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. . � <br /> � , , ,Nr.--- _ <br /> i� ��i�'F:a�su� <br /> x� � .. ' i, r b�i� <br /> - • .1r`Y�.ws -::- - . .._..... <br /> � -.. . '��,��. � � � . . . . ' , � , . - .._ ! tlR�a�...�� <br /> � <br /> �- . . �V-,rt.�.. .1.�.l'.1R��..t ..'l:+M!tt`i:✓.°... i . - - � r , _ <br /> . � '' <br /> . �.. .� <br /> , 1 .. <br /> �._. �-,�. . _-.�.� . .. .. . . <br /> � ~ ' . . .._ . . . ... . . . . . .. . . - � ..T'�,1f'�.`��[ <br /> , 'I . <br /> - ; �,n `��.l���8 - ,. .. . :'ry;�?:!� <br /> UNIF�ORM COVF:NANTS. 13orrc�wcr nnd l.cndcr cuvcnant nnd ngrce ns fnllnwa: � �''�+'"- <br /> t� 1. Peyment oP PrOtteipnl nnd Interest;Pre�uymeut and 1.s►te Chargc9. eorrowcr ahan�rompny p:+y wi�en auc ii�c ,,,hY�;�ti� <br /> � .: ��I.�.����._ <br /> principal of and intercst on�he debt evldenced by thc Nntc and nny prep�ymc�t and lait ch�rges due under thc Notc. • <br /> 2. FUnds tar Tnxes nnd Insurnnee. SubJect to opplicable lew or ro e wriuen wuiver by l.c�xlcr,IIorrowct al�all pay lo L�:nder an � ,..r., <br /> . ....���f,_�{, <br /> � [he day monthly p�ymente aro due undu the Note,undl�he Note is p�id in fUll,�sum('Fundt')for.(a)ycarly uxea and aasessments whlch „ ,.. n� <br /> , may atmin priority over thls Secudty InstNment as a Iirn on 1he Property:(b)Ywdy leaaa6old paymeuts or ground rcnu on tho Propeny. � <br /> � ff nny;(c)Yearty haurd or property insuronce premlums;(d)Yexdy flood insuronce pttmlums.if«y;(e)Yearly mongago insurxnte premfums. �� : -•�;;;wEF,;�, <br /> i(mny;w�d(fl nny sums p�ysble by Borrower to Lender,in acconlu�ce with[ho provisiona ot puogreph 8,in Heu of tha pxyment af mortgige ' ":'�`�;^ <br /> '"""'���' Insurance remlum�. 'ficso Item�nre called'Hurow Items'. Leadec may,at any time,collect and hold Fu�ds Ui an unount not to eaceed • <br /> ..�Mw� P :, ::.;;:it'qj,,. <br /> the muimum amount a lender for o fedenlly reln[ed mortgage lo�n may Rquim tor Bomower's escrow¢ccount undur the federrl Real . , �,, .. ., _„ <br /> ,x..,.,�{.,.r.-, <br /> Hstate Sentement Yrocedures Act of 1974 as amended from dme ro tlme,12 U.S.C. 2601 et se�.('RPSPA'),unless enother 1¢w thAt appliea to ;?:};�•,3,�<�,1!.F, <br /> the Funds set�a lesscr amount. If so.I.ender may,at any dme,collect and hold Funds trt an nmount not ro cxceed the Iesser nmount. I.ender ,; :������'� f:'z�^� <br /> ,rl��. _ ;t <br /> may es�imate�he emaunt of Funds due on[he b:uis of curcen[datx and reasonable es[ima�es of enpendiaircs of Poare Escrow Items or o[henvfse '• N�}•.�:•..� � <br /> `��Y!}k�'�'-;-:.�....��:.. <br /> in nccordance with applicable law. .,:��<;�-_°- <br /> 71�a Fnnda ahsll be held in an institudon v�hose deposits orc insur•d by a federsl agency,ins�mmenwiiry,or entiry(including Lende�ii I.ender .=°4:!s.:�--` <br /> �.wi.s is wch an institurion)nr in any Federal Homo Loan Bank. I.enJer shall apply�ha Fmds to pay�he�soww Itrnu. Lender may not chatge ����Y'�•"-_,._�_T__. <br /> _ .�,,.r.,:_ . <br /> ..•i'.:—:_ <br /> .� ' ' Banower foe holding and applying the Funds,nnnu�lly nnelyzin8 the escrow account or vorifyi�tht Escrow Items,unl�ss Lender pays Borrower � :_�,;�.�..--- <br /> �: ;. <br /> ��' i�; inurcst on the Fudds and applicablo law petmit4 LenJer to make sueh a chatge. However,Lesxlet may requiro Bortowet to pay a one-time chnrge ��.�r`� , <br /> .; ',`�'u';�:',`:.St�s� for an lndepenicnt teal ts�ale tax repottlag aervice used by Lendar in conmctlon with thls loan.nnless eppiicabte law provides athcrwise. Unless �'s`�r'?� ` �''�- <br /> ;���;.:F,°(.