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.' // `: �:i':.` . ... . . r� i ( 1. . <br /> ! / ,. .._ . . . ., . S-'tt�.���^?-_�.`.... <br /> ' '_ ' N ' , �-. —�-_. ..,. . <br /> .. . iJ '4" �.'r��nil�hYf�fJ +��M�..�i. - -' <br /> ♦ jj�{}�(�,� <br /> . . � ' .ii�.. . .4Y7T.���]C�.��Y�l.. /4 �� -. .��i <br /> �Z� . � - '""Tt�Jf- •: • �'iY'� <br /> , � . _... �_., „` '- ......__c-.. a.,s�Gha�Wal�W�vl�l� _ _.._ �- <br /> .,.' ' _ —. _ '�av �:wr.1sY.� r.uY�iaL .._�_ . .... ..�. _. . <br /> . .... . "_ _— _--- _--_ <br /> .� ., .�. •] '. -- _._ __i.�_.—_____ <br /> """ ' <br /> , � , —_i�>;�.-�.� . ��W.r�.�..�...�.�....��_. _ .. ::�:� <br /> .—��•Mf.1 �f.� -__ ' — <br /> - . .,;1._� ! <br /> -�.:4",�v•_ar't.� �RI���� <br />.. o;`i fr��~G '�°" <br /> ." �rv , -- <br /> �� • Borrowcr tihnll promptly givc L.cndcr wriucn noticc oY any investigution, claim, dcmund. lawsuit or othcr ac[irn�by nny - <br /> ` govcrnmcntul or regulnrory n�ency or priviuc party involving thc Property and uny Harirdau� Substuncc i�r�nvironmentnl Luw _ <br /> ��,. . .,;�}r of which 8orrowcr h�is iictu�d knawlcdgc. If[iorruwcr Icurns, or is notiticJ by �uiy �;ovcr��mcnt�il o�• rcgulutory authoriry, that t- <br /> any removnl or other rcmediution of any Ha�.�rdous Substuncc uffccting thc ProPcrtY�s ncccssary, f3orruwcr shuf l promptly take <br /> .�rt, ��,-,a � ail necessary re�nediul uctiuifs{u accardanc�with Cnvironme:�tul La��. � <br /> ��' t� As used in this pan��raph 20, "Hn�urdous Substances" ure thosc substunces defincd us toxic or hu��irJuus tiubtitunccs by <br />- Environmental and thc following substunccs: �usoline, kerosenc, othcr flammublc nr toxic pctralcum products, toxic <br />-�r""`��� pesticides and herbicides, volntile solvents,materials contuini�ig asbesros or forn�Uldchyde,und radiouctive inateriuls. As used in <br /> this para�raph 20. "Environme�ttAl Law" means fcderal laws nnd laws of thc jurisdiction whcre thc Property is lorated thnt <br />`:.�,��:..,:.+ relate to ar enviranmenwl pmtection. <br />-`�"� NON-UNIFORM COVF.NANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant tutd ugree as follows: <br />-�.��• 21.Accelerntion;Remedles. [,ender shn0 glve nottce to Borrowcr ps�iur to acceleratlon Pollowing Iiorrn���er's breach <br /> af any covenant or agr�esanent in thls Securlty Instrument (but nat prtar ta acceleration under pnragruph 17 unles.� <br />�-T�=s� opplfcsible law provid�otherwlse).The nottce shull s�►eclfya (A)the default: (b) the aetlon requtred ta cure the default; <br /> -'� (c)a date,not less than 30 days irom the date the nottce is glven to Dorrawer, 6y which the defs�ult must be cured;and <br /> � �:"''� (d) t6rat fallure to cure the detuult on or bePare tl:e date s�►eclfled Iro the nottce muy resalt In accelemtlon of the$ums <br /> secured by this Security Instrument and sale of the Property. Tl�e uotice shall furthcr inform Borrower of the right to <br /> 1���� rettlstate after acceleratton end the rt�ht to bring a court nction to assert the non-existence oP n default or uny other <br />.�r,,::;.,:• � dcfense oi Borrower to acceleratton and c�ule. If the deYuult [s not cured on or before the date spectfled in the notice, <br /> "'��-r.°�. �• I.ender, At(ts optton, may requtre immediate payment in full of all sums secured hy this Socurity Instrament without <br /> :�;�'��`�`� further demand and moy invoke the power of sale and Any other remedfes permitted by appltcable law.Ixnder shaU be <br />'��''�,.: entttled ta collect ull expenses Incurred in pursuing the remedles provided In this paragrnph 21,including, but ttot limited <br /> x`�;;��sz� to,reasonAble attorneys'fees and cosGs of title evidence. <br /> -�-�=��- IP the(x►wer of sale ls [nvoked. Trustee shaU record u nottce oP default in ench county in which nny paM of the <br />��'"�f�'� Praperty is locuted nnd shall maU coptes of such notice tn the enunner prescr[bed by uppltcable law to and to - <br />,..:s��.,:,,. <br /> -- the other persons prescribed by applicable IAw.After the lime required by appltcuble law,Trustee shall give publlc not ce <br /> "'f��`�� of sale to the rsu�u and in the manner prescrlbed by uppllcable law.Trustee, withaut demand on Borrower,shall se11 __ <br /> 'i,}s.:.,� <br />`=��s��;: the Property at pubUc auction to the hlghest bidder at the dme und place and under the terms deslgnated 8n the nottce of <br />-�-'�-'�,. sale in nne or mare parcels and In any order Trustee determines.Trustee mAy postpone sale oP all or any parcei of the <br /> :'C�.