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� - 1 .y �.Y_ �'i� .' ' l���ey�,�5'A.R..I- ,*.. ��n �.( :'+y"'"''=ret�L —.... .. , . .-_-.v.._ .. <br /> n ,� e,..��.,.:���� ,.�v.-��� oµ6y3.� w�.�r �9 . -t-1,+ .___ '-r9 "' ' —_ <br /> d. _'9 Q�°�" �.� '�" ..`�'p"ttt'_._...._. ... .�._-�.-- ----• - .._ <br />� . ' M ' ' .._�y'w' C'r�'/�Mti�r �: . .. . .,_ <br /> � .. ' .) ` KM1 - , „ <br /> .� �I��( ' .._.. <br /> __ _- .. <br /> _ 9� ���'� �_�,.__._ <br /> , - <br /> "'� " � . ' 17. T�ansh�at thN Prop�Ry or a B�nNiolal I�nst In 8orrow�r. It.p a.ny p�rt ot th. Prop.ny a <br />— . ��''�Y"``�"''�"`. �ny Int�t�tt In N k �old a tmairnd(a fl�bmMlaW NNKat b B�rtowK Is sotd a tnndwnd�nd Bartoww 1�not�natunl <br /> � �""r^�, ' p�nq�)wqhoul L�ndw'�prla w�iq�n a,n�wq, lmda m�y��t it�optbn.nquin Nnn�t�p�ym�nt In N�ol�A wnu s�ou►�d by "'."'°.,�" <br /> _ , thU S�ourlly Mtlntnwnt.HowN�.thls optlon sh�N eo1 b��xw�N�d by UndK R �ot�oh�b ptohlbH�d by fad�ral Nw a d th� <br /> `.�,.,_� d.a a�r�s s.ou�ey in.aum.n�. <br /> ' • B L�ndw purak�s thla optlon, L�nd�► �hW pN� Borrawrr nodc� o} �aaNKatlon. Th� notlo�shtll pmvid� w period o1 <br /> �� • ;.. � not Nu th�n 30 d�ys irom Ih�d�t�th�notic�la daW�nd a m�Wd wllhln whbb Bonow�► nwst pay �Q�um��sausd by <br /> - this S�nurNy In�Uummt. M 8or►�oww Wls to p�y th� sum�pdor to th� u�p�tun o}thlt p�iod, L�ndK m�y Invok� �ny <br /> ,S�" ,.� ,,,r, ..° �,�, n�mdiu p�rtrYll�d by thU S�ourby Ia�hummt wqhout furTh�r noGo�ar d�nd on Banow�r. °-�-- '- <br /> ; .. ` 18. Bonow�P�Ripht b RNnd�t�.Ii eorrawa mMte o�►UMi condiqon�, Borrow�r�MI Mv� th� dpht to h�v� <br /> .. „ �nforammt of tbb S�aurHy Inprument dl�oonGnwd N any tYns PHor to th� rrAsr of: (�) 5 day� (a suoh othK priod u <br /> .. ...:t:�.:: <br /> _� . +�'".�,,• �ppyabt� I�w mRy�p�r lar rAnsut«mnt) EMon saN oi th� ProP�Y P�nuuit to �ny pow�r of wl� aonGh�d In thls <br /> ;�'�J�� „ ° ,,. ' 8�owity inatrummt; or(b) �ntry of��udpma�t�refaroinp thl� 3�curNy Imtrumm� Thos�aondidon�u�th�t Borrow�r:(�)p�ya - <br /> o a•'"^:- I,�ndu di aum�whkh th�n would b�du�undw this Seaurity In�trument�nd ths Nota �s H no�cc�nllon h�d oeaurt�d; (b) <br />�,�,. � „ � �� auros �ny dehult ot any otMr COVlIINI Or ��EEIIlE11L6� (a) MYe �q ep�ene�s inarr�d In �ntorcinp thla 8�cuiily Indrum�nt. --- - <br /> �o�. " , . bGudinp, but eot init�d to,rw�on�61�atlom�ya' fea; �nd(dl tuca iuch�adon�s l�nd�r may mson�by nquln to��sun <br /> -� '" " ' that lh�Am of this B�anlly bstNm�nL Lrnd�t's�i9hts In th�Prop�lty and Banaw�'s obAp�tlon to p�y tM wms ��cund <br /> -,� "'c_•, k;., <br /> �„�� �y,�:, ,, by thla 8�wdty Imhummt�hd conthu�unehanped. Upon alnst�t�nmt by Bo�row�r, thls Secwity Insdum�nt md the <br /> �;�;�. obNpsdons s�cund h�by �A mn�in fuiy dbative�s N no �oaM�ratlon had 000umd. Howrv�►,this iipht to ninsqt��haM <br /> - e...,.