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<br /> " �'`i,.."' . . ;-. �i,-* � ' TOGETHER WITH �M th�M�prov�mnt��ow w hrrAK �nobd an th� propwty��nd d M��mnt���PPuA�naa��nd
<br /> Mtuas now a h�dl��p�t ol IM ptopwtY.IIN npl�wm�nts and�ddNlons�h�Y wo b�crn�nd dy lhb 8�ou�ty InsUwn�n4
<br /> � � �• ' A1 0l lh�IonpoYip M Mwnd to In thr S�ourity Inshum�nt�s th� •Prop�rty.•
<br /> ° ' Xw° BORROWER COVENANTB lluit Barawv b IrwAily ��s�d ol tM Mbt�h�nby conv�y�d �nd hu th�rlpM to prant�nd _
<br /> �fi _. � oonv�y Ih�PropMty md Ihd Ih� Pro�M1y I� un�noiunb�nd, wapt la �noumbranoM o}noord. Barow�r w�rt�nu�nd
<br /> o„ r. ' °,,`. wl�dM�nd p�nwdy th�titlr!o Ih� RopMty�p�Yut�N d�Mns�nd�MrNnd��wbJ�at to�ny�ncumbnna�of naord.
<br /> ;� �} THIB BECURITY INSTiiUMENT oa�bNh unNorm ooYaanls 1a n�tlond us� �nd nOn-unHorm cov�nta Wilh
<br /> �� . " MmN�d v�rl�Uon�by Judadlatfon lo aandinA�� unllortn uourlty Imhum�t aov�inp rwl propMiy.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTB. BOROWR �Ild L�dK COY/f1Ulf Nd i�fM��IoNowi:
<br /> � . 1. Pa�►m�rn! d P�Inolpal �nd Intonst: Prop�ym�M and Lab Ch�r���.Bar►awer ehsN promplly p�Y wh�n - ---,_-___
<br /> .��,•�..,,.. '`�,:,. � ` du�th�piNdpd of md Inbnat on th�dWt �vld�nad by Ih�NW� md M�Y P►�Ymmt �nd W�ohYph du� urld�r lh�
<br /> - .g^+�.�•., " Noh.
<br /> • ,�t �' Z. Fund�for Tax�� �nd Insuru�c�.SubNat to �ppCeabl�I�w a to�wdtl�n w�lv�►by L�ndw, eorrow.�sh�p�y
<br /> . ' .�.'�• , ..i�� to l�ndK on ib�d�y monthy P�Ym�nls an du�und�r th�Nm�, uMA th� Nat�b pdd M fW��wm('Fundr')�or: (�)Yw'�Y
<br /> -=�ti"�- ov�► Ihi� In�trum�M u�Ym on lh�P►opwtY� (b)Y�Y IMS�hdd
<br /> :;r. ' ° ° t�x�s�ntl�aa�m�nu whbh m�y �tt�ln prlaqy ��Y
<br /> - �y__�" ^ � � P�Ym�nu o►pround rmts on ih� Prop�rty�N�ny: (0)Y�Y hwM or propwty inwrana�pr«niurta; (dl Yw1Y Aood insunnc�
<br /> —� � � ., ..�" � p►amlums.H�nY lN Ys�rly moAp�pe Insu►ma�prNnkims,N any:and(Q�ny sums p�y�bl�by BoROw�to LN1dK b�000ldvlc� - ----
<br /> __- �� . •�,�;� ' wflh th�provblans ol panpraph 8. In Neu of th�pRymmt af mat�p�In�w�ncs prwnlunu. Tha� ftwns v� c�t�d 'Esaow _
<br /> ��.' ��... It«ns.' L�ndrr may, tl�ny tlm�, coU�cl�nd hold Funds in �n Mnount not to exc�ed the mndrtwm unount�I�nder fa•
<br /> � � r t�d�nyy nNt�d mortyap�Io�n m�y nquln for BorrowK'a ssaow acaount und�►the fsd�nl Red E�tat�SaltlMn�nt Prowduns
<br /> �..��;�' °�{Yr . • �� '
<br /> �.� Act o1 1974 n�m�ndod trom tim�to tlm�,12 U.S.C.12801 N �sq, ('RESPA'), ude�s �noth�r I�w th�t �ppAss to tb� Funda
<br /> " • , ��ts �las�r�nwunt. If�o, Undw may,�t �ny tqne,coleal�nd hold Fund� In an amount not to oxaaed th� lees�r amount.
