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<br /> Sd. MMa�N�n�ow P�ovWon�.
<br /> - (�� b�roww Mot R�M�s�d.ExtenWon of th�tlnN fa p�ym�nt or modllloadon ot�moruz�don ol th�wm�Ncur�d by thl�
<br /> '�' �d of Trua pnnbd by L�nd�r to�ny�uoa�uor In Int�rNt of 8or�ow�r�h�ll not op�nt�ro r�s�,In�ny mann�r,th�Ilabllity
<br /> .' ___ -- --__-•� _ _ _ ol ths oripind Bonow�►�nd Borrow�r'a wccusors In inqrpR L�nd�r rhill nal b�rpuir�d to comm�nc�procMdinp�ap�in�t
<br /> `:. r � i woh�uacpwr or rdus�to�xtMd Um�for p�ym�nt or oth�rwlN modlry�morUraGon ot tM wm�a�our�d by Ihl�OMd of Trwt �-
<br /> by nnon of�ny demanM m�d�by th�orlOk►sl8onowe�nd OorrowN's wcceuon fn Inbra�
<br /> (b) L«td�r'�Pow�n.Wlthout dl�ctinp the Y�b�lly ot�ny oth�r p�non Ilabb for th�p�ymsnt of�ny obli�dlon herNn
<br /> ^ msnUon�d,�nd witl�out oA�cUnp th�Il�n or oh�r��ol thf�D�sd of Trust upon any portlon olth�Prop�rly rtot qHn or th�ntoton
<br /> relea�ed as ucurlty for the full amount of�N unp�id obli��Uono,L�nd�r m�y,lrom dm�to dms and without noUcs(I)ale�os�ny
<br /> ���:�-,�.�� p�non w Uable,(II)extend th�maturlty or elter uny olthe term�of any�uch obNpetlom,(111►prantother indulpenca�,(Iv)retea�s
<br /> =�;;,;,;m„T_„� or reconvey,or o�uss to be rd�a�sd or reconveyad et eny time at Lender'�option any porca,poAlon or�II of the P►operty,
<br /> -- " �� TT.-�� (v)fake or relsate�ny oth�r or�ddldonal seoudty for any obtipatlon honin m�ndon�d,o�(vp m�ko compotldon�or ofh�r =
<br /> �:�::�f:• ..;;,..
<br /> 3��- amnpemenb wlth dobtor�in reledon thereto.
<br /> '""'"� (a) Ro�rmo�by L�nd�r Nol a Walv�r. Any lorbearance by Lender in exercidnp any rlpht or remedy hereunder,or
<br /> —�; ;+.,_�:� otherwise eHorded by appllo�ble Isw,shell not be e welver o1 or p►eolude the exerciae of any�uah ripht or remedy. The --
<br />-e ��� procurement of Inauranae or the payment ot taxee or other Iien�or chorpes by Lond�r ihaN not be�waivw of Land�r's rlpht to
<br /> —_��+--=y,'� aacNerate the maturNy of ths indobtednete aecured by thls Deed of Truot -
<br /> " x.:.ear�s.�.::�.� • (d) SuaaNwrs and Awlpn�Bound;Jolnl�nd 8waa1 Wbllit�r;Gptloes. The aovenanb a�d apreements heraln aoa- _�
<br /> " , K�•r ••; i;,+;�, tolnsd sh�ll bind,and the riphb hereunder ehall Inure to,the raspeadve succesaon and asfipns of Lendor and Tru�wr.All
<br /> �,,�'�'_•''_ ."_ �r.:�F
<br /> _ ' a.::., . ,,,°::Y.>��, covenenb and apreemenb of T�uMor shell bs JoUt and several.The cepllona and hoadiaps o1 the porapropha of thla D�d of ---
<br /> . ,.`�� , ". „.. ,�:,; Tru�t are for convenience onty and are not to be used to Interpret or deflne the provblone hereof. --
<br /> � o � , .f:. (e) Rpuptla NoticN.The pertlea hereby requett thet a copy of eny notice ol defaull hereunder and a copy ol eny nodca
<br /> 01 sele hereunder be melled to each party to this Deed of Truet at the addreas set lorth ebove i�the manner prescribed by
<br /> . : � epplicabte law.Except tor eny other notice required under epplloeble Ipw W be given In another menner,any noGce provided
<br /> ��+ • for In thl�Deed af Truat ahell be piven by mailing auch nol�e by certlfled mall addrea�ed to the other panle4,at the address ret
<br /> 5 �``""�'9tl"�o-.� foAh above.Any noNce provided tor in thic Dead of Truat aheU be eftecQve upon maWing In the manne►dealgneted herein.U __
<br />: ' � °' � • Trustor le mare than ona person,noUce eent to the addresa eet foAh above ehell be noUce ta e0 wah peraons. __
<br /> � � r� + (f) Insp�atlan.lender may make or ceuae to be made reasoneble entrles upon end inepecUom of the Properly,provided
<br /> �. . ���� � � •���"^ ' thet Lender�hall plve Tru�tor notice prior to wny euch Impectlon�peciyinp reaoonoble cau�e therefw ralatad to L�ndar's � _
<br /> • . � 'c.. u Q`••' irIWI6Yt kl th9 P�Opeliy.