�.;,.._��.,: <br /> ' •� '� �" � an agneaunt is made or npplicable law rcquirav In te rc s t t o b e pa i d,Le�der shnll not be re quirtd to pa y Borrower any intensc or oaminqs on t!u ' � j �'. <br /> �,f�r '�.";}�1 `�j,l��, '";- <br /> ', ti�±•� FLnds. Borrower and I.endcr may agrce in wridng,howcver,that intercst shal]be paid an�ha Flmds. I.ender s4aU give to Bortower,without ., y,,;. ����v,; <br /> ':� •��=(�r:•(�'d�;�� ' chatge,an annual acceunring of the Fund9 ehowing ctedits nnd deDin ro we�1mds and the purpose for wWch each debit�o the Funds .'.���1;;..,.,:: <br />-�,�'..�.r.,�-�:-�• •i�:�.,- <br /> %•:�,���jy��'� was made. '!he FLnds aro pledged es addiiional secutiry tar all sums secured by�hls Security 3nstrumtnt. ___ �°�__;'� <br /> :,.,.,�,,,,� — <br /> ::,;;r,;,,.;;�.,,_�. If the Funds held by Ixnder exceed th:amounts permined to be htld by applicable law,I.endcr shall accoun�to Bortawer for the excess <br /> ' Fund�in euo�dnnce with tho rcquiremmtts of applicable Iaw. If tho amount of�he Runds held by l.nnder a�any time is not sufficfent to pay the __ <br /> Fscrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in wriung,and,In such case Borrower shnll pay to I.ender the amount necessary to malco <br /> , uD the deficfency. Borcower ahall mako up the daficicncy In no more than twclve mon�hly paymenu,at Lender's solo discretion. ;� <br /> ' � llpon p�yment In thii of all sums saurcd by thia Securiry Insnument,Lender shal prompdy refl►n�to eormwer nny Funas heid'oy Lcnder. Ii �a,. <br /> .,.. '' under pangnph 21,Lender shxll tcqulro or uA the Property,Lendar,prlor to t�o acqutslUon or sile of the Property,sb�ll apply my Funde held <br /> �� by Lender�t the dme of�cqut�idon or e�lo aa�credit iYdsut tho sums ucured by thi�Secuttry Instrunxnt. L <br /> � � 3.Applleatlon of Payments. Unles��ppiicablo I�w provida othenvise,�il p�ymenu rcatved by E.eMo�under pin�npbs 1 and 2 � <br />�• ch�tl bo►pplied:(int�w�ny prcp�yment char�c�due under tf�a Note;eecond,to�mounu p�y�ble under p�njnph 2;thlyd,w inurest duo; <br />;:_.. ., .: <br />;;�;,.,;'.,,�:•.� • � touM,to pHncipal due:�nd Isst,co�ny I�u ch�nw due under U�e Note. 'f <br />"'-"r�="t',_ 4. Chargea=Liene. Bortower�hdl pry W tuu�.u�eumenu,char�a,flnet and impasidons uaibuuble to the Properry whlch m�y - <br /> _. ti. . <br />�=��`- :' ° �ttaln pdodty over d�le Secudty Imtmment,and Ie�sehold p+�ymenta o�ground nnt�,if any. Borrowcr ihdl pzy thesa abUg�dons in�ho aunncr _ <br /> _ � r•�`•"'`�Y provided In par�gnph 2,or It not p�id In thtt manner,Borrower ahall p�y them on tinb dittcdy to the persan owed p�ymem. Sorrowar sh�ll '`� <br /> ;,-..�.,:;� . <br /> ' " .�r�,k, . prompdy Pomhh to Lender�II nodces of�mounta to ix paid under lhia p�rngrnph. If Uorrower makes these paymena dlrecUy.Borrower <br />"'���� � sh�ll rom fumish to Lender rcai ts e�idencin Uie menu. <br />_-�'�-` -.'_:::.J.,.,.. P P�Y P B PaY <br /> '•�r ,:;•� Bomower thall pmmptly dischtrgo tny lien whtch hu pdoriry over thls Sccurity Insaument urilcss Botrower.(a)xarces In wridng to[he pay <br />',� " �'"'�^i� ment of ihe obtigador.aecurcd by the Uen in�minner acceptabie ro Lcnder,(b)watcsts in gooci tilQi tho lien by,or defends ogaGut snfon�ement .���v <br /> �.,.;;.'�. .... -~ <br />�„n�q,;,+:�, of the Ilen In,leg�l pmeeedings whkh In rhe Lender'e opinfon openee ro p�svent Wo enCorcemen�of��n lleu;u►(c};�curc.s fmcs�:a hofder af th: �"�==__ <br /> s-..�..ID�x;� lien�n tarcement udsf+cwry to Lender wbordinating�ho Ilen to�his Security Insaumen� If l.eoder detemdnea chot any p�rt of�he Properry is <br />�'�a��N cubJect m a Ikn whkh msy atain ptioriry over tlds Secutiry Inswment,Lender may give Borrowor a notloc Wendiying the ika. Hocrower sdall <br /> r�;..,��^ <br /> _ utlsfy the ilen or tdce ona or mon of tha tcdom aet focth r.bove widifn 10 daya of tiie giving of noNa. <br />_-" �. 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrower shaU reep the improvements now exbting or 6enafter crected on[he Property Insured <br /> 4'!