EX�BIT"A" �ro�,iQ�
<br />A. All skuctural and mechanical comgone� of uty st�tures, buildings, and imgrav�ments
<br />erected or placed upon the PR�PERTY dascr�'bsd an the foregoing Exht'bit `8, together with a11 trees,
<br />shtubs, flowers, dtains and dtainage rights app�tenaut to, loc.�ted on, under, or above or used in connectivn
<br />with the PRUPERTY and the improvemetds sih�t� thereon, or any pazt thereo� whet�ter now existing Qr
<br />hereafter created or acquired;
<br />B. All goods, imentory, maclunerY equiPme�C, �pparatus� fi�c�u'�� ���, ��1�s,
<br />applia�nces, includiag without limitation all built-in furniture amd installatians, shelving, pazritions, door
<br />stops, vaults, elevators�, dumbwait�rs, awnings, window shacl�, venetian blinds, light fixpmes, fire hoses and
<br />brackets and boxes for the same, fire sp�inklers, alarm �ystems, draPerY mds and brackets, screens, Iinaleu�n,
<br />carPets, plumbing, refrigerators, freezers, h�ting unit$, stoveg, ovens, water heater$, iaaineratars, finnitur�
<br />and fiunishings, communication �ystems, all specifically d�signed installations and fiunishings, and all af
<br />said articl� of property now or at any time hereafter affixed to, attached to, placed upan or used in aay way
<br />in connection with the use, enjoyment, occnpaacy or operation of the PROPERTY, all building materials and
<br />equipment naw ar hereafter delivered to the PROPERTY �d intended to be installed or placed in or almut
<br />the improvements, items held for sale ar lease, items ieas�i ta athers, and all items used or cansumed in
<br />DEBTOR'S busin�ss;
<br />�. Accounts, accorm�t� receivable, camract rights, chattel paper, including tangzble chatt�l paper
<br />and electronic chattel pager, pmmissor�► notes, dratts, instrument�, inves�ment property, money, Ietter of
<br />credit rights, cammercial tort claims, docum�nts and aup1wrting abligatians ('maluding but not limited to all
<br />of the rents. rayalti�s, issues, profits, revenue, income, pra�eeds and other ben�'iics of the Premises) arising
<br />from the use ar enjoymen.t of al1 or any portion of the Premises or frorn auy lease agreement pertaining
<br />thereto, and all right, title anci intcte.st of the D�BTOR in and to all lc�ses of the PROPERTY now or
<br />hereafter entered into and all right, title aad interest of DEBTC?R tl�ereuncter, a11 guazante� of tenants' vr
<br />occupants' performances thereunder, cash or securities degasi�d theretmder to secure p�annance by the
<br />lessees of their obligations theretmder, whether said cash or securities are ta be held untt'1 the expiration of
<br />tb.e terms o� said leases or applied to one or more of the instaltments of rent coming due immediately prior to
<br />the expiration of said terms; in addition► all amounts paid flr ta be paid by the federal or state govemment ar
<br />any governmental agency to or on behaif of DEBTOR ar any t�ant acising from the use or 8njoyment of all
<br />ar any portion of the Premisss;
<br />D. All deposit accounts of DEBTOR maintained at the oi�ces or any bianch of SECURED
<br />PARTY;
<br />E. All rights, title and interest of DEBTUR in any aad all bnilding permits, and any ather
<br />Pernuts, Iicenses nr autbarization. re,�uired by the governmental authorities having ar atercising jtuiadiction
<br />over the PROPERTY, all rights to performance or payment of any other n�1,i�re which DEBTOR has or may
<br />have in the future under aay contract ar agreemerrt regarding the PROPERTY, all rights to the names und�r
<br />or by which tb�� PRlJPERTY may at any time bs aperated or kaown, and all rights to carry on business under
<br />any such names, logos and goadwill ut any way rela�ting to the PROPERTY, aud all general rotangibles,
<br />payment intan$i'bles and soflware now or hereafter asssaciated with or mrisin.g from the PROPERTY;
<br />(continued � next gage)
<br />;
<br />