<br /> '�--�. • . ° . �.-•�•: L�ndw may�sWwt�th� unount ot fund�du�on th�b��le of aumnt d��nd naon�bN atim�hs ol ap�ndltwa of IuWa
<br /> ,:.`" . - .•».�;.-"``_�'�- E�orow item*ar olhMwlu In aaca�nae wAh App{Icable law. ---�°- —
<br /> "�� � - � Tha Funds �haH b�haid In an inetituqon whos�cNpa�lts a�tmwed by a i�detal�pmay�InsUummhAlY� or�nHly(Indu�np �— ._._ —_--
<br /> L�nd�►,N Londer Is �uoh�n In�Ututlon) ar In�ny Fedahl Home Lo�n Bmk. Lender shdl�pply th�Funds to pay th� E�orow
<br /> • It�ma. L�nd�r m�y not ahaps Borrowr far holdbp�nd applytnp th�Funds,�nnwYy�n�y�in�th�e�crow�ccount, or vwMytnp
<br /> • ' ths Escrow ft«n�, unlsae Lendsr p�ys BoROww Intenat on tM Funda �nd appl�abt� law psmits Lendrr to m�k� such �
<br /> •• — chuye. How�var, Under m�y rpuin Barow�to pay a onedme charps for an Independ�nt red�sute tac reportinp s�nric� ��
<br /> ' ` u�ed py Lend�r In eonn�odon wfth Ihls Iwn, unlse�appWo�bte I�w provldas othawiss. Unlsss an �pr�an�nt I� m�de or
<br /> � .�'" �ppAaabl�Isw requke� Inbreat to b�p�id L�nder ahd nol be�equked to p�y Borrower any bt�►aet a eemGps on th�Funds. --- —
<br /> � • � Borrow�► �nd Land�r may�pn� In w�itkio� howev�r, th�t intKeet �h�U be p�ld on th� Funds. Lmdw shM yhre to 8orrower,
<br /> , --;:, whhout ah�, �n �nnwl�ccaunUnq of th�Funde, ahowNip credNa�nd debpa to ths Funds md the purpoee ta wMch aah �' '���`'`---
<br /> d�bit to tha Fund�w�s m�ds. The Fundi u� pkdged�s adddon�l aacurily la dl eums e�cund by the 3awrqy In�humen� !
<br /> a If th�Funds hald by l�nd�r exakd Ihs amounU pennitUd to ba hetd by�ppticabte I�w, L�ndx ahdl��t to 8onowa ___
<br /> • for th�exeas Fund�In�caord�nee wfth Ih�requkemenb of�ppNca6ls I�w. 11 ths�mount of the funde held by Lender�t�ny n.�,y,,.
<br /> � thns Is not eu(flol�nt to p�y ih�Escrow i1Nns when dw, Lander may so notly Borrower In wrd4ip. �nd, in suoh aso 8orrower r-=°-.�
<br />_ ' .
<br /> .. ' ' shdl Q�y to Und�r ih�amount necpsay to m�ke up th�ddoUnay. Burtowa►�h�A m�k�up ih� daAci�nay in no mon ih�n � � ..-,-'
<br /> °_ -; _ _
<br /> — _ -- twNve monthly Wymenta,�t L�ndx'��ole dlscretlon. �
<br /> " Upon p�ymmt In fuN oT �N sums aecured by thla 3ecaly Inaqument, Lender ahNl prompUy refund to Bortowar any �
<br /> Funds held by Lmda. If, und�r pu�praph 21, lender ahaU�cquire a aeil the Properly,Lender, prbr to the�cqulalGon or eale � '=• _.
