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' .,,.� � . , . ' � .. .��- <br /> .., -:,ew..! � .. .,ti,;,v,•v:,;;�"- <br /> .. 1... . .. .. � .�.�.� .aYi_. <br /> . . . ....._": _ ' <br /> ._. ._.. . . .. . _ _— <br /> .,�' ' . .� .- ' . � . ' . <br /> . �'�.� .... '�� r Tb3. <br /> . <br /> _.d'_Sme� ' ... . .. '. ..... . . . . .. ........_.'_"'_. .... <br /> � <br /> .. <br /> . . • ... . . ' � . <br /> . , <br /> _ �.��:..��. <br /> . ' ."-..._.__.. . .. -. ... . ^��. .,� <br /> . . :. .. . • --'---•._._....__......_. '�., - -�� • <br /> ...�... <br /> � ♦ �i,�.45�C�ai�r.. <br /> _.,,_�._.�,...,r......-.._.._.............._. . . <br /> �'— 1098�� �"�W='`.�-_��s��;�� <br /> � =''::�.�.=`,_�:;i,<�:i <br /> � by thie Mortgago. Mortga�or ohall p�y�Mortga�ao the nmount oi rny detioienay b�tween tho sasual t�ea, ae�esr � , •�n <br /> • mont+9,innurcanoa premdume and ground rents anA tti.�depooiW ue�eunder wuhin 10 dqyfl a!¢or domend !s�!!�e uPon <br /> A7IortB�;;or r�ec�uooting p�+ment thoroot. <br /> . - s. g��,.�utenauoo nuf�Uso.To promptly mpe�lr,restoae or rebufld ony b�ildinge or improvemenb no�or . - . <br /> �i►Laut r.°..:.:a�r_��1 frea f*_on+,�!�aLinio'v or <br /> heres�'tar oa the Property,to keap the Pronerty in Qood oondi�ton rud�va+:3:. _..-,-- ;.--- <br /> , other Uone not ezpreeel,y subordinated ta th blien he�or omiedorn�aot�oad ta oomn�yr wleh e1��c�utrement�o41,�w .. <br /> dimini�h or imp�ir ths value oi the PropertY Y�3► • ., ' - <br /> w19h nepeot ta tho Propert�►• <br /> 7. Qondemnstion. in the svent the Property.or way Ps�t thereo8.�hall be t�ken by emin�en omfor�dw� �' <br /> Mortg�ee is emPo�erad t°ooUeet�ud reoeive all oompen�ation whiah m�,y ba p�id for any pmperb► <br /> �---�'''� �ge�to pmperty not tskea� and Mort�n�ee�hn11�ppl3►�uah oompen�,tloa. at ite optiaa,either to �►reduotloa oQ the <br /> � °' ' tndebtednecr seoured hem6y or to mpRtr sad reetore the properq►so d�m�ed. .� <br /> g. ��o�e y��o��.Mo�agee mqq.but ehsll have no oblf�►tion,to do u�y cot whioh the Mort�or „ .. ,. <br /> ' bse a�reed btit Wl�ta do,o►nd Mort�aQee i'nW also do aqy aaS it daen� �euaaoary to protaot the llea hereoL Moai�+�ger ' . : _: . . <br /> � n dem�nd. �W►�ums e°e�ended by the Morte�es for ths�bc�ve purpo�er. �nd acry eum��o ' ' • , =��''�?'`—�' <br /> e�reef to repa,/. uyo W► ""`,;,R•;;.:',�:.-- <br /> n.,t;irme�vimirz, <br /> e�anded by tha Mortgagee ehsll be sdded to tho indebtodnese eeouied hereby and beoome eub�eot to the I�en her�eoi. ��'_,, ___ <br /> •E Mortgagee ehall aot lnour sA3i pareonat llability beoauae of anythinS it mqy do or omit to do hereuuder. ,.�- <br /> � eat o!R�at�.Time is of the eeaenoo heno�aad upon Mort�aQor's detault ia wy aoveaent �; ���1����"� <br /> � � �. Detanl�A�sl�nm =��``�'=.' <br /> ' or�eemenL of thii Mostga�e�lnoludiu�oovenwts ta Pw When drae the�ums seaured by thia Mort��e.ths Moai�6e ._.. .._ <br /> sbaU be eutttled.4t itA sole optioa auci�ri4hout na�ea.W`:�olexe�3 et+.�s eeo�ln�d bg this Mortgsge to the immedlate�}► rk.�`u: ----- ---_ <br /> due �ad p�yable�nd may oomYUenoe foreolaaure oi tbds MortQa�e 6y judioi�l proaBedimge:ond,provided i�uiher.'thst �:'�;;-, <br /> � �.�.', <br /> � • ugon euoD def�ult the Mortgagee,or w reoaiver�ppoinLed b9��q at!t�opLion snd without regard W ths+declus' � � <br /> oyr of tne eeourit,y.ea4er npon and take poaeeBdion of the Propex7y suod��lleot tha mnte.iseues and proSte thareLrom snd �%ti_��_-- -- <br /> � �' spp�y them!lr�t to t1►e ooet of aolleation Rnd operstioa ot the Property�n�then upoa the indebtedaea seoured bY this - <br /> Mortgar�e;eaid renta, iuueo�nd profits be�ing aasigned to the Mortgs�ae ss further eeourity for the�Syrnent o!the ___ _ <br /> indaDta¢inee�edoured hereby. <br /> . 