�,�.:.. not p�ply In th�wu of�ca�don und�r parapraph 17. <br /> � _- _ ... _ - 1�. S�I� of Notr, Ch�ng� of l.oan S�nrla�r. Th� Not. w■ • p�Ial Interat in th•Mot• ( with <br /> • - "-�"� Ihls 8�ourNy Inshummt)m�y be ald one a mor�dmas wNhout prla no11a to Botrow�►.A aal�rtNy r�ault in� ah�ny� b th� _- <br /> � '� � entity (known �s th� 'Lan 8ervloer')th�t eop�cts monthy payments due und�r ths Note�nd thls Seaurity InstnunaN. Th�r� <br /> ° , ., , 'A abo m�y 6s on� a mon cMnqa ot ths Lan SwvicR un►�Mhd to �ul� of ths Not�. If th�n Is �oh�npe oi iM Lwn <br /> • 3srvlc�r, Borrower wlll be pN�n wdtten noUce ol th�ohmpe in �caord�nce wUh parayraph 14 abov� �nd�ppNdbls Irw. Th� <br /> • �� noUa wiN sht�th�narrN�nd �ddras ot th�nw�v lo�n Srvk�r and tM�ddnss to whloh paymmts �hadd b�rnrd�. TM <br /> y� noUae wAI also co�idn �ny dher InfomnUon requked by�ppGeaW�I�w. <br /> " �, 20. Hwrdous Su�t�na�s. BoRO�ver�hUl not c�us�or p�rmlt ihs prn�na�,ue�, dispowl, �toraps, or nlsau o1 <br /> , • • � �ny H�ardou�Suba�neea on a in the Property. Borrowa sh�N not do, nor dlow anyon�Mse to do, �nylhin� �ifrelinp ih� <br /> ^ Prop�rty th�t is in vIol�Uon of �ny Environm�nhl L�w. Th�pno�din�lwo sent�nc�a shdl nM appy to th� pra�na. us�, <br /> , - � w stor�p� on th� Praprrty oi sm�ii qu�ndUes ot Hwrdow 3ubst�nca th�t�n 9en�raAy noopnhad to b� �ppropl�t� to <br /> nonnd�aldsMW uws md to mrnt�n�na�of the Propaty. --- <br /> � Borraw�r�haQ promptry piw L�ndsr w�itten nadae of�ny InwaUyodon, claim, d�nd, kwwk a ath��ction by�ny <br /> - pavemmmte!ot tepule4oh'espertcY or prt�rate paAy N+voMhiQ the Pr�p!�rty�nd�ny H��rdou�3ubat�nc� a EnvkonmenLl Law of <br /> � '. � whloh Barowa hu adwl knowledpe. II Borrowa bame. or ia nmMed by �ny povammentN or ro0ul�tory�uthaily, th�t�ny <br /> � • remov�l or othx mnedladon o1�ny Hmrdous SubsUnce afl�aatMp Property la nacawy, Bonowqr shaN pranpfy tak�d 4-- - <br /> � n�wssuy romadlal�ctiont In�coordanca wHh Envtronmontql law. <br /> � As u�ad in thb par�praph Z0, 'Huardous Subaunces•ue thoee subahnaea defined�s toxlo or hwrdous aubahnds by <br /> , EnvkonmanW l.�w �nd the lollowlnq eubst�nces: y�soNne, keroaens, other Il�mmable or toda patroleum praduds, toxlo J, <br /> . " � pesticldes�nd herWcldes,val�Ule�oHante,meterWa eon�lnlnp oabeetos or tomwldahyde, �nd ndlo�aWa makri�le. A+uaed In �'�' <br /> . � Puapraph 20.'EnvYonment�l l.ow' mwns lad�ral low� and Invs ot tho�urisdiodon wMn th� Properly b loa�tod that reld�to `"""�"'°` <br /> . , hNith,sdety or envlronmenW proMction. <br /> �� � � NON•UNIFOfiM COVENANTS. Bortower end Lender fuHh�►cown�nt�nd�qn��a followe: <br /> ` � � 21. Accolor�tion; Ram�di�s. Londar stall gtvo notico to Bor�ow�r prior to acc�M�•ation -- __ <br /> �� 'r' fallowinp Borrower's bro�ch of any covanant or a�roomont in this Socu�ityl InstrumoM (but not �"'- <br /> 'i, ° prbr to acc�l�r�tion und�r p�rapraph 17 unk�s appUcabla law providos otiwrwis�). Th��otic� ��-•-�_- <br /> sh�ll sp�cHy: (�) th� dafault; (b) tho �ction roquirad to curo tho dafault; (c) a dat�, not lo� than ���-<`�=- <br /> ,� ' 30 drys f►om th� dat�th� �otica is gtv�n to Borrowor, by which tha d�hult must bo cur�d; and � <br /> . ' t J. (d) that failuro to cun th� dofault on or bofor�tho dato spociflad fn tho ndic�may ►��ult in :�..,:� _,_ <br /> '' ;, �acoloratlon of tho�ums waund by thi• 8�curity Inst�umont and eala of tho Proporly.Tho notico .;:;__:° <br /> � �hdl furthor iMorm 8orrowar of tha right to rolnstato a(tor accaloration and tha riqht to brinp � _{,-,_.