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� :� ,,,. � . ..: -• - -�.-�:�'. <br /> , .,��1s�- <br /> ' �<- <br /> . . ... . •Y: _..-- - _--�-- •�--- 1'- ', ... . . .. ... . �' • <br /> rti .p.,;�t 4- . n�ra?tr0.hF.+ia1'4p�s' - <br /> . . ......... .. ... .. ..II�rYhwwwOhtr-r .. . �� . . ...,. . � .:y..w�a�;�:b'.S^tNe1Mti1KA.Ki�l4�M-Fh - _ • . . F <br /> y Yn�_ <br />. i.. �n��—�:- <br /> , ��° �09852 ��_:: <br /> COVENANT8 � <br /> � 1. Pay�ii��►!r. liorrowcr etlrasa Eo mrko oll poymonto on tho oocurod dobt when dua. Unloau Borrowor and Londor nproo othcrwlao, uny <br /> pnymanto (ondcr rnr,olvon from Onrrov✓or or !ar porruwor'o banoHt wlil bo oppllod firot to ❑ny amountn Borrovfor owoo �n tho oecurod dobt <br /> a�xr.tuelve ol IntAroet or�>nnnlpel,oecuncl to Interext, end thon to princlpal.If portlol propaymont of tho oacurod dobt occuro for ony roaaon,1Y will <br /> nul roduco ur oMCUeo nny echoduled peymeM v�tU tho oacur debt le peld in hdi. " <br /> _ . __.. � . �� . , <br /> R, CIM+n�AyMnot TIN+�,Borrower wPl ruay�lU�e�,aoppse nt�, end other charpoe attributable to thu propnrty wiiuii Jun and will defond title � <br /> to Ihs{uope�Ib�pelnst eny clrim�whlch o �d imalr tho II of thir deed a}truet.Lender mey requlre Borrower to���Ipn nny riphta, clNma o► <br /> �lafen���wttilr;h Ilosrowu m�y hevn�paM�p rtl��who titpply lebor or materlals to Improve or melnteln tho proporty. <br /> 1, in�w�nc� lta+►��w�r wlll ke�p the propnty Intured unde► term�ecceptebte to Lender et Borrawer'�expents end for Lender'�bsnefit. RII <br /> " , In�ui�nt;e pi�Ilole��h�ll Inctude e et�t�dud mortp�pe olnuae In fevor o}Lender.Lender wfll bo nemed ea losa payee or ee the Insured on any such <br /> me�nenr,�polir.y,any intur�nc�proce�d�m�V b��pptied,witiiln Lender'e diacretion,Yo aither tho roc4oratlon or ropGlr of 4ho damcpcd propert7 <br /> �, .. ,� � ur tu ttw��cureA cl�lat.If L�ndor nqulr��mortp�p�In�ur�nce, Borrower aqrees to mdntaln such Intur�nce for ae lonq s�Lender require�, <br /> ' ' �,Iropaty.Hurrown wlll k�ep ths property In pood conditlon end meke ull repaito reasonibly rteceiesry. <br /> r�1P1+)� y <br /> . ,,y�.; M 1lMptnlu�dorrow�r epra��to pay�II l�ndsr'�expame� Includinp reaaonable attorneye'feea, if Bonower bresks any covenante In thl�deed <br /> o�I�u�t ar In uiy obily�llon���ur�d by thl�deed of trutt.�or►ower wlll pey these emounte to Lender ss provided In Covenent 9 oi thia deed of <br /> Iru�l. <br /> e� �fMl1!leetHity MIM��t�� Unleae Rorrower fint obtdnt Lender'� written consent,Borrower wlll nat make or permft any chengea to any prlor ` ' ;� <br /> r��:iwlly �ntu��t�, Borrow�r wlll p�rform ell o} Borrown'�obllpetlona under eny prior mortpepe,deed of trust or other securlty eereement, ,;:��;� <br /> ; � Inr.l�idiny INirrew�r'�cownento to m�ks p�yment�when due, - <br /> t � F:�:� <br /> � ; 7�A�N�t�t�l o}R�nto�nd�roMt�.9orrowsr e��lpno to Lendor the