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.� : <br /> �;�(,� „ _ <br /> .,� ... <br /> 'i:nl. ' .. � � a.i!d.�h_. . <br /> ..""'.._..... .. . __ ' ' ' _ '"" '_ _. <br /> _�����. ..� ., ' - ' - ri r.r <br /> .p�n"�.,�pjL2.� ' . •• � � . ....._.._ . '" <br /> .. ' ........_.�_...._._.!�`.. .�, . . .. . . . . . . ., . . . _.,..... � ':1. i r..Y.-'`ill�!"� <br /> I <br /> 9 Z-13-199i3 p��i� �U� I Fil��I Page 6 <br /> Lvcr�Nu 38�433 (Cm�tinud�il ��� �����,2 <br /> -- —_—�._a_..�.�,.-- -�� — _=.._.--.....-�---------- . <br /> I •� �(b) Comrnence on actlon to luoclose thls Deod ol Trust as o mortpayo, appolnt e recolvar or specl�cauy onforce any ot Iho covan�nts <br /> . hweof;and - -- <br /> ° (o) Dollver to Trustea e wrltten declaretlon o}deSautt and demand for eat�and a wrldon not�e of delauil md electlon to cause Trustor's - <br /> Interest In the Property to be eGd,whlch nol�e Trustee ahall cause to bo duly filed for record In �he appr�prlato ofAces of Ihe County In ••- <br /> which the Property b loCated;end , . ' <br /> (tl) Wllh rc:p:ct to CIl or any part o}tho Pcrson�l Property,Londrx sh�tl hsve ell the rlphts end remodles ot a eecurnd party under Ihe .. <br /> . � Nebraska Uniform Comma�W Code. • <br /> ' Forecbwn by Pocv�r of 8�6�. If Lender sbcts to foracloss by ex�rciss o}the Power of Sab herdn con�lned,Lsnder nhtll notiy Truetee end � <br /> shail deposlt with Trustee lfs4�Oeed of Trust and the Nota and auch recelpb snd evltbnce of oxpenditure�made end at+cured by lhie Deed Of . ' ' <br /> .� Trust as Trustee may requlre. '' <br /> , r (a) Upon recelpt of auch notice hom Lender,Trustee shall cause to be recorded,pubibhed and dellvered to T�ustw such Notba o}Delaull . "�.`� � <br /> end Nollce of Sale as lhan �equirod by kw and by ihis Deed of Trust. Trustee sh¢II,without demand cm Trusta,efler such tlme as m�y 1 �'��_�� <br /> ths�ba roqulrod by law and artcr recordatlon of such Notice of Dafautt and atter Notice ot Sale havinp been given aa required by law,sell �- <br /> the Properly at ihe timo and placo of u�b flxed by It in such NoUc:e of Sale,alther�s a whole,or In saptrate lots a parcels or Iteme ts _;r�?: <br /> Trustee shall deem expedlenl,and In such order as It may determine,at publla auctton to the hlQhesl bldder fa cash In tawful money of ____-_- <br /> iho Unlfed Sfates paya6le at the Hme of sale. Trusiee shall deliver ta such purchasor or purchasern►hereol its qood and sufActent deed or v — <br /> deeds conveying lhe propsrty so sdd,but without any covenant or warranty,express or Implied. The racilals in such dsed of any mnHe+B �--' - <br /> or facis shall be canclusive proof of the trutrdulness thereo}. Any person,Including Nithout Ilmitelbn Trustor,Trustee, or Londer, may <br /> '� purChese at such sale. <br /> (b) As may be permitted by law,after deducling all costs,fees end e�enses of Trustee and of thb Trusl,Inciudinp costs oI evldence of <br /> � t100 in connection with sale.Trustee sha�apP�Y the proceeds of sale to payment ot (q all sums expended under the terms of this Deed of � . _ -- <br /> � Trust a under the terms of the Note not then repalu,Inclutlinp but not Ilmited to accrued interesl and IaQe Chaey�, (U}ait othar sums then : •. . - <br /> • secured hereby,ond (ill)ihe remainder,it any,to fha person a person�lepally entitled thereto. `' . - <br /> � (c) Trust�msy In the menner provided by law postpone saie of all a any pcxtlon o!tho Property. ', <br /> Remedl�s Not D�cluWve. Trustee and Lendar,and each of them,shall be enUtled to enface payment and performance of any Indebtedn�s - <br /> or obllyaHons secured by this Deed o!Trust and to exerclse all riphts and powera under thls Deod o4 Tnat, under the Note, under an o}the ' ����,� <br /> `� y �• .