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<br /> S. H�M or Property la�urance. Borrower xhull ��p the improvement� naw eaicting ur hercafter eroctod on tha
<br /> � �' ��- � Propeny insured aQainst loag by firc, haxurda includod within the tcrm "extendod coverage"and any aher hazuds.includln�
<br /> flc►ods or floading,for which L.ender requircg lns��runce.Thir insurunce.r•hall lx mulntainod in Ihe amcwnta and far the perlods
<br /> ., � , , that l.ender rcquires. Thc insurancc curricr p�a�•iding lhc inmur�nrr �liall tx rhoscn by Borr�►wc: subjcct to l,ender's AppravAl
<br /> � , �'� which ahull not be unreai+cmubly withhcld. If liurrowrt 1'ud�U� maimain rovcrugc descrilkd above, Lender mny, at Lender'�
<br /> � ' ' optidn,obWin covcragc ta protect Lcndcr's riglity in thc Pn�perty in uccorduncc with paraga►ph 7.
<br /> '� ...'',::�.,.i�:'�_' � All insuruncc pc�licics and renewul� shull bc acccp�uhle to I.ender unJ xhnll includc a stundard mortgagc clause. l.ender =
<br /> �. `^��'� shall huvc the right to hold the policies und rencwuls. If Lender reyuirc�,Borrowcr shull pramptly gfve to I.ender uli receiptc af
<br /> � ' ^''' '` "` '-���' psud premiums und renewul notices. In the event��f losx,Burruwer shall give prompt nutice to the insu�ance carrler aod Lender.
<br /> �--,;.-. .. .. ..;'.,:..,
<br /> ' l.ender may make proof of loss if nut madc pramptly by Borrawcr.
<br /> •�-���• ,� • Unless l.ender a�J Borrower nthcrwise agrce in writing,insurunce proceeds shnll be appiied to restoration or repair of the
<br /> � ..: c.
<br /> �'�'•+• '��� 'Y`""' Pra n dama ed,if the restoratian ar re �ir is econnmicn0 feavible und I.ender's securit is not lessened.if the restoration or
<br /> •:`�:'.: ',.,. Pe Y B P Y Y
<br /> • . .. �..
<br /> _ _ �.. _ ' _ _ __ repuir is not economicnlly feusible or l.ender's securlty would be Icssened, the insurance prcxeeds shall bc applied to the sums
<br /> _��-- ' . •� recured by this Security Instrumcnt, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borcower. If Borcower abandons the
<br /> � - . Property,or does nat unswer within 30 days u naice f'rom I.ender that the insurance carrier has offered to settle a claim,then
<br /> ' ,, Lender may collect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the pr�xeeds to repuir ur restore the Propeny ur to pay sums
<br /> e�. �"' � . �. � secured by thi�Security Instrument,whether or nat then due.The 30-day period will begin when the notice is given.
<br />�;• . �''�` 1 Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise ugree in writing. any application af procecds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> �_— - - "�' � postpone Ihc due date of thc monthly payments referred to in paragraphs I und 2 or change the amount af the payments. lf
<br /> — ' —�`��"�Y�' ' uncler pttragraph 21 the Property is acquircd by Lender, Borrwver's right to any insurxnce policiea und proceeds resulting irosn
<br /> - _, r 7'T.-..�._ .:u�aa�+R,. .Y i
<br /> JAmuge to the Property prior to�he acquisition shall pass lo I.ender to the ex�ent of the sums secured by this Security Inatrument
<br /> ,,.,;` � . .,}�► � immediately prior to the ucquisition.
<br /> _ .•,- ''� ��- -- �� - �� � 6.O��rupuncy,F�rrvation,Maintenancr and Pratection of the Property;Borrower's Loan Application;l.easeholds.
<br /> ...._. I =
<br /> '_;:i. � ,� Borrower shall occupy,estnblish,and use the Property as Borrnwer's principal residence within sixty days aRer the execution of
<br /> �'.'' n••P this Securiry Instniment nnd shull continue to occupy the Propeny us Borrower's principal residence for r�t Ieast one year after
<br /> ' a>.t. .
