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� +� � ' �!''. . ; . , .. � • . .. ��a y,•�,-.._— <br /> -- '` , , - . .;', , � ��1{ . <br /> �w ' -' � p-_ � . .. : �.. . � . .��.s._I - <br /> 'i,;� � �.k� . :• . , _ , . .,.-- YiwlF � �.•�, ,' nY�, ��fiSCA"�S"_ <br /> , . � � �. . .. . ' �� <br /> . � . . ...:.....W: . .� . _'"n . . _ " _ .���tAu�d44cn , {j�,����+'�r... .-._ . �..�-,� <br />. � . _. __. ._.._____. . . . .. . .. ._. . ,. <br /> ,. <br /> . ...i�i.7iMIPIP�M�M <br /> ` N <br /> __. <br /> ���fM17u��u'. .... � � .»..r._.......:.�_—._........_. .. . ..__.. ... . . <br /> �`�w'^•-rt'y� + ' � � ��-� <br /> !� <br /> 'R� F.aQR�� ��-�►�''� " � ;�: <br /> . �; �� �o���� • � � � <br /> 9.Ins�ectlon. Lender or its ngeaf m�f�te reasonnble entric3 upon nnd inspcctions of the Property. Lender sh�ll <br /> � give liorrower uuiicz at thL tua;,of or�rlor to en laspection�pecifying reesonable cause for the inrpection. <br /> "' 4 10.Conde�natlon. 'Itie proceeds of any award or clatm for damages, direct or consequentlal, in connec�ion wiU► " <br /> . ;t any condemnatton or other ta4clng of any par¢ of the Property. or for conveyance in lleu of condemnation, ure hereby �_ <br /> • � ';� assi g ned and sh�ll be paid tA L,ender. ` <br /> In the event of a total taking of chc PrapcnY.t lie pro c e c ds e h a l l t x:npp l i e d to t h e s u m s s e c u r e d b y t W e S e curlt y <br /> [nstcwnent. whether or n�ot then due,wi�h any nxces9 paid to P�rrowcr. In the event of a partial tal�ing of elic Prc�perty in __ <br />=�ti which the fair market v a lus o f t he P rope r t y i c n m e d i a t e l y b e f o r e t h e t e k i n g l eeq u a l t o o r g r e a t e r shan the amount of tke = <br /> - ' sums secured by this Security Instniment immedlately beforo the taking, unles s B orzower and Ixnder otherwice agree ia �- <br />� •~`� wrlting.the sums secured by this Security Instrument shaU be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multiplied by th$ _ <br /> - .-� following fraction:(a)the total amount of tde sums secured immedlately before the takIag,divided by (b)the fair market <br /> ,�.� vsilue of the Properry immediately before the taklng. A,ny balancB ehall be pai d to Bonawer.In the event of a partial taking � <br /> �. wf the Property, in which thti fulr mnrket velue of ths Prnperry Imuiediau;ly before the takin ie lesa than the a�ouat of the _ <br /> rums secured immedistely L�ore tiie taking,��ied totl ceu�ms anured bh this Securri��Instrumeat whelther oipno�t the <br /> ls►w otherwise provides,tho raceede shull be app Y t3' <br /> . , ..,:� oums are then due. 8 abandoned b 1lanower,or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offere to __ <br /> If We F'raperty 1 Y ` <br /> ��,�,�i; maYe an awuzd or scttle a claian for datun�as, Bacrawer faila to resFond to I.cader within 30 days after the date the natice �;, <br />:1 . :�_�: , ie�iven,Lender is authorizecl tu wltect und apply ihe pro:ecds. at its ogtion,either to re.etoration or repalt of the Property �_- <br /> �.s`��.'",•'' or to We sums secured by this Securiry Insuument,whether or not then due. -- <br /> �:,+.��._� :� Unless Lender and Horrower otherwlse agree in writing� eny applicatioa of proceeds to princlpal shall uot extend or <br /> �;v;;:,;:�- postpone tue due date of thc montWy paymente referred ro in paragraphs 1 and 2 or cb.auge the amount of such paymente. <br />-,;1.E*r,•,,-;� ; 11. Bon•ower Not Released; �'orbearence By Lender Not a Walver. Extension of We time for payment or <br /> ;:.r; ,;. madificadon of aznortization of the sums secured by thie Security Insmiment granted by Lxnder to any successor m interest <br /> of Borrower shall not aperate to rcle�se t2ie liaGlllty.of the orfginal Borrower ar Boaower's successors ia interest.Lender <br />_i�-�u S`.'� Bh811 qOt bC fEQillfCd t0 COIDIl7CI1CC proceedings agaanst any suc�cessor in interest or refuse to extend time far pa nt or <br /> btherwlse modify nmortlzadon of the sum9 sec�recl by th[a Securiry Insmunent by reason of any deman� e riy the <br />�.. ;- �� orlginal Bonower or Bonower's successora in interest.Any forbearactce by Ixnder in exercising any right ar reakedY shall _ <br />°e;�"'���'� ttot be a waiver of or preclude the exerclse of any ri�ght or remedy. <br /> � 12. Successore ond Assigne Bound;Joint and Several Liabllity;.Co-signere. 