�r;,,�r��' Property by publIc annauncement at the time nnd place of any previously schealuled sale. Lender oe[ts designee may <br /> �,!' purcdu�e the Properly at any sale. <br /> - _ Upon recelpt of payment of the price bid, Trustee shall deUver to the purahASer Trustee's deed conveying the _ <br />___--_ Property. Tl�e recftals in the Trustee's dced shull be prinin facte evfdence of the truth of the statements made tt�erein. <br /> Te ustee�halt apply the proceeds of the sale In the fotlowing order:(n)to a!1 costs ond expenses of exerclsing the power of <br /> sale,and the�►ie,including the p�yment of th�e Trustee's fees actually incurred,not to exceed�of$50.00 or 1/2 °b _ <br /> of the nrie�cfpt+l umount oi the z�ote at the tlme of the declaration of default,and reasonable uttorneys'fec�as permttted <br /> by law;(b)to all sums secured by this Security Instrument;and(c)any excess io sne pers�i��i���or�,t�"�:.�2=.l�3 t; <br /> It. <br /> 22. Reconveyance. Upon payment of sll sums secured by this Sec:urity Instrument, L.ender shall request Trustee to <br /> reconvey the Propeny :tnd shall sunender this Security Instrument and atl notes evidencing debt secured by this Security _ <br /> i Instrument to Tn►stee.Trustee shall reconvey the Property�vithout wamanty and wlthout charge to the person or persons legully <br /> ------ entitled io it,Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs. <br /> Z3. S�bsittute Tnestee. Lender,at its option, may from time to time remove Trustec and appoint a successor trustec to <br /> any Trustce appointed hereunder by an instrument recnrded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded.Without <br /> conveyance of the Property,the successor trustee shall succeed to all the title, power and dutics conferred upon Trustee herein <br /> und by applic.zble law. <br /> 24. Request [or Nottcc�.Borrower requests thut wpies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Borrower's address <br /> which is the Properry Address. <br /> Z5. �ttders to tl�is Secur:ty Iastn�ment.If one or more riders are executed by �rrower and recorded together with this <br /> Securiry Instrument,tha covenants and agreements of each suth ride�•sluill be Incorporated into and sha(1 a�nend and supplement <br /> __.__..�.. — the crvc�anre a�!1 agreemen�v of this Securiry Instn►uieut as if the rider(s)were'a parc of this Security Instrument. <br /> - [Check applicable bax(es)] , <br /> �Adjusteble Rate Rider Condominium Rider ❑1-4 Family Rider <br /> [��Oraduzted Payment Rider �Plarmed Unit Development Rider ❑Biweekly Payment Rider <br /> ❑Balloon Rider �Rate Improvement Rider �Second Homc RIder <br /> ❑V.A.Rider �Other(s)[s ify] <br /> Notice ot�Default <br /> - BY SIGNING BELOW,Bonower accepcs�nd agrecs to the terms and covenants contained in this Security Instrument and <br /> _ in any rider(s)executed by Borrowcr and recorded with it. <br /> - Witnesses: I <br /> - i ,/ ..._�....—(�►) <br /> - Roberti T. W3111ams -Boirowcr <br /> __...(Seal) <br /> .—� -Bottower <br /> � �c�..�� <br /> _ ----_ (Jei�l) �'�„"' <br /> =_-- — - -Qurrowcr -Bortower <br />' ---,�=w.�,1 <br /> �W� <br /> :._:;;�.,; <br /> _ . ��'�.`� <br /> -�°_�=-� STATE OF NEBRASKA, Hall County ss: <br />-_���'�`�+�'�"� The foregoing instrument was acknowledged bcfore me this 2nd day of Decemtser � 1996 • <br /> '�� Kl•r;�?- by kiobere T. Williams and Jill Williams, Hueband and Wife • <br />