borrower's breach <br /> of any covenant or Agreement in thfs 3ecurity Instrument (but naf prtor to acceleration under paragraph 17 uniess <br /> -•�:� applfcnble Inw provtdes otherwlse). The not[ce sliall specify: (u) the detault;(b)the actlon required to cure the default; <br /> - (c)a date,not less than 30 duys from the date the notice Is �iven to Barroxcr� <br /> by whlch the default must be cured; s+nd <br /> seeured by+ths SecurltytInst�run ent und sule of the Prapert�y.IThe nottce shal\ t'urtherr inform Borr'owetr of thehlghtnto <br /> - reinstate nfter accelemtfon and the rlght to bring a c�urt actton to assert the non-existence of n default or any other <br /> �+ defense of Borro�ver to accelen�ttan and sale. If the defnult ts not cural on or before the date spe�itiecl in the notice, <br /> '-°• Lender. at its option, inay requtre immedlate payment in full of all su�nssceured by this Sj�ble Iaw.tLender sha I�be <br /> � further demund and may Invoke thc power of sate and any other remedt�;permttted by app <br /> entitled to collect nll expenses incurred in pursuing the remedles provided Gn IhGs p�ragreph 21,including,but not lim[ted <br /> -�-�--i� to, reasonable u4torneys' fees and costs of tttle evldence. Art of the <br /> - --- If the pow'er of sale is invoked,'ICrustee shAll record s+notice of deteulf fn each county in which any p <br /> �--_ ' pruperty is located und i'bMl b ap licpable aw.After theitime r quired by eppl�ble lawp'Trustce shall�ve public notice <br /> ���� the other persans presc Y P ���ble law.Trustee,wtthout demand on Borrower,shall scll <br /> - of sale to the persons and in the munner prescrlbed by app <br /> ='� the Property at public nuctton to the hfghest bldder c►t ihe time and place and emder the terms desig��ated in the nottce oP <br /> -__—��� sale tn one or �����,moun e ent nt the ime and pl�e o onY P�e fously c e�d le�d sale.1 Le eder or its desis ee�maY <br /> - ��_= II'roperty bY P <br /> z"'='=°�':' purchase tl�c Propertv a4 uny snle. <br /> -- �:��,.'�, <br /> ___;:„�x-�,;�.�: <br /> --_�. <br />— :,;:;. <br /> Form 3028 8f80 <br /> -:;i�`.,.,�;��'r,. » <br /> �;3; - � ; ';. Popo6ol a <br /> �i���. <br /> ._._-. yy �A'�. <br /> �, <br /> .�4•���� . . . <br />-"'t�l.iv, .'1 _ _— . ._ . . <br /> ���:`.�, . . �� �R+TC'S:��.�77':=.':" <br /> -'1".. . � .�i . . . - - ' i-...rirt.:� t. <br /> ' , I ' - _ � �f. ' �_ .. - , .. �"'� :- <br /> . . . �� � .. •• , h+� f o' .. , . y.S <br /> -' .. .' . . , . . . . >. t1;' �� .• ):- ri: . <br /> - . . . . .. ` A. . .. <br /> .� � �' �'i:w..4�,r. _ ,. . ,.� -- <br /> . y . ., ..�. .,�.�� .. � , •• � � <br /> - .�� .1 ' , .. . .' ..�v�;.'.:. �7_. .R <br /> .�'��a J'` Z � .� , " }`y,:;� �,���.. �,r �' <br /> {�:. ... �� . '. `y��. F <br /> ru�.� . ..r,,,j �, F . � . '- <br />_. � ., . � ' .. .. , .L� ' � <br /> .. . <br /> �, •" � . y <br /> . • . ___— . __... . . � •� . '�..���±.._ l�� M � -�- <br />