�;,- <br /> court actlon to ws�rt tha nonwxlstonca of a dofault or any othor dofan�o of Borrower to �'_;?�?_. <br /> 5 ' � „ accoloration And alo. If tho dofault la oot curod on or boforo th� data opaciflod In tho notico, L�"�--� -` <br /> �r� Londa�at Its aption may roquiro Immodlato payment In full of all �ums �acur�d by thl� Soc��rity �� ` ';- <br /> Indruenant without furthor dom�nd and may Invoka tha powa�of salo and �ny othor romodlos . _ <br /> ' pormlttod by �pplic�bla I�w. L�ndor 4hall ba antklod to colloct all oxponsas incurr�d in purauing � ' <br /> . tho romodia� providad in thls para�raph 21, Includi�y, but not Ilmitad to� roaoonobl�attorrwys' k <br /> foo� and cod�of titla evidonco. <br /> If tho powor of alv ta Invokad, Tru�too ahall rocord a notfce of dofault in oach county In , <br /> r which any part of the Proporty is locatad and ahall mail copios of such notica in tFn manner <br /> ! prascrlbad by applicable law to Borrowor and to tha other porsons preseribed by applicabla law. l• <br /> Aftar tha timo roquirod by applicablo law� T�ustae shall give public notice of sale to tha porson� ,. <br /> and in the manner proscribed by applicable law.Trustoe, without domand on Borrowar, shall soll ' <br /> tha E'roporty at publlc auctio� to the higheat bidder at tho time and place and undor tha terma ' <br /> - designated In tha notice of sale i� one or more parcels and In any ordor Trustee doterminea. � <br /> � Trustoo may postpono salo of all or any parcel of tho Proporty by public announcomont W tho <br /> time and placo oi any previou�ly schodulod �la. Londar or its dvsiqnaa may purch�o ttw � <br /> _ ,e___ .. _i ProPo�1► at any salo. <br /> � i Upon �acoipt of payment of the prico bid� Trustoe shall dalivor to the purchaser Trusteo's <br /> deed conveying tha Proporty. The recitals In the Trustae'a deed shall bo prima fac{e ovidonco of <br /> . I the truth of tha statanonts mado therein. Trustee shall apply the proceeds of tha �alo in the <br /> followfng ordar: (a)to all coste and expenses of exercisfng tho powor of salo, and tho sala, <br /> Includiny tho paymont of tho Tructoo's foos actually incurred, not to axceod three <br /> � � 96 of the principal amount of the note at <br /> tho timo of tho declaration of default, and roasonable attornoy's foos as permittod by law; (b) <br /> , to all sums sacurod by this Security Instrumant; and (c) any exceas to tha pe►eon or <br /> , � peraons lepally eMitled to it. <br /> • ' , F7318.LM0(10/911 Pepe 4 of 5 ,� �1. <br /> i . <br /> 3 I <br /> l � . � 92�61.LM � <br /> li <br />