rente end profite of the propeny. Unleaa Borrowor and Lender have egrmud <br /> iN1�ww(i�In wrltlnp, Borrow�r may coll�at end rot�in the rom�A� lonp es 8orrower ia not In defauit. If Borrower de}aulta, Lender, Lendor'c �:; <br /> ' Np�v, u►�caurt �ppnlnted reodver m�y teke poueaslon end manape the property end colleat the rente. Any renta Lender Collecte ehali be =-=- <br /> . � �pE�Ird Iliot N tho Cott� of mMn�pin the p►operty, Inciudinp court coets end ettorneys' fees, comrniselons to rental egent�, and any other !�"-'�'�' <br /> ! iM�:��u►y r�l�t�d�Kp�mer.Th�rem�Pninp�mount o�rsnc�will then apply to paymente on the secured debt ae provided In Covenent 1. -- <br /> � •,la��hold�{CondonAnium�t Fl�nr»d Un(t D�v�lo m�nt�.Boerower sgreee to comp1 with the provialona of any lease if thia deed of trua Is on — <br /> n taa:clialrf. If thta 9c�d ot truat la on a unit tn o condominlum or e plenrted unit devetopment, Aorrowe►w111 pe►torm aU of BorroweYS dutlos �___ <br /> � unU�►th�uov�n��it�,bylaw�,or npul�tlon�of the condominl�em o►pl�nned unit davelopment. <br /> �� 0� Aulh9tity ol LenAM lo�Mfan�(a�oerawM. If Borrow�r f�lie to_puform eny of Borrowar's duUss under thl� deed of trust,lende� mey -- <br /> psrtorn�th�cFutb�or c�ua�tMm to bs p�rtorm�d. L�nd�r rtsay�ign eorrawer'o neme or pey Rny amaunt It neceasary for portormence,14 any <br /> cun�truotlun on ttNpropvty Is dltcontlnu�d ar not ourlod on In�roRwmble menner, 4ender may do whetever ta necessary to protoct Lender'e ;�„��,:_: <br /> � � ��CUrlty Int�rnt In lM prop�rty.Thl�m�y Inciud�compl�tinp th�conttruatlon. � <br /> ° � LQndu'�(allun to p�►form wlll not pr�clud�Lend�r from oxercbinp any of Ite other rlyhts under the lew or thie deed of truet. ___ <br /> 1 Any�mount�p�id by Londe to prot�ot L�nder'�oecurity Intero�t wiil be sscured by thb deed of trust.Suah amounts will be due on demand - <br /> ; uxl wkl f»ar Int�rnt from tM d�t�of th�p�yment untl p�ld fn tuil et ths intereet nte fn eifeat on the aecured debt. __ <br /> • � 10. MMu1t�nd AeaNM�Hnn. If Borrowar felle to msks eny payment when due or broak�eny covenents under this dned of uust or any _ _ <br /> • � � oWb�t�an��cund Dy thl�dud nf tru�t m�ny prlor mar4p�p�or d�sd ot tru�t, Lender ma1r�cc�Urate the m�turity of th�cscurad debt and <br /> , ��� d�mend Imm�di�t�p�yment�nd m�y Invok�ttN pow�r of ut��nd�ny other remedles permtttad by appticsbls law. <br /> 11:lbqw�t tbe NoNo�of OH�uft. It I� huoby nq�ntnd th�t capie�o}the notlr,es of default end eate be aent to each person who ia a party <br /> - , . , ��....,,a..��-x:;:c ot:s:,r,:nc�s�::on,a:;�r.�r:ln. <br />�L..,_ � 1�.IewM ef���.If tM L�nda Invok��th� paw�r of�d�,the Truttes shall fint rocord In thd office of the replttar of deeda of each county ,, <br /> vYMraln tM dutl propw9y w�om�put or parcel th�reo!1�oltwtsd s notic�ot defeult contatnin8 the intormstlon roquirod by lew.The Truatee fA'w <br /> ;',.,,• �h�ll N�a mNl copN�of tt►�ratico of dehult t�th�8onower,to ach penon who la�psrry heroto, and to other penona esprescri6ed by Nti_.