<br /> . of ths Property. ehsY�ppy�ny Fund� hNd by Lendu�t th� Uma of �aqulslUon or sd��s a c►adil�palnat ihe wm� s�cu►od ��--
<br /> ., by thls Securpy InsWman� _ _
<br /> ' V,;,. ' 3. Appllc�tion of PaymeMs. Unlesa�pplicable law p►avides olherwlae, �N paymente nc�ived by Lender under v ___
<br /> d,•� par�gnphs 1 �nd 2 ehell be�ppll�d: tirsL to any prep�yment charpes dus under the Note; eeoond,to amounts payabla undar `��
<br /> . . parqy�aph 2;thiM, to Intereat due; fourth,to p►Inclpal due;�nd last,to any I�te charyea duo und�the Note. ����;�
<br /> „ �� 4. Ch��qYY; Uona. Borrower shr pay dl taxes, asaessmenta, aharges, flnes and Impoaqiona �tMbutable to the
<br /> , ,, px. - Proparty whlah m�y�ttaki pri�odly over thle 3acurily Instrument, and lesaehold p�yments or ground renln, H any. Bortower +� ' '
<br /> Y
<br /> � ehall p�y thaa�obllp�qona In tha menner provided In pareyreph 2, or H not p�ld in thst rtwnner, Borrower eh�ll p�y them on � � •
<br /> •• dms dlreatly to th�p�raon owed payment. Borrower ehall prompUy lumlah to Lender aU noUces of unounts to be pdd under �
<br /> �•. thle panynph. If Bortowar mak�s thne p�ymants dk�ctty, Bortower ahall promptly fumish to Landar ncapta evidenclnQ
<br /> AN..'.Y.�-
<br /> �, ., • the paymente. "�'"- -
<br /> Borrower ehall prompliy dlacharqe eny Iien whleh has pdodly over this Securily Instniment unleea Bortower. (a) agreea _
<br /> � �� •• In wrHlnp to ihe payment o1 the obliy�tion aecured by Ihe Ilen In a menner accepWble to Lender; (b) cont�ete in yood iwNh the �._ -_
<br /> Ilen by,or delends aQalnat eniarcement ot the Ilen In, legal procred4ps whieh In ihe Lender'a opinbn operat� to prevent
<br /> i the enbrcament of the Ilen; ar(o) aecu►a irom the holder of th� Aen an ag►eement naUsfaatory to Lender aubordlnatinq the -°
<br /> -• ° Wen to ihls 3ecuriry Inatrument.If Lender dnemUnea l h at any p e r t o f t he Prop e rt y la au b J e c l t o a I l e n w h l a h m a y d i�i n p r i o r i t y i�.
<br /> over thls 3ecurity InafnHnenl. Lendx may give Borrower a not�e IdenUlyiny tha Ilen. BoROwar �haA saU�y tho Uon or taka .
<br /> one or more of tho�ctlone set torth obove wfthin 10 d�ys oi the gMnp of noUce. °-=�j`-` -
<br /> b. Hazard or Proparty Insuranco.Bonower ah�ll keep the Improvemante now e�laUny or hereaRer erect�d on the ;.��i�'•`-:_
<br /> M ,�-.,
<br /> Properry Insured�qainet loas by flre,hezuds Induded wNhin Ihe term 'exlended coverage' �nd any othe►hazards, including . _ ..
