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'� »_. <br /> . ..�. ��.� _ .. _ .._ ...�...-.'r--�+�. .. <br /> .. _ <br /> . .�...� .�...� <br /> • }i .. .... ... . .... ... _.._._... ._... . ......_.M'M!lfh!_�..�...�. �V("r'^:j'..M.n.yMrY'1.F"'r'�'°T�h.'."rr�-� -�..a�+�_ � . <br /> '\. : t'l � y W J N����� _. <br /> i7.'1'ra;�sfe.e;iiie f'ioj,i�ty�o:8�;���eficic,l ��tIIe:cst i.-�tin;:u�tirr. i(ull ur ar�y p;u•t ul thc 1't•�iperty ar iiny int��e,i in it <br /> , � ih�old ur tran.fcrrcd(or if�i hencficiul intcres� �n Burrc�wcr iti sold ur truiisfcrred nnd Ilurn�wr�• i�n��t n nunu•al p�raon) wi�hout <br /> � l.cndcr's prior writtcn cons,nt. Lencicr may, ut its option. re,�uirc immcdiatc p:rymcnt in full ut' all hl11flS ,ccurcd hy this <br /> :,_I,� Security Instrument. Hawcvcr, this option shnll not be exercased by Lcnder it'exrrrisc is pruhihitcd hy f�drral Ia�w uti of the d��tc <br /> of thiti Security Instrumcnt. <br /> �' If Lcndcr excrciscs this nption, l.ender.hull�ivc [�orn►wer nc�ticr��f nr�elcrnti�,n. '(hr nenirc.hall rrn�•idc:i perii�d nt'nnt . <br />--- Icss tlxin 30 days frum thc dutc thc natice is dclivcrcd or mailcd �vithin which Burruwcr must pay ;dl �ums sccurcd hy this <br /> ���j Sccurity instrument. If Borrowcr fails to puy these sums prior to thc exNirutiun uf thi,periud, Lcndcr m.iy inv��k�: .my rcmcdics <br /> ■ perniitted by this Sewrity Instre�ment without further notice or demunJ un Bi�rruwrr. <br /> -�"`- 18. Borro�ti•er's Rlght to Reinstate. If Borrower mects certain ccmditions, Harn�wer sh:ill have thc right to have <br /> � ,,� cnforcemcnt of this Sccurity Instrumcnt discontinucd at any timc prior t�� thc carlicr uf: (u) 5 day, lur such uthcr periud a: <br /> applicable law may spccify for rcinstutcment) befure sale of the Proprrty pursuant tu any pon•cr uf salc runcaincd in thi.r• <br /> � Security Instrument:or(b)entry of ai judgment cnforcin�thi� Security hntnmtcnt.Thvse cc�nditinns are thut[3orruwer: (a)pays <br /> � � Lender all�un1s which then would be due under this Security Instrument und the Note;u i6'nc�acctlerution had occurrcd; (b) <br /> �."< r cures any �tef:.ult of any other covenants or agreements; (c) pays tdl expenses incurred in enforcin� this Security Instrument, <br /> ':�+ •� including,but not limited to, reasanablc atrorneys' fces;und (d)talces such action as L.ender may reasnnably rcquire to ussurc <br />.,_;i.t that the licn of this Security[nstrument, Lender's rights in the Property and Borrowcr's abiigation to pay thc sums securai by <br />=:_1,�.� this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upnn rcinstatement by Horeowcr, this 5ecurity Instrument and tttc <br />-`y.;� abligations secured hereby shaU remain f'ully effective as if no acceterati�m had occurred. However, this right w reinstute shall — <br /> not apply in the ense of acceleration under paragraph 17. <br /> _ 19. 5ale of Note; Change of I..onn Scrti•ircr. Thc Notc or a partial intcrest in the Notc itogether witii this Secueity <br /> ��w� Instrumeny may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale msy result in a chunge in thc rntity (known <br /> — as the "Loan Senricer")that coUects monthly payments due under the Note and this Securiry Imtrument. There also may be one <br /> ;-�js;� or rnore chan�es of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sule of the Note.If there is a change of the L.oan Servicer,Bi�rro�ver will be <br />_°�^—= given wriuen natice of the ch;u�ge in accordance�si¢h puragruph 14 above and applicable law. The notice will state the oame and <br /> - address ef the ne�v Wan Servicer and the address to which payments should be mude. Thc notice will ulso contuin uny other <br /> ti:u`�� information required by applicablc la���. <br />-_-- 20. Ha•r.urdow Substances.Borrower shall no[ cause or pc�ro»t the presence., use, disposal, stor:�;e, or release of sny <br /> ���� Hazardous Substances on or in the Fropei�ty. Borrower shall not do, nor ullow anyone else io do, anythin� uFfectinQ thc <br /> ���� Property that is in violation of any �nvironmental Law. The preceding two xntences shail not apply to the presence, use, or ' <br /> __-_— storage on the Property of smaU quantities of H;�zurdous Subst;mces that are gene��ally recognizaf to be appropriate to normal <br /> resideneial uses and to maintenance of the Propeny. <br />_-� Borrower shall promptly �ivc L.ender written notice of any invcstigation, claim, dcm;:rr�� la�vsuit or other action by any <br /> _=� � �_ • • �..