� <br /> •ppilc�UF� liw. Not Nu th�n�n� month �ft�r th� Tru�t�� records the notice of dsfault or two montha if the trust property li nat In any <br /> ry��S:r:;�;,, � Nx�orpont�d clty a vlll�q��nd lo u��d In hrminp op�r�tlont carrl�d on by tha tru�tor,ths'Fru�tee ahall Qivs publlo notice of�ele to tha peroons <br />--.,. � �nd In tM m�rxk►pr*�triWd by�pppllc�ba law.Tru�t��,wlthaut dem�nd on Borrower,thail telt the proparty at pubtic auction to the highest <br /> -- •.. bklthr.If r�qukM by th�F1irm HomnYead Prot�ctlon Aot,Trustes ahdl offer the proportil In two eeparats�ale�e�required by applio�blo law. <br /> -=-;�.�,�.,�° Tru�tN m�y po�tpon��N�of�I!w�ny pncel of tM proputy by pubilo snnouncemsnY�t the time and plaee of any previously�cheduled sale. <br />='"' '" : , Lsr�r a Ite d��fprw�m�V Pu►Gh�M�th�prop�►tY�t my r�le. <br /> """��=r'�`�� Upa�nc�1pt of pa��r►�nt of tM pric�b{d,Tru�ta shall detivn to the purchater Trwtee'�deed conveyinp the property.Ths recitieb contained In <br /> --�=�+�°�'��+� 7ru�ta'�dad�hau�prim�tact��vidirnca of th�truth of th�ot�temmt�contalned theroin.Trustee shell eppty tM proc�eda of the sele in the <br />__=:..:i��",",^,,� tollowinp otd�r. (�1 to �tl �Kp�mu of ths �d�, Including, 6ut not Ilmited to, rosaonable 7�uttee'r fees, reasonable attorney'e tnas and <br /> -- _.,,_� nlnet�tement teo;tbl to all�um�ncund by thb da�d of truot,�nd lal the belance,if any,to the person�lepally entiUed to recetve k. <br /> _ J:°'� 19.fa�Wow��.At L�nd�r'�optlon,thl�de�d of tru�t mey be forecto�ed in the manner provide by applloabie lew for foreclosurs of monge►gei <br /> ____ on nd prop�rty. <br /> — ..u���—' 1+.kwp�etlen. 4�nd�r m�y�ntv tt»prop�rty M Imp�ot It If Lendv pive�Borrawa notics bsforohand.The notice must state the rouonable <br />===���=�•+�� wut�ror lanr3v'�In�p�aUon, --_ <br /> ��'—�� 1tl.Co�d�on�Borrowe n�lQno to L�nd�r th�proo��d�of my�ward or clsim tor d�ma�pe�connected with e condemnation or o:her takinp <br /> - -s-""'�n o!�H a my p�rt of tM proqrry,Such prot�ed�wlll ba�ppli�d n provldsd In Covsna�t 1.Thii eatbnment ia subJeot to the tarm�of eny prlor <br /> :�curity apr��m�nt, <br /> . --_��_-e� <br /> -- " 9L� 10.W�iwr.8y exarolfl �ny remedy nwlleble to Lende►,Lende►doe�not Ive�p eny rlphi�m lat�r use�n1r other remedy.Iiy not exercisinp _- <br /> -�� �ny nrtwdy upon Borrowir'�dNauit,L�nde da�not walv��ny rlpht to I�t�4FOnNder th�event�d�fauit If It happsns epain. <br /> -"`�����"�� 17. JaMN �nd tswtM U�ty7 Co•Nat�ni iueeo�a� �nd A�Npnr 6ntx�d. All dutl��under thi� dead of truat are Jotnt and severel. Any - <br /> --- tlorrowN who co•U9ne tM� daA ot tra�t bu1 do�� not r.o•slpn tM und�rl i d�bt Imtrumentlo) dw� so onry to prant snd convey thet <br /> Bor�own'�Int�nst in tM{xop�rty to Ih�Tn��tu