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<br /> D� afF TR�JBT
<br /> �'F�1�r ��:F7) �!�' '11iUti1' ir mKd� this 13�h day of Au�uat � 1982� �iy and amonB
<br /> � IiAYt� u. MY�{YC� �d � M• ��� }p+�d ar�d aife� hereinafter referred to aa
<br /> ° - --- - - – "'fr�+�wtw�y." +.�t►rthrr nnr ��r nxrrw� alwse mailing address ia 4300 Weet Uapitsl, (3rerd Is]end�
<br /> f�M6�wr�k� dtY013 '14lR B1'A'!'� BMII QN GIAD. +� Ne�'aeka B�nlcin�i Qarp�ratian� hereinafter
<br /> � rePRrrat /.0 sa "1'n�t�s�" wtwoo anilin� addrQaa ie Booc 428� Catro� Nelyraeka 68824i ard �
<br /> ° �TA71i WNI Qf+ �1A1l�r a Neba�atks H�nkin6 Qo='por�►tian, hereinafter referred to aa
<br /> �:"'{#��'y.'�� "H■irr[1ui�'Y." alw�e mn111nK addrees fa Baoc 428. Caira� Ne6t�aaios 68824.
<br /> r
<br /> ��- ,. M'Ur vMl�wble cwwider�tion� Tru�tora irrevooably grant� transfer� convey and ass �'►
<br />-- _--- N�� Ti,�twn� 1n t.i�uit� wlf.h E�owor oP sale� for the benefit and security of Beneficiary� tu�der `
<br /> ��"''.�', � ���b�K:t �,u thn t,ec�pw and conditiorw of thia Deed of Trust� the folluwinf� desaribed real
<br /> ��V�i�:,_}� pec�yerty loc,wtad !n IIAW. CowiLy� Nebra�l�s
<br /> Y , �` I,ot. 7� Nlcx:k 7� E'a.rkf�ill Second Subdiviaion� ar� Addition to the City of
<br /> ������'�� �� UnNr1 I�Lr�l� Ilall County� Nc�breaka�
<br /> �-,���:.�,, .
<br /> � � ,_ ..� a11eYs, Pss�ewaYs�
<br /> -�°'_��,..�.. �:..,•• ta�ett�r wlth •ll tuullJi��g�� improveawnts, fixturea, atreet.a�
<br /> • �w;,� ,, , esse+�wnGs� rli�hta� privilaQua and uppurteru�ncea located thereon, and all persoml property
<br /> � _ ,, � . • .. ' t.�,t� may lw or i�reafter became an integral part of auch 6ui.ldin68 � �rovmenta, all
<br /> � � °' `t crops raised Ll�orc�on� and all wntcr righta� e►11 of which� including replacements ancl
<br /> .. • �.. �o
<br />_. , ..' .�.,� �==
<br /> ��•. t►dalitiorw thereto� nre hereby doclared to be e Part of the real eatate conveyed in trust
<br /> . .,.,. �-... ;;,_,,_y ' hereby� iL t�a3liqt Qitrc��i thet all of the foreQoin� ehe►11 be hereinafter referred to as 'the
<br /> � , �'.� ��Proporty.,,
<br /> ��",,�',•�'" • t F�t 7f� PU�B OF S�1RD�i:
<br /> ., °�� �,:a,.<�.;�`f;�
<br /> `' ;? o � s. payraonl, of indobtodneaa evidenced by Tru�tors' note of even date herewith in the
<br /> _:� _:$�rrsii�.:a"�L
<br /> r�� � • � Princ:ipal siuo c�C �r��r��•�� ��er��r rrfth interPRt. at the rate or rates Arovidc,r] rtierPin,
<br /> . ; '�.r� • •. � and any ru�d n l l r��new+41 H� m�xl i f l cat.i one and exLenc�i ona of such note•, bnt 1, ���, �� i 7-�,�] r►�„'
<br /> " intereat on th� no1.c� lxlru{ Ewy+�bl�r in uccoc�dru�ce with the terms set fortli therein, c...��h by
<br /> �"".�` � '" " thio reference iK t�erel�y mnde n part horeof; �
<br /> , b, The porPotmu�cF! of each aQreement rsnci covenant of Trustara herein contsined; er�c1
<br /> , �� 7'he paymenY. ot' all awn.4 +uivanced by Deneficiary under the teruis of th3s Deed of
<br /> ° Tc-uat, togethor Nith int.�rewt tiioreon nt tho rute provided in the note.
<br /> � •'�.. .. . d. 7'he above uwo�u►t l K Kea•ured even though al l or part of it may not yet be advar►ce.
<br /> ,� ' • �.�, �.►ture advances w�uior Lhc� aKree�rnt ar�� 4ontanplated and will be secured to the seaie extent
<br /> � as if made c�n the de►te thir� deed nf true�t 1� executed.
<br /> ��
<br /> , � • . . . ..
<br /> �,, .,.•• � . ,y :.. 70 P'f�P�.� 7f� B�lIS1'lY ON 711t8 Uh1�D Oi+'l�t'� 77�15'PORS 1�Y �VFI�iA[�Tr A[� /1Qti�:
<br /> { � - ..
<br /> '�'•� the leE�btede�n evidenced 6p the note, chtr{e�,teeo and�ll otser am ut Ptovided
<br /> ";;�•r ... I, 1'o p�� rGen due. the principtl of, tcd tAa intere�t on,
<br />±°� .;��:... te tEe lan lnttru�ent�.