���,,: <br /> Reieted Documents,a under any other apreemont or any laws now or hiereatter In forCA;notwithsffindlrp, some a flll ot suCh indebtedness .. �_ <br /> � and obllpatlons sacured by this Oearf of Trust may now a here+�tter!se otherwise secured,whether by matpepe,dsed of trusl,p{edpe,Ilen, '�;�:�;: <br /> ess{pnment w otherwise. Neithe►tho naeptance of this Deed of 1:•rst nor ib eniorcement,whether by court actlon a pursuant io the power of 'e,o�_,�� <br /> safe a other powers contalned In th►s Deed of Trust,shall prejud�e or In any mr�nner aNect Trustee's or Lendere r(pht to realize upon or ,,,�� <br /> entorco any other socudty now or hereafter hold by Trusteo a Lender,it be1RQ apreed that Trustee and Lender. and eaCh of Ihem,shall be ��._,,��_;. <br /> � enNHed to enface this Doed ot Trust and any other security now or hereatter held by Lender or Trustee In such order and manner as they or = - <br /> � either ot them may In iheir eb:dNe dl5cretlon'determino.'No remedy canier�ed upon or resarved to Trustee or Lendar, ts Intended to be <br /> �� � exclusive of any othar ramedy.ln thfs D�ed'�of Trusf or by law provided a permilted,but eaoh ahali bo cumulalive and shall be In addition to if,e <br /> a�y�t�;pr�wmnrty aivnn tn Ihls pi�d"ot Tl�ust�nbw or herestter existinp et law or in oqulty or by statute.Every power or remedy piven by lhe 3� <br /> � Note or any of tha Retated DOCUmonld to rn�steo �or Lender or to whkh eltt,er of them may tre olherwlse entltled, may be �c�. - <br /> conCUrrently ar indapondontly,fram time to Bmo nnd es oNen as may ba daemed e�odient by Trustee or Lona�r,and eltFwr of them rrKy <br /> � puraw Inconsisiont remedie9, Nothirq In thls OBad of Tnlst ahall ba constn+orl ne prohiblHnp Lender hom saekinp a deflcknay JudprtNnt �`�'` <br /> , �y: npelnst the 7rustor to the extent suCh acHon N permHted by law. • <br /> " �� ,� ' of�Sateaunder thh Doed ot Tnpt be melied to the at tM ad�ressea set[o�rth I�n the flrst pa ipreph oi h Dead d 7ruet nd a copy of any Notica _ <br /> . y,,;r;. <br /> � . Wl�iver; qectian pt panedle� A wtiver by any party of a breach ot a provislon of this Deed of Tnnt she!I �ot consHtute�waiver yf a � : <br />- .j reremed p ovldpedt nsth s Deecl o�rust�ltw W e 6n sny Re a ed DoCturtwnt pot provlded by law shp9l�nat exciude pursult Of�othper rsmidy, �- <br /> „.. . � and an etecUon to make expend8ures a to take actton to paRam an oblipatlon oi Trustor under lhis Oeed of Trust atler faiture of Tru�ta to -- <br /> ; peAorm shall not affect Lenda's�iqht ta declare a default and to exercise nny of 8s remedles. <br />- �y Attomsya'Fees;E�cpenses. Ii lender InsUtutes any suil or action to enforce any of the terms of thls Deed ot Trust,Lender shell be enfltfed to <br /> -� recover such sum as ihe couR mey adJud9e rensonable as attomeys'fees mt Msl and on any appeal. Whelher or not any court aCUon Is <br />:y�„._ .. ' invdved,ell reasonabb expenses Incurted by Lender wh�h In Lendors opinlon are necessary at any tlrtN lor thp protecUon of Its interest or th� <br />_ „_.,,,. ,,;,� , enfacement oi Its rlyhts shali become n part of the Indebtedness payable on demnnd and shall bear Interest d tT�e Note rate hom ihe dat�of _ <br /> expenditure unBl repetd. Experesas covered by this parapreph Inctude,without Ilmtt�HOn,howevec subJect ta Iny Wmib under tpplkxbte iew, ___ <br />-_ °`.��:•,�s"':.� Lendera attameys'fess whelher a not there is a lawsuit,InCiudin�attomeys'fees ta baniwptcy proce�dinps(Indudlny eHwb to mpdty or -- <br /> •z�� "��" vacate any eutomatto atay or InJ�n,.^tlon),ep p e a l s in d any an tl d p a te d p o s t-Ju d p m e n t c d i e o tl o n s e r N c e sJ h e Q o s l o f s e s r c h i n p r e c a d s,o b t a i N n p <br />�'�;�•.;;i`_:,:;� Iitle reports(Ir►ciudlrp foreclosure reP�).surveY�'�eP��aPP►����InsunnrA,and fees for Ihe 7rustee,to the extent perrnlNed�y <br />-'"'�"~'�����''" applicabie law. Tnntor atso wNl pay any court cosb,In cdditlon to eN other eums provlded by taw. --- -_ <br /> °�� •• Rt�b af TNSte�. Trustoe ahuFl hav+o aH of the rfphffi and duHes ot Lender�s set forth in this secBon. -_--__ <br />;,-�'�~' �•--r POWEA8 AND OBLIdATI0N8 OF 4RU8'PEE. The fdlowinp provlslons relaHnp to lhe powers and obll9atlon9 of Truslee are part Of thb Deod Ot ___. <br /> . . . Trast. -= <br /> - - POwKa of Trustse. In addiUon to ail Dowera o}Trustae arising as a matter of law,Trustaa shall have th�power to take lhs 1o9owlrq QaBona =_ <br />- Y' `"„ ' with