'The cavenante and agreemente oP <br /> -�;;��'� tlily Se�urlty Instrument �haU bind �nc� beneflt the successore and assigna of Lender and Borrower, sub ect to the <br />- h — <br /> -°�':�,,�i� provisfons of paragraph 17.Bomorrer'S covenant's and'agrcemenrs shail be jo3nt aad several.Any Borrower w o co-signs - <br />-``���� thle Securicy Instrnment but does not ea�ecute the Note:(a)is co•signWg th�s Securlty Insmiment only to�uo�tgage. grant <br />'='�`'L�:'�."Y� aztd convey that BonoWer's interest in the Pcoperty under the terms of this Security Insuument; @) is nat nall <br />�:•�''"`.''�"7°�l n�Haated to pay the sums secured by thia Ser,urlty Inamunent; and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Bono�m�ay <br />�T_,����� a�ree to eatend. modit�r,foti�ear or mnke any accommodatians wicn rcgani iv ii�e iarr,;s�f uds�.."urfi;S��t:u�„°nt ar t� <br /> _ - Aote wlthout that Borrower's conaent. <br /> - ---= 13. Loan Charges. If the loan secured by this 5ecurlty Tnsmiment is subject to a law which sets ruaximum loan <br /> !� charges, and that law is flaally interpreted so th�t the iaterest or other loan charbes collected or to be collectod in <br /> ' connecdon with the loan exceed the pern�itted ti�ts, then: (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the awount _- <br /> a.ecessary to reduce the chac�e W the pc:rn�itted limit;end(b) any sums already collected from Borrower which eaceeded i <br /> �a�• permitted limits will be reit�nded to Borcower.Lender may choose to make tWe refund by reducing the principal owed <br /> under the Note or by rnaking a direct payment to Borrower.If a refund reduces prIucipal.the teduction will be treatod a9 a <br /> --- -- partlal prepay,mgnt witLout any prepayuyent chatge under tl�e Note. <br /> 14.Noticee. Any aotice to Borrower pmvided for in this Security Instrumeat shall be given bq delivering it or by <br /> Q�ailing it by firt�tt class xnail unlas applicable law requires use of another method. The aotice shall be directod to ehe <br /> �coperty A d�ress or any other address Bomuwcr deaig�ates by aoNcc to Lender. Any nodcc to Lender ahull f�e given by <br /> first class mail to I.endcr's address stated herein or any other address L.eader dosignates by notice to Born►wer.Aay noti�e <br /> Rmvided for in thfe 5ecurity Instnimeat shall be deemed to have been given to Borrowcr or Lender when given as provided <br /> in this paxagraph. <br /> !S. Gov�erntag Law; SevaabilltY. Th1s Secudty Insu'umeut shall be govemed by federal law and the law of the <br /> urlsdiction in which the Pmperty ie locatod. In the event that eny provision or clause of this Secur[ty Instnunent or the <br /> ���-�� �ote wnflicte with appliclble law,snch coaflict sb�it not affect other provisions of this Sectuity Iastiument or the Note _ <br /> which cui be given eit'ect�+ithout the cnnAicting psovlsion.To this easl the provisiona of this Security Instrumeat and Wc <br /> = Note are declared to be severable. <br />__ ..__-.-._- 16.Borrower's Cop�. Bor�wer shall be given ane conformal copy of the Note sud of this Socur[ty Instruuxat. <br /> 17.'lYansfer ut the PropertY or a I3areAdal Inta�est in Borsower. If all or•a�n,y pact of the i'roperty or any <br /> intc�+est in it is sold or cransferred(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transfernxi ead Bonower ie not a <br /> � natural ptrson)without I..ender's prior written consent,Leader may,at ite option,require immediate payment ia full of alI <br /> __e__ ,�� �ms�ecurcd by this SeCuriry Ins�nt.Howev�r,this opNon shall aot be exercised by Lender if exercise is pmhibltcd <br /> m'.;� by federal law as of the date of this Secvrity Inswment• <br /> -- If�der exercises this opdon,Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration.'tl�e nodce shaU pmvide a perlod <br /> ------^�� of not less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or maiied witLin which Bonowar must pay all sums secured _ <br /> •—] Form 3Q 9190 fpage 4 of B) <br /> __� <br />