7• 10. Teanatrr ot Propsrt�.Ii all or uqq�nrt ot the Properiy i�eold or t�rweferred withouL the esnrea v�rltten oon �= <br /> �s �sat oi tE��dort(��.1Ko�e�Y at its anls option,deolwre u11�umr reowred b�thia?Sort�^e to 1�s immedl�tel�9 ' <br /> ,'��� due wd p�4yable. ' <br /> . • •*rt.,-i�v�.r.Mort�aaee mav mn�e�dditional and future s�dvAnass to r' <br />- li. 8ntar�i►a�aac:..L�a;,rs�:rs.o_�_ -o,-.. '� <br />-=. _ � Mort({ugor.8uah adw►noe�.with interert�ll be eeoured bythie M�rtgag�e when evldeaoed by pamm9�eory note� `,T <br /> etWng tLst wid aotes are eeourod hereby.At np time�hsll the psinaipnl wmount o!tho indobtedawr seourec2l�y►thfi . <br /> MortQrge,aot inoladina auau sdv�noed w Pn+teat the�°°�'r�tY of t�i�IVluxtg+�e,ezoeed the ori�tn�l Note. , ..;'• <br /> 18.i�tLosllw�ow Pro�l�ie�as. .: <br />�• . . ,, (�) Aqy torebearanoe in�er°iein8 wfl3►n ftht or remec�y eholl aot be s waiver thereoL — <br />« • . �) AU remedie�psovided he�bin at'e dirtiaoL sad oumuU�fve to ar�y other rlght af(orded by law or equi4y. <br /> � �d m�y be ezeroised oouourreatly.iadapendent�q or suaoesaivel,y. -. <br /> �."::.; • <br />�::;��,,�`;' : menta aontatned herefn sh�11 bind.�nd the sfght�iaure Lo.the raspsotivs�ua _ — <br /> . ,s�:•• . (c) The ootronenSs Rnd�'ee <br /> ''".��K l y`,�,''�� OL She Mortgagor sad ths Mortg�ev. <br />- '" ooASOra md sual8na <br />-_ ... ...c: -�.-- - -- <br /> _T1:'S"_ . . . <br />-:."�`"-`'"`.,< meat�of the Mortgaaor are�Oint an.d eovenal. <br />-- : 4 , r (d) All oovenwaL ant!a�'se _ <br /> �;�. . <br /> i�>-: : "� (e) Ttie headinqt ot the psn�a�Plu oi thls Mort�ge sro for ooneenienae only�nd shRil not be�used W inter� <br />�+� r�.. ' prst or deftne ihe provlsions hereoL <br /> 9,,..-..�._ — - <br />�`�:;:� � n ent oi a�ll eum*seoured by thts Mortgsge.NWrtgagde ehsll disohaig�e this Mortg�ei aad <br />-�.. . r,... .:._ 13.R�1MM. Up0 W�S�m <br />;�' shall eaeout�and d�]iver a wtirfiotorY rele�e therefor. <br /> :aw,��= ��• <br />�.�;4w,:�.,y.,. <br />�:K.��'.W.•'. <br /> � �'�''.,.. � IIJ WITDTF89 VN'F�3REGF.MortR�r hau ezeauted this Mon-t��e o Lhe d�}r o 19.�. o— <br /> . . . � a 8oirawsr �-�� --- <br /> � V <br /> .A2n 1n ntA�J �_•�..�....�.��...-, <br /> �. .� `�-�(R�`� IIoaoiwr .,� �..��_—._—� <br /> it`�s�•.,B+ra- <br /> �?��` ' Ha11 Cown�yas: -���- <br /> � � ''� 8fate olNebr�r3n►, x; „ <br /> � � •}',,���. <br /> . Oa thio��,L1]----dKY�t ❑PrpmhPr .19 Oti-heforn me.tha undereigaea.a NotazyP�bllo ,•,;,-T�, =+ <br /> , `. • n d u l q c o m m i�l o n e d s n d q u R i i t l e d f o restdooun t y.p ernonallyoamo Ala R Nilkemeic�r and R_v�?rl_v A___ ,,;`�ti`�•�},�r:' <br /> � :�..f :�,ti'� • . <br /> � • Hilkemeier� Husband and Hife �m��o����e ..i; ``=.:,�:iyi;: '. <br /> .. - ; <br /> .. � ��}•,.,. <br /> - - _ ._ _ __—_._._��.s,..,a�e�.:hp r��ofna instrument aad no3mowledsod thu ezeouEioa thereof <br /> - - � �� <br /> _ `— - T-,s identioat pe�on�s�wnoso„�.,�oio,o...o..____�---- ----- <br /> - - `-•° <br /> ' voluntatq aat aud da+d. __ _ ,,,_ <br /> . tOb9 t�ni r , <br /> _ , p�ttuen�s a,y t,aua gnd notartat aoa,t et Grand I s 1 and Rlebraska tn e�a oouuty,the � �:' <br /> tiale aforesaid. .�..� ---.—_..�--'----` <br /> � MM��G@NE0A1.M01A8Y•Stit�ot N�Drasw r� <br /> N�y Commiesion espiree: � OEVRA McELH�19YT � � , <br /> _ �, �Caw.E►P� i NoU►ty Publlo , <br /> -' � NBC 108891'aS <br /> _ O NNionY B�nic d Comm�rce T�uat a�xl Savinpe beocletbn.LkaoM.MWn�ka . <br />_; . <br /> -_ . - ---... . . ___.._ ._�,_..__.-._._.�_._.._._ ,.. . <br />