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<br /> ; . � � POWER OF ATTORNEY ti ��/,`��
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY TH�SE PRESENTS, that T, the•undexaigned, /
<br /> ARTHUR SCHULTZ, o£ �l�a�, Nebr�ska, 68810, S�ci,��, Security number
<br /> � . �` 5U7-34-7159, have made, constituted and appofntied and by �hese
<br /> --�+ preaents do make, constitute and appoint my brot-her, HENRY H.
<br /> � " ' -�= SCHULT2, JR. , 509 East NlemariraZ Drive, Grand I�land, Ndbraska, -
<br /> ,� 68801, Social Security number 507-38-5702, my true and lawful _
<br /> Attorney in Fact, for me and in my name, and to my use, �o
<br /> � receive all monies that might be owing to me, fio ente� rny safe . -
<br /> � . � ! deposit box, to make d�posits and withdrawals fxom my savings
<br /> •� � accounts, to make deposits and write checka on my FirsTier =
<br /> � - �r checking account and any other checking accounts, to endorse -
<br /> � � . checks of all kinds, to redeem certiEicates of deposi.t, all -
<br />_ � t�pes of bonds, including all government obligationa, to invest
<br />,;.��;; , fumds bElonging to me according to his beat judgment and dis- -
<br /> -;;:.,.�� �`:� cre�ion; to execute aontracts, leases t�nd qenerally rent and _
<br /> _ .,.;,,�.;�::-. manage any real and personal. propertyf to sell and convey any
<br />. -_- --- oi any personrai property ana any reai property which I may� �s:n
<br />- or in wh3ch I may own an interest, and in connection with such
<br />"'`"7''p�' � sales, to execute aeeds, bills of sale, and do any �nd all other
<br /> '�-^�� �Y things necessary or incident�l to the sale of any o� my property;
<br /> -_3s;�...::� i., to collect accounts receivnble and pay creditors; to receive
<br /> `�-=:�?� rents and all other funds, to Pxecute and sign in my behalf aYl
<br />-"'_��:�:, � legal documents needed in the management of my affazrs, includa.ng
<br /> ::�,�.r'•� the exeaution and signing of federal and state income tax returns,
<br /> _,., ,..
<br /> ,_-�r.�;:,` z estimates and declarations; to specifically endorse all government
<br /> ---- -..— ��TcCno� �aaaf�8 �ai .�'aaClcis ucGilta�.�;y �'3cilcfia�-S ar.3 i.naurancs a11L2
<br /> -����-�ry'�a��� Medicare benefits, or interest payments due to me� and ta manage
<br /> .....:.aV n��J'�j.N.�
<br /> --_-y..:,±t,;t -R my property in evPry respect, hereby giving unto my Attorney in
<br /> =__��<':�� Fact fu].l authority and pawer to• do everything rec�uisite or
<br /> .:-:;�;;�:�,,�,
<br /> �:=,<.;ti___ necessary to be done in the handl�.ng, cvnserving and management
<br /> ----° of my afEai.�s and estate as fully as I could or might do pexaonally,
<br /> --=— hereby confirnii.ng and ratiiEying all that my said Attorney 3x� Fact
<br /> shall lawfully do or cause to be• dnnP hereunder, with this Power of
<br /> --=--� Attorney to remain in Eull force and effecti until modified or
<br /> _';"�,:,;�,- revoked in writing. This Power of Attorney shall nat be affected
<br /> --=�--- in any manner by my dieabili.ty, it being my intentian that the
<br /> -� authority conferred by the �erms ot this Power of Attorney shall
<br /> .� be e.cercisable notwithstandinq any disability to incapacity on
<br /> __:,.�:a��' mY part.
<br /> --°'�� WITNESS my hand th3.s �,� day af , 1989.
<br /> � ULTZ
<br /> -- � ROSALI . LL A Vi
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA) 4iyCamm E}0 f�:b -•� :�3+
<br /> --- � ,,..�,�.��,.,....,..
<br /> 38.
<br /> -P------ COUNTY OF HALL )
<br /> .,,,n� On this � day oE 1 , 1989, before me, the under- _
<br /> --:`��;.� . signed Notary Pu 1 c, personal y came ARTHUR SCHULTZ, to me known. to -
<br /> -__=--�� be th� identical person whose name is subscribed tn the foregoing =--
<br /> :�"`�� � instrument and ack.nowledgec� the execution thereof to be his voiuntary -
<br /> -_--,r:��•.Y. �
<br /> �,�;,�t��_; act and dee�l. �_
<br /> .-.;.�.r•Fr.:� . --
<br /> S'�'r.r —
<br /> �.;;;.��.�.;;=•.-� WITN7ESS my hand and notarial seal on the day and year first =_
<br /> _��- ;�r : above written. _
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