�'�- '� �adnst loss by fire,huuds included wtrhin the tem�'extended covemgo'and iny o�her huaxda,including floods or qood'eng,for�tifiich Lender <br /> i•`"�,. require�insurv�ce. '[liis insurnnce ahalt be maintsined In the nmounts and for the pedoda�at Lender rcquins. 'Ilie insunnce carrier providing <br /> ':�� f`�'' �' ' the insunnce ahall be chosen by Borrowcr subJect ro Lender's epproval which sAatl not be unreasonably wirhheid. It Borrowcr faiia to mainrain _ --- <br /> ... .��•r..µ�e <br /> --�---� cover.►ge descrilxd nbave,Lender may,at Lender's option,obtain Cover�ge to protect Lender's righta in d�e Property in accordance with <br /> -:,�:n„i`"�C-;y;, parogr�ph7. <br /> =•`�:�=tT•. ' All insunnce policits end ttnewals ah�ll bt iuepuble io the l.ender nnd shaU include a standard mottgage ciauso. Lender shall hnve the <br /> __ -=�+�+,,�--�� dgUt to Aold u10 potkies and renowals. If Lend�r requires.Borruwer shail pro:rq'.1y give�o Lender all rcceipa of paW prcmiurtu�nd rcnewnl __ - <br /> -.�;::''-'. . notica. In�1e event ot loss.Borrowet shall give prompt norico to the tnsurana cxtd:t frd Lender. Lender nuy mako pmof of loss if not mido -- ---- <br /> � prompdy by Borrower. -,'"-°"�` - <br /> Unless Lenler�nd Bormwer ochenvise�grco in wriHng,insuruxc proseede shill be�pplied w rcstondon or cep�fr of tho Prapctty dunaged.If �:_ _ __ <br /> � ' tha re..nontloa or ttpair ia economicelty feufble pnd Le�er's sccudqr[s not leasened. If the restondon or apatr io aot economiedly teaslbie _ -- <br /> or Lender's eecudry would bo Icsuned,the insurmce proueds siull ba tpplled tu tlw sum�atuad by thLt Secudry Instcument,whether or not — _ _ <br /> � then due,witA�tny oxces�pald to Borrower. It Bonnwcr�bandoni tho Prope�ty,or does not answer within 30 d�ys n noNce from Lender thft tho �=-=_ <br /> ' Insu�ance cattier dos ofTercd to setUe a clafm,then Lender may coliect�he insumxe pmceeds. Lender may use die proceeds to rcpair or Rasoro <br /> ._, <br /> � tlu Propetry or to pay sums securcd by thia Security(nstrum'nt,whether or not�hen due. The 30�dey poriod will begin when the noNce Is given. `� <br /> :... : • <br /> __ <br /> _ Unless Lendcr and Bortower othenvise agree in writing,any appiicntion of proaeds a principal shnll uot extend or postpone thc duo date -;,yr�,.�_ - art.� <br /> -- <br /> of thc monthly paymenr�retarccd to in paragrapl�I and 2 or change the amounrof the paymenu. If under paragraph 21 the Nroperty�s • ; � ;�-.f--�- <br /> • ' ' acqufced by Lender,Bornower's right to eny i�uunnce policics and proceeds rcsulting from damage to the Propecty pdor to die acqufsition � .,'.�;.��;,_�L:,.:,.,�_, <br /> . shall pass ro Lendcr to tha¢xn!nt ot Qte aums secured by this Sceurity[nstniment immediately prior w the acquisirion. _, ;{;,-:�; <br />— 6. Occupancy,Preservatlon,Maintenance�+nrl Prntcction of the Property;Borrower's Loan Appltrution; _ -• <br /> LCeSehOSd9. Bottower shall occupy,establish,�u�d use�ie Pruperry as Borrower's principal residence with►n sixty days aher�he execudon of . <br /> -- this Securiry inswment vid shaU contimie m occupy the Properry ns Borrower'�princfp�l resldence for at least one year aftsr the data of . � ' <br /> �',��'�-�•' occupancy,unlesa Lender othenvise agttes in writing,wMch consen[sh�il not be unreasonably withheid,or untess extenunung citcumstences eaist <br /> - ��• which en boyond Borrower's eonttot. Honower shall nat destroy,dam�ge or impair the Properry,allow the Property to detetiorate,or commit • <br /> --� ' waste on the Property. 9orro�ver ahall be in default it any forfeiNro acdon or proceeding,whether civil or crimit�al,Is be�nm thnt in Lender's good . <br /> :_�� «' . �� <br /> �...;, <br /> �,uNu we���s Form 3028 9/90 . . <br /> y , <br />