<br /> � 1� Ttwtori ue!he aoen of the prapert�uid n�ve the riaAt�ad sut�orit►to eiecute thi�Deed at 1'rwt in tapect to the propert).
<br /> • � !, Te pa�, �hen Cw, �II tue�, ��c►il aun�rnU�nd rll oth�r charye� �unot tEe praperty, betote the we hecae deltnquent. Prustara
<br />.s- - �-- � �hall p�)�Il tu�ey�nd w�eu�euu rhich u�be lev�ed u�an Eene(ir i�ry'� fetrreft �erein or upan thi�Oeed at Ttwt or t6e debt �ecured Eerehy,
<br /> �` =��""" ritEaut ee�ud to an'la�that u�be en�:ted l�po�lnQ p��rnt ot tM rAole or N) put tAereof upon tEc&nefieiay.
<br /> � 1� To teep the[�ptave�e�tt nor or �eredtet lcuttd on tAe ptoperty i n�uted �Q�inat dwQe E�f ire�od �uch othet harard��r t6e Beneticiu�
<br /> � �" '"` �►p teauire, io nountf u�d capuiie�e:cepuble �� rhe b�r��ttctuy. SrcA ia�ur�nce policy �lull contain a ftac�rd �ort{ageclauoe in t�vor ot
<br /> „ ' ,t``�` � 8eaettct�r�� ftu�tar�lull peaptl�rep�fh ulnuin u�d repluo thr propert�or �n� art thetcot, oo ilut, etcept tor ord{atr�rear�nd teu, tha
<br /> �:, prepert��lull eot deteriante,
<br /> ! d ����� ' 6. [n the event the prop�rt�, cr �n� prt t�er�of, dull ���ar�n bi n►nent da��n, the Benefictuy i�entltled to collat �nd receive nll
<br /> �. ' " eo�pentatioa�hich W b�P�id for �ny ptoperty t�Yen or tor dwRe�to Frcpery r.ut uYen, �rA the bere[iciup�At1l 1pQly oueh eapenittion,�t ita
<br /> , � opt[on, e[ther to t teduetlan of the inirDtcdnru �ecurM tcret�, ar!: r+{��r�r.i r��tare th� propert�ro CtYen.
<br /> � � i, 1Ae Beaefici�ry ul, 6ut�Mlt Mw no u6li�tticn to, da u•� � �rn: �iroiton ha�c�arred but [ul:d ta da,tnd the 6eaeficia�uy ato da
<br />"' ' . ' � ay �ct it deeu necearu� ta Frotect th� l��n hereaf. Tru�r;n �1r•� �: rcw�. �,pan d��und, u,f s;re to rzpended by t�e Beeetic:ar�for t�e t6ave ,
<br /> __ ' _ __ � purpaeo, �nC anp�ur�a eYpendM>hall te �d�W �� !'�r ic•1��c�ric,+� .r.ar�•1 t�r•by tr.�l bno�c�rcured by t�e lien h�reoL The Btneficiir�s6s11 no
<br /> ; lncur an� lf�bilitp lec;uu af�nytA�ut �t u�na .,r .a,r � f��,er��,nd�r.
<br /> ' 1. TAe deneftci�►ry���ll �ave th,• r�,���, � .•r ►�. �.�'. r 'r �,rr.► �'• ���,n�►�„� :f �t,�� Prni of Truot �a collect th�renu, t�ouea �nd
<br /> t . prottt� ot lhe property�n1 c: any yerrar�i rr��rrt/ ����'•�� �•�'��� '� ••"•�Z �ILL�Y� «x�n;�a�rseiun of thc proFcrt� atfected tcrrby, and Ttustare -
<br /> - �� y , hereE� �btalutel� �ud wcand[tion�ll� �in�r �I; �u.r rrr.i�, uiue� er,7 prcht� t� tne bene(icfuy. Thr 6eneticiu�, Aarever, Eereb� caweatt to
<br /> –=-'-.'-"-----�- '. - . .. .,-- --'".�.:� .I ....► ...�� �..,.w .�.t r.raf�•. an I:fn�f u :`u�tDt! u!AOL 1�lYCb �UQ. la defwlt�ith rnpect to p�nent ot
<br /> ..- — . -�-- - 1TWIAC� NlLli�lOPatN�c�cn..rn.. .......,... •""- -- ..-.. . -
<br /> �� �ny lnde6tedneu urured�ereDy, or �n t�r tiwrfcrac,� �f �r.� ��reci�e: I:er.,�.1�r. I( �n� event ot d�talt de�criEed�ere�tter in rhpect to thie i
<br /> �eed af Ttwt�hill have cccarre4�r,1 te �st�r,u�nt, ".� :er�f� ;u�, �r � ut!rr �i r���t �nd y�thout notue to iruat:re ar eolone rlaidng undet
<br /> Sru�ton, tnd v�thaut te��t�W tn� v�i�r :t tt• tr�.� �n��� :r ��� ,���r��� ;f tt,c 1ru�!ari th�rric, �hall have the ri4dt W�ppl�ta�n)toutt
<br /> • �hariaq juri�dtction to �pputnl a rcc��Y�r d �rr ;u<<r��. ;
<br /> e ;
<br /> • W.,,
<br /> ," .,
<br /> r "
<br /> . M��
<br /> � �.�� �
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