<br /> �� ,. (g) R�conv�y�ne�.Upon payment of all eurns secured by this Daed of True�Lende►ahall request Truatee to reconvey the
<br /> _ ����V'_ ;,. PropeAy and�hell eurrender this Oeed of Truat and all notea evidenciny Indebtedneas aecured by thls Deed ol Truet to Truatee.
<br /> -- ' �� Tiuetee ehell reco�vey fh�►Pmparty without warrenry and wlthout ciurge to tho poraon or pwoono logally onUtlad tl�reW.
<br />___----
<br /> _.---_----- --�
<br /> ~" "` - � "`•�'�°� Tru�tor ahall pay all coate of recordation,If any.
<br /> '�"�`�o
<br /> . (h) P�nonal Prope�; S�ourit�►Apr�nt.Aa addltlonel securlry for the peyment of the Note,T�ustor hereby prante
<br /> . Lender undar the Ne6raske Unllorm Commerclal Code e security Intereat In all Ifxtureo,equlpment,and other peraonel property
<br /> used In connection with the reel eatete or Improvements Ixated thereon,and not otherwiae declered or deemed to be a part of
<br />` � the real eatate secured hereby.Thla Instrument ehell be conatrued as a Securly Ayreement under seid Code,and fhe Lender
<br />, . � �"'� shell have all ihe rfyhts and remedles ot a aecured perty under aeid Code in eddltlon to the righte and remedles created under
<br /> � �:`�•, ' • and accorded the Lender purauant to thia Oeed ol Truet;provided thet LendePe rights end remedles under this parepraph shell
<br /> � ,, � . be cumuletive wlth,and in no wey a Ilmltetbn on,Lender's riqhts and remedle4 under any other aecurity apreem6nt alpned by
<br /> Bonower or Truator.
<br /> • (I) LMm�nd Enaumixanc�s.Trustor hereby warrants and represents thet there Is no default undor the provlslons oi any
<br /> � �• •• i�,. • mortpape,desd of truet,leaae w purchase contrect describing all or any pert oi the Property,or other contrecf,fnetrument or
<br /> � epreement conatitutinp e Iian or encumbrance aqalnst all or any pert ol the Property(collectively,"Llena"),exietinp ae of the ---
<br /> , dete oi thia Deed o1 Truat,and that eny end ell existlng Uene remeln unmodl8ed except as dlecloeed to Lender In Trustor's ��-
<br /> � • written disClo�ure of Ilene and encumbrencea provided(or hereln.Trustor ahall tlmely pe�form all of Truator's obllqetfona,
<br /> � . . , _.��.. covenenta,representetione and warrantiea under any and ell exlsitlnp and future Llene.shall promptly}orward to Londer coplei
<br /> / • , ot all noticas of defeult sent In connectlon with any and all ezistfnp or future Uens,and shell not wlthout Lender's prlor writtan �'.
<br /> J'' .; ' ': ' con�ent in eny manner modify the provislons of or allow any future advances u�der eny axistlnp or future Liens. -�-
<br /> •;:'� _•� Q) Appllwtion of Paym�nb.Unless othe►wf se required by law,sums pald to Lender hereunder,Including without IfmltaUon
<br /> � ' , � peyments ol principal and intereat,Insurance prxeeds,condemnation proceeds end rents and profite,ahell be epplied by
<br /> ' , ° �. ,� Lender to the emounts due end owing Irom Trustor and Borrower in such order as Lender In Its sole dlacredon deeme desirabte. _
<br /> •� � ' . (k) S�wr�bllit�r. Q eny provislon of thls Oeed ot Truat conflicts wllh appllcable law or Is declered Invelid or othervvlse
<br /> �,�, r ., unenforceable,euch contlict or Invalidity ahall not aHect the other provlsons of thla Deed of Trust or the Note whlch can be
<br /> ;fi �iven eNeot without the con(lictinp provision,and to this ond the provlslons of this Deed of Trust end the Note ere declared to ba `--
<br /> f;• sevoreble. ` .
<br /> ` � • ��.:
<br /> (I) TMm.The terms"Truetor"and"Borrower"shell Include both ainguler end plural,end when the Tructor and 8onowor _,
<br /> •• ° ' are the same peraon(e),Mose terms ea used In this Deed of Trust ahall be Interchanpeable. _
<br /> ,�`� (m) Oowrnlna Law.Thls Deed ol Truat ehall be governed by the lawe of the Stete d Ne�ska.
<br /> ' �`�"�'`�" Tnntor has executed thls Deed of Tru4t as of the date wrltten above. '' ,�/� �'�"'':
<br /> ' , . � . �.'—�`'�c.�,�: �.�.�/� f ..
<br /> Bonn3Q�Nf-ii�— �---
<br /> Nf Trpator
<br /> . . � , � �
<br /> ; � ' �
<br /> +�. Truetor �'��.-,n,
<br /> rF 4
<br /> � 1 . �I �,•
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