•.. �._,,.... , <br /> --- bi�vc�Tiiiici�iu� uT icgu�aiui'y dbci�Cy�i�ii�'vn[�j�diiy ii�t'a"�,riubT tu�t avj,�lYy dfi�3 ariy Hiuu�uuu�Suu,iun�r ur Envirunmentai Iaw <br /> _ of which Hurrowcr has actual knowledgc. If Bonrnver learns, or is notified by�any governmental ur regulatory authority, that <br /> ___ any removal or ocher remediation of any Hazardous Subatance uf(ecting the Proper[y is necessary,Borrowsr shall promptly take <br /> -- all neces5ary re�ncdial aetiom in accordanee with Environmental Law, <br /> As usal in this parag�aph 20, "Haz�irdous 5ubstunees" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous subsc:�u�es by <br /> Environmental Law and thc follo�ving aubstunces: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or tozic petrolcum products, tuxic <br /> pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or fornisldehyde,and radiosctive�t�aterials.As used in <br /> t�es paragraph 20, "Environmental Lnw" menns federal laws and luws of the jurisdiction wherc thc Property is loruted thut <br /> relate t�hcalth,safcty or environmental protection. <br /> IVON-UNIFORM CO\'ENANTS.Bo�7ower and Lender funher covenant and agrec as follows: <br /> • 21. Accelerntlon;Remedies.Lender shnll g(ve notice to 8orrower prtor to ncceleration fulluwing Borrowcr's breach <br /> : oF any covcnant ur agreement In t8is Securlty I�utrument (but not priur to uccelerntlun under puragraph 19 unless <br /> • nppllcable law�rovldes otherwise). The notice shnll specify: (a)the defi�ulh (b)the ucti�n reqritred to cure the default; <br /> (c) A date,no4 less than 30 days from the dete the notfce is glven to Borrower, by which the default must be cured;and <br /> (d) that fallure to c�re the detault on or before the date specitied in the nottce mny �esult in accelerat4on of tlac sums <br /> secured by thls S�ecurlty Instirument and sule of the Praperty. The nottce shull fuMhe�• inform Horrower of the rlght to <br /> reinstate after acceleratton nnd the rlght to bring u court actfon to essert the non-exictenm of n default or e�s�•uiher <br /> defense of�orrower to accelerat�on and sale. If the defuult Is not cured on or betor� ¢.tre dute speclfied in the �a�o2•lce, <br /> Lender, s�t!ts optlon, may requlre tmmedlate payment in full of c�0 sums secured by ehis Secur(ty Instrument without <br /> further demand amd mny invoke the power off sale and any ather reenedies permitted by npplicable law.Lender shyll 6e <br /> entitled to colloct all expences incurred(n pursuing the remedles provided In�f�is pAragraph 2t,including�but not Umited <br /> to, rcasonable uttorncys'fecs and costs of tftle evidence. <br /> If tl�e power of sale ts invokerl,Trustee sl�all recor�d a rtoitce of default in cacv mounty in�vhtch any part of the <br /> Property is located and shall mall coples of such nottce lu the manner prescribed by:��'ticable law to Borruwer und to <br /> the otlier persuns prescrlbed by eppllcable law.After tlie time required by applicable law, iTn�stee shaU give public nuitce <br /> oP sale to thc persons a�nd In tf�e manner prescribed by app8cablc law.Trustee, wtthout demand on Barrower,shall �ell <br /> the PropertS•nt publIc s►uct(on to the highest bittt}er at the time s�nd place And under the terms destgn.�4zd[n the natice uf <br /> sale lu one or more p$rcels and fn uny ordee Trustee determines.Tcustee may postpnne sale ot all or any parcel of the <br /> Property bp publ[c announcement at the t(me and place ot any previousiy scheduled s�le.Lender or Its des(gnee muy <br />_—.._— purchase the Froperty ut any sale. <br /> .�,� <br />._--.....,..� <br />-_;_;a� • Form 3028 9/90 <br />.::_S� PnWo 6 0�G <br /> _ � <br /> _=��.a.=o � <br /> ".�±���__ _.�_..__..�,.._ --__ - —. <br /> '�_ � _' ___ . ._. _ __.__-° ...4__�'_'----r-••r., --�-..-r,___�- -..-..� .._11 _�- - .-Ji�--- -. .__ _...__ --�, =��, <br /> •.�,�.�. � -'`K..i '.�., - <br /> -. . ,�ty�� ' .. .�. ,i. � . 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