und�r ttN torm�of thl�du�o�tru�t.In�ddition,a�ch a Borrower�greso that th,e Lender and <br /> - =-';��� sny otMr Borrnwa und�r thl�d��d of trutt m�y�xt�nd,modily or mak� �ny otMr ch�n��s In tF»terms of thl�deed ot trust or t�e�ecured <br /> �:,,�;;,,.,�,,,,i� d�bt withuut that Borrow�r'e coniMnt md wlthoul roNulnp thet Boaow�r trom tM t�rm�oi tAl�dNd of tru�t. <br /> —� TtM dutl���nd b�r►�iN�of 4h1�dad of trutt d�oll bind�nd b�n�flt th��uccbnore md�e�lpn�of L�ndsr�nd Bonowo�. � <br />—�;'.t'';,:°;�d <br /> • � - 7�.Notlo�.Unten cttN�wiu r�c,uk�l by I�w,sn1�nutice to Bnrrowu�h�ll b�plv�n by deliveriny It ar by m�lliny It by certiffed mali addreued to - <br /> --;.=�, .�; Barowsr�t ih�prop�rly�ddrou or�ny otlwr�d�»u thit Barowe he�pIv�n to L�nde.Barrowe wrlll plvs any notice to Lender by certifled = <br /> emfl ta L�rM�r's tdOr�ie on p�{H 1 0l tIN�dssd of iru�b a to any uth�r�ddn��whlch Und�r h��desifln�ted.Any other notice to Lender sAeil = <br /> . '� b���nt to l�ndN'��ddnt���atNt�d nn p�ps 1 0}Ihl�d��d of�ru�t. -- <br /> - � Any notla�h�ll p�d��m��ta h�ve tN����Iv�n to Oorrowsr or Lendu whan pfven In tbs m�nne�t�ted ebove. "- <br /> ■: <br /> � 1�.Tr�tM of 1M pr�rty M�N�M�91�)M11KR�t kl(M IOf/OWM.If dl or eny put o}th�prop�ty or my Interest In It ia eotd or tran�ferred �_.!.= <br /> without L�ndrr'� prinr wNttm conunt, �axlu mry d�m�nd Imm�dist� p�ymsnt of tM recured ds6t. L�nda may elao dsmmd immediete �i,r'� <br /> �; p�ym�nt If th� Bor►uwM la ntJt � Iutu1� p�nnn �nd • bu►�11ch1 Intent In the Borrowu b Rold or traniterrod. However, Lender mey not -- <br /> domand p�ym�nt In ti��tiqw�Itu�tbn�I+11 I��xahlblt�d by f�du�l law u o}th�d�t�of tht�deed o}tru�t. _ <br /> _ .,� ��� <br /> �0.R�canv�y�t►co.1NINn IIN ublipNlNm ntcurad by Ihl� d��d of trwt h�e b�m p�ld �nd Lender has no further obllgation to meke advancea ..- <br /> � urWu ti��In�trumenU�x eur smdnh��cu�ed by thle d�ed of trust, th�Tru�tes nhdf upon written raque�t bY the Lersder,roconvsy the tru�t <br /> pro rarly.Tlw L��HIu �I��II di�fwr 10 thN Ilnirowu, m to Nounw�r'�wccee�ar In Intereit,th�tnnt deed�nd the note or other eviQence ot t�e <br /> oWfp�tion so�etl�lud.Nom►w�r�hau psy�ny r�cmdstlun co�t�. <br /> fi. _ <br /> 11. iuCeHtw Try�tM� LWxior p1 I.IIIHJA�'� opilon, moY rernove Trwtso �nd •p�Int s suCCettor truttee by tirat, maliing e copy of the <br /> ' �ubatitutlan nt uultes a�roq�iN�tf liy e��phcebte I�w,nrod tlien, bY IftmG the eubetitution o}truetee tor rocord In 4he oNice of the ropleter of deeda <br /> of e�Ch coimty In whlth ihn tiu�l pi��{intly,nr�nmr pwn �he�oa}, 1�cltu�tod.The�ucca�tor trustce, without conveyenco o}tho proporty, shall <br /> wCCe�d to�II th�power,dutlne,euthwity end Iltle ol Ihe Tr�aste�nemsd In th�deod of tru�t�nd o}eny wccenwr iru�tea. <br /> ' fP�p�2 0/71 <br /> � �� ., OANxiB!BvOi[M9.IHf..Of f.lOUO.CAtI pS701�1 IInQ SBI pJ�h HtNM Uf P Mt0 t�!lilON� <br /> � � <br />