rsspect to thb Properly upon the tirtitten request of Lender ond Trustor: (n))otn in preparing and flunp Q mnp ar plat ot the Real Propttty, "_=-_ <br /> ' � InCiudlnp the ded�atlon of sVOeb a other riphb to irie publb; (b))dn In g�entiny eny easement or creaUnp any rasMctlon on th�Rsal PropKty; ___ ______ <br /> �'. ^� and (o)Joln In any subadlnaHon a other eyreemont atfecting thls Oeed of Trus9 or the Intt+rest of Lender under thls Deed of Trus� - <br />- '°'�� T►utt�. Trusteo shNl meet all qualiticaUons requlred for Tnntee under nppl�ablo Iaw. In addiBon to the ri�hb and remedles 6et torth abo�w, _____ �� <br /> • � wlth respect to all or any pari of tho Property,the Trustee shall have the ripht to taeclpse by notlCe and sel9.end Lander shall have thi ripht to ��,,.�� <br />� � . ' foroClose by JudiCial toreClosure,In olther Case[n accordnnCe wllh and to the tuli extent provlded by epp�Cebte lex�. � ;3,°^,�;,� <br /> .. ��" •aa. <br /> �.,:�;'i � gucas�or Trustso. I.�nder,at Lendara opUon,may Bom tlrta to dme appdnt e su�cesaa Trustee to eny Trustee�ppdnted heeundK by tn <br /> �� .G:.: .. <br /> � InaWment e�;ecutod and acknowbdpsd by Lorsder and rocorded In the offbe ot thB recorder af FIAIl County,Nedreskn. The Instrument eha9 °•t;,�;j' U�.' <br />� � contaln,fn addition to�I other maRers requUed by stfte law,the names of the oriyinal Lender,Trustee,and T�ustor,the dook and pay�(oP -_'-� �,,1.�; ';,:�,. <br /> comRuter system reterence)where thb Deed of Trust b reconfed,and tho nnma and address of tlw s�sor trustee,and tha Instrument ahall :,�[�;�i;�� �ii`, <br /> ' ' be exeouted and acknowledped by aN the beneflci�ries un d e r t h e D e e d o t Trus t or t h e lr successars tn In l e res l.T h e s i�s o r tr u s t e s,w l t h o u t ,�.�,�.��,;.�,.,,i,� <br /> - ` ' conveyanCe of the Property,sAall succ68d to all the UH9,power,and duties conlerred upon the Trustee In this Oeed of Tntst ar.d by xppliCable ••':''�•.°.-'��:�� <br /> -� • law. This procedure fw subsfilut�on Ot husteo sha11 govem to the exciuslon of ali other provlslons for substlluUo�. �'`'.,�r=`t•'F'.;t,_'-'r <br /> . }`1 � <br /> � N0710E8 TO TRl1STOR AND OY}EA PAATIES. Any notice umder ihis Deed of Tnest ohaN be In wriUnp,may be be sent by telafacslmitlo,end shW �-��;.�.,��•• <br /> ^ be effective when ac4uaUy delivered, nr when deposNsd wlth a naUonaNy recognized ovemipht courier,or,tf inelled,shail ba deemed eHecdve when _ • _ . � <br /> - d�osi�^f tTn�Unit8�0 Stat� �6����c ai�a a noUcas undar�thFs 6Md of'T st bYeolvinfl for�mal�nhnoticento the other piar�tlest - <br /> - T ' spocffylnp that fhe purpose of the not�e Is b charpe ihe party's address. All copies of noUces ot toreclosure hom Iha hoider of any Ilen whWh has - -` <br /> , pdortly over this D�ed of Trust shell be sont to Lender's address,as shown near the bepinniny o}thls Dsad of TrusL For nollce purpo59�,Trustar <br /> aqrees fo keep Lendsr and Trusfee infamed at eN flmes of Trostor's current nddress. , <br /> . � MISCEII.ANEOUS PitOVIStON8.The lollowirp rtrtsc�llaneous proNstons ue o pert of thls Oeed of Trush . <br /> Art�endment�. Thls Dend of Trust,topether vrHh any Related Dauments,constilutas the entire underslendirp nnd apreamont ot the parUes as • <br /> � lo the mattors set forth In this Deed of Trust No NteraUon of or amendment to Ihls Oead of 7rust ahall be eflecti�re unless ptven In wdtiny end .., <br />- slpned by the party or perdes souqht to bo charped or bound by the alteraUon or amendment. <br /> ., � Annud Reporta. If tna Property Is used for purposes othor fhan Trustors restdence,Trustor shall turNSh to londer,upon request,e ce�iflod „ <br /> statement of not operelin�Income recelved trom lho Property dudnp Ttustor's prevlous Nscal yeur fn such lorm and detail fls Lender sheJl , <br /> requlre. "Net operatlny Income"sh¢II mean eM cash recelpts from the Property less aA cash e�onditures made In conneCUon with tha operetlon •� <br /> of the Properiy. <br /> � Applicobte L�r. Thls Daed ot Trust has been detivered to Lender ared�ccepted by Lender In the Sbti;oll�t�Nn.Thii Deed of TruN <br /> - r <br />