<br /> ' . flooda a Iloodinp, fa whkh Lender requlres inaurance. This Insumnce ahail be malntelned In the�mounts and 1ar ths paioda 4 -,
<br /> • that Lander requkes. The Inswnce ca�ier provldinp the Inaunnce ahall be chosen by Bortower aub�ect to Lendar'a approval '
<br /> wh�h�h�ll not be unreaaonably withheld. If Borrower lalla to maNiteln coverage deacribed ebove, Lender may, +�t Lender's �� �
<br /> . optlon,obtaln covarape to protect Lender'e righta In the Properly In accordance wRh paragaph 7. f
<br /> ' ' All Insurance policlea and renewals ehell be accopteble to Lender and nhell Include o stendord mortyape clause. Lender �
<br /> nhall have ihe Mght to hold ihe pollt�es ond renewols, I1 Lender requires, Bortawer shell promptly give to lender aN recelpls of �
<br /> • pald premiums end renew�l noticea. In the event of loaa, Bonower aheq yNe prompt notice to the Ineunnce cartier end
<br /> Lender, Lender may make proof of loaa H not mode promptly by Bortower. �
<br /> � �� Unlesa Lender and Bonower otherwlse agree In writing, Insurenee proceeds shell be applled to restoraUon or repak ol
<br /> the Property demaged, N the reatorotfon or repair Is economkally leasible end Lender'a securky Is not leaaened. II the
<br /> reatoratlon or repair la not economlcalty feasible or Lender'a security would be lassened, the Insurance proceeda shell be
<br /> applled to lhe sums necured by thls Searfly Insirument, whether or not then due, with any excesa peld to Borrower. Ii .
<br /> �- Borrower ebendons the Prope�ty, or doea not answer wilhln 30 days e notice from Lender thal lhe Insurance cartier hes
<br /> - ' oHered to nettle a claim, then Lender may collect the insurence praceeds. Lender may use the proeeeda to repalr or
<br /> reatore ihe Property or to p�y sums aecured by ihls Security Instrument, whether or not then due. Yhe 30-day pe►iad wl�
<br /> ' beyin when ihe notice Is given.
<br /> Unlesa Lender end Bor►ower Wherwlae egree In writing, any eppllcatlon of proceeds to pdncipal shaN not extend or
<br /> ,Y._� _ .,,,.�.,,,�,. eh. d��p da�w ot the monthlv oevmenla relerted to In paregrephs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the
<br /> - ---- _"-� �--T-•- - - -..
<br /> I paymenta. if under paregreph 21 the Property la acqulred by Lender. Bonewer's right to any Insura�ce policles end proceeda
<br /> reeulUng hom demage to Ihe Roperly pria to Ihe ocqulsition shell pasa to Lender to the axtent of the sums by this Securfty
<br /> Insirument knmedlately prior to the acquisilbn.
<br /> � 8. Occupancy, Presarvation, Maintenanco and Protectlon of the Proporty; Borrower's Loan
<br /> " ; Applieation: LeilYOh0lde. Bortower aheA oceupy, establish, and use ihe Propeity as Borrower'a princlpal resldence
<br /> � � withln aixty daya efler the execution of thla 3ecurily Inatrument and eheM continue to occupy lhe PropeHy ae Bor►ower's principel
<br /> reaidence ior at leaat one year alter ihe dete ot occupenq, unless Lender othervvlse egreas In writing, whlch consent ahell not
<br /> � be unreasonably wNhheid,or unleas eztenuating circumstancea exlst whlch are beyond Borcower's conirol. 8orrower sheU not
<br /> � � deatroy, damage or Impal►the Property, allow ihe Property to deteriorete, or commit weste on the Properly. Bortower shell be
<br /> In deiault M any lorlelture ection or proceeding, whelher clvll or criminel, Is begun that In Lender's good fellh judgment could
<br /> reault In totleUure of ihe Property or otherwise materlely Impelr the Men created by thls Security Inslrument or Lender'a aecurity
<br /> ' Intereat. ,� � .�
<br /> . Ft]18.LM0(10I81) pnpo 2 019 �...L�
<br /> 1
<br /> � � �a,s,.�M �
<br /> �
<br />