<br /> _ the dute of«:cupuncy, unless I.ender othenvise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be unrcusonably withheld, ar unkss
<br /> _�;; ����- M : �`;., e}:tenuuting circums�ances exist which are Ueyond BoRawer's control. Borrower xhull not destroy, dautwge ar impair the
<br /> ' Propeny, uUow thc Property to detcriorute, or commit wuste on the Property. Borrower shall be in default if Any forfeiwre
<br /> ��-,n .. ° , uction or proceeding, whether civil or criminul, is begun thut in l.e:nder's gcxxi fnith judgment could result in farfeiwre of the -_
<br /> ' Propeny or otherwise mutcrially impuir the lien creutcd by this Security(nstnrment or L.ender's security interest. Borrower may
<br />___.__ - _ _ cure cuch n defaull nnd rcinsinte,nc prnvide�i in�u�rnarn�+h IR,hy����sing the action nr proceeding to be di5mfssed u�'sih e tulIng
<br />— � that, in L.cnJcr's gaxi fuith delcrn�inution, prccluJcs forfciturc of thc Borrower's intcrest in the Pr�perty or other material
<br /> . . ��'�,.��r:...� •�;:
<br /> , impainneM of Ihe lien created by this Security Instrument cx Lender's security interetit. Borrower shall also be in default if
<br /> , . � Borrower,during the loun upplicutiun process,guve muteri�lly false ur inuccurnte information or statements to Lender(or failed
<br /> ;,<<�•. „ ta provide Leiuler with uny materiul inforn�ationl in connectiun with the Ic�un evidenced by the Nate,including, but not limitc:d
<br /> ''" • to, representutions concerning Barrow•er's�xcupancy of the Property as u principal residenc�. If this Sewrity Instn�ment is on a
<br /> _� Ieusehold, Borrower tihull comply with uU the provisionx of the le�.se. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property, the
<br />•—_ lea�ehnld and�hc fec tiUc shull not mergc unless Lrndcr agrecs to the merger in a�riting. -
<br /> _ :_ 7.Prntection of I.ender's RiRhts in the Property.If BoROwer fuilx tn perform�he covenants and agreements contuined in
<br /> _ ' " � ''" this Securiry Instrument, or therc is u Iegal prorecding Ihat may significunQy uffect Lender's rights in the Property (such as a
<br /> _-'� ' proreeding in bankruptcy, probute, li�r condemnutiun or forfe�wre or to enfarce laws or re�ulations), then Lender may da aod
<br /> ` pny fiir whutevcr ix nerestiary a�protcct thc vuluc of the Praperty und l.cnder's rights in the Property. Lender's actions muy
<br /> _= includc puying uny ,um. xcurcJ by a licn whirh has priority iivcr this Scwrity Instrument, appearing in rnurt, paying
<br /> "� � ° reasnnable uttome ti fecs unJ rmcrin on the Pro n to make re uirs.Althou h [.ender ma take action under this h
<br /> ,�y... �` Y � F P� Y P R Y P�8�9
<br /> '" '�""' 7,Lendcr d�xy not have i��Jo tio.
<br />_ �('�
<br /> fi'K , ,. Any umounh disburtial By Lender undrr ihis purugruph 7 �hull hecnme additionul debt of Borrower secured by Ihis
<br />�-,- �' Security Instrumcnt. Unless&�rrowcr and l.�nJcr ugrec�o othcr lerms af prymcnt, thc,e umounts shsill bear interest from the
<br />_ date oP disbursenunt at the Note ru�e unJ shall bc payablc, with intcrcxt, upon nntice from Lender to Borrower roquestiag •
<br />- paymcnt. '
<br /> '�... . ., . " 8.MortRaRe lavuruncc. If Lcndcr rcyuired m�ingage insur�nrc u.a ronditinn of muking the loan secured by this Security �
<br />�!'^•. . � .. Instrument, &�rrower shull puy thc premiumx requirni i�i mwntuin the mortgage intiurance in efFert. If, for any rcason,the
<br />_= mortgage inwran�e covcrngc rcyuireJ by I.endcr lapscs or rcaticti�o Ixr in effect, Biirmwer shall pay the prert�ums requircd to t
<br /> - y :. .�_�' ubtain cuveruge,ub�t:mii•rlly ryuivalent to thr mortgagc insurunre prrviously in effect, ut u c�isl substantially equivalent to the �
<br />-' ' � ` '{" � cozt to Burrower ul the numFuge inwranrc prcviuuxly in rffcrt, fr�im an altcrnatc mnrtguge insurer upproved by Lender. [f �
<br />�'` • �ubstantially cqui�•alcnt m,�rtgarc in�,Ufdlli�I�KGi1�.0 I�IIIH :1�:III:II1{Q. [3��rruHCr.huli p�y tu Lei�ler ruch nronth a sum cqual to �
<br /> un�-twclfth o1'ihc ycarly mungagc intiuranrc prrmium hcing paid hy Horrnwcr when thc in�urnn�r coverage lapsed or ceased to �
<br />, � lx in effcct. Lcnder will arcept, usc anJ retain thrsc paynknt+a� a lu., rescrvc in licu ot' mortgage insurance. Lc�ss reserve
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