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<br /> TO�ETHER WI'PH nll the improvemcnts naw or hereaftcr crccted on the property, and afl ulsementa,
<br /> �-- -----� �- " apputicit�u7ces,a,zd fixtur:�no�r or liere»fter a gart of the pxoFerty. All reple:err_•_nts nnd Ad�ti
<br /> �inns shnll alss� bc covcred
<br /> ^ by thie Security Inatnut►ent.All of the foregoing is tefened to in this Security Insuumcnt as thc"Property."
<br /> " BoRROwr:R CoveNnNrs that Borrower is lawfi�lly seised of the estate hereby conveycd nnd hns the right ta grant and
<br /> � " • convey the Property and that the Fraperty is unencumbered, except for encumbrances of rec:ard. Borrower wartants snd
<br /> will defend generatly the dde to the Pr�perty ags►inst all claims und demAnda,subJect to any encumbrnnces of record. �
<br /> ns
<br /> ,�. Tfus S�cu�urv INSrRUMer+r combines uniform covenants for nationel use and►►on-uniform covcnants er�i�h limlted �
<br /> vaziatlons by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security instrumcnt coveriag real property.
<br /> � UniFOxn��over+nN•rs.Borrower and Lender coveasnt and agree as followe: i� a when due �
<br /> ,���� '''• 1.Payment of Princlpal and Interest; Prepayment and LatQ Chnrges. Borro�ei•x�ptl�p�nmP Y P y =
<br /> . the pdacipal of and interest on the debt evldenced by the Note and any prepaytueni and letE ch�lges�ue under tbe Note. �
<br /> 2.�nds for Taxes and Insuranee.Subject ta applicable law or to a wdtten walver by Lender,aorrower ehall pny �,..
<br /> ' to Lender on the day montl�lly payments are dtte uader the Note, until the Notc is paid in full, a sum ("Fuads')foi: (a) �
<br /> �� � yeatly taxes and nssessments which may attaln prlority over thia Security Insmuncnt s�s a lien on the Property;(b) Year1Y ��
<br /> leasehold paywen`ts or ground rents on the Property. If tiny; (c)yearly hazard or properry insurance p�un�s+(dj Yearly
<br /> fload insuraace premiums,lf any; (e)Yearly mortgage insurnnce premmms�if any;and(�anY sums payable by 9orrower %L
<br /> ' � to Lender, in accordance wlth the ptovlsions of paragrc�ph 8. in Ileu of the psyment of mortgnge insur�ence Pr�xnlums.
<br /> � '�� 'IUese items are called "Escrow Items." I.ender may...at any time,collect end hold Funds in an omount aot to exceed the �-
<br /> ' . maximum amount a lender for a federally related mortgage loan may require for 8anower's escrow account under the __
<br /> _ � federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from time to dme, 12 U.S.C. § 2601 er seq.
<br /> ("RESpA"),unl�ss unother law that ap lies to the Funds sets a lesser amount.If so,Lender may, at any time. collcxt and
<br /> - � hold Funds In an amount not to ex�the lesser amount. Leuder niay estimatc thc amount of Fund�due on the basls of �
<br /> � . � curmnt data end reasonable estlmates of eapenditures of future Escrow Items or ot�envise in accordance w'ltlz epplicable _
<br /> ' �'� law.
<br /> , • � 'Ibe Funds shall be held in an institutlon whose deposits are insured by a federal a�ency, instnunentality,or eatity �--
<br /> � ` � (including I.ender,if Lender ie such an institution) or in any Federal Home Loan Hank. 1.ender shell apply the Funde to � '
<br />���'.' `" analyzing the -
<br /> '� . pay the Escrow Items. Lender may not chtirge Bormwer for halding and applying the Punds, annually _
<br />.-_�;� � escrow eccount, or verifying the Escrow Items,unless Lender paya Bonower inte:est on the Funds and applicable law �.
<br /> :;�,; . , pgm�its Lender to make such a char�e. However, Ixttder may require Borrower to pay a oa�time charge for an _
<br /> "''" ' 1DQ ndent real estate tax re rtin service used by Lender bn connecnon with tliis loan,unless upplicable laa provides _
<br /> 2:.�...:, �, � �
<br /> ��•,:� otLerwise. Unless an agreement is made or appliceble lawroquires interest to be puid,Lender shall not be required to Pay �_
<br />�`''�' ,. ' . Borsower any iaterest or earninge on tlte Funds. Borrower aad Lender may agree in wrldnS,however,that intezest sh�il be
<br />_,:�' � • paid on the Funds.Lender sha11 give to Bonower,without charge,aa annual accoui►dng of the Funds,showing credite and
<br /> — � deblts to the Funds and the puipose for which each debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are piedged as adclldonal
<br />--- . - •. . SPCUIIC}�{Ot&1�SUA�v�a:uiiti uy i�'iib`o&."ilitlr"jltSiii:22�.0. ,
<br />- - • If the Funds held by Y.ender exceeu the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law, xxader shall account to
<br /> �r���-�Y���'" ' �orrower far the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements ofappllcable law.If the amount of the Funda held by
<br /> ��-�;,;;�;-.�.f� � Leader et any tiaie is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,L�end�r may so notify Borrower in writin , and,in
<br /> —�- '�`�"�' auch case Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to m a ke up t he de fic lenc y. B o r r o w er shall �e u p the
<br /> :�..�u-___._ -
<br /> F 4+�� deflciency in na more than cwelve monthly payments,ot I.ender's sole discretion.
<br /> `�"''�� '+�'� Upon payment in fiill of all sums secured by this 5ecurlty Insmunent,Lender ehall prompdy refund to Borrower
<br />�..�`4��r� any Funds held by �.ender. If, under paragrgph 21, Lender shall acqu�re or sell the Property, Lendet, prior to the
<br /> - ��.�. acquisidon or sale of the Pro rty, shall apply any Funda held by Lender at the time of acquisition or eale�s a crettit
<br /> ��.;.:�;�.;a,,._...
<br /> ---_,-;;�� agalast the sums socurexl by th a Securtty Insuument.
<br /> �.:�;m,,�-�� 3. Appticatioa o!Payments. Udess applicable law provides otherwise, eU payments recetved by Leader under
<br /> :�,��s�� paregraphs 1 aud 2 shell be applied: flrst, to any prepayment cherges due under the Note; asconcl, to amounts payable
<br /> - - - under paragraph 2;third.to interest due; fourth,to principal due;and last,to eny late charges due under the Note.
<br /> — 4. Ctwrges; Liens. Bonower shall psy all taxes, assessu►eats, chaxges. fines and imposltions attrtbuteble w the
<br /> Property which may attain prioriry over this Security Inscnunent, and leasehold paymeats or grouad renta, if aay.
<br /> IIortower shall pay these obligatfons in th��er provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner,Bnrrower shall
<br /> - pAy them on tizne directly to the person owed paym�ent. Borrower shall prompdy fumisu to Lender sll notices oY amounts
<br /> -- ------- to 6e paid uader tLie paragraph. If Bonower malces these paymenta dimcdy,Borrower shall prompdy ii�mish to I.ender
<br /> -- -- _ recelpts ovidencing the paymr.nts.
<br /> - - Burrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has prlorlty over this Securlty Insuume.nt wiless Bortowa: (a)
<br /> --=— ag�xs in writing to the payment of the obligatlua secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to I.ender;(b)contests in _
<br /> �_--
<br />